Patriotism. Love of country. In God We Trust. Traditional values. Our American heritage. September 11, 2001. Are they all forgotten?
Not here on The Forgotten Street -- Main Street USA. In the face of challenging political times and the dangerous world in which we live, we want to reclaim the heart of America, to rekindle the common thread of patriotism that should bind all Americans on such major issues as fiscal responsibility, national security, traditional values, and energy independence.
We provide you with hard-hitting commentary that cuts through the half-truths, obfuscation and outright lies propagated by the elite media. The Forgotten Street is your source for the real story behind the headlines.
The Buzz About Town . . .
Walking down Main Street, this is what folks are talking about in towns across the U.S.A. Good Americans, who have been betrayed by the Uniparty and Deep State in Washington D.C., have a lot on their minds and are crying out for new leadership. The Deep State continues doing all it can to crush Christian conservatives and independent thinkers.
February 6, 2025
Democrats Are Busy Torching Any Chances They Have For 2026 and 2028
As President Donald Trump continues the most eventful opening days of any presidency in history, Democrats are demonstrating they’ve learned absolutely nothing regarding the shellacking they took on November 5, 2024. Unable to slow the Trump juggernaut, Democrats can only whine and stamp their feet like the juveniles they are.
To date we’ve learned the following about their ongoing agenda: they still don’t want illegal invaders deported, they support boys and men competing in girls’ and women’s sports, and they hate spending cuts of any kind. They also demonstrate no understanding of basic economics or how tariffs work.
Of course, their comrades in The Elite Traitor Media join them in working on behalf of The Deep State globalist agenda to destroy American sovereignty and usher in a communist One World Government. The fact President Trump has engaged the world’s richest man Elon Musk to dig into our nation’s finances and discover how our taxpayer dollars are being spent is driving them stark raving mad.
Those of us living on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, feel like we’ve died and gone to heaven. We finally have the president we hoped and prayed for. A leader who will put our interests above the rest of the world, do all he can to protect us from domestic and foreign enemies, and create an economic environment in which all of us will have the same opportunity to prosper and care for our families. This is what Democrats find so threatening and dangerous.
The tariff issue has exposed Democrats for the economic nincompoops they are. When the president began to impose stiff tariffs on Mexico, Canada and Red China, Democrats immediately whined that would cause more inflation and hurt Americans. Senate leader Chuck Schumer made a complete ass of himself by claiming tariffs would increase the cost of Super Bowl parties as he held up a Corona beer can and an avocado.
I have sad news for you, Chuck. I drink Yuengling and a lot of Americans drink other real brews like Budweiser, Miller and Coors. So, Corona prices can go through the roof for all we care. Let the Mexicans keep their piss-water. Oh, and here’s another news flash. I’ve never gone to any party where they serve guacamole. I’m sure some folks enjoy it. But I prefer snacks that don’t look like something Fido barfed up on the carpet.
Schumer topped that pathetic performance by joining a protest outside the U.S. Treasury to whine about Musk exposing the total fraud and sedition going on at USAID. Those of us who’ve been doing investigative journalism for some time (at least two decades for me) know the agency began with a good intent back in 1961. But it didn’t take long for the CIA to turn it into a cut-out organization to fund all sorts of international mischief in the name of humanitarian aid. Murdering President Kennedy made that possible. Of late, it’s been a conduit to support George Soros’ “color revolutions,” assist Donald Trump’s impeachment, and promote domestic terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Just as horrible, it’s been underwriting left-wing media like The New York Times, Politico and the BBC in Great Britain to sabotage Donald Trump. This simply is one of the biggest scandals in the history of journalism. It hasn’t quite reached the level of the Watergate coup staged against Richard Nixon. However, Musk and his team are still peeling back the layers of the onion. God knows what they’ll uncover.
In terms of that protest at the Treasury, Democrats reached a new level of stupid by putting Congresswoman Ilhan Omar front and center as their spokesperson. What genius had the idea to introduce a noxious America-hating communist immigrant as a front person? She represents all that is wrong and corrupt with the American immigration system, having entered the country by committing felonious fraud.
She was followed by Maxine Waters and other unhinged black female congresswomen whose comments sounded like they were fomenting insurrection. Then Schumer had to chime in by chanting some unintelligible phrase that made him look like a stoned or coked-up college kid just mouthing the latest communist slogan.
Recently the Democratic National Committee selected new leadership and came up with two real winners. The new chairman is Ken Martin, who’d been chair of the Minnesota Democrat-Farm-Labor Party, which is what they call the communist party in that state. He began his political career as an acolyte of famed left-winger Paul Wellstone. Among his more notable achievements are helping Al Franken and Tim Walz get elected.
The new vice-chairman is crazed gun grabber David Hogg, who also has distinguished himself by advocating defunding police. Nice job, DNC, electing two non-descript white guys so far out of the American mainstream. As President Trump would say, “a couple of real beauties.”
Democrats this is the alleged leadership of your party in action. If this keeps up, you should just fold up your tents now because 2026 and 2028 will be total bloodbaths for you. It may be too late to pray for you to come to your senses.
Thanks for reading! Each day brings a new Trump victory for America. Now we just need to get the rest of the cabinet approved and sworn in. That’s when the excrement will really hit the oscillating device.
We appreciate all our followers and want to thank our January visitors from the following locations: Germany; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; The European Union; Red China; Poland; Brazil; Thailand; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Mexico; Ecuador; Canada; Guatemala; Italy; Kyrgyzstan; Serbia; Turkey; Venezuela; and South Africa.
Today marks the birthday of a truly great American patriot and president: Ronald Reagan. He was a titan in the fight against domestic and global communism. God blessed the United States with his presence and service to our nation.
Learn more about the more than century long drive by The Deep State to take control of the world and snuff out the freedoms created by Our Founding Fathers and preserved by succeeding generations of American patriots. J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books provide a compelling and intense look at this stunning history that all Americans should know. They are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. Their royalties help support the work of The Forgotten Street.
Follow more of J.C.’s commentary on Truth Social @jchawkbethesda. J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached by email at He welcomes readers’ feedback there as well.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” GALATIANS 6:7-10
January 30, 2025
J.C. Hawkins’ Busy Media Week on America’s Survival and The Schiffer Report
Forgotten Street founder and author J.C. Hawkins returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday night on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time. Hawkins will join noted conservative host Paul Schiffer to discuss how organized religion has become dangerously politicized, just as Senator Joe McCarthy warned back in 1953. This appearance comes after J.C. joined America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid on his Rumble channel last Monday to discuss the same topic.
Listeners can access tonight’s program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button. The Schiffer Report is noted for its provocative and in-depth analysis of issues conservative Christians face on a daily basis. Schiffer has been a stalwart voice for preserving our liberty, Republic and American way of life for decades. His audience is growing throughout the Midwest and Canada.
J.C. encourages followers to visit Paul’s website to listen to previous programs. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio Network.
To view Cliff’s latest podcast, “Matthew, Marx, Luke & John” go to his Rumble channel at . He and J.C. offer at illuminating look at the treachery of the Roman Catholic Church in facilitating the invasion of our Southern border and turning a blind eye to sex trafficking. Also visit the website of America’s Survival at to find other compelling looks at the top issues of the day.
January 23, 2025
Joe McCarthy Predicted the Likes of Mariann Budde Decades Ago
The shameful behavior of Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde at the recent National Prayer Service was entirely predictable. It ripped a festering scab off what’s been wrong with organized religion in America for quite some time. The hard leftist leanings of many Protestant clergy has become very evident through their brazen support of gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigration, radical social justice, transgenderism, and Black Lives Matter, all of which fly in the face of traditional Christian theology and scripture in The Holy Bible.
When Senator Joe McCarthy and other members of Congress began digging into the infiltration of international communism into the major institutions of the United States back in the early 1950s, they were aided by patriotic Americans who’d witnessed and participated in that infiltration. That first-hand knowledge paved the way for revelations foreshadowing the sinister effects we still see today.
J. B. Mathews was a Methodist missionary who became an avowed socialist in his early adulthood. Over time he got involved in numerous front groups supporting the Soviet Union during World War II in its alliance with the United States. As a result, he became what he would later term, “a fellow traveler.”
Based on his experience with these groups, he ultimately became a chief investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities after testifying before the committee about subversive activity he witnessed. In June 1953 McCarthy hired him as executive director for the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations.
Then an article Mathews wrote for the July issue of The American Mercury (a then popular periodical about contemporary American life) landed like a nuclear bomb. Titled “Reds and Our Churches,” it detailed the penetration of the major Protestant denominations by active communists and fellow travelers. Here’s how it opened:
“The largest single group supporting the Communist apparatus in the United State is composed of Protestant clergymen. Since the beginning of the First Cold War in April 1948, the Communist Party of this country has placed more and more reliance upon the ranks of the Protestant clergy to provide the party’s subversive apparatus with its agents, stooges, dupes, front men and fellow travelers. Clergymen outnumber professors two to one in supporting the Communist-front apparatus of the Kremlin conspiracy.”
He noted approximately 3,500 university professors were dwarfed by 7,000 clergy. What really caused a stir is he went on to name numerous prominent Protestant clergyman in the article. One of them was G. Bromley Oxnam, a Methodist bishop and close friend of Virginia Senator Harry Byrd, who immediately demanded McCarthy fire Mathews. The Wisconsin senator refused.
Byrd then enlisted fellow segregationist Southern senators and even President Dwight Eisenhower to pressure McCarthy and smear both the senator and Mathews. Numerous national Protestant organizations joined in. Finally, Vice President Richard Nixon brokered a deal in which Mathews would resign but McCarthy would retain full authority over hiring or firing committee staff.
The abysmal behavior of Bishop Budde in taking President Trump to task during what was supposed to be a traditional prayer service makes it clear the National Cathedral is run by a hard-core leftist whose views are anathema to the overwhelming majority of Americans who voted for President Trump, especially those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA. Her obnoxious behavior was not only an affront to President Trump, but a self-absorbed display of contempt for a respected national religious observance and millions of Americans.
President Trump should make it abundantly clear he and other administration officials will no longer attend any services or occasions at the National Cathedral if that is how they’re going to be abominably treated.
Once again, we see how totally correct Senator McCarthy was about leftist corruption in our major institutions. It continues today because of the global Deep State agenda to install a One-World Government run by a self-appointed elite.
Thanks for reading! How marvelous that President Trump today confronted The Deep State elite and told them right to their faces their day is done. He must know they won’t capitulate easily or quietly. That’s why it’s so critical we let him and the entire world know we have his back!
Learn more about the more than century long drive by The Deep State to take control of the world and snuff out the freedoms created by Our Founding Fathers and preserved by succeeding generations of American patriots. J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books provide a compelling and intense look at this stunning history that all Americans should know. They are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon.
Follow more of J.C.’s commentary on Truth Social @jchawkbethesda. J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached by email at He welcomes readers’ feedback there as well.
“Quicken me, O Lord, for thy name’s sake: for thy righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.” PSALMS 143:11-12
January 21, 2025
Trump’s Inaugural Address, the Most Inspiring Since JFK
Just one day into the new Trump presidency, we already see signs of an American rebirth that will reinvigorate not only our country, but the entire world.
The blizzard of executive orders put in place have set in motion policies that will produce monumental, positive change to benefit all Americans.
In his Inaugural Address, President Trump delivered a clear signal his campaign promises will come to fruition very quickly. Listening to it I was struck by how in its tone and content it mirrored the inspiring words of John F. Kennedy on January 20, 1961. Having been fortunate enough to have heard both when delivered, I must say Donald Trump made an address that will be long remembered just as President Kennedy did.
Both men referenced our Founding Fathers and courageous forebears who forged the most unique and marvelous country in world history. As true leaders they called for changes necessary to meet the challenges of their times. President Kennedy opened his remarks by saying, “We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom – symbolizing an end as well as a beginning – signifying renewal as well as change.”
President Trump began his address as follows, “I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before. Our liberties and our nation’s glorious destiny will no longer be denied.”
JFK put the world on notice by stating, “We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans …”
Interestingly, the Trump inauguration happened to coincide with the observance of Martin Luther King Day. In a nod of the civil rights leader, Trump noted, “But in his honor, we will strive together to make his dream a reality. We will make is dream come true. National unity is now returning to America, and confidence and pride is soaring like never before. In everything we do, my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting success. We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution and we will not forget our God.”
President Kennedy devoted much of his address to calling on America and the Soviet Union to find a way to reduce tensions and put the world on a needed path to peace away from the threat of nuclear war. On a similar theme, Trump promised, “We will be a nation like no other, full of compassion, courage, and exceptionalism. Our power will stop all wars and bring a new spirit of unity to a world that has been angry, violent, and totally unpredictable.”
JFK affirmed his belief in the American people. “In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.”
Those of us alive then can still hear him say with such conviction, “I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”
He fervently added, “And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
In closing, President Trump reached a similar rhetorical high point. “Ambition is the lifeblood of a great nation, and right now, our nation is more ambitious than any other. There’s no nation like our nation. Americans are explorers, builders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and pioneers. The spirit of the frontier is written in our hearts. The call of the next adventure resounds from within our souls.
“After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history. With your help, we will restore America’s promise, and we will rebuild the nation that we love – and we love it so much.
“We are one people, one family, and our glorious nation under God. So, to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, I am with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you. We’re going to win like never before.
“America will be respected again and admired again, including by people of religion, faith, and goodwill. We will be prosperous, we will be proud, we will be strong, and we will win like never before.
“We will not be conquered, we will not be intimidated, we will not be broken, and we will not fail. From this day on, the United States of America will be a free, sovereign, and independent nation. We will stand bravely, we will live proudly, we will dream boldly, and nothing will stand in our way because we are Americans. The future is ours, and our golden age has just begun.”
Like John F. Kennedy, Donald J. Trump shows he’s rooted in undying patriotism, unlimited optimism for a better future, and unyielding faith in the American people to reclaim their manifest destiny. As Kennedy brought us The New Frontier, so Donald Trump calls for a new Golden Age for America.
As JFK did before, Trump gave us and the world an address for the ages. It must inspire us to greater accomplishments and a better world for our children and grandchildren.
January 10, 2025
The L.A. Fires: Acts of Terrorism?
As we watch with horror as much of Los Angeles turns into a total hellscape, we hear lots of reasons why this catastrophe happened. One thing we don’t hear is if this event is the result of terrorist acts. The recent atrocity in New Orleans showed how vulnerable our country is to terrorism in general.
So why shouldn’t we wonder if the fires have been set deliberately by terrorists who want to destabilize one of the largest cities in the United States? What better way to terrorize millions of people? The manner in which the fires broke out in random and separated areas around the city virtually confirms they were set by people wishing to do as much harm as possible. This is in no way a natural disaster.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, pray for the victims of the fires who’ve lost everything they worked so hard for. We can’t fathom what they’re going through right now. May God help them.
Of course, California is highly vulnerable to wildfires due to the gross mismanagement and incompetence of state government under the feckless leadership of Governor Gavin Newsom and the pathetic tenure of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, a known communist. The stubborn refusal of Newsom and other state leaders to clear the underbrush that fuels wildfires and to allow water from northern California be stored in the southern part of the state helped make it impossible for courageous firefighters to fight the fires effectively.
Fires simply won’t get put out when you can’t get water out of fire hydrants. They also won’t be fought by missing firefighters who got suspended or fired for refusing COVID vaccinations. Also missing are white men trying to get jobs as firefighters who were denied employment so the department could fulfill insane DEI requirements.
The arrival of Joe Biden in Los Angeles created a no-fly zone that prohibited big tanker planes from flying in to drop their loads of water and fire retardants while he was in town bragging about being a great-grandfather. What a sorry Bastard President he has been.
We can keep pointing fingers, but much bigger issues face us. The extent of the devastation across the Los Angeles area is almost incomprehensible. Nothing like this has been seen in California or elsewhere since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Drone footage of the damage in Pacific Palisades is beyond horrifying. It looks like Hiroshima, Japan after the atom bomb was dropped. It could well be decades before that area is rebuilt. Initial damage estimates are pegged to be $150 billion. That number likely will go higher.
Once the fires have abated the real work begins. First, how do you even start to remove the rubble and clear the land for rebuilding? Where will that rubble go? Will it pose an environmental hazard at its disposal site? Where will they find enough people, equipment and trucks to do the job?
In what almost seems like a criminal conspiracy, insurers cancelled many thousands of homeowner policies just months before the fires broke out. People who’ve lost everything still may have their lots. Once they are cleared of debris, rebuilding could begin. But how will people with no insurance have the wherewithal to rebuild, except for the extremely wealthy?
That raises another issue that will be governed by the law of supply and demand. Will there be enough contractors to reconstruct homes, and where will they access enough of the materials needed without paying an exorbitant price? Again, we’re talking about a process that could take a decade or more.
State and municipal officials knew the high winds were coming. But still they were unprepared. It’s truly interesting all this happened on the eve of the inauguration of President Donald Trump. So, he will inherit a huge problem in how best to assist Governor Newsom and California residents.
One of the first acts of the Trump Administration should be to form a special task force to identify federal resources that can help displaced residents get back on their feet. If we can help invaders who cross our border illegally, by God we can do much better and much more for our fellow citizens.
That task force should be led by someone with the clout to marshal the right people within government agencies to create an effective working partnership with Governor Newsom and Mayor Bass. I nominate Vice President J.D. Vance to lead the charge.
On a final note, there is something about this event that brings to mind the situation with the 2023 wildfires in Maui. There’s speculation that fire was set to drive everyday Hawaiians off their valuable, long-held property so wealthy investors could snap it up at pennies on the dollar. Could we be seeing the same phenomenon here regarding Pacific Palisades? That certainly is a possibility given the fundamental evil of The Deep State.
Thanks for reading! You can learn about the century-long evil machinations of The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. Sales of those books support the investigative work of The Forgotten Street.
J.C. is available for media interviews. He can be reached by email at Your comments are welcome at the same address.
January 5, 2025
J.C. Hawkins Discusses New Orleans and Long-Time Military Problems on New Rumble Channel
Recently Forgotten Street founder J.C. Hawkins appeared on America’s Survival new Rumble TV channel to discuss recent events in New Orleans and Las Vegas with America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid. They reflect on the atrocity, how it demonstrates a serious problem in our military, and how it relates to historical issues in our military with communist infiltration.
As part of the discussion, J.C. shares the history of Senator Joe McCarthy’s attempt in 1953 to investigate communists in the U.S. Army who ultimately shared our nuclear and other top secrets with Soviet spies. Both he and Cliff review the decline in our military under the failed leadership of General Mark Milley and his treasonous interactions with Red Chinese generals.
Check out the Rumble TV episode titled “Bring Back Joe McCarthy.” You can find it at Take time to visit other great America’s Survival programs on Rumble. A leading investigative journalist, Kincaid interviews fascinating and informative guests on today’s major issues. These insightful programs give you the news you won’t find anywhere else.
December 31, 2024
Final Thoughts on Jimmy Carter
According to an old adage, we should never speak ill of the dead. We certainly wish Mr. Carter a heavenly eternal rest. He’s to be commended for his service to our country in the United States Navy and as the 39th President of the United States. His charitable work after he left the presidency is admirable as well.
But now, The Deep State, Democrats and The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) have shifted in high gear to make Carter into a mythical character, a paragon of virtue and decency admired around the world. Of course, this is being done in part to use Carter as a contrast to their view of Donald Trump on the eve of Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of The United States.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who lived through the Carter presidency can speak from experience as to his performance. He’s damn lucky that Barack Obama and Joe Biden came along to eclipse his dismal tenure from 1977 to 1980. We endured a tough economy and having to listen his pious pronouncements about the American decline at home and on the world stage.
Jimmy Carter was a creation of an outstanding public relations effort that turned a peanut farmer and lackluster governor in Georgia into a serious contender for the presidency. He was fortunate in that he was going up against incumbent President Gerald Ford, who was a stumbling laughingstock for many Americans. Carter was savvy in carving out an environmental persona that attracted a lot of young adults to his campaign. He also heavily played the religion card by showcasing his Baptist affiliation. The Deep State knew it would win one way or the other because it had a new globalist stooge to run against one of their own.
After his presidency he positioned himself as a humanitarian and advocate for human rights. He knew he had to overshadow such lowlights in his presidency as the Iran hostage crisis and energy shortages. Because of his strong environmental posture, he could not promote a “drill, baby, drill” effort to unlock needed American resources while in office.
His identification with Habitat for Humanity only cemented the myth of Jimmy Carter, the good and decent Christian. Yet, behind the scenes, stories came to light of his sometimes hostile and aloof manner. Numerous Secret Service agents have told tales of Carter’s rudeness and demands that they carry his bags when the cameras weren’t looking. His p.r. team made sure there were empty bags to tote when the media were around. In general, staff and security were not to speak to him unless spoken to.
During his post-presidency, he would meddle in foreign affairs during the tenure of Republican presidents like Ronald Reagan, who soundly thrashed him in the 1980 election, as well as George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Traditionally former presidents would withhold criticism or unkind comments about their successors. That’s a tradition the current members of the Presidents Club have discarded. Carter ignored it and was particularly vicious in his remarks about Trump, whose comments on Carter’s passing could not have been more gracious.
During J.C.’s corporate communications career he had the opportunity to get to know Carter’s public relations guru and press secretary Jody Powell. After his political days Powell created a powerhouse communications consulting firm with Sheila Tate who had been Nancy Reagan’s press secretary. Jody provided sage advice to J.C., then head of health communications at Aetna, on how to counter the Clintons effort to socialize medicine. It was readily apparent that Powell was the mastermind who helped make Jimmy Carter president.
Sad to say, the Jimmy Carter being so heavily lionized today was a fabrication that’s now being used in a not-so subtle way to undermine Donald Trump as he gets ready to take office. Democrats have an incredibly cynical and creepy predilection for politicizing funerals to advance their sick agenda.
Rest in peace, Mr. Carter. Unhappily, the Democrats and ETM will keep dredging up your corpse to score political points.
Thanks for reading! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
We are ending the year at The Forgotten Street with record readership. We greatly thank our followers, including our December international visitors from the following locations: Red China, The European Union, Brazil, The Czech Republic, Germany, The Russian Federation, France, Denmark, Libya, The British Indian Ocean Territory, Colombia, Thailand, Turkey, Argentina, Brunei Darussalem, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Canada, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Hungary, Japan, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands and Paraguay.
“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.” HEBREWS: 10:24
December 22, 2024
Pope John Paul II on “Not a Consumer Christmas”
We’ve previously recommended a work by Pope John Paul II that was published in 1984. “Prayers and Devotions: 365 Daily Meditations.” J.C. Hawkins begins each day with the reading for the day. This is the entry for December 22:
“We must not transform and debase Christmas into a festivity of useless wastefulness, in a manifestation of facile consumerism. Christmas is the feast of the humility, of the poverty, of the nakedness of the lowliness of the Son of God, who came to give us His infinite love. It ought therefore to be celebrated in an authentic spirt of sharing, of participation together with the brethren who have need of our affectionate aid. It ought to be a fundamental stage in meditation on our behavior in regard to “the God who comes.”
“And we can meet this God who comes in a defenseless, crying child. In a sick person, who feels the strength of his body inexorably leaving him. In an old man or woman who has worked for the whole of life and is now made marginal and barely tolerated in our modern society, based on productivity and success.”
This wisdom should resonate with people of all faiths in its recognition that the true meaning of Christmas is not in crass commercialism, but in the manifestation of God’s infinite love for the world He created.
December 15, 2024
Gangster Biden Regime’s Not Even Trying to Govern
In the last dying gasps of the gangster Biden-Harris regime, it’s painfully clear they’ve completely given up on governing. Of course, they did a long time ago when they threw the Southern border wide open and encouraged an invasion. They totally abdicated trying to manage inflation by wildly taking government spending and deficits to historic levels.
Now we have a burgeoning controversy over mysterious drones creating a public panic in New Jersey and New York, as well as showing up in many other states. In their best efforts to throw gasoline of the fire, they’ve sent the pathetic John Kirby out to sell the absurd notion the strange lights are coming from “manned aircraft.”
I’m sorry but my lying eyes have never seen commercial or military aircraft maneuver in the manner those drones are flying. Kirby now has the distinction of being the new Baghdad Bob of spokesmen worldwide. There are many of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who’ve witnessed strange lights in the sky that defy logical explanation.
Not to be outdone, the entirely worthless Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims his agency knows of “no threat or nefarious activity” and that “we can’t shoot a drone out of the sky.” If they don’t know exactly what the drones are or where they’re coming from, how can they rule out any threat? Essentially, they’ve admitted the United States government has no control over its air space. I’m sure Red China, Russia and Iran are thrilled to learn that.
Even better, both DHS and the United States Military are displaying an amazingly blasé attitude about the whole thing. Even though we’ve had evidence of interference with commercial aviation at a New York state airport, the Psy-Op designed by The Deep State has put the public into a total panic.
President-Elect Donald Trump, the de-facto president since Biden has gone MIA, raises the common-sense response. Shoot one down, find out what it is, and where it’s coming from. That’s what a real government would do.
All of which leads us to ask: if the government will not fulfill its primary duty to protect the public from perceived or real threats, why do we have a government? The present federal government provides no real value for the hard-earned tax dollars it confiscates. Just ask the folks in East Palestine, Ohio, and the mountains of western North Carolina what they think of the local, state and federal governments.
At least those of us fortunate enough to live in Florida know we can count on Governor Ron DeSantis and his team to come to the rescue in the event of hurricanes or other natural disasters. We also know Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse can be counted on to fill any gaping voids created by FEMA.
Pundits offer a host of possible explanations for the drones including the claim a dirty bomb has been smuggled into or constructed in the United States to kill Americans and disrupt society. Allegedly drones can “sniff” out radiation and identify a possible location.
I don’t quite buy that theory. We have other ways to reconnoiter for radiation using ground vehicles around the clock without having to rely on nighttime surveillance by drones.
Others identify Red China or Iran as possible culprits for the drone caper. Some offer an other-worldly explanation that outer space aliens are creating the panic. If we had a real government that believed in transparency we might have an answer by now.
Paul Serran, writing today on The Gateway Pundit, ventures back into history for some perspective on how the public can react to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). In a memorandum for the Director of the Psychological Strategy Board, CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith wrote: “the problems connected with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations.”
Serran also cites “Another 50’s document declassified in a FOIA release details the National Security implications stemming from the UFO phenomenon: ‘channels of communications are clogged by irrelevant reports; continued false claims lead to the ignoring of real indications of hostile actions; creation of a morbid national psychology in which skillful hostile propaganda could induce hysterical behavior and harmful distrust of duly constituted authority’.”
Nice work by Serran to look for a historical precedent that might shed light on what we’re experiencing. It makes sense for The Deep State to create a public panic to detract from the recent euphoria many Americans have enjoyed over the landslide election of Donald Trump and his subsequent assemblage of an admirable team to help him implement the MAGA agenda. Now we must worry about a false flag faked space alien invasion as their next stunt to disrupt the January 20 inauguration.
Here’s a novel suggestion on how Trump can thwart them. There’s no constitutional requirement that an elaborate inauguration be held in Washington D.C. Amendment XX simply states the outgoing president’s term ends at noon on January 20 after four years. Obviously, the new president must take his oath then.
To emphasize his drive to cut government spending, President-Elect Trump should ask Congress to halt all preparations for the inauguration to demonstrate a new era in government austerity. Instead, Trump should announce he and Vice President-Elect J. D. Vance will be sworn in on January 20 at noon by Chief Justice John Roberts in a televised ceremony held at Mar-A-Lago with a reduced number of guests and dignitaries. This change also would provide Trump with complete control over security for the event and eliminate the likelihood of a terrorist event in Washington disrupting the ceremony.
We’ve already seen how inept the Capitol Police, District of Columbia police, and Secret Service have been in terms of securing important events. At least the Secret Service would be more likely able to handle a reduced, more manageable inauguration at Mar-a-Lago. If we’re ever going to get serious about government spending, this would be a great way for the Trump-Vance team to start and set an example.
Thanks for reading! TFS just enjoyed its best quarter ever in terms of viewership. In November we welcomed foreign visitors from the following locations: Germany, Red China, Brazil, Poland, The Czech Republic, The European Union, The Russian Federation, Israel, Canada, Finland, Thailand, The United Arab Emirates, Australia, Bahrain, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Japan.
With just a week to go to Christmas, you can round out your shopping with J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. They’re the perfect gifts for history buffs and those wishing to learn more about how The Deep State has attacked and undermined our American Republic for more than a century. Just last month, readers in Great Britain and Japan purchased these books. Find out why readers in 10 countries on five continents are enjoying these compelling insights into American history.
Just watched the final episode of Blue Bloods, the exceptional police drama on CBS. Without question, it was simply the best dramatic series in the history of television.
December 4, 2024
Hegseth Nomination Is a True Test of Trump’s MAGA Commitment
Horrified by the prospect of a real patriot taking over the Department of Defense, The Deep State is pulling out all the stops to derail the nomination of Pete Hegseth. It’s gone all in on a Brett Kavanaugh-style attack, which shows signs of making the knees of weak Senate Republicans go wobbly.
Whether Hegseth gets through and secures the nomination is a true test of Donald Trump’s commitment to Make America Great Again (MAGA). Currently there are troubling signs he may be faltering. Stories are popping up in The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) that Trump is contemplating replacing Hegseth with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. That switcheroo makes no sense whatsoever.
What’s in it for DeSantis? As Florida governor he has a platform to remain a national figure on a host of issues in which he’s shown true conservative leadership. Leaving that behind to contend with an entrenched bureaucracy at the Pentagon would mean he’s giving up on any political future.
Hegseth deserves the opportunity to go through Senate hearings and present his case for confirmation. He shouldn’t be subjected to a barrage of smears that have little or no basis in fact. There is a great argument to be made for putting him in charge of the Defense Department. Already much of the public and MAGA movement have responded favorably. It’s only the weak minds in Washington D.C. who are being fooled by the ETM.
Those of us ordinary Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are disappointed Trump hasn’t become more vocal and public in support of his nominee. To let the DeSantis stories go unchallenged and undermine Hegseth is an act of betrayal that can’t be excused. If the Deep State succeeds in kneecapping Hegseth, we can forget Trump seriously taking it on in a new administration. It will all be so much smoke and mirrors.
The Deep Staters will have won a major victory and shown real weakness in the Trump Team. We hate to think November 5 may have been in vain. Pete Hegseth in charge of Defense is something well worth fighting for. It’s time for Trump to get off the sidelines and seriously join the battle.
November 29, 2024
Putin Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a favorite bogeyman of the West. The Deep State discounts him as an enemy and fails to consider he also is an astute observer of what’s happening to Western civilization.
Those of us everyday Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, have learned the hard way The Deep State is as big a threat to the wellbeing of the United States as Putin and Russia.
Speaking to reporters after a security summit in Kazakhstan, Putin offered an assessment of the ongoing Deep State attacks on President-Elect Trump.
“Well, probably just like me, you are amazed, not by the fact that absolutely uncivilized means had been used against Trump, all the way up to the assassination attempts, numerous assassination attempts.
“And I think he’s not safe even now. The history of the United States has known many cases, but I think President Trump is a smart person and a cautious one, I hope. But what amazed me most, that in fighting him, not only Trump was subjected to humiliating court procedures, accusations, and so on. But his family was attacked as well. His children was attacked.
“Gangsters don’t do this in Russia. When criminal gangs fight, they don’t touch children and women. It’s men who fight among themselves. But those guys stooped as low as that. I think this is so… This looks so bad that it only reaffirms, reconfirms how low the political system of the United States has fallen.”
No doubt Putin looks ahead to a new phase in American-Russian relations once Trump takes office in January. The gangster Biden-Harris regime has been in lockstep with The Deep State in escalating tensions between the West and Russia in hopes of starting a new global war. Trump has promised to use diplomacy to defuse the spiraling march toward World War III.
It’s well worth remembering that during the four years of the first Trump presidency, Russia made no overt moves against Ukraine. They previously had taken Crimea during the Obama regime. Clearly Trump and Putin had an understanding on how to keep the tensions in check. The West’s push to add Ukraine to NATO was clearly the last straw for Putin after Trump had left office.
The Deep Staters in the United Kingdom and NATO are doing all they can to keep the Ukraine war going, with the weapons and aid gravy train running harder than ever. By launching Western missiles into Russian territory, the crazed warmongers shifted the war from one to expel the Russian army from Ukraine to an undeclared war between the West and Russia.
How foolhardy can you get! While the Western powers have been focused on facilitating illegal immigration and forcing insane DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) policies into their militaries, Putin has been investing in development of every deadlier weaponry to add to the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth knows the sooner we end DEI in our military, the quicker we can get it back on track to being a true deterrent against all aggression.
Just this month Russia unveiled a new hypersonic weapon Oreshnik (Hazel) that travels at 12,000 miles per hour and easily penetrates Western defense systems. A first strike was unleashed against a Ukrainian defense compound in Dnipropetrovsk in which the missile demonstrated its capability to release multiple warheads on its target. That had to send a shiver down the spines of the bloodthirsty fools in Washington, London and Brussels. Yet after all, they can scurry to their luxurious bunkers while the rest of us fry.
Putin threatens that Russia could next use the Oreshnik to attack ‘decision-making centers’ in Kiev and critical infrastructure throughout Ukraine if the West keeps up its attacks into Russia.
It’s well past time for Trump to speak out against the increasing escalations and call for a moratorium on hostile actions so that a meaningful platform for peace talks can be identified. It’s incumbent on him to denounce NATO’s aggressive actions and Russia’s ongoing invasion. He should urge both sides to end the bloodshed. He must call out The Deep State for trying to saddle him with a global war upon his re-entrance into the presidency.
Trump is committed to a negotiated end to the war and the horrific bloodshed. He knows all too well that an all-out conflict will not end well for humanity in general. No one can call Trump soft on Putin, nor any of us who pray for sanity to prevail.
Thanks for reading! Learn more about The Deep State’s evil machinations in J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda histories available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. Think about them as gifts for the history and politics buffs on your Christmas list. Follow more of J.C.’s commentary on Truth Social @jchawkbethesda.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached by email at He welcomes readers’ feedback there as well.
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” ST. MATTHEW 5:9-10
November 22, 2024
The Deep State’s Greatest Evil Happened 61 Years Ago Today
It hardly seems possible it’s been 61 years since that dark day, when the President of the United States was brutally murdered on a sunny afternoon in the streets in Dallas, Texas. Learning the news while in school was beyond shocking for those of us who only a year earlier had seen President John F. Kennedy ride by in a motorcade through our hometown outside of Pittsburgh. How exciting that was.
Since then, the Kennedy assassination has been a source of intrigue for researchers who viewed the official Warren Commission Report as a massive coverup and pile of rubbish. The controversy lives on because the federal government continues to withhold documents that might shed more light on the crime and its possible perpetrators.
Among the many authors who’ve written about JFK’s murder, Forgotten Street founder J.C. Hawkins was the first to raise this possibility: Instead of believing the assassination was a one-off event, an aberration in American political life, it should be seen as part of a continuum of murders committed by The Deep State to further its goal of a fascist/socialist One World Government run by a self-selected core of global financial and political elites.
We’ve written extensively how Kennedy’s death was intertwined with those of his mentor James Forrestal and good friend Joseph McCarthy. Those murders foretold the necessity for JFK’s death. It’s all spelled out in Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy, available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. Two more Betrayal at Bethesda volumes elaborate on the planning and execution of the assassination.
President Kennedy presented The Deep State will a real dilemma. It began on January 20, 1961, at JFK’s inauguration. His magnificent address, one of the greatest speeches ever given, holds the clues to what struck fear in the global elites. Consider his opening and closing passages:
“We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
His closing remarks remain seared in the brains of those who heard them. I remember it so well.
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.”
To get the full impact, take time to watch the address on YouTube or other Internet outlets. I do that every November 22. His stirring tone inspired many millions here at home and around the world. His many references to God Almighty echoed the faith of our Founding Fathers.
All of which underscores why The Deep State deemed he had to die in a manner so brutal and public that those seeking to carry on the Kennedy legacy would fear for their lives. We all know what later happened to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. In recent times, we’ve seen the same threat to Donald Trump. Trump’s commitment to dismantle The Deep State carries great risk. We must pray continually and fervently for his safety.
November 18, 2024
Biden’s Outrageous Lie About a Peaceful Transition
After taking a couple weeks to savor Trump’s magnificent victory, it’s time to settle back into reality. We all know deep down Joe Biden’s promise of a peaceful transition from his corrupt regime to a new Trump Administration is just a huge, steaming pile of manure.
The announcement that he’s given the green light for Ukraine to use long-range U.S. and NATO missiles for a strike deep within Russia reveals The Deep State’s malevolent scheme to disrupt the transfer of power. The Western world continues to not take Vladimir Putin at his word when he talks about unforgivable provocations such as encouraging Ukraine to join NATO or the use of Western missiles against his country.
At least one European nation has the good sense to realize by the West upping the ante with these missiles Putin’s unlikely to back down. He’s not bluffing. A new report suggests Sweden is distributing pamphlets to its five million households to warn how to take precautions against a possible nuclear attack. Clearly the Swedes think serious trouble is brewing.
We now may be one Ukrainian missile attack away from the January 20 inauguration being disrupted or The Bastard President handing Trump a full-blown global war as his “welcome back” to the White House. Our foolish entanglement in the anachronistic NATO will force us into a situation we should have no part in.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who’ve studied the evil machinations of the Deep State know World War III has been one of its fondest dreams. Yes, Trump won a mammoth victory. But this is no time to get complacent. Don’t think Democrats are going to slink quietly back to their lairs.
Apparently, Sweden’s fellow Nordic countries Finland and Norway are providing similar information to their citizens about potential war or a major crisis. What do they are know that the gangster Biden-Harris regime isn’t telling the American people?
Meanwhile The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) are totally focused on Trump’s cabinet selections and his plan to deport millions of illegal invaders. Hell, I’m not going to call them “migrants” or “aliens” any longer. They’re criminal invaders, period. News about the ongoing slaughter in Ukraine has dropped off the media radar. The Deep State doesn’t want to promote that narrative any more than it has to.
Skeptics who think Putin may not want to push Russia further into war mode should contemplate this: Perhaps in response to our escalation, he’ll find this an opportune time to put Russian missiles in Cuba and Venezuela to see how we like it. Just what Trump doesn’t need to start his new term: A new Cuban Missile Crisis.
As Yogi Berra once said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.”
Folks, this past election boiled down to one thing: Good vs. Evil. Good won. But Evil is relentless. There are far too many of its agents among our citizenry, especially in government, business, the ETM and academia.
Thanks for reading! Keep focused on events unfolding in Ukraine. It’s Ground Zero for our immediate future. We’ll have plenty to say soon regarding Trump’s cabinet appointments and how his government is taking shape.
It’s not too soon to think Christmas and gifts for your loved ones and friends. J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books are a great way to introduce them to compelling modern histories or provide history buffs with new perspective on the most significant events of our lifetime. They’re available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. They’re our principal source of funding for The Forgotten Street.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be contacted by email at He welcomes readers’ feedback there as well.
“I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech. Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them.” PSALMS 17:6-7
November 6, 2024
“Oh, How Sweet It Is!”
Last night was one of those rare moments in a lifetime. When Newsmax called Pennsylvania for Donald Trump, and flashed on the screen, DONALD TRUMP WINS PRESIDENCY, tears of joy filled my eyes. I immediately thought of the late, great entertainer Jackie Gleason and his signature phrase: “Oh, How Sweet It Is!”
We just witnessed one of the greatest political comebacks in world history. Somewhere Grover Cleveland is smiling down on Donald Trump. The 2024 election marks a major political realignment, with the Republican Party becoming a truly national party while Democrats have degenerated into a fringe party for coastal elites and The Deep State.
Working Americans, like those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, once again have a champion for our interests coming to the White House. We have a strong leader who will embody and embrace our values, heritage and future hopes. After persevering despite the worst onslaught of hatred in our history, including two assassination attempts, Donald Trump clearly has the endorsement of a higher power.
That calls to mind another wonderful phrase, “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow …” This election’s campaign season brought forth a barrage of spurious and outrageous lies from Democrats and The Elite Traitor Media to hide the fact that Democrat standard bearer Kamala Harris had no vision or agenda to offer the American people other than stale platitudes and her failed leadership as vice president.
The election is best summed up in scripture:
“He that speaketh truth showeth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit. There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. The lip of truth shall be established forever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but the counsellors of peace is joy.” Proverbs:12-17-20
The voters of America have spoken up for truth and produced one of the greatest landslides in our history. Donald Trump now has a mandate to Make America Great Again!
Thanks for reading! The Forgotten Street depends on royalties from the sale of J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books to keep operating. They expose the malevolent workings of The Deep State over more than a century and are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. J.C. is available for interviews and can be reached by email at:
November 3, 2024
How Judgment Plays in Selection of a President
When deciding who gets your vote for president, you consider any number of factors. Their policy agenda, their career achievements, their performance under pressure, and their personal values all are critical. There is one more that should be considered: their judgment. That characteristic is clearly demonstrated in their choice for a vice-presidential running mate.
Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance stands head and shoulders above Kamala Harris’ pick of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. In choosing Vance, Trump signaled he fully believes Vance can carry the MAGA agenda forward and that the Ohioan could run a highly successful campaign for vice president. In addition, Vance has an accomplished career as an author, lawyer, businessman and now, senator.
Harris’ choice of Walz simply confirms the Democrat Party has nominated the most radical ticket in its history. George McGovern looks a lot more mainstream than she ever will. Though she is a confirmed Marxist who’s now trying to hide her radical roots, Walz is so far to the left he makes her look semi-rational. He’s been a total train wreck as governor, allowing crazed mobs to burn down much of Minneapolis in the wake of the George Floyd arrest and death. Remember, this guy fully bought into the insane transgender agenda and put tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools. On the campaign trail this summer, he’s demonstrated he must have graduated from the Joseph R. Biden School of Gaffe-tastic Public Speaking.
For Republicans and Trump, Walz is the gift who keeps giving. In the remaining two days before the election, Harris would be well-advised to put a muzzle on him. For a presidential candidate, the choice of a running mate tells everything about his or her personal judgment. If this is the caliber of person he or she wants as a right-hand adviser, then you must wonder about the people who will populate the presidential cabinet and highest levels of an administration.
Time is of the essence. If you haven’t voted yet, get going tomorrow or be absolutely sure you do on Tuesday. Vote like your life depends on it because it does.
Trump/Vance 2024.
November 2, 2024
The Forgotten Street’s Diverse Global Audience
As we enter our 19th year, it’s time to reflect on how we’ve attracted a global audience of followers. Unlike The Elite Traitor Media, we aren’t parroting The Deep State’s narrative to the world. Our friends around the world know they’re getting an unvarnished opinion from an everyday American patriot.
We’ve gone back through our data to document the countries from which we’ve received visits in the past year and a half. In alphabetical order here are the 63 locations:
Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Red China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, European Union, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Montserrat;
Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, St. Helena, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna Islands.
God bless our global friends and followers! They join many Americans in seeking a fresh point of view on national and world events. Comments are always welcome via email at
November 1, 2024
The Forgotten Street Celebrates Its 18th Anniversary
Eighteen years ago today, we launched The Forgotten Street with the belief that political, media, cultural, religious and academic elites had turned their backs on everyday Americans and sold out our Republic to globalist interests.
As we enter our 19th year, we’re more determined than ever to fight these treasonous interests and reclaim the heart of America for traditional values and our glorious heritage. Along the way we’ve dealt with serious illness and economic setbacks to keep fighting. Moving forward those who support our cause can help through the purchase of J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. These books have been embraced by readers in 10 countries on five continents.
Our Forgotten Street followers come from dozens of countries around the globe. We thank God for their interest and support. May the Lord show his blessings upon them.
October 20, 2024
Christians Awaken, Kamala Harris is a Total Psychopath
The more you see Kamala Harris, the more you realize there’s something very wrong with her. Just consider her inability to handle criticism, her weird cackling at inappropriate moments, her short fuse temper, her habitual lying, and her complete refusal to accept responsibility for her policies and actions. Her inability to keep a stable employee staff underscores the fact she isn’t a very nice person.
Folks, those are clear signs of someone who is a psychopath.
The accepted definition of a psychopath is: “A person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one’s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.”
This is the person the Democrat Party wants to make the 47th President of the United States. She is wholly unqualified with no record of significant achievements. She’s built her career on scheming and deception in addition to using loose morals as her entry to a career in politics. She’s just the latest dupe and stooge for The Deep State in its unending quest for a communist world government run by a self-selected elite.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, knows she hates our guts and will do everything in her power to subjugate us to an all-powerful central government that eviscerates our God-given natural rights.
She is bigoted against Christians and Jews. Don’t give me the crap about she’s married to a Jew. He’s about as observant as a blind man in a cave. Both of them appear to have no moral compass rooted in religion.
Perhaps her most reprehensible action is her phony effort to portray herself as a black woman. Her heritage is Indian (Hindu) and Jamaican. To cast herself as African-American is totally laughable since she was born and raised in Canada. To her, racial identity is something to be manipulated to serve self-interest, no matter how deceitful it is. In her appearances before predominantly black audiences, she adopts a truly cringeworthy black accent, trying to come across as a “sista.” Truth be told, she has no more than 25% black DNA.
She was raised in a Marxist household. Her part-white father was a prominent Marxist economist who taught in universities. Even he’s appalled at what she’s become. He hides from being associated with her political ambitions.
As we head into the final two weeks before Election Day, I hear more disturbing reports about how many Christians may sit this election out as they did in 2020. Folks, you need to get a grip on reality. You may not be enamored of Harris or Donald Trump. But face this fact: one of them will be the next President of the United States.
You’ve don’t have to love Donald Trump like the people in his MAGA movement do. But don’t let his personality get in the way of doing what’s best for America. America First is better than the America Last posture of Harris and Tim Walz. If you don’t think he’s as strong on pro-life issues as you would like, he’s still the most Pro-Life president we’ve had to date. You know where Harris the Baby Killer is coming from. So, Wake Up!!!
If your inability to vote for Trump makes Harris president, it also will make you something you should be ashamed of: A Traitor. Because by not voting, you in essence are voting for Harris, America Last, and Abortion Without Limits.
October 17, 2024
The Danger for Trump Ratchets Up
Just a little less than three weeks from Election Day, the threats against Donald Trump just keep mounting. Despite the perfunctory speech from Joe Biden about toning down the rhetoric weeks ago, Democrats and The Elite Traitor Media have shifted into high gear demonizing Trump and the MAGA movement.
The Deep State is playing all of us for fools. The first two assassination attempts against Trump have been written off as the work of “lone nut gunmen,” the old coverup standby explanation. The corrupt Biden-Harris regime, led by FBI Director Christopher Wray, keeps talking about an Iranian hit squad that somehow mysteriously entered the United States. It’s not like we have an open Southern border is it?
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know when we’re being played for suckers. If such an Iranian assassination team really exists, it begs this question: Instead of simply warning about it, why haven’t the FBI and Secret Service devoted ample resources to tracking down and arresting the hit team? Are they so inept they can only issue weak warnings? Or do they want the Iranians to succeed?
In a truly pathetic move, Biden allegedly warned Iran an attack on Trump will lead to war. That only makes me suspicious of the legitimacy of the Iranian threat. Sure, the Iranian mullahs want revenge on Trump, but do they want it to lead to a major war? Is the Deep State so desperate to maintain control that it will provoke a war to disrupt the election?
Of course, the grossly irresponsible actions of Kamala Harris, her campaign, delusional media acolytes, and lunatics like Hillary Clinton and Liz Cheney could easily inspire some demented fool to try to kill Trump. The Secret Service already has said it can no longer protect Trump on a golf course. Its ranks are stretched thin in handling his many rallies. Given its performance to date, I have little or no confidence in the agency’s ability to protect the 45th President of the United States, despite the presence of dedicated agents who still take their duties seriously.
The more concerning issue is Trump has built significant momentum in key swing states. He appears to be coasting to a record landslide victory against the hapless Harris and Walz ticket. Kamala’s catastrophic interview with Bret Baier on Fox News yesterday shows she and her team are in complete meltdown over what is coming.
For the Deep State, this reduces its options before November 5 to staging false flags or even global war to disrupt the election or actually killing Trump outright. The consequences of a Trump murder are too horrible to imagine. Such a traumatic event would rip our nation asunder, possibly to never unite again.
The ties that should bind us already are seriously frayed. We can credit the Deep State, Democrats, Elite Traitor Media, and a totally corrupt left-wing education system for that. We’ve had generations that have been taught to hate America and despise the freedoms granted in the U.S. Constitution.
More than ever, now is the time for prayer.
October 7, 2024
Why Do Biden & Harris Hate Normal Americans So Much?
The older I get, the more I find myself saying, “I never thought I would live long enough to see something like this.”
Of course, I’m talking about the absolutely criminal and treasonous response of the gangster Biden-Harris regime to the destruction wrought by Hurricane Helene. FEMA’s complete inability to prepare for, and initiate rescue and recovery operations in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida is not a matter of incompetence. It is totally deliberate. It’s an overt effort to prevent people from voting and kill off Americans the progressive elites have deemed “deplorables.”
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are saying, “There, but for the Grace of God, go I.” Here in Northeast Florida, we know we can expect the same response now and from a future Harris-Walz regime (God forbid that would happen) if such a calamity strikes here. Of course, Hurricane Milton is on its way now.
This is pretty much Trump Country. Thank God we have the very best governor in the United States, Ron DeSantis, who will in no way allow such an abomination to happen. He’s shown he knows how to handle natural disasters and help Floridians in troubled times.
The massive and almost Biblical destruction in the mountains of North Carolina has left good Americans at the mercy of their fellow citizens. Their government has completely abandoned them. Fortunately, Christian organizations like Samaritan’s Purse and other volunteer groups are on the scene doing the best they can to cope with the chaos. Elon Musk has come to the rescue with his Starlink communications systems. Local sheriffs are urging people to not donate any money or supplies to FEMA. Instead, give them to local sheriffs to distribute.
FEMA and worthless North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper have done more to retard efforts than facilitate them. The National Guard and U.S. Army have been on hold for more than a week, awaiting orders that will come too late for potentially many thousands who are dead. Given the amount of destruction to vital infrastructure like roads and electric power, it’s totally obvious there’ll be no way for surviving citizens in the area to cast votes on November 5.
You almost have to think that’s the Biden Administration’s plan of action.
Meanwhile, Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has distinguished herself as a thoroughly vile and inhuman witch. When making a perfunctory visit in Georgia to a disaster area, she beamed while announcing a federal program to provide $750 to each family affected by the disaster. What she and her lying minions failed to discuss with The Elite Traitor Media that ballyhooed the announcement is people have to go online to file a request for the money.
Hello??? The power is out! How in Hell are disaster victims supposed to apply? If they do, they’ll likely find out they will be denied if they have homeowners’ insurance or make above a certain income level. The program is designed only for low-income individuals and most likely those from preferred minorities. Poor white Christians need not apply.
Why can’t FEMA send its workers into the field to hand out pre-loaded debit cards that people could put to work immediately to get necessary shelter and supplies? Oh, my bad. The Biden-Harris regime only does that for illegal aliens, not hard-working, patriotic American citizens. I forgot. They hate us, want to keep us from voting, and ultimately want us dead.
Meanwhile, on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the barbaric and horrific Hamas attack on Israelis, she and Secretary of State Antony Blinken had the incredible gall to brag about the $157 million being shipped to Lebanon to help with humanitarian aid. Yet, FEMA claims it’s out of money. The State Department can’t transfer money to FEMA? Another clueless, tone-deaf insensitive Biden lackey, Samantha Power, was bragging about how we’ve kept the power on in Ukraine. We can’t get power on for Helene victims. But by God, we have to keep things running in Kiev. It’s all too clear the Biden-Harris crew hate our guts.
Sadly, House and Senate Republicans have failed to step up and respond to the crisis. Why hasn’t Speaker Mike Johnson called the House back into session to hold hearings and get FEMA off the dime? I guess the need for members to campaign for re-election is more important than helping Americans in severe distress. A pox on all of them. I’ve come to the realization we have no leadership at all in Washington D.C. In terms of Congress, that’s not likely to change much on November 5 regardless of which party takes control.
How do these people sleep at night or look in the mirror? I’ve figured it out. They have absolutely no conscience and they are thoroughly evil. They’re doing the work of Satan and The Deep State.
On a brighter note, a ray of hope is shining through. Watching Donald Trump’s triumphant return to Butler, Pennsylvania, for a rally last Saturday showed normal Americans are willing to fight for their country and will vote in droves on November 5. The mammoth crowd roared its approval for Making American Great Again.
With just one month to go, we have to hold our breath that The Deep State won’t try another assassination attempt or stage some sort of false flag to create societal chaos. We also must pray the Biden-Harris regime won’t get us into a World War and declare some form of martial law to prevent the election.
How sad we live in a time when we can no longer trust the American government. That’s why we must vote Donald Trump and J.D. Vance into the White House to get our Ship of State back on course again.
Thanks for reading! We are in the fight of our lives, Good versus the truly Evil Deep State.
We thank our foreign followers who visited in September. They came from the following locations: The European Union; The Czech Republic; Germany; Red China; India; The Russian Federation; Singapore; The United Kingdom; Brazil; The Netherlands; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Spain; Turkey; The Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Hong Kong; Japan; Sweden; Switzerland; Italy; Poland; Vietnam; and South Africa. God bless you all and especially our American friends too.
You can support The Forgotten Street through the purchase of J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. Remember to pray fervently for our brothers and sisters displaced by Hurricane Helene and neglected by the criminal and treacherous federal government. Also, remember our brethren in Israel on the anniversary of the Hamas slaughter of innocents.
“As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.” EZEKIEL 34:12
September 23, 2024
Trump’s Would-Be Assassin Routh Connected to Possible CIA Front
Today the alleged Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a wealth of information on Ryan Wesley Routh, the alleged would-be assassin of Donald Trump. Certainly, it’s more than we’ve learned about Thomas Crooks and the Butler attempt.
It seems Routh wrote a letter some months back that he locked in a box and gave to a friend. He apparently said it was to be opened if something happened to him. Upon his arrest, the friend turned over the box’s contents to the FBI.
Among them was a letter purportedly written by Routh lamenting his failure to kill Trump and offering a $150,000 bounty to anyone who could succeed in doing so. Could the DOJ be any more irresponsible in releasing such a letter talking about a bounty? It makes you think they’re actively hoping someone takes Trump out.
This comes on the heels of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official revealing to Congressman Matt Gaetz it has knowledge of five possible assassinations teams operating in our country. It noted two are domestic and the other three international. Anyone with a semblance of a brain should be asking:
If DHS knows about the five teams, what is it and the FBI doing to further identify and hunt down those criminals before they strike? Not one word about that was shared.
One other noteworthy item that hasn’t come to light in the supposed news media is the fact Routh has a wife who appears to be an employee of a publicly traded corporation with obvious ties to the intelligence community.
Testifying before a House committee looking into the Routh attempt last Wednesday was Katrina Berger, the Investigative Chief for DHS. She said a woman named Kathleen Shaffer, Routh’s alleged wife, provided the funds for his globetrotting travels, including trips to Ukraine. Allegedly she’d set up a GoFundMe account to help her husband in his volunteer efforts to get support and mercenaries for Ukraine.
It turns out Routh’s international activities sparked concern and raised suspicions with Customs and Border Patrol agents upon his return to the U.S. They flagged and reported him to DHS for further investigation. The agents wrote in their memo, “the suspect is a US citizen who traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, for three months to help recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Moldova, and Taiwan, to fight in the Ukrainian war against Russia. Subject stated he does not get paid for his recruiting efforts, and all his work for the Ukrainian government is strictly volunteer work. Subject stated that he obtains money from his wife to help fund his trips to Ukraine.”
Of course, nothing was done to follow up. The Deep State knows how to bury unwanted inquiries.
A Florida constitutional lawyer named Jeff Childers, who writes Coffee & Covid on Substack, did research on Ms. Shaffer, finding her profile on LinkedIn. In it, she says she is an employee of Maximus Corporation, a publicly traded entity headquartered in McLean, Virginia. According to its website, Maximus has 10,000 employees worldwide. Its mission statement claims it’s “moving people, technology and government forward.”
It’s the government reference that raises eyebrows. One of the duties it carries out is relocating “desperate asylum seekers” throughout the United States. Does that ring a bell? It sure does for those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, watching the gangster Biden-Harris regime destroy small towns across America with the placement of unwanted refugees. Just ask the folks in Springfield, Ohio, and Charleroi, Pennsylvania.
During the COVID pandemic, it also trained 20,000 workers of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the COVID vaccines and how they were to be administered.
Maximus also is involved in helping modernize technology for the Department of Defense. It sure seems to have its fingers in the hot button issues of the day.
Given its location, just 5.7 miles from the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Maximus has all the hallmarks of a front for the CIA. While by all appearances it seems to be a legitimate enterprise, it sure gets its share of government funding for various projects.
My how the assassination plot has thickened! Remember, you had to read it here first because it simply won’t appear in The Elite Traitor Media.
September 18, 2024
J.C. Discusses the Second Trump Assassination Attempt on America’s Survival TV
This morning America’s Survival Founder Cliff Kincaid featured Forgotten Street Founder J.C. Hawkins on the latest edition of America’s Survival TV on Rumble. The pair of conservative journalists did a deep dive on last Sunday’s planned assassination attempt against Donald Trump at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The focus of their discussion centers on the possible role Ukraine played in the event. Kincaid and Hawkins also reviewed recent events pointing to the growing possibility of a nuclear World War III. The 34-minute program can be found on Rumble at
Kincaid recently opened the Rumble channel to feature interviews with leading experts on current and global events. His in-depth analysis of leading issues of the day can be found on his website at He and Hawkins will continue their discussion with conservative host Paul Schiffer on The Schiffer Report on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland tomorrow evening from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern. Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
September 18, 2024
J.C. Hawkins Returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday Night to Discuss the Second Attempted Trump Murder.
Forgotten Street founder and author J.C. Hawkins returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday night on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time. Hawkins will join noted conservative host Paul Schiffer and guest Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival Inc., to share his thoughts on the second attempted murder of Donald Trump. This clearly was not the work of a “lone nut gunman” as The Elite Traitor Media would have us believe.
Paul, Cliff and J.C. will break down the many failures of the Secret Service and The Deep State’s role in organizing the hit. Since this most recent assassination attempt, Kincaid has written insightful posts on his website, regarding this shocking event. He also prepared special reports in June predicting possible assassination attempts. He attributes the crimes to an ongoing Deep State onslaught against Trump, implicating possible conspirators in the effort.
Hawkins has written extensively about the Deep State’s more than a century-long trail of murder to further globalist interests seeking a One World Government. His three Betrayal at Bethesda books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. They’ve been embraced by readers in 12 countries on five continents. The most recent international sales have come in Canada and The United Kingdom.
Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button. The Schiffer Report is noted for its provocative and in-depth analysis of issues conservative Christians face on a daily basis. Schiffer has been a stalwart voice for preserving our liberty, Republic and American way of life for decades. His audience is growing throughout the Midwest and Canada.
J.C. encourages followers to visit Paul’s website to listen to previous programs. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio Network.
September 16, 2024
Satanic Forces Are Aligned Against President Trump
It was only a matter of time before a second assassination attempt on Donald Trump would occur. Thank God the shooter was foiled by an alert Secret Service agent. But from what little we know, we can be 100% sure this was not another “lone nut gunman.” This try had all the markings of a Deep State intelligence operation, perhaps involving the CIA, MI6, NATO and Ukrainian Nazis.
The would-be gunman, Ryan Wesley Routh, has a checkered criminal and political history. He’s been heavily involved in trying to recruit and smuggle mercenaries in Ukraine to fight for the Zelensky regime. Obviously that effort would at some point involve interaction with the afore-mentioned intelligence agencies. Previously he’d been charged in 2002 with possession of a weapon of mass destruction (a machine gun). But he got off with probation. That tells those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, he was given a break because of some tie to the American intelligence community. Yet, he’ll be passed off as a “nut.”
What’s most troubling is Routh’s position at a clear line of sight on the golf course, and the fact he knew Trump was golfing that day. Where he was stationed on hole 6 was a perfect position to nail Trump as he completed the fifth hole and rounded the bend on the sixth hole. In addition, Routh planned to use an AK-47 rifle with a scope. Is it possible that rifle was obtained from the American shipment of arms to Ukraine paid for with American taxpayer dollars?
Because Trump had no announced schedule yesterday, it’s likely his trip to the golf club was tipped off to Routh by someone inside The Department of Homeland Security, The Secret Service, FBI or a mole placed on the staff at Mar-A-Lago. Trump’s every movement is no doubt known to the people who want him dead, which reaches into the highest levels of the gangster Biden-Harris regime.
The reckless rhetoric coming from the Biden Administration, the Harris Campaign, congressional Democrats and The Elite Traitor Media have created a dangerous climate of hatred against Trump, which could set off a deranged soul to try to harm Trump. It also provides a convenient cover for a Deep State operation to kill Trump that can be blamed on a set up patsy.
These are dangerous times to live in. We’re witnessing supremely evil people trying to consolidate their power and eliminate the one political force that can thwart them. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries revealed himself to be a true domestic terrorist when 30 minutes after news of the assassination attempt broke, he posted on social media that MAGA Republicans are extreme and “We must stop them.”
Meanwhile Joe Biden and Kamala Harris issued perfunctory boilerplate statements that do nothing to reduce the poisonous atmosphere in our politics. They made no effort to appear before cameras and call for an end to the divisiveness in our society.
Then there is the execrable Ukrainian Nazi Vindman family that had to crawl out from under its rock to spread its hatred of Trump. Rachel, the wife of the treasonous Alexander (who should have been court-martialed a long time ago), mocked the attempt saying, “No ears were harmed.” Just hilarious, making fun of an attempt to kill a former President of the United States.
Not to be outdone, the treacherous media chimed in to try to blame Trump and the MAGA movement for the attempt. MSNBC News bimbo Alex Witt said they should “tone down their rhetoric.” Not a word about Democrats, Never Trumpers or academics cooling their comments.
As the presidential campaign drags into the final seven and a half weeks, it’s abundantly clear we’re in the midst of the ultimate fight between Good and Evil. With Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris, we know which side is Evil. We can be absolutely sure this latest attempt will not be the last.
At this point, we must rely on Almighty God for his protection of Donald Trump and the rest of us.
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand...And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication to the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” EPHESIANS 6:13;17-18
September 6, 2024
Here’s A Debate Game Plan for Trump
All the hype preceding next Tuesday’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris presumes she won’t find a way to scuttle it at the last minute. Clearly there must be some angst in the Harris camp about how their gal will hold up under the pressure of a relentless Trump offense.
Here on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, we’re hoping Trump will forego the temptation to make matters personal and get sidetracked on issues that won’t move the needle in his favor.
So, this is our game plan to help our favored candidate make the most of the evening. Trump must remember he has the distinct advantage of having been President of the United States and compiling a compelling record of achievement he can successfully run on. He should go to great lengths to stress his four years of presidential experience have prepared him to hit the ground running on January 20, 2025, with an agenda to Make America Great Again.
While Harris has been shy about revealing her agenda and speaking beyond platitudes, she hasn’t compiled any record of success as Vice President that would give Americans a real clue of what she might do once she enters the Oval Office. She has little she can tout as a compelling reason as to why she should be president.
Becoming the first woman president is no valid reason for anyone to cast a vote in her favor. Yet, there will be empty-headed women who will do just that. That’s the horrifying reality behind her candidacy.
Trump must speak at length about his time as president, his list of significant achievements with the economy and his landmark foreign policy accomplishments such as the Abraham Accords and reducing tensions with North Korea. His knowledge of global leaders, and the personal relationships he’s forged with many of them, is a major plus as well.
The debate is Trump’s opportunity to demonstrate his presidential chops in comparison to the vapid word salads that will spring from Harris’ mouth. It’s also his chance to shine a spotlight on Harris’ voting record as senator and vice president as a window in her potential White House agenda.
Thanks for reading! In addition to our regular followers, we appreciate our August visitors from foreign locations too. They came from: Germany; The European Union; Singapore; Red China; the Czech Republic; The Netherlands; The Russian Federation; St. Helena; Israel; India; Canada; Poland and Thailand. God bless you all !!!
August 24, 2024
RFK Jr. Merits A Profile in Courage Award for Shaking Up the Race
Too late, the Democrat Party has learned a harsh lesson. It doesn’t pay to mess with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His endorsement of Donald Trump for president and halting his own candidacy in battleground states is the act of a true patriot. He clearly has put the best interests of the United States of America ahead of his own.
RFK’s decision to form a national unity movement with former President Trump signals a major milestone in American political history. In doing so, he’s made it clear he’s committed to tearing down the Democrats for abandoning principles so eloquently and courageously represented by his father and uncle. The current Democratic hierarchy did all it could to prevent Kennedy from launching a true challenge for the Democrat nomination for president.
President Joe Biden even went far enough to deny Kennedy Secret Service protection, keep him off election ballots, and ban him from debates all while spewing dishonest blather about “saving democracy”. In return, Kennedy has accurately portrayed the Democrats as the captive party of needless wars, censorship, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Ag.
He sadly noted, “We were the party of labor, of the working class. The Democrats were the party of government transparency and the champion of the environment. Our party was the bulwark against big money interests and corporate power. True to its name, it was the party of democracy.”
He explained how current Democrats have “. . . waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself.” As examples he cited, “Each time our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot, the DNC dragged us into court, state after state, attempting to erase their work and subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions.”
He added how DNC “aligned judges” worked to keep him and other candidates off the Democrat ballot “and to throw President Trump in jail.”
Kennedy revealed how he met with Trump and discovered they shared common views on major issues such as ending the war in Ukraine and breaking the control of corporate interests over key government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“With President Trump’s backing, I’m going to change that. We’re going to staff these agencies with scientists and doctors who are free from industry funding. We’re going to make sure that the decisions of consumers, doctors, and patients are informed by unbiased science.”
Kennedy notled he tried to discuss similar issues with Kamala Harris. She refused to take his phone call. No doubt, she now regrets her arrogance. Referencing that snub, RFK said she expressed no interest in addressing the issues.
“Four more years of Democratic rule will complete the consolidation of corporate and neocon power, and our children will be the ones who suffer most,” he declared. Hence, his decision to back Trump.
By suspending his campaign in the battleground states, Kennedy may have shifted as much as 5% of the vote to Trump, who already is showing slight leads in those key races. RFK will continue to remain on the ballot in other states where he could reduce Harris’ totals enough to put them in jeopardy of swinging to Trump as well.
The Trump/Kennedy alliance could become a formidable new force in American politics, a true unity movement that will pose an immediate threat to the treacherous grip The Deep State holds over American government, both major political parties, and corporate power. For this reason, both Trump and Kennedy will have to strengthen their personal security beyond the scope of Secret Service protection.
RFK’s appearance at Trump’s rally in Arizona last night was truly magical. For the first time in many years, Americans actually may have reason to hope the tide is turning back in favor of a country with shared values that transcend petty party politics.
For his part, Trump already has committed to creating presidential commissions to oversee the complete release of government documents related to assassinations and a review of major children’s chronic health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and neurological disorders. RFK is expected to play a leading role in both.
Because of those health crises, 77% of young Americans are too disabled to serve in the United States military. This a serious national security issue.
Predictability, Democrat sycophants and Kennedy’s siblings are attacking him for his patriotic decision to put America first. Of course, RFK’s family are nothing but a bunch of trust fund losers who’ve never compiled a record of achievement as he has in environmental protection and children’s health. Anyone who’s gone up against him in court knows he is a first-rate attorney and an effective, passionate advocate for the causes he defends. The rest of the Kennedy clan bring only shame to their family’s name for being Democrat toadies and stooges.
We can count on The Elite Traitor Media, the propaganda arm of The Deep State, to smear him relentlessly and go to any length to tear him down with deceitful lies, just as they have with Donald Trump. They all can go to Hell.
From the time he launched his presidential campaign, Kennedy was the one candidate who prioritized healing the national divide by defining issues on which Americans could agree and unite. Now, he and Donald Trump have shown the nation they have our best interests at heart as they forge a new path forward for our country.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, no longer feel forgotten. We thank God we now have national leadership that honestly cares about America and us first.
August 6, 2024
Biden’s No Lame Duck. He’s a Ruptured Duck
The Democrat coup against Joe Biden has left the United States with a completely neutered Commander-in-Chief who’s in no position to lead in multiple crises we might face. It’s amazing how they’ve maintained the fiction he received the most presidential votes in history, led an economic recovery, and restored our position around the world. Now he’s totally unfit to run for re-election.
When it comes to convoluted logic, Democrats have no peers. We have former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggesting Joe Biden belongs on Mt. Rushmore after she took the lead in unseating him. That simply is a product of her renowned 3-D Thinking: Drunk, Demented and Delusional.
This all comes at a time when the stock market melted down amid global economic woes, Israel and Iran may face off in a major war, and Red China sees an opening to invade Taiwan. The United States’ southern border continues to be invaded by global hordes, lethal drugs are flowing into our communities, and the gangster Biden regime ramps up persecution of its perceived enemies, even to the point of attempted assassination. The Deep State push to destroy American sovereignty to usher in One World Government is in high gear.
Democrats are trying desperately to build enthusiasm for their 2024 presidential ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, the most radical team ever nominated. Good Lord, at least George McGovern had the common sense to pick middle-of-the-road Sargent Shriver after Tom Eagleton flamed out. Harris’ bizarre choice of Walz almost suggests she plans to take a dive. The Harris-Walz team represents a communist assault on America and its values.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, see the radical threat posed by Democrats who will do all they can to steal another election. Harris and Walz will continue the assault on America’s moral order and attack on family values.
Of course, Harris is banking on the unyielding support of The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) to run cover for her and Big Tech to use its malign influence to squelch negative online content. She will build her campaign around a Triple A strategy: Abortion, Amnesty, and Appeasement.
Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have an incredible opportunity to draw the kind of sharp contrast Richard Nixon did against George McGovern. That resulted in the largest electoral victory in history. Americans must be reminded of the core values established by our Founding Fathers and how the Trump/Vance team is our only hope to save them.
Thanks for reading! Expect more Deep State treachery to unfold as we enter the final 12 weeks of the election campaign. There is no limit to the evil that could befall our nation.
We appreciate our followers and offer a special salute for our foreign visitors in July: They came from the following locations: Germany; The European Union; The Czech Republic; Red China; Poland; The Russian Federation; Canada; India; Ghana; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Ivory Coast; Nepal; The Netherlands; Italy; Sweden; St. Helena; Brazil; Colombia; France; Montenegro; and Vietnam.
Sales of J.C.Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda books remain strong. They’ve sold in 10 countries on five continents. God bless all our followers and readers! Here are the three insightful exposes of the existential threat posed by The Deep State.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C.’s prior exposes on The Deep State:
The original Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.” LAMENTATIONS 3:25-26
July 27, 2024
Deep State & Media Coverup of Trump Assassination Attempt in High Gear
Because The Deep State completely controls The Elite Traitor Media, The Forgotten Street has unearthed critical questions that will never be asked or answered. America deserves to know the truth of the attempted assassination.
Recent congressional interviews of disgraced Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and FBI Liar-in-Chief Christopher Wray produced virtually no information of value, just as intended. The GOP played along willingly by doing its usual grandstanding to make it look like they were being tough. Instead, they looked clueless and crude.
A cursory review of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump brings these pressing issues to the fore:
How did Crooks know he could access the roof of the AGR building without being questioned or stopped? How was his rifle brought into the area? Were there any accomplices?
After Crooks was shot, what happened to his body? Was it autopsied to check for drugs? Has the family received the body for a funeral? What were the nature of his wounds? Who actually shot him?
Of the three victims reportedly shot by Crooks, were bullets recovered that could be matched to his weapon? If not, is there are active investigation into the possibility of other shooters?
Right at the outset, the FBI said Crooks had been identified using DNA. If so, what database would have had his DNA on file? Or was he already known to the FBI and on their radar?
Has the FBI questioned members of the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club to find out what they may know about Crooks? Did he exhibit any concerning behavior at the club when doing target practice?
Why didn’t the FBI better secure the crime scene? Why was the AGR roof hosed off shortly after the shooting?
Why did the House committee not call the lead Secret Service agents in charge at Butler to testify, along with members of the Pennsylvania State Police and the Butler police? They would have much more relevant information about what happened prior to and after the assassination attempt.
Why has the FBI not conducted any press updates on the investigation and opened up for questions? Who is the FBI lead agent for the investigation? Why are state and local police gagged from commenting on the shooting?
Where did Christopher Wray come up with the harebrained suggestion Trump may not have been shot but hit by shrapnel? Shrapnel from what? That was simply a Deep State disinformation and deflection ploy, part of the overall government coverup.
To ensure a proper coverup, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has announced he’s appointing a special bipartisan panel to investigate the attempt on Trump. Not to be outdone, House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies announced creation of a task force of seven Republicans and six Democrats to undertake a similar mission.
We can’t wait to see the people appointed to both groups. It promises to be a total Deep State stooge-fest on every level. Shades of the Warren Commission after President Kennedy’s murder. Both will be extravaganzas of political masturbation that will tell us nothing.
Forgotten Street founder J.C. Hawkins joined host Paul Schiffer of The Schiffer Report and guest Cliff Kincaid on the past two Thursday broadcasts to discuss the assassination in depth. Archived copies of the programs can be found at Listen and learn what your government is concealing.
July 24, 2024
The Schiffer Report Features Part Two of Its Deep Dive on the Trump Assassination Tomorrow
Following up on last week’s look into the attempted murder of Donald Trump, The Schiffer Report will feature noted journalist and author Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival Inc., sharing his in-depth research into the assassination attempt. Host Paul Schiffer and Kincaid will review what’s most troubling about the attack on Trump and where we need to go from here. Forgotten Street founder and author J.C. Hawkins also will return to The Schiffer Report Thursday night on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time to share some of his new thoughts following last week’s Part One.
Since the assassination attempt, Kincaid has written many insightful posts on his website, He attributes the crime to an ongoing Deep State onslaught against Trump and implicates a wide range of possible conspirators in the effort. Last week Paul and J.C. broke down the many failures of the Secret Service and The Deep State’s role in organizing the hit. Kincaid’s wide-ranging research has examined that in detail and amplified what has been previously discussed.
Hawkins has written extensively about the Deep State’s more than century-long trail of murder to further globalist interests seeking a One World Government. His three Betrayal at Bethesda books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. They’ve been embraced by readers in 10 countries on five continents.
Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button. The Schiffer Report is noted for its provocative and in-depth analysis of issues conservative Christians face on a daily basis. Its audience is growing throughout the Midwest and Canada.
J.C. encourages followers to visit Paul’s website to listen to previous programs. Kincaid has been a previous guest on many programs, which are archived on the site. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio Network.
July 17, 2024
J.C. Hawkins Returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday Night to Discuss the Attempted Trump Murder.
Forgotten Street founder and author J.C. Hawkins returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday night on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time. Hawkins will join noted conservative host Paul Schiffer to share his thoughts on the attempted murder of Donald Trump.
J.C. and Paul will break down the many failures of the Secret Service and The Deep State’s role in organizing the hit. Hawkins has written extensively about the Deep State’s more than a century-long trail of murder to further globalist interests seeking a One World Government. His three Betrayal at Bethesda books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon. They’ve been embraced by readers in 10 countries on five continents.
Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button. The Schiffer Report is noted for its provocative and in-depth analysis of issues conservative Christians face on a daily basis. Its audience is growing throughout the Midwest and Canada.
J.C. encourages followers to visit Paul’s website to listen to previous programs. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio Network.
July 4, 2024 248 Years of Greatness Now in Jeopardy
The Deep State Push Behind Fake “Biden Leaving” Stories
In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s dismal debate performance, I refrained from joining the almost comical hue and cry about his future candidacy. That’s because I smelled a Deep State rat in the spate of stories about him quitting the race, as well as the absolutely absurd notion of Michelle Obama swooping in to grab the Democrat nomination.
To those asking my thoughts, I immediately said “Joe is going nowhere.” He’s already locked in on key state ballots, he has control of the delegates, and the sizeable campaign war chest he’s amassed can only be used by him or Kamala Harris if she would take his place on the ticket. In addition, money continues to roll in.
People failed to take into consideration the critical role his candidacy plays in keeping the gangster Biden family enterprise alive. It’s not just Jill pushing him to stay. Joe’s the meal ticket for his son, daughter, sister and brothers, not to mention assorted grandchildren. Plus, Joe’s outsized ego may be unmatched by anyone in politics.
Another primary consideration is even after the debate debacle, Joe may be behind Donald Trump in any number of national and state polls, but he remains within the “Margin of Cheating” in enough of them to stay viable. At this point, despite what a walking mess he is, Joe Biden remains the sole Democrat with any shot of winning in 2024.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, saw the impact Trump had with his messaging during the debate on the border, economy and foreign policy. That’s why the Deep State swung into action to gin up the “Joe may be leaving” narrative to deflect attention from real issues facing America and to slow Trump’s momentum.
The Deep State knows how addicted Americans are to soap operas, particularly ones involving politics. The last thing it wants is for the American people to focus on what’s really happening and how it affects them.
That strategy plays right into the favorite media and DC parlor game of who’s up or who’s down while ignoring the existential peril we find ourselves in. The brief discussion around the border crisis quickly evaporated. But even that issue has lost some of its immediacy. Trump can talk about closing the border all he wants, but most Americans have come to the realization the damage is already done.
Closing the border at this point, after tens of millions of illegals have been scattered throughout the country, the country is awash in drugs, and dangerous criminals are on the loose, is akin to installing smoke detectors in a house that’s virtually burned down.
Look for Biden to adopt a new persona: “Smokin’ Joe Biden,” the political equivalent of “Smokin Joe Frazier.” He will come out defiant and swinging. Already Democrat governors have met with him and fallen back into line.
Those Democrats who’ve spoken out against him, as well as the Elite Traitor Media turncoats, may find themselves in a pickle with The Delaware Sopranos. His campaign already is calling his detractors “the bedwetter brigade.” He may be a feeble old man, but Joe Biden has a vicious streak. He holds serious grudges against those who’ve wronged him.
Tara Reade, the former Senate aide who accused Biden of sexual assaulting her in 1993, ultimately fled to Russia and asked for citizenship out of fear for her life. Her allegation surfaced just before the 2020 presidential campaign. But the ETM ran interference for him with laudatory stories extolling his treatment of female employees and debunking her claims.
Some ETM recognize their already shaky credibility has taken a severe hit. Everyday folks can see how they’ve been covering up Biden’s failing physical and mental condition. Now in a panic, they’re throwing him under the bus to save their reputations.
But the Deep State knows how to play the smoke and mirrors narrative game. By keeping the “Biden’s leaving” train running, they’ve created yet another hoax to deflect attention from the overall mess the United States is in on its 248th birthday. Nothing like a good soap opera to keep the masses from paying any attention to Donald Trump and his policy agenda for getting our country back on track.
Thanks for reading! Expect more Deep State shenanigans to keep attention deflected to side issues like the Biden debate debacle while Joe limps to the finish line and decisively secures the Democrat nomination.
We appreciate our followers and have a special salute for our foreign visitors in June. They hailed from the following locations: The Russian Federation; Germany; The European Union; The Czech Republic; Poland; Red China; Bulgaria; Vietnam; Bolivia; Portugal; Brazil; Japan; The Netherlands; The United Kingdom; Colombia; Ghana; Indonesia; India; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Italy; Kazakhstan; and St. Helena.
Sales of J.C.Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda books remain strong. God bless all our followers and readers! Here are the three insightful exposes of the existential threat posed by The Deep State.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C.’s prior exposes on The Deep State:
The original Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” MATTHEW 5: 14-17
June 16, 2024 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!
Democrats Are Creating a Caste System in America
For centuries Indian society was segmented in a caste system through which people were categorized by hereditary methods. Social status was assigned to people who were treated differently depending upon their caste. Those in the lowest caste were deemed “untouchables.”
Democrats have perfected the concept and begun dividing Americans along political lines based on ideology. The old witch Hillary Clinton got the ball rolling when she infamously called Trump supporters “deplorables.” Now Democrats controlling the levers of government power at federal and state levels are taking action to actively punish those deemed deplorable.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know we’ve been in their crosshairs for decades. The Deep State sees its caste system as the perfect way to dismantle American sovereignty and pave the way for One World Government.
Through executive orders the gangster Biden regime is creating favored classes of people who rate higher in the new caste system. Among them are: blacks who continue to embrace victimhood, illegal aliens, anti-Semites, the LGBTQ alphabet crowd, climate change kooks, abortion fanatics, critical race theory promoters, mentally disturbed transgenders, and all who toe the communist party line spewed in propaganda by The Elite Traitor Media.
We Deplorables who feel the weight of oppression through the imposition of arbitrary DEI and ESG mandates in major institutions and business are finding ourselves divided into castes as follows:
- White people in general
- Christians, especially Catholics
- Jews
- Conservatives
- Pro-lifers who view abortion as sinful murder
- Blacks who reject victimhood
- Climate “deniers”
- Those who advocate energy independence through fossil fuels
- Those who believe Israel must destroy Hamas and Hezbollah to survive
- Homeschoolers
- People who support traditional marriage
- People who think fathers still have a vital role in society
- People who recognize only two genders
- People who rejected COVID “vaccines”
- People who find “gay pride” repulsive
- People who oppose drag queens grooming small children
- People who believe we still should have standards of public behavior
Obviously, those of us fitting into multiple categories are viewed with the most contempt and scorn. We see the clearest evidence in the massive abuse happening in the criminal justice system that’s been hijacked by leftist prosecutors bankrolled by George Soros. Crime is rampant throughout America that Deplorables trying to defend their businesses and homes are punished for doing so.
Eric Holder and Merrick Garland can ignore congressional subpoenas with impunity, but Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon will rot in prison for doing the same. The two-tiered justice system is destroying public faith in equal justice before the law, as are the bogus prosecutions of Donald Trump. Clearly those in the proper caste are totally above the law.
This un-American caste system is undermining and eliminating faith in all our major institutions, which can only lead to a total societal collapse. The Deep State destruction of The American Republic is moving ahead at warp speed.
More can be learned in J.C. Hawkins compelling expose, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, available in paperback and Kindle versions on
June 1, 2024
America Takes a Left Hook to the Chin
Democrats gleeful over the phony conviction of Donald Trump for non-existent crimes are headed for a dreadful reckoning. They think they’ve landed a body blow against Republicans and the MAGA movement. But the real victim has been the United States of America, which they’ve made into a global laughingstock and a dangerously damaged country.
The installation of the desiccated brain-damaged old pervert Joe Biden in the Oval Office in January 2021 has resulted in a sharp downward slide from which our country is unlikely to recover anytime soon. By reversing the border security measures put in place by President Trump, the gangster Biden regime has opened the floodgates to an invasion of our country by hordes of criminals, drug dealers, would-be terrorists, and welfare seekers that will bankrupt cities across America, spike crime rates, undermine our education system further, overwhelm our medical system, and effectively destroy what remains of traditional American values and culture.
This is all a continuation of Barack Obama’s “Transformation of America” that no one really wanted or voted for. It simply was shoved down our throats by The Deep State and global elites. It was sold using the phony argument of the need for diversity while rejecting of the value of achievement and merit.
Those of us living on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know history is governed by pendulums swinging back and forth. Something tells this observer we may be headed for a strong backswing.
Growing up in the middle and later part of the 20th century, I understood politics was intended to be a lively, spirited competition between the two major competing parties. Sure, they engaged in tough campaigns. But they knew there were certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed.
That changed with the advent of Bill and Hillary Clinton on the national stage. They introduced their poisonous “War Room” that worked to turn politics into a destructive and divisive blood sport. The Clintons have turned out to be a malignancy that’s left a tumor on America’s heart. Their vile practice was continued and perfected by the Obama-Biden team.
We’ve seen its ultimate metamorphosis into an attack on the U.S. Constitution that’s transformed the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the judicial system itself into political arms for Biden and the Democrats. That shift has been aided and abetted at the local level with George Soros’ drive to bankroll and install ultra-progressive prosecutors in major cities across America. That’s led to an explosion of crime across America that is making more cities virtually unlivable.
The backlash to the Trump verdict has been impressive. The former president hauled in a record amount of campaign donations within hours. Senate Republicans rallied to his cause with a threat to stymie the Biden legislative agenda and stop all confirmations for the executive and judicial branches.
Major financial investors have declared New York City and State off limits for new investment. They rightly fear they could be subject to the same persecution as Trump if the Biden gang wants to punish them for their political views. Global investors are likely just as spooked, viewing New York now as an unstable and unreliable investment location.
This feeling could cascade across America as financial leaders realize the DOJ and crazed local prosecutors can turn on a dime to go after them for phony alleged crimes. The beneficiaries of this situation will turn out to be states like Florida, Texas, and Tennessee that already are havens for businesses and individuals seeking a refuge from intrusive, overreaching unconstitutional government.
Of course, Trump has vowed to fight on and is winning more converts to his cause, including minorities that are sick of the Democrats’ flat promises and neglect while illegal aliens are welcomed with open arms. (This part of the Hawkins clan did its part yesterday with a campaign donation.) Traditional Democrats like Joe Manchin and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have registered their disgust with the verdict and overall situation. Manchin even quit the party and registered as an independent.
For many, faith in the justice system has eroded to an all-time low. The once-heralded FBI has morphed into a Stasi-like operation using Gestapo tactics to intimidate Christians and conservatives. Just ask Paul Manafort and Roger Stone how horribly they were treated when arrested by FBI agents in swat-team regalia.
Cheering on the unlawful Biden rampage are The Elite Traitor Media (ETM), which is filled with compliant stooges who’ve abandoned all pretense of journalistic principles like non-bias and fairness. One positive effect of that is more Americans are not relying on the ETM for their news. They’re seeking out alternative media and online sources for information (like TFS) they know are more dependable and less slanted.
The Trump conviction, which was guaranteed by a corrupt judge that rigged it, puts the United States in an entirely different light. We have become the new Venezuela. Those placing their hopes in the November election for things to be put right should be very wary. There’s a distinct possibility government-staged false flags will preclude such an event from occurring. Particularly if the momentum Trump has gained from the Soviet-style show trial keeps building.
It’s not Trump who is down and out. It is our country under the Biden regime. These are the times that try men’s and women’s souls, which means true patriots must step up to do their duty to save our Republic.
Thanks for reading! TFS just enjoyed its best month in more than a year in terms of readership. We are pleased to see more Americans coming to our site, as well as welcoming foreign friends in May from the following locations: Poland; Germany; Japan; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; The European Union; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; Greece; St. Helena; Denmark; Pakistan; Red China; Sweden; Indonesia; The Netherlands; Colombia; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Italy; Seychelles; and South Africa.
We’ve also attracted the attention of the U.S. government. Data shows government employees are accessing TFS on their work computers.
Sales of J.C.Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda books remain strong. God bless all our followers and readers! Here are the three insightful exposes of the existential threat posed by The Deep State.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C.’s prior exposes on The Deep State:
The original Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33
April 21, 2024
Musings on Liberty, Heritage & Freedom of Thought
No doubt most Americans and billions of people worldwide had no realization this past Friday marked the 249th anniversary of one of the most important events in human history. April 19, 1775, was when 77 simple farmers in Massachusetts revolted against the most powerful empire on earth.
The battle of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the American Revolution against King George III and Great Britain. When the local militia found out the British army was planning to raid their store of munitions in Concord, they marched to Lexington and confronted approximately 700 British troops on the village green in Lexington.
That’s when a shot rang out and the battle commenced. In his 1837 poem, “Concord Hymn,” Ralph Waldo Emerson memorialized it as “the shot heard round the world.”
Those colonists knew having their arms confiscated would lead to even more tyranny, a lesson that still rings true today. What disturbs those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, is how today’s Americans are turning their backs on our heritage of liberty and culture of freedom.
It’s actually shocking April 19 is not celebrated as a National Holiday. It’s one of the single most important days in American history. It’s the day American liberty really came to life. Think of the holidays we do celebrate. They shrink into insignificance compared to April 19.
Of course, the last thing The Deep State and progressive elites want is for Americans to embrace our history as a nation. They would prefer we all view ourselves as “citizens of the world,” like The Kenyan Fraud, Barack Obama. After all, they’re flooding our border with the dregs of humanity to destroy any vestige of American culture.
What the Deep State and its propaganda arm, The Elite Traitor Media (ETM), aim to do is promote a “right way of thinking.” Anything that varies from the prescribed narrative is immediately dismissed as unacceptable.
In the aftermath of the JFK assassination, the CIA created a term for anything that deviated from the establishment version of happened: “conspiracy theory.” Those who advocate a different point of view are smeared as “conspiracy theorists.” They couple that slur with the accusation people with views radically different from their version of events are mentally ill.
Just this week, a man from Florida set himself on fire outside the courtroom in New York where Donald Trump is being subjected to a political persecution disguised as a criminal trial. Max Azzarello left around him pamphlets presenting his views on what is happening in terms of world events. He was immediately portrayed by the ETM as a conspiracy theorist with mental problems.
Obviously, he went to a wild extreme to gain attention, which made it easy to discredit everything he’s written. That way no one would bother to see if there is any grain of truth in what he wrote and advocated. The prevailing narrative stays controlled and unchallenged by dismissing any diverse thinking.
The ETM ignore the fact Max Azzarello was an educated man, with a degree from the University of North Carolina and a graduate degree from Rutgers University. They prefer the public think of him as just another “garden variety” conspiracy theorist and a nut.
The lesson we can draw here is the Deep State and ETM will cast aspersions on those with different points of view. They don’t want even the slightest degree of Freedom of Thought. Those who vary from the mandated official narrative are subjected to all manner of disparagement. Think of Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, etc.
That won’t stop us from speaking out on The Forgotten Street. We are today’s “Paul Reveres” sounding the alarm about the treason happening around us. J.C. Hawkins’ three Betrayal at Bethesda books provide a real clarion call to stand up for liberty and our American heritage.
April 11, 2024
Once Again Democrats Hollow Out Our Military
The current crisis in military recruitment was entirely predictable. The last three Democrat presidents (Clinton, Obama, Biden) did and have done all they can to destroy a once respected institution by turning it into a giant social experiment that’s totally lost its focus on military readiness.
This of course fits well with The Deep State agenda to undermine American sovereignty and pave the way for a one world fascistic government.
Having fully incorporated a “woke” mentality into the military, the Biden regime and current Pentagon leadership have made enlistment in the military as unattractive as possible for potential recruits. The recent release of a video showing an Air Force airman being harassed and beaten for refusing to receive the COVID vaccination shows the intolerance in the military for anyone wanting to preserve their religious rights and follow the Nuremberg Code requirement of “informed consent” for medical procedures.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, have admired how many of our fellow citizens were eager to serve their country and put themselves in harm’s way to preserve our freedoms. We recognized the military’s insistence on discipline and tough standards as the means to create the finest fighting force in the world.
Unhappily, modern Democrat presidents have insisted on imposing their radical left-wing agenda on the military that’s resulted in a startling demolition of morale and pride in serving. A key ingredient in their agenda is to attack white people as racist and right-wing. What they completely ignore is young rural white men, particularly Southerners, have formed the backbone of our military for more than a century.
Dave Martin, a.k.a. DC Dave, recently posted a column regarding this issue on DC that perfectly summarizes the dilemma we now face with our military. “Richard Petty’s Hometown and the U.S. Military” celebrates the incredible contribution that rural white men made in building a military based on merit and morals that reflected community values shared across America.
He decries the poisonous impact the indoctrination of DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) is having on the armed forces. Dave notes the number of white recruits into the military has dropped from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023. The decline likely reflects the knowledge that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has put a hold on promotions for white officers because “there are too many.” Thus, he confirms the military no longer is a merit-based organization. You will be judged simply on where you fit into the racial and gender quota system that permeates the services.
All this has accelerated under Joe Biden’s mismanagement. That should come as no surprise. Biden’s political hero is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who gravely undermined the U.S. military during his first two terms prior to World War II.
J.C. Hawkins’ latest book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, reveals the degradation of the military in its chapter on FDR. Here is an excerpt:
“This wasn’t the first time FDR ignored the advice of his top military leaders. General Douglas MacArthur, one of America’s greatest patriots, served as Army Chief of Staff during the early days of the New Deal. He became dismayed when FDR’s budget director proposed cutting the Army’s budget in half and reducing the budget for the War Department by $80 million. Speaking to a graduating class of cadets at West Point, MacArthur called it a “stunning blow to national defense” and asserted national defense was being “sacrificed in the name of the economy.”
“FDR and the general were men with massive egos. At a War Department meeting, FDR rejected pleas for more money for national defense. MacArthur responded with this savage reply: “When we lose the next war and an American boy, lying in the mud with an enemy bayonet through his belly and an enemy foot on his dying throat, spits out his last curse, I want the name to be Roosevelt, not MacArthur.”
“FDR didn’t budge. By 1939, the U.S. Army ranked 19th in the world with 174,000 men, fewer than the Portuguese army. MacArthur and others urged the president to take the political risk to get the nation prepared for the war that appeared on the horizon. But FDR wouldn’t move forward without public support. He deviously kept insisting publicly he wouldn’t send American boys to another European war. MacArthur famously noted that FDR was “a man who would never tell the truth when a lie would serve him just as well.”
“The events leading up to and happening at Pearl Harbor are discussed in detail in Betrayal at Bethesda II. What is beyond any question is that Franklin Delano Roosevelt bears full responsibility for the deaths of the 2,403 innocent American servicemen who slaughtered at Pearl Harbor. He was aided and abetted in this treasonous dereliction of duty by General Marshall, who would go on to more questionable behavior under President Harry Truman. Senator McCarthy would call out Marshall for the national disgrace he was in his legendary June 14, 1951, speech to the Senate.”
Like his hero FDR, Joe Biden has betrayed the military by letting it become a playground for social activists. We all should shudder to think of the possible price we may pay one day for this treason. May God help us.
(J.C.’s three Betrayal at Bethesda books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
April 6, 2024
Western Civilization Is Being Murdered
The signs are all around us and have been for some time. The pace of decline grows more rapid each day. Massive illegal immigration, the attacks on Christianity, the growth of cultural Marxism, and now the explosion in anti-Semitism make the looming demise potentially irreversible.
One event in particular capsulizes how the West is bent on killing itself: The October slaughter of Israeli Jews attending a festival by Hamas. The medieval savagery and satanic cruelty involved should have galvanized the West and most of the world in unity behind the Israeli government’s decision to eradicate the Subhumans.
Instead, we are subjected to the thoroughly disgusting spectacle of pro-Hamas demonstrations here in America and major cities throughout Europe. The motivating forced behind them is abject Jew hatred and support for the imposition of a hostile Palestinian state on Israel’s doorstep.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who were raised with Judeo-Christian Values are sickened by what we see around us.
Behind the scenes, the gangster Biden regime is doing all it can to undermine and overthrow the government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Other alleged Western leaders are calling for Netanyahu to stop his military operations and agree to a ceasefire as a prelude to the dreaded “Two-State Solution” that will ultimately sound the death knell for Israel.
The Bastard President has unilaterally ended a 75-year history of solid American support for Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It’s clear his goal is to put a more liberal government in charge of Israel to further the cause of a Palestinian state. This despite the stated goal of Hamas and other Palestinian groups to eradicate Israel and rain death on all Jews.
If, in fact, there still is a remnant of Western civilization, a united front of Western countries would be calling for the elimination of Hamas in the region. Hamas is simply used by Iran as its muscle in the region to terrorize and murder Israelis.
It’s sickening how American academia has become a haven for anti-Semitism. It’s gotten to a point where Jewish students are threatened daily and fearful for their ability to pursue an education. Craven university administrators make no secret of their Jew hatred by refusing to punish students who are harassing Jews on campus.
It’s also an example of how universities no longer encourage diversity of thought. They are firmly aligned with Cultural Marxism that’s the Deep State vanguard for tearing down Western civilization and Judeo-Christian values that previously made the United States the most desirable country on the planet.
Coupled with this is the insane attack on White People as the cause of all misery on Planet Earth. The maniacal Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) movements are designed to demonize whites, encourage racial hatred in minorities against them, and destroy Judeo-Christian values.
The plain fact is White people developed and built Western Civilization. Obviously, it wasn’t perfect. But it was the best humanity had done to date. Slavery was clearly a blight on it. But we must recognize slavery was and still is practiced throughout the world. It exists in many places, such as the Middle East and Asia.
It took the brilliance of Our Founding Fathers to create a framework for self-governance that featured liberty and inalienable individual rights in The Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. Truly these heroes were inspired by their Judeo-Christian upbringing.
It took the death of many whites in the American Civil War and the more modern-day struggle for civil rights that eliminated the practice of slavery and the remnants of racial discrimination. Impetus for those successes lay in the Founding Documents developed by prominent American leaders in the British colonies. The American experiment became a model for many countries throughout the world.
Yet, race hustlers and other assorted scam artists keep pushing for “reparations” for Black Americans. This income redistribution scheme would do communism proud, making people who had nothing to do with slavery pay other people who have grown up with full civil rights. Reparations are simply a form of legalized thievery. It’s clear the sacrifices and deaths of our forebears don’t count for anything.
The number of left-wing white people sucked into the movement to demonize Jews and Christians while tearing down Western civilization just demonstrates how thoroughly rotten our education system has become from top to bottom. We must do all we can to fight this madness before the world is plunged into the total tyranny desired by The Deep State. We must keep faith in our values and the civilization they reflect.
Thanks for reading! J.C. is pleased to report his other cataract surgery went well. We now have eyesight better than it’s been in decades.
We greatly appreciate the support of our readers, both at home and abroad. In March, we welcomed visitors from the following locations: Germany; The European Union; The Czech Republic; Poland; Spain; St. Helena; The Netherlands; Bangladesh; Thailand; The Russian Federation; Red China; France; Turkey; Vietnam; Sweden; Brazil; Colombia; Italy; The United Kingdom; Australia; Ecuador; Greece; and Indonesia.
Sales of J.C.’s Betrayal at Bethesda books remain strong. In March we had foreign purchases in Canada, Denmark, and France. God bless all our followers and readers! Here are the three insightful exposes of the existential threat posed by The Deep State.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C. Hawkins’ prior exposes on The Deep State:
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:1-3
March 6, 2024
The Biden Regime Makes Citizenship Meaningless
For more than a century, people around the world have dreamed about immigrating to America and becoming United States citizens. They’ve dared grueling voyages and flights to enter a daunting process with the hope of winning naturalization to get on the path to citizenship.
In hardly more than the blink of an eye, Joe Biden and his illegitimate regime have rendered that dream meaningless. A wide-open border, both north and south, has unleashed a flood of illegal aliens now well on their way to enjoying the benefits of our country without making the effort to do it legally.
The Bastard President and his minions have shipped hundreds of thousands of these invaders across our country to fulfill The Deep State agenda of destroying American sovereignty and promoting one world government. Like the communists Biden and his henchmen truly are, they’re perverting the language going from calling the migrants “undocumented” to their latest iteration, deeming them “newcomers.”
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who’ve been wise to the machinations of communists here and abroad know their evil agenda works insidiously to use language to attack traditional values and morals.
“Newcomers” is a perfectly predictable moniker from the Obama/Biden crowd who know The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) will provide a megaphone to sell it to the public. It fits well because the Biden regime certainly has rolled out the Welcome Wagon for the invading horde.
At this point we should take a step back and consider what citizenship really means in Biden’s America. If you’re an American in a foreign country undergoing turmoil, you no longer are safe from being taken as a hostage, as we’ve seen in recent years in Afghanistan and Israel. Those American citizens have been totally abandoned by a State department run by and staffed with communists. One cornerstone of citizenship has been the right to vote, but with the advent of enhanced Democrat voting subterfuge and fraud that’s become almost worthless.
No doubt the Biden Newcomers will gain access to the polls in November, perhaps through their free cellphones or mail-in ballots at their government-provided accommodations. They’ve already been bribed with debit cards loaded with thousands of dollars. While Joe Biden has become an object of scorn among patriotic Americans, he is virtually a “God” to the invaders.
Meanwhile the number of homeless American citizens, many of them veterans, is exploding as they are horribly neglected by governments at every level. For them, the rights of citizenship mean less than the rights of criminal invaders. A truly moral country should never let something like this exist.
Long ago immigrants came to this country bringing needed skills and a work ethic that helped them assimilate readily into a growing America. Today’s millions of uninvited squatters are bringing something much different. They’ve re-introduced diseases like tuberculosis that were long since vanquished. They cross the border with no vaccination record or health examination by authorities. They also bring murder, rape, dangerous drugs, and gang mayhem. Many of them have been on terrorist watch lists. Others are military age from countries that are sworn enemies of America. What on earth could go wrong?
These are the people Joe Biden and the ETM welcome as “newcomers.” The Deep State views this as a great success. American patriots recognize it for what it truly is: Outright Treason.
Thanks for reading! During the past six years, Forgotten Street founder J.C. Hawkins has written three books revealing the outrageous treason committed by The Deep State and its treacherous agents. The challenges we face as a result are exposed in J.C. Hawkins’ latest book:
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C. Hawkins prior exposes on The Deep State:
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” Romans 13:12
February 2, 2024
Joe Biden’s Treasonous War on the United States Constitution
When it comes to outright contempt for the United States Constitution, and the Oath of Office presidents take to uphold it, no one can touch Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. He is the perfect stooge for The Deep State and its drive to destroy American sovereignty and create a One World Government. The invasion gateway we call the Southern Border of the United States demonstrates how the Biden regime fully ignores Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion: and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott decided a long time ago he couldn’t depend on Biden to do his constitutional duty, so he opted to use the Texas National Guard and Texas Ranger police to protect the border from further invasion.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main State USA, are heartened that 25 governors stand with Abbott in his defiance of Biden and are determined to uphold the rights of states to defend their citizens when the federal government chooses to be derelict in its duty.
This is simply the most egregious example of Biden’s hatred of the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. We need look no further for another example than his weaponizing the Department of Justice to persecute his political enemies through lawfare. Former President Donald Trump is dealing with multiple challenges on that front while innocent Americans who exercised their First Amendment rights to free speech and lawful assembly on January 6, 2021, outside the United States Capitol are still being hunted down, arrested on spurious charges, and denied their legal right of due process.
It doesn’t end there. Biden turns a deaf ear to rulings of the United States Supreme Court. His outrageous waiving of college student loan debt is in clear violation of a Court ruling prohibiting his unilateral action.
On a global front, the outlaw Biden regime pursues war on multiple fronts in Europe, the Middle East and Asia without true congressional oversight.
Biden’s totalitarian nature has surfaced in several occasions in speeches where he becomes “Der Furor” or “Old Yeller” screaming about his enemies while accusing them of wanting to “destroy democracy.” This is especially rich from a man whose 2020 election is tainted by credible accounts of election interference and outright fraud. Fortunately for him, The Bastard President has The Elite Traitor Media to serve as his “Amen Chorus” pumping out Fake News.
He’s even violated the privacy rights of travelling citizens with a new program of facial recognition being implemented by the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) at airports nationwide. When travelling to Connecticut for a Christmas visit, my wife and I were stunned at the TSA checkpoint when we were asked to provide our driver’s license (standard operating procedure) but also have our faces photographed before going through security.
TSA has responded to criticism of this intrusion by saying it was strictly voluntary. That’s a damnable lie. At no point were we informed we didn’t have to comply if we were uncomfortable with the request to be photographed. I knew instantly this is all about the federal government constructing a facial recognition data base that can be used to track individuals wherever they go. The Deep State is doing all it can to limit our freedom to travel wherever we want and maintain a sense of privacy.
1984 has arrived in 2024 thanks to the Biden regime’s campaign to destroy the U.S. Constitution and undermine our liberty.
Thanks for reading! The treachery of The Deep State just grows worse in 2024. We’ve entered a new year that promises many challenges ahead. Some of those challenges are exposed in J.C. Hawkins’ latest book:
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C. Hawkins prior exposes on The Deep State:
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
“But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
January 13, 2024
Did MLK Jr. Die in Vain? Hidden Background From His Murder
On Monday, Americans will observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in honor of the martyred civil rights leader. As noted in Chapter 13 of J.C. Hawkins’ new book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, race baiters have killed King’s dream of Americans living together in a color-blind society. These frauds preach division built around the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and toxic ideas like Critical Race Theory (CRT), reparations, and “white supremacy.”
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who were alive during the heyday of the civil rights movement were moved by the struggle of King and other black leaders trying to end segregation and fully open the doors of opportunity for everyone.
King built his movement around the concepts of peaceful demonstrations and civil disobedience. He spurned the desires of black hotheads who wanted to use more violent means to achieve their ends. This disagreement created a schism, leading some younger leaders to look for ways to oust King from his leadership of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which King and others founded in 1957.
What many of us realized early on, and what the King family came to recognize, is that King was murdered by The Deep State in a cynical conspiracy that promoted the phony narrative of an assassination by a racist criminal named James Earl Ray. As Hawkins has exposed in his threeBetrayal at Bethesda books, Ray was simply a patsy sucked into the conspiracy in hopes of a quick payday.
A deeper dive into the events of April 4, 1968, reveals lingering questions that remain unresolved. For many years, FBI Director J.Edgar Hoover had King under surveillance as a suspected communist. The FBI used informants to penetrate the SCLC and assist in tracking King’s movements and placing wiretaps wherever he stayed or lived. Such individuals were in place in Memphis when King came to lend assistance and call attention to striking city sanitation workers.
One of the strange aspects of King’s Memphis visit was how he wound up staying at the Lorraine Motel instead of downtown hotels where he’d stayed on other visits. Not only did alleged SCLC associates arrange for the rooms there, they also moved King from the ground to the second floor room 306 where he would be exposed to danger on the outdoor balcony. Long-time FBI informant James Harrison, comptroller of the SCLC, was on hand for the visit, but left abruptly on a 1 p.m. flight back to Atlanta, just five hours before King’s murder.
On the scene the entire time was Marrell McCollough, an undercover intelligence officer in the Memphis Police Department who was assigned to infiltrate a group of militant Memphis civil rights activists called “The Invaders.” Unbeknownst to them, McCollough was spying on them. He served as a driver for the Invaders. Years later, he became an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
When the shot rang out and hit King, McCollough was in the motel parking lot and rushed to the balcony where he retrieved a towel and cradled King’s head to try to stop the bleeding. What is most puzzling about the scene is that once the shot was fired, others on the balcony were photographed pointing in the direction of where they thought the shot came from.
That response has always bothered me. If someone near me was shot, I would immediately hit the deck or run for cover before more shots could be fired. That would be the normal human instinct. It’s almost as if they knew King was the only target and they were in no danger.
King and other SCLC leaders had been invited for a soul food supper at the house of the Reverend Billy Kyles, a Memphis pastor who tried to position himself as a civil rights leader. The dinner invitation served to lure King onto the balcony before descending to the parking lot to be driven to Kyles’ home. After some brief banter with people down below him in the parking lot, King was fatally shot.
The bullet that struck King hit him in the lower right jaw and moved downward, severing his spinal cord before lodging just under the skin by his left shoulder blade. That suggests the shooter was a highly-trained sniper, perhaps with military experience, who know just where to aim to inflict maximum damage.
What’s odd is the bullet didn’t exit King’s body, as you might expect a projectile from a high-powered rifle to do. That suggests it might have been a ”short shot,” meaning the powder may have been defective and not enough to push the bullet all the way through the body. Also, the downward trajectory may have slowed the shot once it entered King’s jaw.
In the motel parking lot at the time of the murder was Solomon Jones, who was serving as King’s driver. Jones called up to King on the balcony to tell him to bring a jacket that it would be cooler later in the evening. At that point the shot rang out. Jones said he ducked and turned in the direction of the sound. He claims he saw a man in the bushes below the back of the rooming house across the street.
Jones said the man may have had a white covering over his face. The man then appeared to throw something to the side, got up from the bushes, walked to a nearby retaining wall, jumped down, and mingled into the crowd outside the motel before disappearing. Jones claimed the man wore a plaid shirt and jacket.
The Jones statement made to police certainly contradicted the narrative of a shot being fired from the rooming house. Thus was King’s dream shattered.
J.C. Hawkins sums up our current racial situation in pages 140-41 of his new book:
“No doubt the racial indoctrination in public schools with fraudulent ideas like CRT, white privilege, and the 1619 Project that bastardizes American history skips right over the idealism of Martin Luther King, Jr. His words still have meaning today, but the race hustlers who push scams like BLM have shamed them and further widened a void in our society.
“As America slides further into racial animosity, mob rule and disdain for the rule of law, aided by fascist corporate leadership, left-wing academia, and treasonous media, we must vigorously fight back and pray our Creator will give us the strength to prevail! We must pray for the day when we truly might be Free at Last!”
To properly honor Martin Luther King, we must return to his credo of judging people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.
Thanks for reading! Two weeks into a new year shows us many challenges that lie ahead. 2024 is the year in which our character really will be tested.
December closed out a year in which The Forgotten Street continued to enjoy strong readership. In December, we welcomed visitors from the following foreign locations: Germany; The European Union; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; Red China; Poland; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Spain; Italy; The Ivory Coast; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Bulgaria; Colombia; Ecuador; Indonesia; India; The Netherlands.
God bless our followers here at home and throughout the world.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic is available in paperback and Kindle versions on, along with J.C. Hawkins prior exposes on The Deep State:
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy
Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News
The Betrayal at Bethesda historical trilogy must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 18th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C.’s daily commentary on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersover thou goest. JOSHUA 1:9
December 31, 2023
Happy New Year ???? Hardly, the Worst is Yet to Come
While the pundit world obsesses over political polls that have virtually little meaning this far away from the November 2024 election, they continue to ignore the single defining issue of our time.
The United States of America is undergoing a deliberately planned invasion on its Southern Border as the gangster Biden Regime in Washington commits the greatest treason in our nation’s history. The millions of undocumented illegal aliens who’ve flooded into our country are not here seeking a better life. They are seeking the end of our civilization as we know it.
Joe Biden is knowingly allowing this atrocity to happen in full defiance of the United States Constitution. Governors of border states like Texas and Arizona are at their wits’ end waiting for the federal government to enforce our immigration laws. The federal officials charged with protecting our border security are collaborating with The Deep State in pushing a population replacement policy that will further the goal of a fascist one world government.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know full well we’ve been sold down the river and the destruction of our country looms on the horizon. Happy Flippin’ New Year!
What the illegitimate Biden regime and its Bastard President are doing in terms of immigration policy is in full violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
The Department of Homeland Security, led by the treacherous Alejandro Mayorkas, has no handle on the illegal aliens who’ve entered the country. They’ve made no effort to determine the reasons for illegals coming here and what possible diseases they’ve brought with them. Instead, they’ve handed out debit cards with cash amounts on them as well as cell phones, for which we are stuck paying the monthly service fees. The Border Patrol just processes them as asylum seekers.
Folks, this is the very definition of an “invasion.” Sadly, our government is facilitating it.
Congress remains totally asleep at the switch. If the Republican House majority were truly in charge, it would be refusing to fund the government if the border was not secure. While the leadership goes through the political masturbation of a so-called impeachment inquiry related to Biden and his crime family, it should be focused on the real issue, Joe Biden’s outright treason of violating Article IV, Section 4.
As the invading horde spreads out across America, putting enormous strain on major cities already on the brink of collapse, and with possible terrorists setting up “sleeper cells” to be activated during 2024 in the runup of the 2024 election, it seems highly likely 2024 will be marked by a severe economic downturn, rising crime nationwide, and chaos at the community level.
Happy New Year???? I don’t think that’s likely at all.
Thanks for reading. I hate the end the year and start a new one on such a depressing note, but Americans must wake up to reality. Those of you who still care can read more about the Deep State’s treachery in J.C. Hawkins’ new groundbreaking book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of the American Republic, available in paperback and Kindle versions on Learn what readers in America, Canada, Japan, and Brazil have already found out.
May God have mercy on us!
December 17, 2023
Marxist Nihilism is Destroying the United States of America
As Marxist Nihilists carry forward their quest to eradicate American history and destroy the religious and cultural ties that bind our union, they’ve turned their attention to the Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery. In act of total disgrace, the Congressional Naming Commission charged with removing the names of Confederate generals from U.S. Army bases also ordered the removal of the monument.
The memorial was commissioned under an act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1900 to establish a section in Arlington Cemetery for the honorable burial of 260 Confederate soldiers. This occurred while the Civil War was very much on the minds of Americans after its end.
Upon the conclusion of the war in 1865, President Lincoln called for reconciliation and a binding of the union to close that chapter in our history. He had the foresight to recognize there still were religious and cultural ties that could unite the Union and Confederate states into one country again.
Three of Lincoln’s successors, beginning with William McKinley in 1900, recognized veterans of the Union and Southern armies had come together in the Spanish-American War to reconcile and fight side by side for their country.
Today’s progressives and hard-core leftists are so uneducated, ill-informed, and consumed by hatred of America they keep trying to rewrite and eliminate the true history of our country. Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, value our shared heritage and ability to unite around one Flag and Republic.
A Union army veteran and war hero, President McKinley supported the Confederate section at Arlington, noting “Sectional feeling no longer holds back the love we bear each other …The Union is once more the common altar of our love and loyalty, our devotion and sacrifice.”
Not long after that, Secretary of War William Taft received a request for the erection of a monument of reconciliation that would honor the confederates buried at Arlington in Section 16. World renowned American sculptor Moses Ezekiel was commissioned to design the memorial. Ezekiel had been the first Jewish cadet at the Virginia Military Institute and served in the Confederate army.
After becoming president, Taft then presided over the laying of the cornerstone for the monument in 1912, declaring it “a beautiful monument to the heroic dead of the South” and calling the ceremony “a benediction of all true Americans.”
Two years later, then President Woodrow Wilson unveiled the monument as “an emblem of a united people.” He also declared “this chapter in the history of the United States closed.” Unhappily, the Marxist Nihilists have reopened the national wound and done all they can to sow lies and division.
The looming removal of the monument, blessed by the totally useless Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, will negate the role of four United States presidents (Lincoln, McKinley, Taft, Wilson) in promoting reconciliation and honoring the dead buried in Arlington. Their efforts at reunification are now scorned by promoters of racial hatred like BLM and grievance mongers trying to inculcate a victimhood mentality and hatred of white people in young black people.
The Reconciliation Monument was Ezekiel’s greatest artistic achievement and serves as his headstone. Removing the monument is fully in keeping with the anti-Semitism that Marxist Nihilists are exhibiting on college campuses across America and in our major cities. For them, desecration of graves means absolutely nothing.
The movement to remove any vestige of Confederate memorials wants to deny the reunification that America achieved after the Civil War. It’s completely anti-American and morally repugnant.
Thanks for reading! Had the opportunity to watch “The Man Who Invented Christmas” on Prime Video. It’s the story of how Charles Dickens came to write “A Christmas Carol.” Absolutely wonderful, now our favorite Christmas movie. The late Christopher Plummer is incredible as Ebenezer Scrooge.
Time is of the essence to get J.C. Hawkins’ latest work, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, available in paperback and Kindle versions on Chapter Two details the role Marxist Nihilists played in the conspiracy to murder William McKinley.
It makes a great Christmas gift, as do J.C.’s two earlier Betrayal at Bethesda books. If you’re really feeling generous, spring for the full trilogy!
Royalties from J.C.’s books support the efforts of The Forgotten Street, now in its 18th year.
“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. ISAIAH 55:6-7
December 9, 2023
82 Years After Pearl Harbor, America is Under a New, More Deadly Attack
Thursday night I joined a distinguished panel on The Schiffer Report to revisit the Pearl Harbor attack on its 82n anniversary. It was a great show! You can find it archived at We provided insight on the background on how the attack came about and that President Roosevelt and key military brass knew it was coming in advance.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, recognize the United States is under a more dire attack today. Our Pearl Harbor is occurring at our Southern border as literally millions of illegal aliens have flooded into our country, aided, and abetted by the worst traitors in American history in the illegitimate Biden regime.
The Bastard President hasn’t just turned a blind eye to a massive invasion. He’s facilitated it knowing full well the dangers it presents. We have no idea where these people have come from, why they came here, and where they’re headed as the Biden team has dispersed them throughout the United States, providing them with money and cell phones at our expense.
In response, governors in Texas and Florida sent busloads of them to sanctuary cities like New York. Mayor Eric Adams at first welcomed them with open arms until he realized the horrible mess that’s resulted in the nation’s largest city and financial hub. Now he’s begging the Biden Administration for help and getting nothing but a cold shoulder.
Reports are surfacing of military age young men of Middle Eastern and Chinese origin crossing the border in Texas and Arizona. Are they on their way to form “sleeper cells” that can be activated to carry out attacks against soft targets such as our electrical grid and gatherings of innocent Americans?
As heinous as the actions of Democrats and progressives have been, what’s equally contemptible is the impotent response from Republicans and Congress in general. The border crisis is not a new issue. It’s been festering for years, well before the Biden presidency.
The failure of our elected leaders and representatives to develop a solution that ensures our national security and deals fairly with those who’ve been here long enough to put down roots and become productive, law-abiding people is frankly appalling.
When politicians are more concerned about the Ukrainian border than our own we’ve truly entered Superman’s Bizarro World. You have to ask, “what is the end game?” The answer is painfully obvious. They are carrying out The Deep State mission to destroy American sovereignty and smooth the way for a one world government.
The government’s failure to carry out its constitutional duty has led to a surge in the sale of firearms as Americans realize they can no longer depend on the federal, state and local governments to protect us from those who wish us harm. The open border has increased the flow of lethal drugs, weaponry, criminal gangs, and disease in the United States. We are heading for a return to the Wild West, where it will be every man, woman and child for himself or herself.
Conditions are ripening for major disruptions that are likely to spring up in 2024. Those hoping for the 2024 election to provide a solution to these problems should be prepared for chaos that will put a fair and legitimate election in jeopardy. We must get ready now to stem the tide that threatens to engulf us and destroy our country.
This is our Pearl Harbor. And it’s no sneak attack. It’s been coming for years.
Thanks for reading! We deeply appreciate the support of American patriots on The Forgotten Street. Our goal is to provide the news, history and perspective missing from The Elite Traitor Media. We also are grateful for our foreign visitors.
In November they came from the following locations: Germany; The Russian Federation; The European Union; The Czech Republic; St. Helena; Red China; Kenya; New Zealand; Singapore; Australia; The United Kingdom; Spain; Iceland; Moldova; South Africa; Belarus; Japan; Thailand; Brazil; The Ivory Coast; Colombia; France; Italy; The Netherlands; and The British Indian Ocean Territory.
Time to get moving on your Christmas shopping. At the top of the list, put J.C. Hawkins’ latest book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic. It’s available on in paperback and Kindle Versions along with his first two Betrayal at Bethesda books. Sales are moving along well, including readers in Canada, Japan and Brazil.
Media wanting review copies and interviews can make requests by email to
“I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and every work.” ECCLESIASTES 3:17
December 6, 2023
J.C. Hawkins Returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday Night
Forgotten Street founder and author J.C. Hawkins returns to The Schiffer Report Thursday night on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time. Conservative activist and host Paul Schiffer will note the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as well as comment on the legacy of Henry Kissinger.
In his three Betrayal at Bethesda books, J.C. has reviewed the American treachery involved in the Pearl Harbor attack. This event was discussed in detail a year ago with J.C. and Paul’s Ohio friend A.C. Clips from that show will be played Thursday night.
Paul and J.C. also will comment on J.C.’s latest book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, which details how patriotic Americans have sacrificed their lives and freedom to fight The Deep State agenda to destroy our Republic and create a One World Government. The book is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
It’s divided into two parts: Part One, The Road Travelled, which discusses the history of The Deep State from the beginning of the 20th Century to today; and Part Two, The Perils Ahead, which reviews crucial issues that underscore the treachery of The Deep State currently underway.
Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button. The Schiffer Report is noted for its provocative and in-depth analysis of issues conservatives and Christians face on a daily basis. Its audience is growing throughout the Midwest and Canada. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio Network.
J.C. Hawkins is available for media interviews. He can be contacted by email at Media requests for review copies of the new book can be directed to the same address.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. PSALMS 100:1-3
December 4, 2023
Locking Officials Up at Bethesda Naval Hospital is Not Unusual
Readers of J.C. Hawkins three Betrayal at Bethesda books know he’s discussed in detail how The Deep State spirited former Defense Secretary James Forrestal away from vacation in Florida to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on April 2, 1949, where he was admitted suffering from exhaustion after his March 28 retirement from the Defense Department and government.
Essentially held against his will on spurious medical reasons, Forrestal died seven weeks later in a mysterious fall from the 16th floor of the hospital. The Elite Traitor Media narrative has been that he committed suicide, while private researchers like David Martin and Hawkins have persuasively maintained Forrestal was murdered.
Recently The Forgotten Street came across information suggesting Forrestal was not the only government official incarcerated at Bethesda to avoid possible political scandals.
In the wake of the death of former diplomat Henry Kissinger, it’s been learned that a prominent officer in the U.S. Navy claimed he was abducted from a Washington D.C. street in August 1970 and taken to the Bethesda hospital where he was held against his will for four weeks.
Rear Admiral Ira Ellis McMillian claims he’d proposed to President Richard Nixon that he could help end the Vietnam War through his personal connection with North Vietnamese leader Le Duan who succeeded Ho Chi Minh when Ho died in 1969. He asserts Kissinger was involved in the abduction and McMillian’s admission to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.
McMillian maintains this happened to keep his proposal from surfacing during the fall political season. He wound up filing a class action lawsuit asserting that Kissinger, Nixon, and others “conspired to kidnap an admiral because he knew of a way to end the Vietnam War two years before Nixon did.” Kissinger’s strategies in fact extended the war.
The admiral was a decorated World War II and Korean War veteran, who’d been awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star, Legion of Merit and Purple Heart. He was buried with honors in Arlington National Cemetery in 1987. His story has been ignored and covered up for too long. An extensive Internet search, including futile efforts on Google and Bing, ultimately surfaced what we report today.
All three Betrayal at Bethesda books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
November 22, 2023
The JFK Assassination: What We Know After 60 Years
Today marks 60 years since the greatest crime in American history: the brutal public murder of President John F. Kennedy. For those of us alive then, it shattered much of our illusions about our country and life in general. We’ll never forget where we were when we heard the news. It’s haunted us ever since.
In all that’s been written about that day, how it came about, and what happened in its aftermath, there’s one enormous mistake that’s been made in how it should be viewed: It’s been seen as a “one-off” isolated event, an aberration in American life. Nothing could be farther from reality.
Forgotten Street Founder J.C. Hawkins was the first to offer a broader historical perspective. In his landmark book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy he maintained the JFK murder was related to the mysterious deaths of other American political leaders. James Forrestal was his mentor, Joe McCarthy a family friend and fellow WWII vet. These three American patriots formed the vanguard in the fight against domestic and global communism. Their political alliance was truly formidable.
Within a 14-year period, they all died mysterious, violent deaths and their bodies all wound up in the same place: the morgue at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. J.C. was the first researcher and author to offer the theory the deaths were all murders and directly connected.
McCarthy was highly suspicious of Forrestal’s death and likely to investigate it. But he died before he could. Kennedy would have been in a prime position to reopen inquiries into the Forrestal and McCarthy deaths after winning re-election in 1964. The Deep State simply couldn’t allow that.
On the last Memorial Day of JFK’s life, he visited Arlington National Cemetery to participate in the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and deliver remarks honoring our war dead. After the ceremony he made a visit to James Forrestal’s grave and remarked to his friend Grant Stockdale who accompanied him, “It’s so peaceful. I could stay here forever.” Little did he know six months later he would do just that.
Also with President Kennedy that day was his toddler son, John Jr. It’s been speculated that young John, well remembered for his salute to his father’s coffin on the day of the funeral, learned to salute on his visit to Arlington that Memorial Day.
The Warren Commission Report is beyond absurd. Its conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was a “lone nut gunman” who fired three shots from behind to kill JFK and wound Texas Governor John Connally is based on the ridiculous “magic bullet” theory concocted by Arlen Specter and Gerald Ford. It defies the laws of physics, ballistics, and common sense. It also was the key ingredient in a treasonous coverup.
The truth of the JFK murder is revealed by the nature of Kennedy’s wounds. Clearly there had to be shots fired from in front of him to create the wounds documented in the Parkland Hospital trauma room, recalled by autopsy photographers, and noted by funeral home workers.
Conclusive evidence of the fraud perpetrated in the Warren Commission Report and autopsy can be found in notes made by Thomas Robinson, the embalmer from Gawler Funeral Home in Washington D.C. who prepared the body for burial. He documents two shrapnel wounds to Kennedy’s face that have never been discussed or adequately explained. He packed them with wax. A likely source could be shards of windshield glass caused by a bullet fired from in front that may have struck JFK in the throat.
Robinson also used a rubber patch to cover the gaping hole in the lower back of the right side of Kennedy’s head that is consistent with a shot from the front. That same wound was described in detail by attending physicians in Dallas as well as Secret Service agents. It appears nowhere in the autopsy report.
Oswald was arrested shortly after the assassination and taken to the Dallas jail. Have any of you ever wondered about how quickly the news media gathered so much information about Oswald, his Marine Corps service, his defection to the Soviet Union, his Russian wife, and his possible support of Fidel Castro?
Remember, this happened in pre-Internet days. Information could not be summoned at the click of a computer button. Clearly the news media had to be spoon-fed so much information in so short a time. It suggests the CIA had its narrative and talking points prepared and ready to go right after the shooting.
Speculation continues as to who killed Kennedy, why, and how it was planned. Like any other murder case, the first starting point is motive. Who would benefit from it? The usual suspects are Lyndon Johnson, the CiA, Mafia, Cuban exiles, right-wing extremists and possibly a combination of them.
For a plot of this magnitude, it takes a lot of foot soldiers to clandestinely carry out their roles to make it happen. Surprisingly, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison got extremely close to uncovering it all during his unsuccessful prosecution of businessman Clay Shaw for his involvement in the assassination.
In J.C.’s new book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, he explains how the plot was formulated in Europe to avoid detection and shield its masterminds from being unmasked. The remaining unreleased JFK assassination files may very well contain information that will prove him right.
In addition, he suggests the plot was part of a larger Deep State global operation that had already targeted other world leaders.
BAB III is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Thanks for reading! Let’s keep digging and pushing for the truth to finally come out. Requests for J.C. media interviews and review copies of his new book can be directed to
Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be envious at the wicked; For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. PROVERBS 25:19-20
November 13, 2023
Is 2024 Ripe for A Third-Party Candidate?
Much of the speculation on the 2024 presidential contest focuses on a rematch between incumbent Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump. But is America ready for a rehash of 2020 beween two candidates toting a ton of baggage into the election?
The national mood is sour, with most people thinking the country is on the wrong track and headed for tougher economic times while facing multiple challenges on the global front. The prospect of the Ukraine War, Middle East turmoil, and a Red Chinese threat to Taiwan mushrooming into a global war is growing daily.
For this reason, we on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, think the time may be ripe for a third-party candidate to emerge who could seriously disrupt the chances of either Biden or Trump, or maybe even both. Theoretically we could wind up with a president elected with considerably less than 50% of the vote.
Having seen how the Democrat nominating process was completely rigged against him, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., decided to try the third-party route. Of course, he faces the considerable obstacle of getting on the ballot in 50 states. But he is a tough, smart operator who has the guts to try anyway.
Perennial Green Party candidate Jill Stein again has thrown her hat into the ring. Raising speculation on the sidelines is West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who’s opted not to seek re-election in the face of a strong challenge from popular Governor Jim Justice.
For those of you not around in previous serious third party runs, here’s a recap. In 1968 Alabama Governor George Wallace challenged Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey for the presidency. He garnered 13.5% of the vote and the electoral votes of five Southern states, resulting in a very close election which Nixon won by a thin margin.
More recently, billionaire Ross Perot went up against incumbent Republican President George Bush and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton. Perot gained 19% of the vote, hurting Bush who made the mistake of violating a previous pledge to not raise taxes. As a result, the reprobate Clinton won.
Current polling shows Kennedy pulling between 20 and 25% of the popular vote, which would present major headaches for both Biden and Trump. Stein pulled only 1% in her last Green Party run in 2016.
Unlike Biden and Trump, who both sound like angry old men vowing to wreak revenge on their political enemies, Kennedy wisely talks of running as a non-partisan American seeking to unite the country around common ideals.
In announcing his decision to run as an independent, Kennedy traveled to Philadelphia and called for Democrats, Republicans, and independents to join him in a new “Declaration of Independence.” He hit all the right notes:
“We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government. We declare independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the military contractors, and their lobbyists. We declare independence from the mercenary media that fortifies corporate orthodoxies, and urges us to hate our neighbors and fear our friends.
“We declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions. And finally, we declare independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them, and the entire rigged system of rancor and rage, corruption and lies, that has turned government officials into indentured servants of their corporate bosses. We declare our independence from these corrupting powers because they are incompatible with the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our original Declaration of Independence invoked in 1776.”
You can’t get any more populist than that. Talk about giving The Deep State and status quo a jolt! No wonder Biden refuses to give Bobby any Secret Service protection.
Trump certainly appealed to Americans’ populist streak when he first ran in 2016. But now his once fresh call to Make America Great Again has become somewhat stale and hackneyed while he’s focused on trashing GOP opponents Ron DeSantis and Nikki Halley. These juvenile antics provide “red meat” for the MAGA base, but they give pause to other Republicans or independents about jumping on the Trump Train. Trump lacks any vision on how to unify the country at a time when the world is cascading into chaos.
For Biden, Kennedy provides a sharp contrast by running as a “Kennedy American,” playing on his family’s strong Democrat ties but avoiding identification with a party now conflicted over fighting antisemitism. He has a medical condition that affects his speaking voice, but his vigorous demeanor underscores Biden’s feebleness and mental confusion.
Although RFK Jr. carries the weight a troubled young adulthood and traditional Democrat positions on abortion, gun control and climate change, he’s carved out a new identity as the man who took on Anthony Fauci and decried the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccinations. This strength plays right up against Trump’s Achilles heel. Like it or not, Trump totally blew the response to COVID, magnifying a basic cold or flu into a modern plague that in fact posed a serious risk only to the elderly and those with severe underlying medical conditions.
Trump was completely bamboozled by Fauci and Deborah Birx. They convinced him to undertake Operation Warp Speed to produce vaccines while avoiding any effort to research therapies or existing approved drugs that could effectively fight the virus. As a result, a booming economy was destroyed and plans put in place to produce a rigged election.
Biden is struggling mightily to keep a Democrat coalition together that can win re-election while Trump continues to play solely to his MAGA base while castigating Republicans who won’t support him wholeheartedly. Neither candidate at this point has the wherewithal to get close to 50% of the popular vote or possibly the needed number of electoral votes.
Should that happen, the three candidates with the most number of electoral votes would go into a special election by the House of Representatives, in which each state delegation will get one vote to be decided by a vote of each state’s delegation. The candidate with the most votes would become president.
We could be in for a truly wild ride in 2024.
Thanks for reading. Start thinking about your Christmas gift list and be sure to add J.C. Hawkins’ new book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, for those folks who enjoy a good historical and political read. Media can contact J.C. at for review copies and interviews.
On November 1, The Forgotten Street began its 18th year of providing unique, provocative commentary on current and historical events. In the past year, we’ve had visitors from more than 50 countries worldwide. God bless you all, especially our long-time supporters and readers of the Betrayal at Bethesda trilogy.
November 22, 2023
The JFK Assassination: What We Know After 60 Years
Today marks 60 years since the greatest crime in American history: the brutal public murder of President John F. Kennedy. For those of us alive then, it shattered much of our illusions about our country and life in general. We’ll never forget where we were when we heard the news. It’s haunted us ever since.
In all that’s been written about that day, how it came about, and what happened in its aftermath, there’s one enormous mistake that’s been made in how it should be viewed: It’s been seen as a “one-off” isolated event, an aberration in American life. Nothing could be farther from reality.
Forgotten Street Founder J.C. Hawkins was the first to offer a broader historical perspective. In his landmark book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy he maintained the JFK murder was related to the mysterious deaths of other American political leaders. James Forrestal was his mentor, Joe McCarthy a family friend and fellow WWII vet. These three American patriots formed the vanguard in the fight against domestic and global communism. Their political alliance was truly formidable.
Within a 14-year period, they all died mysterious, violent deaths and their bodies all wound up in the same place: the morgue at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. J.C. was the first researcher and author to offer the theory the deaths were all murders and directly connected.
McCarthy was highly suspicious of Forrestal’s death and likely to investigate it. But he died before he could. Kennedy would have been in a prime position to reopen inquiries into the Forrestal and McCarthy deaths after winning re-election in 1964. The Deep State simply couldn’t allow that.
On the last Memorial Day of JFK’s life, he visited Arlington National Cemetery to participate in the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and deliver remarks honoring our war dead. After the ceremony he made a visit to James Forrestal’s grave and remarked to his friend Grant Stockdale who accompanied him, “It’s so peaceful. I could stay here forever.” Little did he know six months later he would do just that.
Also with President Kennedy that day was his toddler son, John Jr. It’s been speculated that young John, well remembered for his salute to his father’s coffin on the day of the funeral, learned to salute on his visit to Arlington that Memorial Day.
The Warren Commission Report is beyond absurd. Its conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was a “lone nut gunman” who fired three shots from behind to kill JFK and wound Texas Governor John Connally is based on the ridiculous “magic bullet” theory concocted by Arlen Specter and Gerald Ford. It defies the laws of physics, ballistics, and common sense. It also was the key ingredient in a treasonous coverup.
The truth of the JFK murder is revealed by the nature of Kennedy’s wounds. Clearly there had to be shots fired from in front of him to create the wounds documented in the Parkland Hospital trauma room, recalled by autopsy photographers, and noted by funeral home workers.
Conclusive evidence of the fraud perpetrated in the Warren Commission Report and autopsy can be found in notes made by Thomas Robinson, the embalmer from Gawler Funeral Home in Washington D.C. who prepared the body for burial. He documents two shrapnel wounds to Kennedy’s face that have never been discussed or adequately explained. He packed them with wax. A likely source could be shards of windshield glass caused by a bullet fired from in front that may have struck JFK in the throat.
Robinson also used a rubber patch to cover the gaping hole in the lower back of the right side of Kennedy’s head that is consistent with a shot from the front. That same wound was described in detail by attending physicians in Dallas as well as Secret Service agents. It appears nowhere in the autopsy report.
Oswald was arrested shortly after the assassination and taken to the Dallas jail. Have any of you ever wondered about how quickly the news media gathered so much information about Oswald, his Marine Corps service, his defection to the Soviet Union, his Russian wife, and his possible support of Fidel Castro?
Remember, this happened in pre-Internet days. Information could not be summoned at the click of a computer button. Clearly the news media had to be spoon-fed so much information in so short a time. It suggests the CIA had its narrative and talking points prepared and ready to go right after the shooting.
Speculation continues as to who killed Kennedy, why, and how it was planned. Like any other murder case, the first starting point is motive. Who would benefit from it? The usual suspects are Lyndon Johnson, the CiA, Mafia, Cuban exiles, right-wing extremists and possibly a combination of them.
For a plot of this magnitude, it takes a lot of foot soldiers to clandestinely carry out their roles to make it happen. Surprisingly, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison got extremely close to uncovering it all during his unsuccessful prosecution of businessman Clay Shaw for his involvement in the assassination.
In J.C.’s new book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, he explains how the plot was formulated in Europe to avoid detection and shield its masterminds from being unmasked. The remaining unreleased JFK assassination files may very well contain information that will prove him right.
In addition, he suggests the plot was part of a larger Deep State global operation that had already targeted other world leaders.
BAB III is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Thanks for reading! Let’s keep digging and pushing for the truth to finally come out. Requests for J.C. media interviews and review copies of his new book can be directed to
Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be envious at the wicked; For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. PROVERBS 25:19-20
November 5, 2023
Face It. Hitler Actually Won World War II
Yes, I know the Allies defeated Nazi Germany militarily in the Second World War. But take a look around you now. Adolf Hitler’s poisonous fascist ideology and vile anti-Semitism have taken root all around the world. What was reviled in the aftermath of a global war is now celebrated in the halls of Congress and academia.
This is no accident. The Deep State took note of Hitler’s rise to power and saw how nationalism, socialism and totalitarianism could be blended into a new ideology: globalism that will usher in a One World Government run by a self-selected cabal of financial and political elites.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are sickened when we think of how family members served and sacrificed themselves in the 1940’s to make a better world. Little could they realize their heroic efforts would ultimately lead to where we are today.
In his latest book, Forgotten Street founder J.C. Hawkins explores how The Deep State has emerged as a fascist hybrid of capitalism and communism designed to destroy nationalism and populism. High on its agenda is the goal of eradicating the consent of the governed that forms the essence of the United States Constitution.
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic details the drive to compromise individual liberty and economic freedom to coerce obedient conformity. We saw clear evidence of that in how governments worldwide handled the Covid 19 Plandemic. He explores that in Chapter 15, The Destruction of American Medicine. J.C.’s groundbreaking book is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Upon discovery of the Nazi concentration camps in the last days of World War II, the world began to learn the sheer horror of the Holocaust extermination of millions of European Jews. As a result, Nazi leaders, including leading doctors, were put on trial in Nuremberg, Germany, for crimes against humanity. Most of the guilty were hanged.
Despite the shocking revelations, there were Deep State elites willing to look the other way, just as they are today regarding the Hamas slaughter of innocent Jews on October 7. In fact, they went out of their way to bring Nazi scientists and government officials here to America in Operation Paperclip in order to capitalize on the research the Germans had conducted on prisoners of war and captured Jews. J.C. delves into that in Chapter 5 of his book.
Most of us have lived through the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union since the 1950s. Upon the fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991, we thought that chapter in history was behind us. We were wrong. We now face a new Cold War with a reinvigorated Russia and Red China. These communist titans have abandoned that ideology to create a rebirth of fascism along the lines of Hitler’s regime.
It turns out communism and fascism have a lot more in common than we thought. What we do know is both depend on a system where a core of self-appointed elites controls the economic, social and political systems. While communism relies on state ownership of everything, fascism provides the pretense of private ownership for those favored entities who are politically connected to the regime. Russia and Red China are prime examples.
Now, in the United States and the United Kingdom we’re witnessing a form of fascism evolving in which government bureaucrats are permitted to enforce regime doctrines that don’t have the consent of the governed. There are clearly favored classes of citizens and free speech is discouraged if those classes find it offensive.
Once again, Israel has its back to wall and faces the possibility of war on northern and southern fronts. The fascist regime in Turkey is even threatening to attack. Hamas and Hezbollah are acting as Iran’s proxies in threatening the very existence of the Jewish state. There is no equivocation in their goal. They aren’t seeking a political solution. They want all Jews to die.
The Biden Regime has gone through the motions to make it appear it has Israel’s back. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows better. As long as the United States advocates the thoroughly absurd two state solution, Netanyahu knows he can only depend on himself and his Israeli allies to survive the threat.
Beginning with the feckless presidency of the Muslim communist Barack Obama, the United States State Department has been infiltrated and compromised by pro-Iranian activists who’ve openly worked to overthrow Netanyahu’s government at various times.
American Jews now must live in fear of attacks here at home. The wide-open Southern border has allowed countless jihadists to enter the country, spread out, and create terrorist cells that could strike at any moment.
Demonstrations by pro-Palestinian mobs on college campuses and in the streets of our Nation’s capital are beyond disturbing. They evoke images once seen in Nazi Germany. Watching protesters scale the White House fence and spray graffiti around Washington was beyond disgusting. It demonstrated how D.C. police and the Secret Service selectively enforce the law.
Peaceful patriotic protesters who gathered outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021, were subjected to being attacked with pepper spray and flash bang grenades. No such tactics were employed to control the pro-Hamas mob outside the White House.
All of which brings us to a bottom line: Adolph Hitler is being vindicated by treasonous cretins, both here and abroad. Let’s recognize World War II did not eradicate the poisonous ideology of fascism or stem the tide of anti-Semitism that’s on its way to new heights. We must redouble our efforts to thwart them once and for all.
Thanks for reading! Please support and pray for our Jewish brethren.
We want to thank our foreign visitors in October who came to us from the following locations: Germany; Red China; The European Union; Israel; The Czech Republic; Turkey; Canada; Thailand; Brazil; The Russian Federation; Moldova; Chile; Ireland; Sweden; The United Kingdom; The Netherlands; Poland; Australia; France; The Ukraine; Uganda; and The United Arab Emirates.
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust . . .I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from mine enemies. PSALMS 18:2-3
October 26, 2023
Betrayal at Bethesda III Now Available in Kindle Version;
Don’t Miss J.C. Hawkins’ Interview on The Schiffer Report Tonight
The Kindle version of Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic is now available on, along with the 318-page paperback version.
Remember, author J.C. Hawkins will be interviewed tonight by host Paul Schiffer on The Schiffer Report on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern time. It will be his first exclusive interview on his latest book, which details how patriotic Americans have sacrificed their lives and freedom to fight The Deep State agenda to destroy our Republic and create a One World Government.
Listeners can access the program on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
October 25, 2023
J.C. Hawkins Will Discuss Betrayal at Bethesda III on This Thursday’s Broadcast of The Schiffer Report
In an exclusive interview, J. C. Hawkins, founder of The Forgotten Street, will discuss his new book, Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic with host Paul Schiffer on The Schiffer Report this Thursday on WHKW, 1220 AM, The Word in Cleveland. from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The 318-page Betrayal at Bethesda III is available in paperback on and a Kindle version will be available soon. The book features the story of how patriotic Americans have sacrificed their lives and freedoms to fight The Deep State in a bitter struggle for the survival of our treasured American Republic.
It traces more than a century of Deep State treachery and examines pressing issues that confront our nation today.
WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen to J.C.’s interview on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
Paul Schiffer brings a unique perspective to current events, featuring conservative guests such as Hawkins and Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, as well as fellow authors Jack Cashill, Dr. Jerome Corsi, and J.R. Nyquist. The Schiffer Report has a website that features news articles and provides links to previous broadcasts. If you miss a program, you can go back and listen at your convenience. Check it out at!
October 11, 2023
Betrayal at Bethesda III Has Debuted on!
Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic is the story of how patriotic Americans have sacrificed their lives and freedoms to fight The Deep State in a bitter struggle for the survival of our treasured American Republic. It’s also the story of some of history’s greatest villains and traitors. It cuts against the grain of alleged conventional wisdom and accepted historical myths. Those with open minds will be disturbed and enlightened by its revelations.
The Deep State is not a figment of anyone’s imagination. It’s all too real. It’s been operating for more than a century to fundamentally undermine the United States Constitution and transform our beloved nation into something our Founding Fathers could never recognize or sanction.
As the globalist elites who run The Deep State plunge the world into further economic, political, and cultural upheaval, it’s all too apparent they’re making rapid progress toward their goal of a One World Government run by a self-selected totalitarian cabal.
It’s emerged as a fascist hybrid of capitalism and communism designed to destroy nationalism and populism through globalism.
The Deep State founders recognized American society and morals were based on a strong family structure, religious liberty, public morality, and patriotic ideals formulated in our educational institutions. They viewed these societal norms, embraced by those of us on The Forgotten Street, as serious impediments to their goals. That belief holds true today as The Deep State works to undermine them all.
Betrayal at Bethesda III is a true history of events in our lifetime that have led us to the precipice of absolute tyranny by a totalitarian global cabal that bankrolls and operates The Deep State. This book is divided into two parts. Part One fills in historical gaps created by dishonest historians working to spin narratives, not tell truth. Part Two analyzes major issues facing our Republic and what we must do to address them.
This 318-page paperback rounds out the Betrayal at Bethesda trilogy. To gain a full appreciation of the work represented in the new volume, it’s worth reading the predecessors to see the depth of research involved in revealing The Deep State’s treachery.
The book’s listing on includes a preview of the table of contents. Among the revelations produced by author J.C. Hawkins are the plot to murder President William McKinley, European involvement in the JFK assassination, and Deep State coups against Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. He also explores and explodes the myths behind systemic racism, the green energy scam, the COVID “plandemic,” and the January 6 insurrection hoax.
Your purchase of the Betrayal at Bethesda books helps support the efforts of The Forgotten Street to keep shining a light on today’s hottest political and moral issues.
Thanks for reading! We want to thank our loyal readership and tip our hat to our foreign visitors as well. In September, we welcomed readers from around the globe: Red China; The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; Thailand; Poland; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Israel; Brazil; Portugal; Turkey; South Africa; Ireland; Mexico; Italy; Moldova; The Netherlands; Vietnam; The United Arab Emirates; Australia; Ghana; and Greece.
The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off all remembrance of them from the earth.
PSALMS 34:16
September 27, 2023
Trump Can Learn a Lot About Campaigning From Reagan
As Donald Trump continues his campaign to rewin the White House, he would do well to learn some key lessons from Ronald Reagan, who won two terms including a landslide re-election in 1984.
Reagan was the ultimate “happy warrior” whose sunny optimism and uplifting patriotism inspired so many of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, to believe in America once again in 1980.
Like Reagan, Trump is running against an incumbent president, Joe Biden, who’s made a total mess of the economy like Jimmy Carter did. Like Carter, Biden has followed a foreign policy that projects weakness and provokes foreign adversaries to pursue aggressive agendas.
In his bid for re-election in 1984, President Reagan trumpeted the memorable “Morning in America” theme about the economic and cultural revival started under his leadership. Unfortunately, Trump’s bid to Make America Great Again is coming across as “Moaning in America” as he kvetches about American decline and continually plays the victimhood card regarding the 2020 election fraud and the bogus indictments against him.
Reagan’s sunny disposition, his sense of humor and outward show of his faith in God served him well in making him the most successful president in our lifetime.
The Donald Trump of 2023 is not the Donald Trump of 2015 riding down the escalator to take on The Deep State and the world in the most remarkable presidential campaign ever. Today’s Trump is an angry, bitter, vindictive man who promises a campaign based on revenge and retribution for perceived wrongs he’s suffered. That’s not remotely inspiring or what America needs right now. He’s promising a rematch with Joe Biden that will pit two angry old men against each other that will only further the growing national divide.
No doubt Trump’s MAGA base will stick with him through thick and thin. But it’s beginning to fray around the edges. His insistence on total devotion and loyalty comes across as authoritarian and unyielding. The Donald Trump who encouraged us to climb aboard the Trump Train has become Donald Downer, a depressing shadow of his former self. His current persona is simply the wrong way to unite our country once again.
Trump is a very smart man and should recognize his MAGA base is simply not large enough to win a national election in 2024. He will have to follow the Reagan model in attracting dissatisfied Democrats and independents to his side. But he can’t continue to neglect or worsen the divide within his own Republican party. His senseless personal and vitriolic attacks on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis show a side of Trump that will repel former MAGA adherents, centrist Democrats, and independents.
In addition, his waffling on abortion and transgenderism will chip away at the social conservative base that’s supported him in the past.
A more concerning issue is trump’s insistence that he is the only person who can save America from further decline. He claims “America is finished” if he doesn’t win in 2024. This smacks of having a “Messiah complex” that can be viewed by some as a mental instability. There are plenty of good, patriotic Americans, who if they band together under the right leadership, can get the country moving in the right direction.
As Reagan noted in his farewell address to the nation on January 11, 1989, he still saw the United States as that “shining city on the hill.” He recognized that his success rested with the American people.
“We’ve done our part. And as I walk off into the city streets, a final word to the men and women of the Reagan Revolution, the men and women across America who for eight years did the work that brought America back. My friends, we did it. We weren’t just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger. We made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all.”
Trump would do well to get his massive ego in check and emulate Reagan by offering an uplifting vision to unite Americans instead of his unbridled egomania.
We knew from the start of Trump’s political journey in 2015 that he had a big ego and a ton of confidence in his ability to lead. That was part of what attracted people to him in the first place. But his ego now leads him in some wrong directions, such as his vow to crack down on NBC News and MSNBC as traitors if he gets elected. That’s an outright attack on the First Amendment that should scare the hell out of people.
He, of all people, should recognize how unhinged that sounds given the outrageous attacks launched on him through bogus indictments and attempts to keep him off the 2024 ballot in several jurisdictions. Trump needs to take a deep breath and a step back to consider the Reagan campaign model to avoid coming off as just a cheap imitation of Joe Biden by threatening to go after perceived enemies.
The answer to America’s current malaise isn’t further authoritarian politicization of our government institutions. As Ronald Reagan knew well, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Thanks for reading! We have an update on our latest book. Betrayal at Bethesda III: The Deep State Sellout of The American Republic, is in final production. We anticipate it will debut on in mid-October. Once a firm date is set, we’ll advise you. Reading one or both of the former Betrayal at Bethesda books will give you a solid foundation for what’s coming.
September 11, 2023
9/11’s “Never Forget” Turns into “Totally Forgotten”
Those of us alive on September 11, 2001, will never forget where we were and what we were doing when jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City and into the Pentagon outside of Washington D.C. In the aftermath of the most shocking terrorist event in our lifetime our country pulled together as one, vowing to never forget the horror of that day and pledging to celebrate our indivisible society of shared values.
Now 22 years later, we find ourselves in a society coming apart at the seams. The Deep State has done its dirty work to sow division, exacerbate racial tension, and politicize virtually everything. Its key operatives, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, have done what we once thought was impossible, create The Divided States of America.
Today the President of the United States is in Vietnam trying to stir up trade deals to further enrich globalist elites (and possibly himself) instead of observing September 11 in New York City, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, or at the Pentagon. He is sending the junior varsity to do that. How quickly too many Americans have abandoned the effort to observe the day.
Each year, The Forgotten Street has posted the article, Proud to Be American, in observance of September 11. It’s written by Dottie Hawkins, co-founder of The Forgotten Street, and J.C. Hawkins’ wife. It can be found under the Featured Articles category on the menu. It’s well worth your time to read it. But this year I thought it worthwhile to comment on the current state of events in which our nation’s leadership has completely fallen down on the job, both figuratively and literally.
I shudder to think what might be going on in our country’s public schools today. How many children have been and are being educated that today is just another day for indoctrination in un-American values. President George W. Bush and the Congress got together to declare September 11 be observed as Patriot Day. At the time, many brave men and women enlisted in our military to join the War on Terror. Today our “woke” military can’t come close to meeting its recruitment goals.
Interestingly, one of the candidates running for president in 2024 has made a special effort to turn September 11 in to unifying exercise for Americans.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has asked Americans to participate in community service projects as part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11. Explaining why he’s issued this call to Americans, he said, “Democracy isn’t just about voting. It isn’t even just about politics. Democracy is about actually feeling empowered to take the initiative to do something for your community and your country.”
He added, “I don’t see my campaign as only a run for the presidency. I want to mobilize this country to take responsibility for its future. Engaged, empowered citizens coming together in meaningful work is key to my vision for healing the divide.” No doubt his father and uncle would be extremely proud of him.
How refreshing compared to the others seeking the Oval Office on this September 11. RFK Jr. offers an uplifting message that contrasts sharply with the political backbiting and rancor coming from other candidates.
Thanks for reading! I send a special thank you to our foreign visitors to The Forgotten Streetin August. They came from the following locations: British Indian Ocean Territory; The European Union; Thailand; Germany; The Russian Federation; Red China; The Czech Republic; Brazil; Turkey; Poland; Mexico; Libya; The Netherlands; Spain; Iceland; Nigeria; Canada; Colombia; Italy; Japan; The United Kingdom; Equatorial Guinea; India; and The Seychelles.
The manuscript for Betrayal at Bethesda III is virtually complete and will be heading to the publisher soon. To get the most value out of our new revelations, I recommend reading the first two Betrayal at Bethesda books to get the foundation of knowledge to make Book III a great read. Just check them out of So far this month, readers in Great Britain and Canada have ordered copies in addition to our loyal American followers.
August 27, 2023
June 26, 2023
RFK, Jr. Is In It to Win It; Biden Beware
The entrenched progressive Democrat establishment is in for a very rude awakening. Its dismissive attitude toward to presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is foolhardy. RFK Jr. sees a clear opening to unseat Joe Biden and secure the nomination.
Older folks among us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, have a strong sense of déjà vu. We’ve seen this movie before. Back in 1968, then Senator Robert F. Kennedy decided to seek the presidency after President Lyndon Johnson decided to forego another term. A stunning challenge from Senator Eugene McCarthy, and growing discontent over the Vietnam War, made LBJ reject running for re-election.
Like his father, RFK Jr. senses Americans are concerned about the country’s direction and involvement in endless war. Democrats will determine their 2024 nominee in Chicago, as they did in 1968.
Now we have a president in Biden who’s announced his intent to run again. But concerns over his frail health and mental cognition, along with a blooming bribery scandal involving his ne’er-do-well son Hunter, make The Bastard President vulnerable. Kennedy’s entrance into the race could well prompt California Governor Gavin Newsom to throw his hat into the ring as well. But he’s a left-wing empty suit with nice hair who Kennedy will eat up and spit out.
RFK Jr.’s surprising bid for the presidency has led The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) to begin an immediate smear campaign against him. As the propaganda arm for The Deep State, the ETM got its marching orders quickly. Following a troubled childhood and young adulthood marked with drug abuse and emotional problems. Kennedy worked hard to turn his life around after that. The ETM will focus on troubles in his personal life, but Kennedy isn’t running as father and husband of the year.
He’s carved out a career as a highly successful environmental lawyer with an impressive record on holding corporations accountable for polluting our rivers and the air. He also founded Children’s Defense Fund to focus on what he believes is serious outbreak of childhood illness and obesity. He is whip smart and proves an effective advocate for the causes he promotes. The last thing the globalist cabal wants is another Kennedy revealing their perfidy and treason.
This early in the process, Kennedy already is polling at 20% against an incumbent president. His message is compelling for traditional Democrats who feel their party has been taken over by the leftist fringe. He runs as a “Kennedy Democrat,” calling to mind the inspirational leadership of his uncle Jack and father Bobby. Like them, RFK Jr. is a traditional liberal, not a left-wing wacko.
On his website, RFK Jr. posted a video entitled, “Running on the Truth, Ep. 1 “The Experiment.” It clearly states the rationale behind his bid, which is to tell the truth as he sees it and see how the American people respond. He believes there are enough Democrats, Republicans, and independents who don’t feel represented in today’s political arena to build a coalition of Americans seeking a better path for our country.
His sincerity and lack of artifice come through convincingly in the video, which incorporates nostalgic clips featuring his uncle and father. After watching it, you should come away convinced he is dead serious about this effort and firmly believes he can win.
The Biden camp is leery of letting desiccated Joe debate Kennedy, knowing the gross mismatch involved between a frail old man and a vigorous adult whose energy level is impressive. RFK Jr. has a problem with his voice, which lacks the stirring qualities of his father and uncle. But the intensity and appeal of his message overcome that.
Unlike the current crop of Democrats, Kennedy is not a gun-grabber or abortion absolutist. He realizes government mandates aren’t ways to deal with energy issues or health crises. As a traditional Democrat, he follows his uncle and father in respecting the Constitution and not believing big government is the solution to every issue. He doesn’t hate capitalism. He only seeks to have it operate ethically.
Kennedy also abhors the intrusions on civil liberties through government surveillance and censorship of our citizenry. He’s wary of government agencies like the FBI and CIA acquiring too much unchecked power. He also acknowledges the personal risk he’s taking, given the fates of his father and uncle. But like them, he’s undeterred in his drive to remake America into a nation we all have a stake and pride in again.
In his announcement speech in Boston on April 19, Kennedy delivered two powerful rationales for his candidacy:
“My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country; to commoditize our children, our purple mountain’s majesty; to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs; to strip-mine our assets; to hollow out the middle class and keep us in a constant state of war.
“And when I’m president, I’m going to be president for those people, we’re going to take back this country. You give me a piece of ground and a sword and I am going to take back this country with your help, to help all the homeless Republicans and Democrats and independents who are Americans.”
Joe Biden has no such rationale for his presidency. All it seems he cares about is his 10% for the Big Guy.
Some may feel this column represents an endorsement of RFK Jr. It certainly is an endorsement for him to get the Democrat nomination. Our nation will be better served if his voice is added to the national debate between him and whomever gets the Republican nomination so that Americans will get a real choice and a chance for a fair and honest election that will end the national divide with a winner both sides can recognize as legitimate.
Thanks for reading! You can learn more about The Deep State and its treachery against Jack and Bobby Kennedy, which lays a foundation for the quest RFK Jr. is on, in J. C. Hawkins’ two Betrayal at Bethesda books on Your support of our efforts will be sincerely appreciated.
June 13, 2023
The Dark Election Deception Behind the Trump Indictment
The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump over his handling of presidential documents is an elaborate farce designed to distract Americans from the real problems plaguing our nation caused by the corrupt and illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office. The BastardPresident has to be thrilled the indictment and the Kabuki show in Miami deflect attention from the House investigation in the bribes Biden and his family have taken from foreign interests.
The indictment is a sick joke. Former presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama no doubt have documents that a politicized prosecutor could use to put them in legal jeopardy like DOJ legal assassin Jack Smith has done with Trump. Secretary of State Clinton and Vice President Biden fall into that boat too. During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden pledged to unite our country. The rotten lying bastard has done all he can to divide it.
Smith pulled a fast one by interviewing Trump attorneys and turning them into material witnesses. This was a deliberate evisceration of attorney-client privilege. Thus, they had to withdraw from representing Trump. The DOJ has gone completely rogue and sees themselves as a law unto itself.
However, something much darker lurks behind the scenes, thanks to The Deep State. We all saw the massive bump in support for Trump following his earlier indictment in New York. At a time when more challengers have entered the Republican presidential race, the Deep State wants to make sure that nothing eats into Trump’s commanding lead.
What? Wait. Why would the Deep State want to help Trump? It’s simple. Keeping Trump front and center stirs up the progressive base that runs the Democrat Party. If they believe he is on his way to a coronation instead of a nomination, they will be more energized than ever to cheat their way to victory in 2024.
Trials can become long drawn-out affairs and depending on how a verdict goes, an appeal can extend the legal matter out further. Trump won’t be facing a New York or DC jury that would love to hang him. His fate will be in the hands of a Miami jury.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, already have learned not to rely on the American justice system to be fair and honest. Judges have become seriously politicized and less inclined to follow the law. Meanwhile, the pressure will mount on Trump’s primary challengers to step aside and rally around him. Some likely will fall by the wayside. But not all.
Nonetheless, Trump is almost certain to maintain his overwhelming lead despite the vagaries of DOJ’s legal machinations. That’s exactly what the Deep State wants. It hopes Republicans will decide to put all their eggs in the Trump basket. Then, when the time is most opportune, it can strike and leave the GOP high and dry without a Plan B for the 2024 election.
Let’s face the facts. The Deep State has gotten in its position of control through a decades-long agenda of deception, propaganda, treason, and outright murder. Somewhere there may well be the next “lone nut gunman” in training to stalk President Trump. God forbid that’s true. But we certainly can’t discount the possibility. Donald Trump has been a marked man since he rode down the escalator in 2015.
Thanks for reading! Just a reminder than in the next 24 to 48 hours price hikes will be coming on J.C. Hawkins’ two Betrayal at Bethesda books available on Act now to get Dear Old Dad a gift he will thoroughly enjoy.
June 1, 2023
Ron DeSantis Reveals a Major Issue Overlooked by Other Republicans
The battle that’s erupted between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Walt Disney Company finds its roots in a major political issue that’s remained off the radar for far too long.
In advance of his now announced presidential run, DeSantis published a book detailing his background and explaining his thinking behind his stances on major issues. The excerpts below are quoted from The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.
It shows DeSantis perceived a serious issue behind Disney’s decision to openly announce its opposition to The Parental Rights in Education law enacted by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by DeSantis. In addition to opposing the bill, Disney then publicly stated it would work to get it repealed. When the controversy started Disney CEO Bob Chapek told DeSantis he was reluctant to get involved in the issue, but he was being pressured by former and now CEO Bob Iger, as well as the LGBTQ Mafia and gay Disney employees.
Aiding and abetting the company was the predictable Elite Traitor Media (ETM), which dubbed the bill the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. We normal Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know the ETM’s stock in trade is to obscure an issue with outright lies.
In response, DeSantis and the legislature passed legislation to revoke the special privileges Disney held through the Reedy Creek Improvement District that gave the company its own local government, taxation, and code enforcement among other things. DeSantis viewed this as anachronistic “corporate welfare” that had been created to entice Disney to come to Florida and build Disney World.
He noted it was simply unfair to other amusement businesses such as Universal and Sea World to let it continue.
Predictably, other Republicans attacked DeSantis as not being a “conservative” because he decided to interfere with a private company. Among those taking the typical Country Club, Chamber of Commerce position was Donald Trump, a beneficiary of Disney donations in the past. What they fail to grasp was DeSantis is adhering to the U.S. Constitution and the need to hold government accountable. Our Founders never contemplated having private interests assume such leverage over political power. DeSantis has taken the true conservative constitutional position.
To his credit, DeSantis saw the confrontation as a way to surface a much larger political issue that’s been plaguing America in recent years. Here is how he explains the issue in his book:
“In Florida we have, perhaps more than any state, recognized the threat to freedom posed by the rise of woke capital, the censorious bent of Big Tech companies, and the movement to impose so-called environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria on society through business.
“Woke capital exerts a pernicious influence on society in several ways. First, corporations politicize the economy when they leverage their economic power to take positions on issues that do not directly affect their businesses. Of course, it is a free country, and they have the right to take these positions, but it is not healthy when a market-based economy becomes an extension of political factionalism.
“Second, corporate activism can represent an end run around the formal constitutional process. When Wall Street banks deny financing to disfavored industries, such as private corrections, or when ESG activism forces changes to a nation’s energy posture, it represents the imposition of a policy through extraconstitutional means, as such policies lack the political support necessary to be formally adopted by elected officials.
“Third, the politicized culture that has developed within large corporations has normalized the woke impulse and imposed it on employees. It is now routine for large companies to force employees to undergo trainings in which they effectively must self-flagellate over concepts such as “white privilege.” Conducted under the auspices of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), the trainings are a way for corporations to advance woke ideology through its employee ranks – and virtue signal in the process.
“The notion that vast concentrations of power in private corporations do not impact people’s liberties is erroneous. The ESG movement, for example, represents an attempt to short-circuit democratic debate by engineering hugely consequential policies via large corporations and asset managers. This has the potential to dramatically alter important policies related to energy in ways that can have a devastating economic impact, especially on low-income people.
“In Florida, we recognized the implications of the ESG movement on both policy and constitutional accountability by prohibiting the state’s pension fund managers from using ESG criteria when making investment decisions. We also recovered the state’s proxy voting rights, which enables Florida to use its shares to vote on corporate matters to vote against ESG initiatives. If other states can join with Florida, it is possible to generate a massive anti-ESG voting bloc that can make a difference when these matters rear their heads before large companies.
“Simply allowing woke capital and Big Tech to run amok without any accountability is an approach that is inadequate to the task at hand.
“An American revival requires that the power arrangements in Washington D.C. be tamed so that the government is constitutionally accountable. It also requires that corporations are treated as political actors when they use their economic power to advance an ideological agenda.”
Interestingly, only one other national politician has voiced similar concerns. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has made the unhealthy merger of government and corporatist interests a major issue in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president. It’s clear the only possibility of this fascist blend of political power can be blunted will be if DeSantis or Kennedy win the White House. They are committed to preserving individual liberty as best they can. Who saw that coming?
My next book discusses this issue in detail. The finishing touches are in the works. It’s all too obvious that The Deep State can only achieve its ultimate objectives if this unholy blend of capitalism and communism creating a global fascism takes hold. It’s already well on its way, thanks to the entrenched political interests in D.C. and the politicians who are asleep at the wheel.
Thanks for reading! The Forgotten Street wants to thank its May foreign visitors. We enjoyed welcoming folks from the following global locations: The European Union; St. Helena; The Czech Republic; Germany; The United Kingdom; The Russian Federation; Red China; Latvia; Turkey; Samoa; The United Arab Emirates; Hong Kong; India; Japan; Vietnam; Austria; Denmark; France; Ghana; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Italy; and Kyrgyzstan. God bless you all, as well as our loyal American followers.
May 28, 2023
Time to Stock Up on Betrayal at Bethesda Books
With Fathers’ Day on the horizon, you should think about giving a gift that will be most memorable: J.C. Hawkins two groundbreaking histories: the original Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, and his most recent work Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Discover how long The Deep State has been pursuing its agenda of deceit, deception, and murder in pursuit of a One World communist government controlled by a self-selected cabal of elites. Work is progressing nicely for Betrayal at Bethesda III, which will be published this summer. To get the full benefit of the revelations coming in the next volume, you should read one or both of the first books to get the foundation of knowledge needed to best appreciate what’s coming. Find out what readers in a dozen countries on five continents love about these books.
Now is the time to act on getting either or both books before a coming price hike. Our publisher has announced higher printing costs, which means Books I and II will have price adjustments coming in June.
Royalties from the Betrayal at Bethesda books help keep The Forgotten Street a reliable and valuable information source for news you won’t find elsewhere. Followers in more than 50 countries have relied on us to share a unique American perspective.
Best wishes to all our friends for a safe and blessed Memorial Day, when we cherish and honor the memory of the brave men and women who’ve kept our country free.
April 24, 2023
RFK Jr. Has Defined the Paramount Issue for the 2024 Election
On April 19, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., stood at the podium in the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston to announce his surprising candidacy for President of the United States as a “Kennedy Democrat.”
In getting to the actual announcement, he recounted the history of the American revolution and how it came about. In doing so, he underscored what he believes is the paramount issue for the 2024 presidential campaign.
“So that rebellion was in part against Empire. But the spear tip of that rebellion was that fury that the colonists had against the merger, that corrupt merger of state and corporate power. I’ve come here today to announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and over my—throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power.
“That is threatening now—that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism on our country, to commoditize our children, our purple mountains majesty, to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs, to strip mine our assets, to hollow out the middle class and keep us in a constant state of war.”
Kennedy’s message will strike a serious chord with those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who feel the impact of the assault on the middle class more than most. Democrats and Republicans both disaffected with the DC Uniparty, as well as independents, are the target audience for his message.
As an author working on his third version of Betrayal at Bethesda, I’m interested in how RFK Jr.’s insights parallel what is laid out in my draft Preface and Chapter One of the new book. It reinforces the notion that sometimes “great minds think alike.”
Here is a preview of what will be coming in the new volume:
“The Deep State has emerged as a fascist hybrid of capitalism and communism designed to destroy nationalism and populism through globalism.
“Its founders recognized American society and morals were based on a strong family structure, religious liberty, public morality, and patriotic ideals formulated in our educational institutions. They viewed these societal norms as serious impediments to their goals. That belief holds true today as the Deep State works to undermine them all.
“From its early devious origins, the Deep State has served a cabal of international moneyed interests bent on ruling the world through totalitarianism.
“Of course, the nascent Deep State laid the groundwork for better control of the financial world through the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve System and enactment of the federal income tax through the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to gain control of the middle class’s wealth.
“Their ultimate hope was to take elements of capitalism and communism, blending them to empower a self-selected group of financial and political elites to run a world government and global financial system.”
That’s where we find ourselves today. Oddly enough, it took a novice politician and Kennedy scion to articulate the predicament we face. Kennedy is in no way the perfect candidate. But he is a damn sight better than The Bastard President who sits in the White House. Democrats would be foolish to dismiss RFK Jr. out of hand.
Kennedy ended his announcement with a very effective and moving recounting of lessons learned from his father and uncle while growing up. In his tragically ended 1968 campaign, Bobby Kennedy became a voice for the disadvantaged who felt forgotten. He told his son those are “Kennedy people” he should look out for when he grows up. RFK Jr. has done that as an environmental lawyer and founder of Children’s Defense Fund. Kennedy emphasized that just five days ago.
“And when I’m president, I’m going to be president for those people, we’re going to take back this country. You give me a piece of ground and a sword and I am going to take back this country with your help, to help all the homeless Republicans and Democrats and independents who are Americans.”
A very powerful ending from a highly unlikely candidate. RFK Jr. went out of his way to admit his foibles, knowing The Elite Traitor Media (ETM), which serves as the propaganda arm for The Deep State, will go out of its way to smear him and destroy him using his youthful drug use and past indiscretions as a club.
There are many issues on which I diverge from Kennedy. But I believe his voice and message are absolutely essential for us to have a serious, mature discussion of where this country finds itself and how we move forward as an American people.
As I’ve written about for decades now, and demonstrated factually in my two books, The Deep State is treacherous and will stop at nothing to destroy those who stand in the way of its evil agenda. I provide startling details on the murders of John and Bobby Kennedy. We all must pray that RFK Jr. will not meet the same fate of his father, uncle and other American patriots who’ve fought the battle to preserve our Constitution, our individual liberties, and our beloved republic. God watch over this courageous man.
Thanks for reading! Both my books are available in paperback and Kindle versions on Your thoughts and comments are welcome. I can be reached at
April 19, 2023
The Schiffer Report Tomorrow Features Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival
Remember to tune in tomorrow night to The Schiffer Report with noted conservative host and political analyst Paul Schiffer on WHKW, 1220 AM, Cleveland from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Paul’s guest will be author and independent journalist Cliff Kincaid, founder of America’s Survival (
Cliff has been a courageous stalwart in the fight against domestic and global communism for decades. He’s exposed the workings of The Deep State and its agenda to create a New World Order based in communism. More than 20 of his books on political and world affairs can be found on
WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
Paul brings a unique perspective to current events, featuring conservative guests such as J.C. Hawkins, founder of The Forgotten Street, Dr. Jerome Corsi, and J.R. Nyquist. The Schiffer Report has a website that features news articles and provides links to previous broadcasts. If you miss a program, you can go back and listen at your convenience. Check it out at!
April 12, 2023
Pope John Paul II Anticipated the Breakdown in the Rule of Law and Moral Order
In writing about St. Stanislaus, the patron saint of Poland, Pope John Paul II offered amazing insight into the critical importance of moral order in holding a society together. No doubt he would be appalled at the total breakdown we’re witnessing in the Rule of Law and decay of our moral order in the United States.
The Deep State has been working relentlessly for many decades to destroy the notion of “moral order” and substitute a secular culture that completely disregards organized religion.
The late pontiff noted that universal recognition of the authority of moral law, that is the law of God, obligates everyone to universally respect and acknowledge the dignity of the human person. In contrast, the Deep State has worked to divide society by class, race, and gender to create favored classes at the expense of a pluralistic society.
Everyday Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are seeing Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of a color-blind society where people are judged solely on their character being shamed and discarded. The assault on Christianity and mocking of its moral values by the government and its stooges in The Elite Traitor Media continues unabated.
The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg eviscerated the rule of law by denying Trump even the most basic legal and human rights in clear violation of the United States Constitution. Bragg made a mockery of the Sixth Amendment and is trying to invent a crime that will ignore the statute of limitations.
The indictment was the culmination of the Deep State and Biden Regime’s drive to impose its cultural values on America and totally subvert the positive role Christianity has played in molding a society that respects the rule of law.
As Pope John Paul noted, “Hence, morality and law are the fundamental conditions for social order. States and nations are built upon law, without which they perish.” Clearly the overarching goal of Deep State globalists is to destroy the concept of the nation state and institute a one world government run by a self-appointed elite for their selfish ends.
The Polish pope further asserted, “We know to what degree that cultural heritage is impregnated with the light of Christianity. It is also well known that the culture is the prime and fundamental proof of the identity of the nation.”
The Biden Regime, and its Bastard President, is doing all it can to subvert American culture with its mindless pushing of transgenderism and the LGBTQ agenda despite the obvious backlash brewing with everyday Americans. Even worse is the policy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to try to criminalize pro-lifers and Christians by branding them “domestic terrorists” and spying on them in their churches. Instead of upholding the rule of law, the FBI is subverting it for political purposes.
Latest From The Schiffer Report
Remember to tune in tomorrow night to The Schiffer Report with noted conservative host and political analyst Paul Schiffer on WHKW, 1220 AM, Cleveland from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
Paul brings a unique perspective to current events, and features conservative guests such as J.C. Hawkins, founder of The Forgotten Street, Dr. Jerome Corsi, and J.R. Nyquist. The Schiffer Report now has a website that tells about Paul’s program, features news articles, and provides links to previous broadcasts. If you miss a program, you can go back and listen at your convenience. Check it out at!
Thanks for reading! Our March 25 column on the death of major American cities seems to have struck a nerve. We’ve seen several articles this week discussing this growing problem. The Deep State agenda to spread chaos in America is showing powerful results.
You can learn more about the Deep State in J.C.’s two Betrayal at Bethesda books, available in paperback and Kindle versions on Book Three is in progress right now.
March 25, 2023
The Death of Major American Cities
With all the crises abounding under the Biden Regime, there’s one being totally overlooked. It could spell complete disaster for the United States and put our country’s ability to unify and survive in serious peril.
One aspect of American life that’s made our country so exceptional was the development of major cities in which people of all races and walks of life could thrive. These urban centers offered wonderful employment opportunity, significant commercial development, outstanding public education, delightful cultural experiences, efficient and safe public transportation, and ample recreational outlets.
Today we’re witnessing the horrific decay and collapse of many major American cities. They are beset with high crime, infrastructure disrepair, cultural debauchery, and rotten educational systems among other problems. They’re presided over by mostly Democrat officials who seem not the least motivated to address the issues causing many residents to flee and find a better life elsewhere.
Persistent and growing crime of all types has made life unlivable, particularly for the most disadvantaged residents. These people are living in a climate of fear and seeing their children’s future shortchanged by gangs, drugs, and a corrupt educational system that’s designed more for indoctrination than serious education. All schools seem to do now is enrich corrupt bureaucrats and teacher unions. Cities like New York, whose public high schools often produced graduates who went to our finest universities, now see students lost in a morass of mediocrity and hopelessness.
Cities once were places where corporations located their headquarters and where downtown commercial centers thrived serving the daytime needs of corporate employees. The advent of The COVID Plandemic led to remote work that kept employees out of city centers, thus killing off many small, independent businesses such as restaurants, bars, and retail shops. It also decimated night life and entertainment venues.
With this new style of work, companies learned they have less need for expensive large office complexes. Employees are reluctant to return to cities and incur high commuting costs in an economic downturn. The result could be a collapse of the urban commercial real estate business.
Also damaged are public transportation systems that lost many commuters and have seen their facilities fall into further decline. The New York subway has become a dystopian horror show, with hoodlums and homeless people terrorizing passengers and assaulting people on subway platforms.
I grew up in the Pittsburgh area and loved going into the city as a kid and then working there as an adult. The hustle and bustle was energizing without being stressful. Once home to many major corporations as well as a booming steel industry, The Burgh has fallen on hard times as center city businesses have shut down. This week I read in disbelief that the last McDonald’s in downtown Pittsburgh is closing. That would have been unthinkable not too long ago.
Another factor killing our cities is a judicial system that’s been perverted by George Soros and others who’ve put in place prosecutors more inclined to helping criminals instead of protecting victims. A revolving door justice system that sees violent criminals released right after arrest demoralizes police officers who begin to wonder if their jobs matter any longer. Murder is out of control in cities like Chicago, New York, St. Louis, and Los Angeles.
Organized gangs of thieves and shoplifters are destroying businesses. Major retailers such as Walmart, Walgreens and Target are closing and leaving cities across the country. High end businesses such as jewelry stores have resorted to hiring armed guards. Who wants to shop or even work in such a dangerous environment?
New York and smaller cities such as Austin, Texas, and Portland, Oregon, are seeing police retire at record levels and leave altogether. Efforts to hire replacements are futile and only bound to get worse. Adding to this problem is an explosion in homelessness and public drug use in places like Philadelphia and San Francisco to name just a few. Failure to address these issues simply adds to the futility police officers feel.
One aspect of city life in America in the not-so distant past was the ability of families to go downtown and not be subjected to rowdy individuals, public profanity, and displays of outright crudity. They lived in neighborhoods where people looked out for each other and knew families. The ability to walk down a street now without being harassed and subjected to offensive behavior and crime has been totally lost in many cities. Places that once were cultural meccas now are being abandoned by fearful former patrons.
The worst part of this crisis is things have devolved so far in some cities there’s no solution. These areas are never going to come back, even if Democrats are ousted electorally. The damage is so widespread and permanent there’s no returning to the way things once were. Chicago may be the prime example. Population declines are so sharp that underlying tax bases are too small to sustain what remains, let alone rebuild. A financially bankrupt federal government is in no position to help either.
The COVID Plandemic did the job as The Deep State planned all along.
Thanks for reading and visiting The Forgotten Street. Learn more about The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ two Betrayal at Bethesda books available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvelous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; 1 CHRONICLES 16: 10-12
February 22, 2023
Dr. Jerome Corsi Featured on The Schiffer Report on WHKW, The Word, in Cleveland Thursday Night!
Noted author Dr. Jerome Corsi will be the featured guest of The Schiffer Report on WHKW, 1220 AM, in Cleveland on Thursday, February 23, at 7:05 p.m. Eastern time.
The Schiffer Report is hosted by noted Ohio conservative activist Paul Schiffer, whose leadership on such key issues as the Right to Life and fighting global and domestic communism has won him national recognition. In the past, Dr. Corsi joined with Paul and others to reveal the Swift Boat scandal involving John Kerry.
Corsi will be discussing his new book, The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change. He’ll expose the climate lies being spread in an era of disinformation.
WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
Tune in for another great edition of The Schiffer Report! Listen in and learn how you can be a sponsor for Paul’s hard-hitting, inspiring programs.
Thanks for reading! I greatly enjoyed speaking to a wonderful audience of Ohio patriots at The Schiffer Report Town Hall last night via Zoom. Your questions were very penetrating and showed the depth of knowledge you have about current issues facing our country.
Thanks also for your interest and support for my book, Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
God bless you all on this Ash Wednesday as we enter another season of Lent. Please reflect and pray on the promise of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
February 15, 2023
Ohio Train Disaster Proves We Have No News Media Anymore
When a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, at 8:55 p.m. on February 3, it set in motion a chain of events that’s led to what may be the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.
It also demonstrated just how dead the notion of a free and independent press is in our country. If we still had one, East Palestine would have been swarming with network news crews in very short order.
Instead, The Elite Traitor Media yawned and ignored the catastrophe because it happened in flyover country where those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, live. It was a “let them eat phosgene” moment.
Local authorities responding to the derailment discovered 50 cars of the 140-car train derailed, with approximately 20 of them containing vinyl chloride. Several of the tank cars were already on fire. First responders worried about the threat of an explosion.
Residents of the town within a mile radius were advised to evacuate. East Palestine is a small rural town of about 4,800 people right on the border between Ohio and Pennsylvania. It sits about 20 miles south of Youngstown and 40 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. Once home to light manufacturing, East Palestine relies on surrounding fruit orchards and the related storage and preserving facilities for employment opportunities.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Norfolk Southern emergency responders, and local authorities decided to undertake a “controlled burn” to dissipate the chemicals and thwart the possibility of an explosion that could send metal shrapnel flying.
The result was a black plume of toxic gases and particulate matter going into a mushroom-like cloud over the community. Approximately 100,000 gallons (1 million pounds) of vinyl chloride leaked, spilled, and were burned.
When chlorinated organic compounds like vinyl chloride are burned, dioxins are created. These deadly poisons can enter the environment with a half-life of 25-100 years in soil. Dioxins degrade slowly, and can cause cancer, inflict reproductive harm and affect hormones.
The hydrogen chloride gas created by the fire also was accompanied by phosgene gas, which was used in chemical warfare in World War I. This atmospheric contamination of hydrogen chloride, phosgene and dioxin was spread to a radius of 200 miles covering such metropolitan areas as Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo and Toronto.
When hydrogen chloride contacts moisture in the atmosphere, it becomes hydrochloric acid, thus resulting in acid rain. Already these toxins have been settling down over some of the richest farmland in the United States. Reports of dead farm livestock and aquatic life are spreading rapidly.
Confirmation has come that some of the vinyl chloride entered the nearby Ohio River. That major American river basin covers an area where 30 million people live (about 10% of the U.S. population). It includes the metropolitan areas of Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, and Nashville. The Ohio River provides drinking water to more than 5 million people. The river then drains into the Mississippi River.
The Ohio residents who evacuated were advised they could return five days later. The federal Environmental Protection Agency reported it was perfectly safe to do so and claimed that air and water pollution levels were within a safe range.
During this entire time, the Biden regime showed virtually complete indifference to the event. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg couldn’t be bothered to go to East Palestine or even comment on the disaster until a week and a half later. The worthless SOB may be the single most incompetent official in U.S. government history.
Given the fact people were dislodged from their homes and vinyl chloride had spilled into waterways, why didn’t the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) come on the scene with temporary trailers for housing and water trucks to bring clean water? At the time of the evacuation, it wasn’t known how long residents could be displaced.
The Ohio EPA said the drinking water was safe. But, certainly in the case of a disaster this horrific, it should have erred on the side of caution.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine held a press briefing on February 8 and tried to assure the public all was well and under control. But when an independent journalist named Evan Lambert of NewsNation dared to ask questions, he was manhandled by a member of the Ohio National Guard and then arrested by local police. A perfectly fascist response to someone trying to get the truth on behalf of the public.
DeWine later apologized and said the treatment of the reporter was inappropriate. Why didn’t he speak up at the time and let Lambert ask questions? The governor’s apology was simply a lame CYA attempt.
Since the initial reports of the incident, we’ve learned train cars also contained such dangerous chemicals as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, isobutylene and ethyhexyl acrylate. We’ve also been informed the accident was caused by a broken railcar axle that was on fire for several miles before it collapsed, and the train derailed in the middle of East Palestine.
The accident puts a huge spotlight on Norfolk Southern and its practices regarding train maintenance, as well as its ability to respond to derailments. Some observers charge the decision to undertake a controlled burn was driven by the desire to clear the tracks and get trains running again. Just miles away in Conway, Pennsylvania, is a major Norfolk Southern railyard.
Also under scrutiny should be the Elite Traitor Media, which now is reluctantly partially covering the event. Major environmental groups, long outspoken on the Climate Change Hoax, are virtually silent about what some are calling an American “Chernobyl.” I guess they have no concern about the long-term effects on people, livestock, and crops.
What’s most concerning is how quickly Ohio, Pennsylvania and federal environmental officials downplayed the possible toxic effects and tried to return East Palestine to a sense of normal, even as residents talked about strange odors and feeling effects such as coughing and burning eyes. Local officials are holding a town hall meeting tonight, which should be an eye opener.
The Deep State swung into action to cover up potential negligence in the matter. Norfolk Southern’s major shareholders include the Vanguard and Blackrock investment groups that are obviously trying to avoid a major hit to the railroad’s stock and profitability. They may be looking at a class action suit alleging criminal negligence.
Market Street, East Palestine’s main thoroughfare, is clearly one of America’s “forgotten streets.” Local residents have been sacrificed on the New World Order altar. They’ll be paying a heavy price for decades to come.
Thanks for reading! J.C. Hawkins once again will be a featured guest of The Schiffer Report on WHKW, 1220 AM, in Cleveland on Thursday, February 16, at 7 p.m. Eastern time.
The Schiffer Report is hosted by noted Ohio conservative activist Paul Schiffer, whose leadership on such key issues as the Right to Life and fighting global and domestic communism has won him national recognition. J.C. will appear in the last half of the show at around 7:30 p.m.
WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
The Deep State’s globalist agenda to destroy national sovereignty, economic freedom, and individual liberty is going full steam ahead under the Biden regime. J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking histories reveal this legacy of treachery. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research and writing for Book Three gets closer to completion. Family health issues still hinder progress. We’re hoping it will be available in the first quarter of 2023. Readers in 12 countries on five continents keep embracing the Betrayal at Bethesda series. Our fellow Americans also continue their support.
The Forgotten Street was visited in January from followers in such locations as: Red China; The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; Belarus; Colombia; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Latvia; Thailand; Chile; France; Equatorial Guinea; Kenya; Montenegro; Sweden; Tokelau; and Samoa. God bless you all!
The Betrayal at Bethesda histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 17th year last November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C. on TRUTH SOCIAL@jchawkbethesda.
Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. PROVERBS: 3:3-5
February 8, 2023
J.R. Nyquist Featured on The Schiffer Report Thursday Night!
National security and geopolitical strategy expert J.R. Nyquist will be the featured guest of The Schiffer Report on WHKW, 1220 AM, in Cleveland on Thursday, February 9, at 7 p.m. Eastern time.
The Schiffer Report is hosted by noted Ohio conservative activist Paul Schiffer, whose leadership on such key issues as the Right to Life and fighting global and domestic communism has won him national recognition. Nyquist join Paul to discuss the ongoing communist threats to our republic and the role Christian conservatives must play in fighting back.
J.R. Nyquist examines in depth the serious national security issues and current events affecting America on his website
WHKW features conservative Christian programming and is part of the Salem Radio network. You can listen on the Internet by going to and clicking on the “live” button.
Tune in for another great edition of The Schiffer Report! Listen in and learn how you can be a sponsor for Paul’s hard-hitting, inspiring programs.
December 6, 2022
Biden Energy Policy Would End Civilization as We Know It
Joe Biden’s ongoing declaration of war on oil, natural gas, and coal is the most mind-bending policy decision in memory. Amos Hochstein, his energy advisor, openly admitted recently that the Biden regime plans to phase out the use of oil.
All this madness is in the name of solving the phony Climate Change crisis, which is simply the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. By labelling carbon dioxide as a “pollutant,” environmental terrorists display their total lack of knowledge regarding basic science taught in elementary school.
These mental mutants arguing for “Net Zero” emissions of CO2 don’t comprehend that achieving that goal will end life on the planet. Starving plant life of carbon dioxide would mean killing off all vegetation, which in turn would lead to the demise of humanity through starvation and a lack of oxygen.
Eliminating the use of petroleum and its many byproducts would simply grind the world to a halt. Go into your living room. Sit down and look around. Everything you see wouldn’t exist without oil.
Your walls would be unpainted, as would be your furniture. Except you wouldn’t have any furniture because the machinery needed to produce it needs oil to work properly. You’d also be sitting there naked because clothing wouldn’t be made unless you make it yourself.
I doubt if we have very many skilled weavers among the populace. Forget your television and other devices that are wholly reliant on materials made from oil feedstocks. Carpeting? No chance of having that either since there would be no lubricants for the machinery needed to make it.
That’s not to mention the fact the diesel fuel that powers trucks and trains that deliver everything you own is made from oil.
So, Hochstein thinks we can “phase out” oil? If he truly believes that, and isn’t just saying it for purely political reasons, then he’s either monumentally stupid or clinically insane.
We everyday folks on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, recognize the discovery of oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859 led to the greatest period of human development and prosperity in history.
The unhinged nutjobs blocking highways and throwing paint on priceless works of art aren’t exactly winning folks over to their cause. They must realize there’s no rational argument for their beliefs. They’re simply acting out anarchistic fantasies.
Among his many accomplishments as President of the United States, Donald Trump had none finer than making the United States truly energy independent. That was possible because of policies encouraging the development of the vast oil and natural gas resources available in our country. America was well on its way to becoming the number one energy producer and exporter in the world, something The Deep State couldn’t allow to happen.
The globalist cabal seeking to take over the world’s economy and destroy national sovereignty to create a one world government took the step needed to set their plan in motion: It unleased the China Virus on the world.
It hasn’t stopped since. This move allowed them to force Trump out of power and put their puppet Joe Biden in his place. The West’s proxy war against Russia in The Ukraine has led to suicidal sanctions on Russia that are boomeranging in the worst possible fashion.
Without Russian oil and natural gas, Western Europe is looking at a very bleak winter with little or no heat while its economies slip into a steep recession teetering on a depression as their manufacturing grinds to a halt.
Adding to that insanity are European governments shutting down farmers to please the European Union and the United Nations regarding the Climate Change Hoax. Freezing to death and starvation are on the Deep State agenda in Europe. Its World Economic Forumpuppet is pushing this madness, led by crypto-Nazi Klaus Schwab.
Meanwhile, Putin is laughing all the way to the bank as he rakes in many billions selling oil at discounted rates to Red China, India, and Asian countries. They will become even more dependent on Russian energy and more committed customers.
At the same time, the United States and NATO countries have seriously depleted their arsenals while sending billions in weaponry to the corrupt Zelensky regime. How much of those arms shipments have made their way to the global arms black market so Zelensky and his fellow gangsters can line their pockets?
The president of Nigeria claims some of the weaponry has come to his country to arm Islamic terrorists. It’s also possible that some of the weapons are coming there from the Taliban out of the stockpile the Biden regime irresponsibly abandoned in Afghanistan.
Of course, as the Ukraine war drags on, the military-industrial complex will have more orders pour in for their armaments. The outcome simply doesn’t matter to them as long as the war keeps going.
The United States military has been dangerously weakened, which no doubt was part of Putin’s goal and the joint strategy he’s forged with Red China.
Tomorrow marks the 81st anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The American military had to scramble to build an effective war machine to respond. Our country was as defenseless then as it’s getting to be now. Ignoring history appears to afflict both Democrats and Republicans.
Thanks for reading! Last month The Forgotten Street enjoyed continued strong readership. We welcomed foreign visitors from these locations: Germany; The European Union; Red China; The Ukraine; The Russian Federation; The Czech Republic; Canada; Brazil; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Japan; Vietnam; Lithuania; The United Kingdom; Austria; Israel; India; Norway; Poland; Slovenia; and South Africa. God bless all our followers here at home and around the globe!
Today’s Catholic saint of the day is St. Nicholas! Get busy with your Christmas shopping on Amazon. Top your list with both of J.C. Hawkins’ landmark Betrayal at Betrayal exposes on the treacherous Deep State.
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. ISAIAH: 55:6-8
November 22, 2022
After 59 Years, the JFK Murder Comes More Clearly into Focus
59 years ago today, the greatest crime in American history was committed. While riding through the streets of Dallas, Texas, President John F. Kennedy had his brains blown out in front of the entire world.
It was a crime meant to send a message. But it was a crime meant to never be truly solved. The Warren Commission convened by President Lyndon Johnson was supposed to determine what exactly happened. What it provided was simply not believable, particularly because the alleged assassin was killed two days after his arrest.
For almost six decades, independent researchers have analyzed the available evidence and provided theories as to who was really responsible and how the assassination was carried out.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who were alive on November 22, 1963, will never forget where we were when we learned the news and how horrified we were. I was in social studies class in high school. It was distressing to see how my favorite teacher, and school basketball coach, broke down and sobbed. All of us were too shocked to really comprehend the evil of that day.
Much of the speculation as to culprits has centered on rogue agents in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Mafia, or Cuban exiles angered by the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Some believe it might have been a conspiracy of all three.
The fact that the CIA continues to stonewall on the full release of documents related to the assassination only feeds the theories about that day.
Since I started researching and writing about The Deep State, I began to see an intriguing pattern come into focus. Taking a fresh look at the JFK research, done so well by so many well-intended people, I was struck by a new insight: why are we still looking at the murder as an isolated, one-off event?
Five years ago, I presented a brand-new theory for the consideration of the JFK research community. It debuted in my book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy, and John F. Kennedy.
What captured my imagination was these three patriots, who formed the vanguard in the fight against domestic and global communism, all died under suspicious circumstances. Their bodies all wound up in the same place: the morgue at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Forrestal and McCarthy both died at the Bethesda hospital. Upon investigation, I concluded both were murdered there and offer details on how it might have happened. JFK’s autopsy at Bethesda was clearly part of a massive coverup of the wounds and the criminal evidence they provided.
The treason committed at the Bethesda hospital over a period of 14 years was the worst in American history.
I also discovered incredibly strong personal ties among these leaders. Forrestal proved a mentor to Kennedy and McCarthy, while McCarthy became friends with Jack Kennedy as well as other members of the Kennedy family.
There’s clear evidence of powerful enemies made by each of these men, enemies who had motive for murder. I now see the three deaths as part of a continuum, committed by The Deep State to prevent its agenda from being revealed and thwarted.
McCarthy was determined to get to the bottom of Forrestal’s death. Kennedy would have been in a position to delve into both Forrestal’s and McCarthy’s deaths if re-elected in 1964.
Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprising, other JFK researchers seem reluctant or even hostile to the notion of looking into my thesis. I don’t claim to have a monopoly on the truth. But I do think further research is merited.
I now wonder if some of the research and researchers in fact may be part of a Deep State disinformation operation meant to deflect us from finding the truth.
Ongoing research has led me to conclude New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison got tantalizingly close to uncovering the truth with his investigation. The few missing pieces in that puzzle now may be ready to surface.
As work continues on book three in my Betrayal at Bethesda series, I can tell you that when published, it will reveal those pieces and show how the puzzle fits.
With the passage of time, and as fewer Americans are alive who experienced the trauma of November 22, 1963, the Deep State continue its scurrilous attack on President Kennedy. By focusing on salacious aspects of his private life, instead of the substantial accomplishments of his presidency, it makes sure JFK undergoes a second assassination, this time of his character. The Deep State goal is to have fewer and fewer people ever care about learning the truth. Aiding and abetting in this deception is The Elite Traitor Media.
For those of us who remain alive and still fervently care, November 22, 1963, is still The Day America’s Innocence Died.
Thanks for reading! The Deep State pursues its globalist agenda of coercion, murder, and treason to destroy national sovereignty, economic freedom, and individual liberty. J.C. Hawkins’ landmark histories reveal this treachery. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research and writing for Book Three remain underway. Family health issues may inhibit our goal of completion before the end of the year. Stay tuned for updates. Readers in 12 countries on five continents keep embracing the Betrayal at Bethesda series. Our fellow Americans also continue their support. God bless you all!
The Betrayal at Bethesda histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Also, consider them for your Christmas gift list.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS began its 17th year on November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C. on TRUTH SOCIAL @jchawkbethesda.
Here is one of President Kennedy’s favorite Bible verses:
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. ISAIAH: 40:31
November 19, 2022
We Pretty Well Pegged the Election Results; The Aftermath is Ugly
Going back and re-reading our last post, it’s clear we had a pretty good sense of what to expect. We wanted to see how the House of Representatives sorted out before offering any post-election analysis.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, knew The Deep State could be counted on for the usual shenanigans from its Democrat minions. As we continue to await resolution of the Arizona governor’s race, the fact that 10 days have past just solidifies the impression we have a third world, banana republic electoral system.
The exact margin Republicans have for the House majority remains unclear as some races may head to a recount. Whatever it winds up being, it will be razor thin. Whoever becomes Speaker (most likely Kevin McCarthy) will have a real job on his or her hands herding the disparate GOP cats.
Joe Biden, The Bastard President who demonized Republicans in general and Trump supporters in particular during the campaign, now wants to put on his “Mr. Unity” hat and work with the House leadership to get bipartisan legislation. That will be a hard sell. Already, GOP firebrands are previewing probes of the Biden family’s global business interests.
With the election out of the way, The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) are ginning up speculation about the 2024 presidential election. Their primary focus is on a fake feud between recently announced candidate Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who’s indicated he has no interest in running at this time.
The ETM is doing what it does best: political masturbation. However, let’s not forget former CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin who focused on actual masturbation.
Still hanging out there from the 2022 election is the December 6 runoff election in Georgia between Democrat incumbent Rafael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker. With the Senate majority already decided in the Democrats favor, this race has less importance than it would have.
Warnock has to be the odds-on favorite to win re-election. GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made no effort to help Walker in the general election and certainly won’t do anything to help now. He’s too busy trying to re-elect the utterly worthless Lisa Murkowski in Alaska instead of Trump-backed Kelly Tshibaka.
McConnell already deep-sixed Blake Masters in Arizona by pulling money and resources away from him. The fact is McConnell’s perfectly happy being Minority Leader. The job of Majority Leader would have been too pressure-packed for him, as evidenced by his undistinguished tenure in that position during President Trump’s first term.
Mitch isn’t cut out to run an opposition party. He’s too big a part of the Uniparty that controls what happens in Washington D.C. Congress is a huge congregation of back slappers, back scratchers and thumb suckers all feeding at the taxpayers’ trough.
The ETM used the prospect of a “Red Wave” to pump up the Democrat base to vote and to get the Deep State election thieves in high gear. Ground Zero for the fraud is Arizona, where we had the spectacle of the Democrat candidate for governor also being the state official in charge of the election.
In today’s world, the concept of a “conflict of interest” is ignored as antiquated. Especially when such a critical election is on the line.
Is it any wonder Americans are beginning to lose faith in the fairness and integrity of our elections? That’s been a key ingredient of the Deep State agenda for decades.
Which leads us to Donald Trump’s decision to already announce his intention to run for president again in 2024. Some think the decision was too early and premature. Others see it as a way for Trump to throw down the gauntlet and dissuade potential challengers from wading into the arena.
His announcement speech was more focused and measured than his standard rally speech. He recognizes the need to be more forward-looking and to delineate his agenda in contrast to what the Biden regime is trying to force upon Americans.
Obviously, he hopes to consolidate his base and discourage potential rivals. To do that, he’ll have to stop taking cheap shots at successful GOP governors (DeSantis, Youngkin) who still might be persuaded to move to his corner. His off-the-cuff quips run the risk of alienating their supporters.
But there is another aspect to his decision to announce. By being a formal candidate, he likely thought it more difficult for the DOJ or New York authorities to try to prosecute him for a made-up crime.
Yesterday brought the surprising news that Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a Special Counsel to determine if Trump committed any crimes related to the January 6 disturbance at the Capitol and by taking classified documents to his Mar-A-Lago estate when he left the presidency.
This move simply adds more credence to Trump’s assertion that he is the subject of endless partisan witch hunts and political persecution. Apparently, the geniuses at the DOJ and their Deep State masters didn’t learn a damn thing from the Mueller Special Counsel fiasco.
Trump had this to say last night about the latest Deep State effort to take him down and deny the American people the opportunity to vote on his candidacy:
“We cannot let them get away with it… Why is there not a special counsel for them? I’ve done nothing wrong. They’ve been involved in criminal activity…. These people are corrupt and yet they go after the innocent… Millions of pages, they’ve got nothing. You take a look at the fake impeachment hoax and I won. We won. We went through the whole process… Isn’t this sort of double jeopardy?”
Of course, the ETM declined to air his remarks.
Lessons learned from the 2022 election include the GOP must get a better handle on how to prevent post-election overnight ballot drops that wipe out potential Republican victory margins. Some pundits urge Republicans to get better at mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, but that won’t obviate the blatant cheating going on through manipulation of machine votes and creation of phony ballots that wind up getting counted well after the polls close and results should already be known.
Assuming Biden was well-aware of the DOJ move for a Special Counsel, it’s clear he’s pissed away any right to expect cooperation from the GOP-led House on bipartisan legislation. If he wasn’t in the loop, then he should be totally ashamed.
Garland has shown he’s a vicious partisan not the least bit interested in the proper administration of justice. The Banana Republic Biden regime is the worst in American history by any measure.
Americans can look ahead to a full-blown partisan war in DC, with a further deepening of an ailing economy into recession or even involvement in a global depression being perpetrated by the Deep State.
Thanks for reading! For more background on The Deep State’s legacy of treachery, including treason and murder, check out J.C. Hawkins’ two Betrayal at Bethesda books, available on
November 7, 2022
The Crystal Ball on Tomorrow’s Election is a Little Fuzzy
Right up to election eve, the major political parties are playing the “setting expectations” game.
GOP partisans are predicting a massive victory, and even The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) are hyping stories of a “Red Tsunami.” Democrats are trying to put on a brave front and say they expect to hold majorities in the House and Senate.
So, what can we reasonably expect? As a confirmed history buff, I tend to look at previous election trends to see what might lie ahead. In general, the party that holds the presidency and congressional majorities can expect to lose some seats in a midterm election. In tough economic times, the party in power usually pays a big price for its failures.
That would point to clear Republican gains tomorrow, but will it be enough to flip one or both houses of Congress?
The joker in the political deck is The Deep State. It’s been on a methodical drive to create societal division and undermine our political system. Some of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, have been around long enough to see the steady erosion of what once were considered political norms.
The globalist cabal pushing a one world government run by self-appointed elites want a sizeable number of Americans on both sides of the political aisle to regard tomorrow’s results with skepticism and to “cry foul” no matter what happens.
That’s why the ETM is pumping up the Red Tsunami story. If a GOP win falls short of that expectation, then doubts will begin to creep in about Democrat skullduggery. The goal is to further undermine faith in the electoral process and continue to discourage voter participation.
Of course, that hinges on whether we know the full results tomorrow night or even Wednesday morning. Joe Biden has already warned that it might take a few days to get a real answer. That, in and of itself, would indicate the usual amount of Democrat cheating and fraud will occur in the traditional places. Those of you expecting a fair election in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona may be in for a real kick in the groin.
Both parties are lawyered up to contest results in states that don’t go their way, which will only muddy the water and create more uncertainty moving forward. That will simply add fuel to the simmering fires of distrust in elections in general.
That’s the entire Deep State game. Create total cynicism regarding elections and discourage voter participation so that results can be more easily manipulated. Also, fire up the fringe elements on both sides of the spectrum to provoke possible violence against political opponents.
The extreme hyperbole and rhetoric from political stooges like James Clyburn set the stage for unhinged Democrats to continue assaults on Republicans, and Trump supporters in particular.
If the Red Tsunami actually happens, look for Antifa and BLM to take to the streets. We’ll be headed for a winter of unrest.
The Democrat claim the MAGA movement presents a threat to democracy is totally absurd. The millions of Americans engaged in the “Make America Great Again” cause are trying to do it through traditional means at the ballot box and hoping that elections might be on the up and up.
The lessons from 2020 haven’t sunk in with enough Americans. We still had places where more voters voted than were registered to vote. Simultaneous vote counting delays in six key states overnight allowed Biden to catch up and surpass Trump’s vote total. They were clearly orchestrated and timed for maximum effectiveness.
There’s no way in hell Joe Biden got the highest legitimate vote total for any candidate in history. With that in mind, we should view tomorrow’s election with some wariness. Record high inflation, rampant crime, and the highest number of Americans not working ever should spell defeat for the Biden regime and its congressional cohorts.
Don’t buy the hype from either side. We’re likely to not know the real results tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. Not as long as we have a third world election system ripe for fraud, thanks to voting machines that can be manipulated, mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and unpurged voter registration rolls.
The Deep State deep-sixing of public faith in elections is on quite a roll. It will take a monumental in-person vote tomorrow to thwart its insidious agenda.
Thanks for reading! Learn more about the Deep State’s assault on America in J.C. Hawkins’ two landmark Betrayal at Bethesda books available on in paperback and Kindle versions. Be sure to follow J.C. on TRUTH SOCIAL @jchawkbethesda.
November 1, 2022
The Forgotten Street Enters Year 17
It was 17 years ago today that J.C. Hawkins and his wife launched The Forgotten Like many everyday Americans, they were fed up with the political establishment ignoring people’s concerns about the direction our country was taking.
Without a lot of money to bankroll the operation, and the need for both to still work full-time jobs, they managed to find an audience for their views, an audience that has expanded to close to 50 countries globally.
Across the world, political elites are ignoring the concerns of their citizens as well. That’s why there’s a growing tide of populism and national pride that mirrors the movement ignited by Donald Trump in the United States.
TFS shines a spotlight on how political, media and academic elites have done the bidding of The Deep State in selling out our constitutional republic.
The founding statement for The Forgotten Street, with a few updates to reflect our current time, follows:
“For far too many Americans, it seems we have lost control over our lives to a swollen federal government and self-appointed elites who want to impose on us their beliefs and their morals.From out-of-control federal spending to attacks on traditional marriage, from a politicized justice system to persecution of people of faith, we see daily events that shake our confidence in the American system.
Behind it all is the political, media and academic elites’ total disdain and contempt for what I call The Forgotten Street – Main Street USA.”
They view us as boorish and stupid, unsophisticated, because we love our country, its religious heritage, and its ideals. Like other elites in the past and present, they seek to control and manipulate people for their own gain and power while restricting individual freedom.
These are people quick to blame America for our troubles in the world. People who insist on securing their financial futures by robbing us of ours. People who believe God has no place in public discourse. People who glorify drug use, promiscuous sex, unlimited abortion, perversion, and abuse of women in their media and music.
The Hollywood that created movie classics that celebrated our country, our freedom and our optimism has been replaced by cynics who present a warped view of America that tears us down in the eyes of the world and promotes bizarre conspiracy theories.
These globalist elites control and have destroyed so many of our institutions – our mainstream media, much of our government and judicial system, our schools and universities, our churches, big business, Big Tech and the entertainment industry.
So what can we on The Forgotten Street do to reclaim the heart of America and restore pride in our country and its rich traditions? To begin with, we have to stand up and speak up. We have to be heard. We have to be prepared to endure public scorn as we fight to uphold our values and our beliefs. We must insist that politicians follow the consent of the governed, not their twisted agenda.
The moral equivalency promoted by the elites is just plain wrong. Our nation was founded by courageous leaders who defined the rights given us by Our Creator, not government. It’s time we all embrace that idea as our foundation for moving forward. And it’s time we tell the elites that we are fed up with their inability to understand that simple premise.”
The Deep State will never prevail and take away the liberties that God Almighty has given us.
We will defend our constitutional, representative republic down to the last patriotic man and woman. The Great Reset and New World Order can go straight to the Hell in which they were formed.
The Forgotten Street will remain and continue as your voice in the fight for liberty worldwide!
We greatly appreciate our foreign followers who visited in October from these locations: Germany; The European Union; Red China; The Czech Republic; Colombia; Vietnam; Madagascar; Poland; The Russian Federation; Turkey; The United Kingdom; Norway; The Ukraine; Finland; France; Japan; Montenegro; Mexico; and South Africa. God bless you all, and our fellow American patriots as well.
Learn more about The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ two groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesdabooks available on in paperback and Kindle versions.
October 27, 2022
Climate Change Kooks Are Anarchist Scum
Recent reports of Climate Change Kooks attempting to destroy priceless works of art and blocking emergency vehicles on highways simply reveal what’s really at work here.
The Deep State has been using the Climate Change Hoax to undermine national sovereignty and hasten the advent of a globalist one-world government run by elites who will control all aspects of everyday life.
Normal people on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know these unhinged activists surely can’t think their eco-terrorist tactics will win anyone to their cause. They can’t be that disturbed, or can they?
Trying to deface and damage beloved works of art is the act of an anarchist, someone who simply wants chaos to destroy the existing public order. The Deep State encourages that chaos so it can impose a new order and achieve more power.
As these events escalate, one wonders why museums continue to have such worthless security. The simple way to stop these wanton acts is to forbid anyone to bring any bag, bookbag, or purse into spaces where the art is open to view. It would be easy to have a checked area that works like a coat check to let people leave their belongings.
As for the dipsticks blocking streets and highways, if the police won’t do their jobs and remove them, then let motorists resolve the problem as they see fit. Problem solved.
The problem these kooks have is they advocate a cause based on the worst pseudo-science ever perpetrated. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It represents a trace amount in the atmosphere and in no way can cause global warming.
CO2 is a fundamental building block for all human and plant life. As more of this harmless gas is produced, it simply promotes more vegetation and plant life. More plant life pumps more oxygen into the air. If we bought into the crazy “Net Zero” emissions goal, we would be on our way to the extinction of all life on Earth.
There are evil forces at work here. They’re trying to destroy civilization as we know it. Let the kooks have their temper tantrums, but let’s draw the line at the destruction of private property, motor vehicles, and works of art.
Thanks for reading! Learn more about the evil agenda of The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ two Betrayal at Bethesda books available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions.
October 23, 2022
Pope John Paul II Has the First and Last Word on Parental Rights
As we approach the midterm election on November 8, parental rights have moved to the forefront of political issues impacting local, state, and national elections.
The Democrats’ surrender to the communist teacher unions and LGBTQ movement has prompted parents to get more involved in school board meetings and school policies. That’s led the Biden regime to activate the DOJ and FBI with its goons and enforcers to attack the parental rights movement and criminalize concerned parents.
In 1984, Pope John Paul II prepared a book of Prayers and Devotions with 365 Daily Meditations for Catholics and all people of faith to find inspiration (published by Viking Press). The wisdom contained in it serves as one of my daily devotional guides.
His October 23 meditation has compelling resonance for everyday folks on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who believe the battle over parental rights may be the most critical in saving our Constitutional Republic and fighting the Satanic influences working to destroy it.
His thoughts underscore the pure evil The Deep State is trying to inflict on us and our children:
“Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.
“Their role as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it. For it devolves on parents to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and reverence for God and man, that personal and social development will be fostered among the children.
“Hence the family is the first school of those social virtues that every society needs.
“The parents’ right and duty is described as essential, connected as it is with transmission of human life; it is described as original and primary, as regards other educational functions, because of the uniqueness of the love relationship which exists between parents and children; it is described as irreplaceable and unalienable, therefore as not be able to be totally delegated to others, nor usurped by others.”
Great wisdom from a truly great man. Usurpation of parental rights is one of the bedrock principles of teacher unions and so-called progressives. Their unholy transgender cult has brought the issue home for many parents who don’t want perverted boys pretending to be females polluting girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, while destroying women’s sports.
Several incidents in Virginia proved a flashpoint that ultimately catapulted Glenn Youngkin into the governor’s mansion and put the issue on the national map.
It’s an issue that’s not going away, despite whatever pressures The Deep State, Democrats and their acolytes in The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) bring to bear on concerned parents, conservatives, and patriots everywhere. We’re not buying into their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scam as the way to destroy our social fabric and morals.
Thanks for reading! The Biden regime and warmongers in the War Machine Complex keep upping the ante in the Ukraine, pouring more billions down that corrupt rathole in the name of protecting democracy and Ukraine’s borders. What a sick joke.
There’s likely no country on earth more corrupt and less democratic than the Ukraine. It’s a damn disgrace our government and the ETM are more concerned about the Ukraine border than ours.
The Deep State pursues a globalist agenda of coercion, murder, and treason to destroy national sovereignty and individual freedom. J.C. Hawkins’ landmark histories reveal this treachery. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research and writing for Book Three remain underway. Family health issues may inhibit our goal of completion before the end of the year. Stay tuned for updates.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents keep embracing the Betrayal at Bethesda series. Our fellow Americans also continue their support. God bless you all!
The Betrayal at Bethesda histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live. Also, consider them for your Christmas gift list.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS will begin its 17th year on November 1!
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email: Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address. We’d love to hear from you. Remember to follow J.C. on TRUTH SOCIAL @jchawkbethesda.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. EPHESIANS: 6:1-3
July 28, 2022
Zelensky Plays The West For Total Fools
As the war in The Ukraine drags on, it’s become painfully apparent that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is making monkeys out of most Western leaders.
Joe Biden, the Brits, and NATO look especially foolish as they keep pumping out ridiculous propaganda (which The Elite Traitor Media laps up like mother’s milk) to prop up the gangster Zelensky regime. As they ramp up the shipments of arms and aid to the Ukraine, they seem oblivious to the fact that Russia has decimated the Ukrainian army and corrupt Ukrainian officials are making millions selling those arms on the black market.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are beginning to wonder if Zelensky’s never-ending demands for more aid and weaponry actually are serving to disarm America, NATO and NATO member nations to Russia’s and Red China’s advantage. We’ve all seen how damaging this escapade has been to the American economy. That’s exactly what The Deep State has in mind.
The West has discouraged any type of peaceful settlement to the conflict, thinking its sanctions will weaken Putin’s regime and perhaps lead to his downfall. Biden inadvertently revealed the Western desire for regime change, which NATO has pursued in other global hot spots such as The Ukraine, Bosnia, and Libya.
As Russia continues to pump oil for the global market and put a stranglehold on energy for Western Europe, it’s clear the Western strategy has failed miserably. Russian coffers are filling up with rubles as Red China and India suck up oil at discounted prices.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden keeps draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve with no apparent plan or even capability to refill it. Russia and Red China are licking their chops, laughing at his incompetence that borders on treason.
How can I say The Ukraine is lost? When Zelensky has time to pose for Vogue magazine while his country is being torn to shreds, it’s obvious he’s not the least bit up to acting as a wartime leader. He appears more interested in being an international celebrity hobnobbing with Hollywood has-beens like Sean Penn and political hacks like Boris Johnson.
The sorry bastard seems not the least bit grateful for what our government and others have done to help his lost cause. All he does is whine.
This is the man that George W. Bush called “the Churchill of our time.” That would seem to prove what the Left said about Bush two decades ago. He is a moron. At the least, he is a Deep State stooge.
June 7, 2022
The All-Out Biden/Democrat War on America’s Children
A year and a half into the Biden administration, it’s become all too evident that Joe Biden and Democrats have declared total war on American children.
At so many age levels and across all demographics, the barking mad Far Leftists who control Biden and run the Democrat party won’t relent in their drive to create a generation of poorly educated children, racked with unrealistic fears of their future, and easy to submit to government control.
We everyday Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, now recognize the public education system from pre-K through college is ill-equipped to produce the type of citizens who can sustain a democratic republic. That’s all deliberately designed by The Deep State to force us all into subservience to a fascistic one world government run by a self-selected elite.
Here are the deliberate actions against children being carried out by the illegitimate administration of The Bastard President with the full aid and cooperation of The Elite Traitor Media (ETM):
Unrestricted abortion at any stage of pregnancy right up to birth, and even infanticide of babies born alive after a failed abortion.
A manufactured shortage of baby formula leaving infants in danger of becoming seriously malnourished or even starving. Meanwhile, infants of illegal migrants at the southern border and in The Ukraine are supplied the needed food.
Ineffectual school security that Democrats refuse to acknowledge. They won’t take steps to harden entrance points. Meanwhile they’ll send $40 billion to the Ukraine, money that could go a long way to making school children safer.
Early sexualization of small children through exposure to perversion such as drag queen story hours and books that celebrate homosexuality over normal family relationships between men and women.
Encouragement of gender fluidity to the point of grooming children into becoming transexual without parental knowledge or consent. They advocate use of puberty blockers and surgical mutilation for children too young and mentally confused to comprehend what they’re doing.
Denial of parental school choice that traps far too many minority children in sub-standard schools in which they don’t receive even a basic education.
During the recent pandemic forced masking of small children and students that inhibited proper physical and mental development well as retarding social skills and isolating them from healthy friendships.
Instilling irrational fears about the China Virus and Climate Change Hoax that make children less confident about the future and more likely to do poorly in their educational pursuits. Homeschooling looks better and better.
What kind of sick bastards are the people running our government and major institutions that allow all this to happen? They think parents should take a back seat to government when it comes to raising children.
Far too many Americans are pinning their hopes for a major directional change on Republicans taking control of Congress in the November election. Unhappily, with Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy as the putative future leaders in the Senate and the House, do you honestly think they will operate as true conservatives and pursue an America First agenda?
That’s assuming there even is an election in November. Biden and the Democrats no doubt will look for a new crisis to exploit and suppress in-person voting or forestall the election all together.
Already the trial balloons are floating in the atmosphere: the proxy war with Russia in The Ukraine; a new strain of COVID or monkeypox; a shortage of food and household supplies; a false flag terrorist incident. Democrats will stoop incredibly low to get what they want. They’ll even go as far as a hot war with Russia.
The real hope for meaningful long-term change must happen at the local and state levels. We need to take back control of our school boards and local governments to turn back the leftist tide. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is providing the template for how to stand up to The Deep State, woke corporations, and the ETM.
We still hold the power of the purse and can easily deny the Fake News and left-leaning corporations our readership, viewing and purchasing dollars. Spend your money with local stores and vendors who you know support your values. Take charge of your children and tell government “Hands off!”
Memorial Day, May 30, 2022
Arlington And Other National Cemeteries: Truly Homes of The Brave
Memorial Day is the day we set aside to remember those courageous men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country. Unhappily, for far too many Americans it’s just another holiday for partying.
Traditionally, it’s the day when the President of the United States travels to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia to pay tribute to our fallen warriors, place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and make patriotic remarks to officially honor the occasion.
For those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, it’s also time to consider how many of our military were poorly led into ill-conceived wars that simply used them as cannon fodder. That may be because many of our so-called leaders never experienced being under fire or in danger while wearing the uniform.
Those who knew the horror of war first-hand were more determined to keep it from happening again.
Readers of the Betrayal at Bethesda books are likely familiar with the story of President John F. Kennedy’s last Memorial Day visit to Arlington. A critical part of both books is how former Secretary of Defense James Forrestal proved to be a mentor for a young Jack Kennedy in the aftermath of World War II. For the benefit of those who don’t know the whole story, here’s an excerpt from Betrayal at Bethesda II:
“In his speech that day, President Kennedy spoke these inspiring words: ‘The cost of freedom is always high, but American have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that path is surrender, or submission.’
“Accompanying him to Arlington that day was his two-and-a-half year old son, John F. Kennedy, Jr. One has to wonder if seeing the military pageantry that day, John-John, as millions of Americans knew and loved him, learned the salute that would touch the world on the day of his father’s funeral.
“On the last Memorial Day of his life, Jack Kennedy paid a solemn visit to James Forrestal’s gave in Arlington National Cemetery after the conclusion of the traditional ceremonies. (A poignant photograph of the visit is available at the Kennedy Library in Boston).
“One can only wonder what went through JFK’s mind as he paid homage to a man who played such a critical role in his development as a much-beloved political leader. Clearly taking the time out of his busy schedule for that visit showed the devotion he had to his mentor.
“Behind JFK in the photo is his good friend, Grant Stockdale of Florida, who served as the American ambassador to Ireland for JFK. It’s reported that Kennedy remarked while on the visit to the Forrestal grave, ‘It is so peaceful here. I almost think I could stay forever.’
“At that moment, did he possibly ponder the fate that both James Forrestal and Joe McCarthy endured at Bethesda or have any inkling of what awaited him just six months later in Dallas?”
It’s almost inconceivable that six months after the visit, Jack Kennedy would be laid to rest in Arlington, just down the hill from Section 30 where James Forrestal is buried. Two great American heroes and patriots in the fight against global Communism linked forever in their eternal rest.
For younger Americans who never witnessed the leadership shown by President Kennedy during his short tenure in office, he’s simply become an object of character assassination and vicious smears focusing on his extramarital affairs. That’s what sells tabloid papers and serves need for The Deep State to keep the truth about his murder, and its role in that heinous crime, from surfacing. The globalists behind the scenes are hoping those of us who still care about the truth will die off before their treachery is revealed.
Wait until Betrayal at Bethesda III is completed. You’ll all know more then.
May 20, 2022
Globalist Elites Meet in Davos to Plot Death of the American Republic and Ending Democracy Worldwide
The World Economic Forum (WEF) annual spring meeting opens on May 22 in Davos, Switzerland. More than 2,500 attendees flying in on private jets will blather on about climate change nonsense, and how we need to abandon the use of so-called fossil fuels while they plot of the demise of Western civilization.
Those invited include only the chosen few from global government, business, and international organizations like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, World Bank, NATO, OPEC, and the International Red Cross.
From May 20 to 22 they’ll do all they can to push their “Great Reset” plan to eliminate national sovereignty, private property, and individual freedom. It will be an absolute America hate-fest orchestrated by The Deep State.
For those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, it’s hard to imagine a larger assemblage of the most wretched hive of scum on the planet.
These self-anointed elites are pushing for total globalist control of the world economy, destruction of borders worldwide, and elimination of private property ownership by ordinary folks like us.
WEF brags it will have 50 heads of state in attendance along with assorted government apparatchiks who are eager to gain more control and power.
Among the American political attendees listed are the usual Hate America First suspects like Al Gore, John Kerry and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. Joining them will be a few alleged Republicans who are ultimately stooges for the DC Uniparty.
They include House members Daniel Meuser (PA), Ann Wagner (MO), Michael McCaul (TX), and even Darrell Issa (CA). GOP senators attending include Debra Fischer (NB), Pat Toomey (PA), and Roger Wicker (MS).
Of course, we can assume globalist icons like Bill Gates and George Soros will be on board as well. They’ll be joined by alleged leaders in academia, the entertainment world, and The Elite Traitor Media (ETM).
WEF founder and crypto-Nazi Klaus Schwab has announced the theme for the Davos conference will be “Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies.”
Specific topics will include the global pandemic caused by The China Virus, the Climate Change hoax, global economic instability, and, last but not least, the war in the Ukraine. Of course, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will appear virtually.
Hell, Zelensky keeps popping up virtually at all sorts of global events, including the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Apparently, the opportunity to appear before the entertainment elite was too good for Zelensky to pass up. It’s not like there’s a war going on in his country.
He’ll fit right in with the other frauds in attendance at Davos. Those on hand will party on and live it up, surrounded by servants, while American moms scrounge around for baby formula and worry over filling up their gas tanks to run errands and get their kids at school.
At least Schwab openly admits the real goal of WEF and The Deep State is the new Global Fascism, combining the worst elements of communism and capitalism into an unholy union to turn the world upside down and institute One World Government run by self-appointed rulers. No more of the messy business of democratic republics voted in by the people and existing through the consent of the governed.
For years, WEF has run a Global Young Leaders program to identify and groom promising candidates to promote its agenda. Its roster is a veritable “Who’s Who” of political, media and business leaders who clearly have bought into Schwab’s schemes.
It includes: Jeff Bezos; Mark Zuckerberg, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, Chelsea Clinton, Huma Abedin, Samantha Power, George Stephanopoulos, Anderson Cooper, Maria Bartiromo (???), Nikki Haley (!!!) and Dan Crenshaw (McCain with an eyepatch).
Are you thoroughly depressed yet?
Among the concepts proposed by WEF and touted by Schwab are the abolition of private property and government provision of basic needs to assuage the public. George Orwell saw all this coming a long time ago.
April 26, 2022
Where Are the World Leaders Seeking A Peace Process for The Ukraine?
As the madmen behind The Deep State and NATO keep pushing the world closer to World War III, a serious question remains. Where is the world leader with the stature to initiate a peace process that would bring an end to this madness? Does he or she even exist?
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know Western leaders are globalist dupes with no real interest in preserving the existing world order or creating world peace. They’re pursuing the communist one world government envisioned by the Deep State and the crypto-fascist World Economic Forum.
Unfortunately, the American presidency in recent years has been plagued with cynical Deep State globalists whose agendas didn’t serve what’s best for America.
Warmongers like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden have met the needs of the Deep State and military-industrial complex to the detriment of America’s true national interest.
Their misguided interventions in Kuwait, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and now The Ukraine just exacerbated international instability in key parts of the globe. But the arms manufacturers and their shady dealers made out like the bandits they are.
On the flip side, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump all understood that presidential leadership could be used to lessen tensions among rival nations. President Carter’s Camp David Accords involving Israel and Egypt were an historic breakthrough for the Middle East.
With his personal diplomacy and appeals to Mikhail Gorbachev, President Reagan brought set in motion the forces that brought down the Berlin Wall, eliminated the Soviet Union, and ended the Cold War.
In his four-year term, President Trump achieved more for world peace than any Western leader in history. His overtures to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un brought a lessening of tension to the Korean peninsula and Japan.
The Abraham Accords was a truly historic milestone for which the Elite Traitor Media (ETM)never gave Trump the credit he deserved. Now Israel and neighboring Arab states have opened diplomatic and economic channels that benefit both sides. No previous president ever came close to accomplishing this.
We’re now subject to The Bastard President throwing more gasoline on the fire in the Ukraine by continuing arms shipments to Volodymyr Zelensky’s puppet regime and prolonging the death and destruction. Congress just sits idly by sucking their thumbs.
The ETM are blindly cheering Biden and NATO on, all of which just confirms to Russia that NATO is insanely seeking a full-scale war in Europe. Backing Russia into a corner is sheer madness, given its nuclear arsenal.
This was the Deep State plan all along. Get rid of Trump by stealing the election, thereby removing the one obstacle who would pursue peace instead of war. This war can cause the havoc globalists desire to usher in their lunatic Great Reset.
May God help us all!
March 28, 2022
Warmonger Biden Using FDR Playbook to Start World War
In what was perhaps one of the most irresponsible speeches ever given by a U.S. president, Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia and the ouster of Vladimir Putin, maybe even by violent force.
The White House staff and totally inept Secretary of State Anthony Blinken can try to walk back the remarks all they want, but one thing is clear: In essence Joe Biden has declared war on Russia.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, can see The Bastard President is following the playbook of his hero, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who did all he could to provoke Japan into launching an attack on the United States of America to get our country into another World War.
FDR’s duplicity is detailed in J. C. Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. An expanded investigation of his other sinister actions during WWII is featured in the upcoming edition of the BAB series that’s currently underway and scheduled for a 2022 release.
Just as FDR was determined to shift attention away from his disastrous socialist economic policies, Biden is doing the same. It fits like a glove with The Deep State objective of plunging the world into economic, societal, and political chaos to usher in a one world communist government run by globalist elites.
Stating a truly ludicrous rationale, the brain-damaged Biden tried to make it look like he was standing up for freedom for a democratic government in the Ukraine. The government run by the phony thug Volodymyr Zelensky is the same one that’s banned all opposition political parties and taken over the news media to issue only state propaganda.
Zelensky’s rogue regime also is committing savage war crimes in its treatment of Russian prisoners of war, going so far as to torture and castrate them. Those aren’t the actions of a democratic government trying to preserve its independence.
Ukrainian soldiers have filmed themselves calling the mothers of dead Russian soldiers to mock them, using the phones of the dead soldiers. We’re supposed to help these sick bastards? Maybe Putin is right. They are Nazis.
That would be in keeping with how Ukrainians fought at the side of Adolph Hitler in World War II. There also is ample evidence that Ukrainians played a role in the murder of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust.
The comedian turned president Zelensky goes out of his way to alienate his supposed NATO benefactors by begging for their help and then bitching when he doesn’t get his way, just like a spoiled child. As noted on TFS earlier, he shouldn’t be celebrated as a “hero.” He’s more like an attention whore who loves the limelight.
He even tried unsuccessfully to get a spot on the Oscars broadcast to preen before the world. This, while his fellow citizens are dying all around him. What a fraud he is! We only see him in staged situations without others around him. Is he even in Ukraine? He’s a Deep State puppet.
The seriously addled Biden wants to back Putin into a corner to start what could be an ultimately disastrous nuclear war to prop up a fake Ukrainian government in what is perhaps the most corrupt shithole country on earth.
Biden also has heaped unnecessary personal insults on Putin that only serve to widen the rift between the world’s largest nuclear powers, creating a new Cold War that threatens global stability.
Joe Biden is an absolute menace to world peace and a despicable excuse for a supposed world leader.
Ukraine has served as a money laundering center for Deep State elites and a test laboratory for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to create biological weapons through a third-party company funded by Hunter Biden’s investment firm with money provided by the Obama administration DOD.
So, we’re supposed to go along with another worthless war, sacrificing our sons and daughters for no good reason? It’s all Bullshit! As we’ve said before, propping up the corrupt Ukrainians is not worth one drop of American blood or one more taxpayer dollar.
Let The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) pump out all the Deep State garbage propaganda it wants. We’re not buying one word of what they’re selling.
Our last worry is that in their psychotic hunger to start a war, The Deep State, ETM and Biden will resort to some horrific false flag operation and use the ETM media machine to steamroll America into another unwanted war.
March 15, 2022
Enough Already With Climate Change, Green Energy, EV Garbage!
Word that Joe Biden is getting ready to advance his Climate Change scam by executive order shows just how irrelevant Congress has become.
The Deep State wants nothing to stop its radical transformation of the United States. So, our elected alleged representatives can just sit back, collect their recent raise for doing nothing, and keep sucking their thumbs.
The Biden administration is dead set on killing the oil and natural gas industry as a time when America is sitting on the largest energy reserves in the world.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, view this monumental stupidity as totally mind-boggling.
President Donald Trump accomplished one of the greatest achievements of any modern president by making the United States energy independent once again and turning us into the reigning energy superpower in the world.
The illegitimate Bastard President managed to undo all that in a little over of year. The country’s energy policy is now driven by the lunatic fringe who either believe in the absurd Climate Change Hoax or simply want to use it to destroy the middle class, sabotage our freedom of movement, and support The Deep State’s drive for a one world communist government.
It’s time for a basic science lesson to drive a stake through the heart of the whole Green Energy Scam once and for all.
Contrary to the Deep State propaganda put forth by the Elite Traitor Media (ETM) and our thoroughly rotten education system, carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant. It’s simply one of the most critical building blocks for human survival.
The hysterical climate change doomsayers and ETM don’t want you to know that CO2 is actually a coolant used as a refrigerant, and in its solid form, it becomes dry ice. It’s non-toxic, non-ozone depleting, and non-flammable.
The amount of CO2 in earth’s atmosphere represents a trace amount (about 0.4%), hardly enough to be causing any change in climate. Its density is 60% higher than dry air, which means much of the CO2 emitted from industrial locations and transportation vehicles settles back to earth.
That’s a good thing! Plants require CO2 to grow and thrive. Through a process called photosynthesis, plants consume CO2 as a nutrient. It combines with sunlight and water to generate metabolic energy through plant sugars while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
That’s a good thing too! Humans require oxygen to survive. The more thriving plants and vegetation, the better for our survival. Carbon dioxide provides the food for crops that in turn feed humans and animals. A severe reduction in the amount of CO2 along the lines of what the Net Zero Freaks are thinking would collapse the global ecosystem and end all life on earth as we know it.
It’s past time to mock these unhinged losers, people like John Kerry and Al Gore, for the lying bedwetters they are.
So, what about CO2 released by burning fuels like natural gas? A clean hydrocarbon like natural gas when it’s burned produces kinetic energy and heat of which the byproducts are water and CO2. Thus, hydrocarbons free up the CO2 that improves crop yields and helps make the earth greener.
Enough science for today, class. Now let’s get to the truth about electric vehicles, which Biden and company are promoting as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.
In reality electric vehicles (EVs) are producing and will produce an environmental and humanitarian disaster as their usage becomes more widespread.
One fundamental issue with EVs is their batteries add significant weight to the car, which will make car accidents more deadly. To make batteries, we must rely on a number of minerals that are mined and refined for use.
Lithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese are among the materials needed, along with graphite and aluminum. Currently these materials are being sourced from foreign locations that don’t have same environmental and work safety requirements that we have in the United States, which prevent their mining here.
As General Motors, Ford and other manufacturers ramp up production of EVs, they become more dependent on foreign suppliers, many of whom are not friendly to the United States. For example, the country with the largest deposits of nickel in the world is Russia, not exactly a favored nation by us.
A normal EV battery contains about 25 pounds of lithium. Most of what’s used comes from Tibet or the highlands of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile (the lithium triangle). Of course, Tibet is controlled by Red China. Mining requires significant amounts of water for brining.
People who live in Tibet and the lithium triangle find their local streams and rivers contaminated with the discarded salt used in lithium brining. The huge amount of water needed for mining results in local farmers and livestock herders being denied water needed for their crops and animals.
Another critical element in an EV battery is cobalt, of which 30 pounds are needed for one battery. The Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa holds about 50% of the world’s cobalt reserves and provides about two-thirds of the world’s production.
Cobalt mining in the Congo results in grotesque humanitarian abuses for mine workers. It’s estimated about 40,000 children, some as young as 4, work alongside their parents. For less than $2 a day.
These workers are exposed to significant physical risk as well as psychological stress. Mine cave-ins and constant exposure to toxins like radioactive water, dust, cobalt, lead and uranium take a heavy toll. Interestingly, one of the largest cobalt mines in the Congo is owned by Congo Dongfang International Mining Company, a Red Chinese-owned entity.
But no worries. We’re sure Stephen Colbert feels just so superior tooling around in his Tesla, while mocking middle class Americans who can’t afford EVS and struggle with rising gas prices. What a sorry excuse for a human being he is!
Equally as sorry is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who pushes EVs that virtually none of us can afford as the answer to high gas prices. He’s as clueless and incompetent a nincompoop as has ever been a Cabinet official.
It’s well past time for good Americans to stand up, speak out, and tell the Climate Change Kooks “go sell crazy somewhere else.”
Thanks for reading! Be proud you are a “climate denier!”
The Deep State remains the primary force for global evil it’s been for about a century. Learn more in J.C. Hawkins’ revealing books. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Writing for Book Three is well underway, now that the bulk of research is completed.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their support. We can’t thank you enough. God bless all of you!
The Betrayal at Bethesda histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS is now in its 16th year.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. JOHN 8:12
March 6, 2022
Zelensky is a Globalist Puppet and Total Fraud
The Deep State, The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) and American neocon warmongers from both political parties are swooning over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and promoting a push for a full-scale war in the Ukraine. To more rational observers, it’s painfully clear Zelensky is just a puppet and well-paid fraud for George Soros and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
In order for the Deep State to advance its plans for The Great Reset, it needs a complete economic meltdown, global instability and a major European war to usher in a world government run by them to fix the mess.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, recognize Vladimir Putin is driven by ultra-nationalist goals and immune to what the “Global Community” thinks. He’s doing what he thinks is in Russia’s best interests.
Of course, the ETM and globalist stooges like Lindsey Graham are cheering on NATO and the West to ramp up war against Russia. I’m sorry, but the Russian invasion of Ukraine isn’t worth one drop of American blood and not any more taxpayer dollars. It simply isn’t our fight.
Don’t give me any crap about Ukraine’s national sovereignty or freedom while Joe Biden and his worthless administration allow an invasion on our Southern Border and keep spending $70 million a day to purchase oil from Russia. That money is financing a good part of Putin’s invasion.
Conveniently, war in the Ukraine drives the China Virus hoax and raging inflation off the front page and newscasts. It’s the new “shiny object” to hide the utter failures of the Bastard President and his illegitimate administration.
Zelensky was ultimately bankrolled and installed as president in 2019 by global elites following a Soros-financed fake revolution that drove democratically elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych from office in 2014 and led to an interim regime.
While he whines about the brutality of the Russians, the former comedian and actor has the unmitigated gall to criticize the United States for not imposing a “no-fly” zone, which would almost immediately trigger World War III.
He is by no means a hero defending his country. He’s simply the stooge of Soros and WEF head Klaus Schwab, doing their bidding to plunge Europe into total chaos and much of the world into war.
Putin has defended his actions as a means of taking on the “Nazis” who play a key role in Ukrainian politics. He points to the neo-Nazi “Azov Battalion” as his proof. But what goes unspoken is his knowledge that Soros and Schwab both have personal ties through their families to the Third Reich of Adolph Hitler.
There also are seemingly credible reports that the United States had set up labs in the Ukraine for biological research that Putin claims were established as biowarfare facilities much like the Wuhan lab in Red China. He definitely wants to wipe them out.
Recently, Lindsey Graham appeared to call for the assassination of Putin and keeps upping the ante to say the Russian leader should be ousted from power.
By doing so, Graham shows his devotion to the globalist cabal and his complete dereliction of duty as a United States senator. Senators in no way should be calling for the murder of foreign leaders. That should never be the American way of doing things.
South Carolinians should do themselves a favor and get rid of this warmongering fraud. He is a menace to our country and global peace. Apparently, he feels the need to fill the void left by the death of unhinged war hawk John McCain.
On the other side of the aisle, what is it about Democrat presidents using wars to obscure and cover for their inability to handle manage the government properly? Wilson and World War I, FDR and World War II, Truman and Korea, LBJ and Vietnam, Clinton and the Balkans, Obama and Libya, and now Biden and the Ukraine.
Bob Dole was absolutely right when he spoke of “Democrat wars.” Unfortunately, both Bushes fell into the same trap. Of the modern presidents only John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump truly avoided similar fiascos.
JFK was ready to pull our troops from Vietnam, but he was brutally murdered by the Deep State before he could. Nixon inherited the Vietnam mess and worked to end it. Ford wasn’t around long enough for us to know what he might have done.
Those politicians thirsting for war aren’t the ones whose sons and daughters will put their lives on the line. Those who go to fight, get maimed or die are the offspring of good Americans on The Forgotten Street.
We simply say, NO MORE WAR! We’ve been bled and robbed enough. We’re mad as hell, and we aren’t going to take it anymore.
March 2, 2022
The U.S. is Bankrolling Russia’s Invasion of The Ukraine
As the Elite Traitor Media (ETM), a.k.a. The Deep State Ministry of Propaganda, pushes the globalist narrative on Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade the Ukraine, it totally hides how United States dependence on Russian energy makes it all possible.
Our country is purchasing about 20 million barrels of oil a month from Russia because the Biden Administration made the disastrous decision to end our complete independence from foreign sources.
Making the USA a net exporter of energy was one of the major accomplishments of President Donald Trump. Reversing that success to mollify the insane proponents of the Climate Change Hoax has led our country into possible hyper-inflation and looming economic catastrophe.
As a result, the Kremlin treasury is getting about $70 million a day from the United States. Whatever the cost of Putin’s Ukrainian incursion, our dependence on his oil is bankrolling much of it.
Joe Biden’s bluster about punitive sanctions is just so much geopolitical masturbation. Touting the sanctions as “getting tough” while shoveling tens of millions of dollars to Russia daily shows what a farce the whole thing is, and what a fraud The Bastard President is.
Even more absurd is the ETM’s lauding of Biden “leading the Free World” in its new Cold War with Russia, which if things take a wrong turn, could easily become a hot war.
What “Free World” are they talking about? The one where the United Kingdom, Canada. Austria and Australia adopted measures to deal with The China Virus that would have made Adolph Hitler proud? Individual liberty has taken a real beating in the so-called Free World.
While portraying Putin as a “madman” and “thug,” globalist media stooges continue to underestimate his ability to manipulate things in his favor to ultimately get his way.
Just ask the folks in Georgia and Crimea how things worked out. One reason Putin succeeds is he doesn’t give a damn about the media hyperventilating or global public opinion. Plus, he likely hates The Deep State and Globalist Cabal with a passion.
Crypto-fascist Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum (WEF) are promoting the confrontation between The West and Putin to push the world closer to a complete economic and political meltdown that will enable them to make their goal of the lunatic Great Reset a reality.
Schwab is the single greatest threat to national sovereignty, individual liberty, and global peace in the world today. Even more than Red China and Russia combined. WEF has been grooming young political leaders like Justin Trudeau and Pete Buttigieg to carry its treasonous water in their respective countries. We already are seeing the results.
Putin recognizes the WEF threat to a current world order, one that still allows both the United States and Russia to pursue policies that further their national interests.
It’s in the world’s best interest for both countries to find a way to co-exist in an agreed framework that promotes stability and reduces the potential for armed conflict.
The Deep State war hawks in both major U.S. political parties are simply bought and paid-for dupes for globalist interests that make huge financial gains off a Cold War and even more off a real war.
Putin indicates he is open to negotiations with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to find a way out of a drawn-out war. No doubt Western interests know that increases the odds Putin will ultimately get what he wants.
Clearly The Deep State has no interest in a peaceful solution. It simply wants to promote further chaos and instability in a region that has known little else. All with the goal of instituting a communist global government that will enslave everyone.
Thank you for reading! The Deep State has been the primary force for global evil for about a century. Learn more in J.C. Hawkins’ revealing books. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Writing and research for Book Three is discovering more Deep State treachery dating back as far as the turn of the 20th century.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In February we’ve welcomed foreign readers from Italy, Canada, and Australia. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their support. We can’t thank you enough.
We also welcomed foreign visitors to TFS in February from the following locations: The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; Colombia; The Russian Federation; South Africa; Japan; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Brazil; Red China; Iran; Vietnam; Chile; Italy; Lithuania; The Netherlands; Norway; St. Pierre and Miquelon; Singapore; and Turkey. God bless you all!
The Betrayal at Bethesda histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. February was an especially strong month. It’s the primary foundation for our ongoing efforts. TFS is now in its 16th year.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others. 1 PETER 4:10
January 13, 2022
Democrats Working Overtime to Make Citizenship Worthless
A common theme around the world is how freedom-loving people dream of coming to the United States and legally becoming citizens. How many heartwarming times have we seen scenes from citizenship ceremonies and the pure joy on the faces of those receiving it?
Now, at the behest of The Deep State, Democrats are doing all they can to destroy that dream and remove any benefit of citizenship for those born with it or those who earn it.
We everyday folks on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who’ve grown up loving our country and cherishing our citizenship are thoroughly disgusted at the treasonous actions underway by communists in the Biden Administration and Congress to remove any value from being an American citizen.
They all want us to be “citizens of the world” who no longer pledge allegiance to the American flag. This all started under the rogue regime of Barack Obama, whose disdain for the flag, our heritage and our civic traditions was palpable.
From Day One of his administration, Joe Biden has carried out the worst assault on our nation’s security and identity by allowing the southern border of the United States to become flooded with illegal migrants.
Many hundreds of thousands have poured in. With the assistance of the Biden regime, they’ve been transported and deposited throughout the country, with no real means of tracking them or knowing their medical and criminal histories.
Now, it’s readily apparent Democrats in Congress want to push their phony “voting rights” bill so these individuals can be registered to vote in future elections.
The people who’ve crossed our border illegally are criminals. Period. They’ve shown no respect for our laws and now Democrats want them to have the same rights you do or even more than you.
The Democrat drive to do away with voter ID, allow mail-in-voting without meaningful verification, and promote ballot harvesting is a direct slap against all American citizens.
In Democrat run cities, we’ve witnessed the push to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. Newly elected New York Mayor Eric Adams opened that Pandora’s box with the help of the communist City Council. I wonder how that that will go over with long-time New Yorkers whose families came there as immigrants a generation or two ago and became American citizens.
It’s just another nail in the New York City coffin as the Big Apple further descends into becoming an irretrievable hellhole.
This action is the ultimate Deep State ploy to eradicate our nation state and destroy our national identity as Americans. Cheering them on are The Elite Traitor Media (ETM).
Biden’s remarks in Atlanta pushing his legislation to institutionalize voter fraud and election thievery demonstrates he’s the perfect stooge to be manipulated by the powers behind the scenes.
His divisive and deceptive speech shows how blatantly he lied in his inaugural address about bringing the country together. He’s doing all he can to drive us apart. He refers to those who oppose his totalitarian whims as “domestic enemies.” In that respect, he’s worse than Obama, which is saying one hell of a lot.
Republicans and independents banking on the midterm elections later this year to rein in Biden’s lawlessness shouldn’t count their chickens. There’s absolutely no guarantee the November election actually will be held.
The Deep State no doubt is cooking up another “national emergency” or what some are calling the “Midterm Variant” to give the Biden Administration an excuse to postpone the vote. After all, the China Virus facilitated the “steal” in November 2020.
We’re seeing an update on the Operation Northwoods playbook that was assembled in the early 1960’s to create a pretext to invade Cuba. This scheme involved creating false flag terrorist events on American soil to sway public opinion in favor of an invasion.
President Kennedy saw the plan for the sheer lunacy it represented and admonished his military advisers for presenting it to him. More about this pivotal episode in American history can be learned in J.C. Hawkins’ revealing book, Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. JFK’s opposition to this madness played a key role in his murder.
An updated Operation Northwoods was likely behind the January 6 “insurrection” false flag at the Capitol designed to undermine President Trump and stigmatize his supporters. Expect more false flags to come in the months ahead.
Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has issued orders people must carry IDs and vaccination cards to walk the streets and enter businesses, including restaurants.
According to the U.S. Census, 45% of Washington residents are black, which according to Democrat dogma would make Bowser an absolute racist to require IDs. But no worries. DC citizens don’t need an ID to vote.
America’s complete breakdown into Mass Psychosis Formation continues unimpeded as Joe Biden’s brain damage becomes more apparent. The Forgotten Street revealed on October 7, 2020, that Biden is likely suffering from encephalomalacia, a common after-effect of brain surgery. We were the only independent news source to raise that issue. Few if any have the guts to follow up on that lead even now.
Thanks for reading! The Supreme Court ruled today that the Biden/OSHA vaccine mandate was unconstitutional, showing there remain a few sane people in Washington D.C.
So far it looks like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema will prevent Democrat efforts to kill the filibuster, and thus, stall the ill-conceived voter fraud bill. They clearly have the foresight to see how the change could work against their party in the future.
In two small ways, The Deep State took it on the chin today. But they remain a growing force for more evil. That’s nothing new. Learn more in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking books. VolumeOne is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Writing and research for Book Three are bearing more fruitful revelations for our loyal readers.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their support. We can’t thank you enough. 2022 is shaping up as a pivotal year for our country’s future.
These histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It underwrites our ongoing efforts. TFS is now in its 16th year.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. ISAIAH 43:2
January 6, 2022
Comparing January 6 to December 7 and September 11 is a Thoroughly Disgusting Outrage
Kamala Harris comparing the January 6, 2021, disturbance at the Capitol to the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center that killed many thousands is beyond outrageous. If she actually believes what she said, she is either incredibly stupid or the most crass and cynical liar alive.
The Deep State, Democrats and The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) keep promoting their filthy lies about the January 6 “insurrection,” which serves the purpose of letting the American public know just how much contempt and disdain they have for our intelligence.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, see that unholy trio as the True Axis of Evil hellbent on destroying the constitutional republic we know and love. There is no hoax or deception low enough for them to stoop to in order to create a communist one world government.
December 30, 2021
The D.C. Gulag for January 6 Prisoners Destroys the Insurrection Myth
As we approach the one-year anniversary of what I call the “disturbance” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, the fact that more than 40 American protesters remain held in a fascist Gulag in the D.C. jail in full denial of their constitutional rights is beyond an outrage.
It should frighten the hell out of every law-abiding American.
The Deep State is sending a chilling message to all of us. “If you try to exercise your right of assembly to air grievances, and we don’t like it, this is what you can expect.”
Nonetheless, The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) keep pumping out the false narrative that the events at the Capitol on January 6 were an “insurrection, siege, attack, assault, riot, yada, yada, yada.”
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, see the disturbance for what it really was: a government initiated false flag operation straight out of the “Operation Northwoods” playbook.
Many of the prisoners in the D.C. hellhole that passes for a jail were outside the Capitol and didn’t enter the building. Yet, because they were able to be identified from videos shot that day, they were subjected to FBI Gestapo-style raids at their homes and arrested.
Meanwhile, the real facts are surfacing. The initial break-in at the building was carried out by heavily disguised individuals that some of the protesters tried to stop. These people have not been hunted down or arrested, leaving some to suspect they were simply FBI-instigated provocateurs.
The only serious violence occurring that day was perpetrated by the Capitol Police, who murdered two unarmed women in cold blood, beat many more, fired flash bang grenades into the peaceful crowd outside, and pepper sprayed many gathered inside and outside the building. Video exists that shows this happening.
Here’s the real horror story: those arrested and incarcerated in the D.C. Gulag are being detained without court dates, denied bail, have no family visits, and are purposely abused by prison guards.
Among the charges against them are: trespass; assault on a police officer; and obstruction of official proceedings. Not one single charge of “insurrection” has been filed against any of them or previous detainees who’ve pled guilty to various charges.
Given that many of the prisoners are first-time offenders and some are veterans, there’s no excuse for them to be treated worse than murderers or drug dealers.
Those detainees who’ve been able to make phone calls to the outside world describe being denied their critical medications, not getting proper food, forbidden from any religious services, unable to get mail, and being placed in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours at a time.
These are gross violations of due process and constitutional rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, not to mention international human rights law. Indefinite detention is an absolute abomination under American law.
Somewhere, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are beaming with pride at how the Democrats in charge of the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice are handling the situation.
Allegedly there are approximately 1,400 hours of closed-circuit video footage shot by cameras in the Capitol complex on January 6. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to make the videos public, despite Republican and media requests.
Those tapes will conclusively show exactly what happened. If in fact any intruders into the Capitol were carrying weapons with the intent of seizing control of the building or threatening elected officials and staff, we’d surely see them. Yet, they remain suppressed.
Videos have surfaced showing Capitol Police removing barricades and opening doors to admit protesters to the building. Perhaps the intent was to de-escalate the situation, or it could have been to entrap some of the protesters and identify them so they could be arrested.
Frankly, most of the video I’ve seen resembles a senior citizen bus tour guided willingly by police, instead of an “insurrection.”
The January 6 Select Committee appointed by Pelosi to investigate the “insurrection” has all the appearance of a Soviet-style star chamber proceeding to punish political enemies. She’s aided and abetted by token Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, both of whom showed their true colors long ago. Those colors aren’t red, white and blue.
If there was in fact an “insurrection,” it was the worst planned in history since 99% of the protesters appeared completely unarmed. How do you overthrow a government with no weapons?
The ETM clown show narrative regarding January 6 completely falls apart with the fact that President Donald Trump and his Department of Defense team tried repeatedly to get Speaker Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to accept the assistance of the National Guard to secure the Capitol complex prior to January 6.
They steadfastly refused. Why? Most likely, they were in on the planned false flag that was designed to discredit President Trump and his supporters.
January 6 was just one of a number of false flags planned in an updated Operation Northwoods playbook to be used against Republicans, particularly Trump supporters. No doubt more are on the horizon.
This time the intended target was not Fidel Castro and Cuba. It remains law-abiding Americans that the globalist Deep State calls “deplorables.” Moms attending school board meetings should be wary.
Meanwhile, the detainees languish in the DC Gulag. With the exception of a handful of House representatives, Congress is turning a blind eye to this grotesque violation of human rights. The GOP leadership is totally useless. It’s making no attempt to help American citizens being treated so miserably, or to assist their families who are suffering immeasurably.
The United States government has lost all moral authority to speak up for human rights globally when conditions in its capital city rival the worst of the worst anywhere.
Thanks for reading! Speaking of human rights, South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu recently passed away. A widely admired figure for his fight to end the apartheid against black South Africans, Tutu was not without a few blemishes.
As he aged, he became an outspoken, hateful anti-Semite. During his battle with the South African government, Tutu traveled to the United States to drum up support for his cause. On December 7, 1984, he met with President Ronald Reagan in the White House.
After the meeting, senior staff asked Reagan how the meeting went with Tutu. In typical Reaganesque fashion, he quipped, “So-so.”
As the ETM keeps trying to ramp up the Omicron panic, the CDC admits that the PCR China Virus test is crap, and Biden waves the white flag, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that they’ve been played by The Deep State.
That’s nothing new. The Deep State has been playing us our entire lifetimes. Learn more in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking books. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research for Book Three has unearthed more on the origins of the Deep State’s evil machinations and those responsible.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their support. We can’t thank you enough. We pray 2022 will bring better news and more happiness for all of you.
These histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of our books is deeply appreciated. It underwrites our ongoing efforts. TFS is now in its 16th year.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. JOSHUA 1:9
November 22, 2021
Why the Continued CIA Cover-up of JFK’s Murder?
Deadlines for the National Archives to release the remaining files of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) related to the brutal murder of President John F. Kennedy keep coming and going.
Both President Donald Trump and now Joe Biden have bowed to the request to keep the files hidden on the grounds of “national security.”
What a load of rubbish. Whatever remains to be released would have no impact on how the CIA obtains its secret information or what foreign governments it works with to facilitate the flow of information. Any individuals named in the files are likely deceased.
If the spy agency is still relying on methods and sources used decades ago it’s no wonder we continue to see the litany of intelligence failures that now are the CIA’s hallmark.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who were alive in 1963 vividly recall the horror of the president’s death and the tragic aftermath, including the inexplicable murder of alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.
Whatever the reasons for keeping files redacted and unreleased, it’s readily apparent the focal point involves Lee Harvey Oswald.
Just what might remain to be known about the purported assassin?
The Warren Commission Report on the assassination firmly asserted that Oswald was the lone assassin and the murder was not the result of a conspiracy. The president’s wounds alone dispel those notions. Kennedy was clearly shot in a crossfire by highly skilled and trained snipers, not a novice marksman like Oswald.
Oswald has consistently been portrayed as a communist-leaning malcontent and not a terribly bright individual. That alone shows what a sham and farce the Warren Commission was. But then, it was only doing the bidding of The Deep State.
Certain facts are not in dispute. Oswald did defect to the Soviet Union for a while and during that time we don’t know all his movements and activities. He had numerous times he espoused support for Marxism and communist philosophy. Was that real or simply part of an act?
The Warren Commission would have us believe that Oswald taught himself Russian. It offered no explanation for his language proficiency. How absurd. He was clearly fluent in it enough to get along in the Soviet Union. And, if he was as uneducated and unintelligent as the Commission and the willing dupes in the Elite Traitor Media (ETM) would have us believe, how in the world could he learn a language as complex as Russian on his own?
From what’s been released by the Archives in the past, plus the mountain of research done by independent citizens only seeking the truth, it’s clear the CIA, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), had Oswald on their radar well before November 22, 1963.
Just what did they know about him, why were they interested in his activities, and did they, as some have alleged, have some form of relationship with him?
After his return from the Soviet Union, had they identified him as a possible threat to President Kennedy and/or other public officials?
Will the still-to-be released files shed light on those questions? Biden has punted and created a new deadline of December 15, 2022. Don’t hold your breath America for anything to change. The Deep State obviously is hiding something very sinister.
Meanwhile, researchers continue to dig for the truth and are undeterred from finding it. In author J. C. Hawkins’ next title in his Betrayal at Bethesda series, he’s working on a chapter entitled: Lee Harvey Oswald: Crazed Assassin, Deep State Operative, or Just a Patsy?
Today marks 58 years since the heinous murder of President Kennedy. That was a grievous wound from which the United States of America has never recovered.
May God grant our 35th President eternal mercy, grace and peaceful rest. John F. Kennedy was a great American patriot. He was a true war hero, a strong fighter against Communism, a man who loved individual freedom, and someone who saw the United States as a shining beacon for liberty worldwide
November 17, 2021
RFK Jr. Sounds A Clarion Call Against The Deep State
With the courage so characteristic of his father and uncle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has stepped forward to warn the world of the dangers to freedom and individual liberty posed by The Deep State.
He traveled to Milan, Italy to join other leaders supporting Italians protesting the imposition of a “green pass” to further marginalize those opposed to receiving the China Virus alleged vaccines.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who are rightfully wary of the experimental shots and firmly believe in our right to control our bodies and health, salute Mr. Kennedy for his leadership on what has emerged as the paramount issue of our time.
In his remarks to the crowd in Milan, Kennedy singled out the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for its behind-the-scenes role in orchestrating the Deep State plan to use the pandemic as a ruse to consolidate global power in the hands of an elite few.
Unhappily, Kennedy knows all too well the role the CIA may have had in the death of his father and uncle Jack. (As discussed in J.C. Hawkins’ Betrayal at Bethesda books)
Noted conservative author Diana West recently featured RFK Jr.’s speech by posting the entire text on her website. It can be found at
West notes that Kennedy is “unique among national American figures” for seeing the pandemic’s handling as “a coordinated assault on liberal democracy all over the world, which has nothing to do with public health, but which, in the USA, gutted our Bill of Rights and thus robbed us of our constitutionally protected liberties.”
Kennedy opened his speech with as powerful a summation of the past 20 months as we’ll ever hear.
“No government in the history of mankind has ever relinquished power voluntarily. The power that they have taken away from us over the past 20 months they will never give back. They have taken away our freedom of speech, they have closed the churches, they have taken away jury trials against companies, no matter how negligent they, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous your injury, you cannot sue that company.
“They have taken away our property rights in the United States. They closed a million businesses for a year with no just compensation and due process. They have taken away our right to be free of warrantless searches and seizures and surveillance by the government. In the United States all of those rights are enumerated in our Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. And among the most important of those rights, after the right to free expression, which is gone, is the right to be able to participate in rule-making.”
In the face of the outrageous assault on our liberties by tyrants at every level of government, no elected official has come closer to speaking out with the passion and clarity of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Kennedy traces some historical parallels in his remarks, citing how the Nazis used the equivalent of today’s “green pass” beginning in 1937 to control the populace. The apartheid government in South Africa did the same thing to marginalize the black population.
He was careful to state he isn’t opposed to vaccines. “I’m only against bad vaccines.” He went on to discuss the Pfizer vaccine and used the company’s data from a six-month study to show the adverse events kept hidden by The Elite Traitor Media (ETM)
Most damning of all is RFK Jr.’s discussion of a simulated corona virus pandemic called Event 201 conducted in October 2019. It was hosted by Bill Gates, George Gaeto (head of the Red Chinese equivalent of the CDC), and Avril Haines, deputy director of the CIA. Haines now heads the National Security Agency (appointed by Joe Biden).
Kennedy’s conclusion is Event 201 was the planning session on how to use the China Virus as a pretext for “imposing totalitarian controls and for obliterating liberal democracy across the planet.”
As his father and uncle before him, Kennedy closed his remarks with a rousing reminder of the sacrifices made by our Founding Fathers to create our liberties and the duty of us today to defend them:
“And now it’s our job now, it is the job of everybody in this crowd, to go out and fight back, to resist, resist, resist, resist, and to reclaim our government, to reclaim our lives, to reclaim our liberty, for our children, for our country, and for all future generations.
And I can tell you this. I will stand side by side with you, and if I have to die for this, I’m going to die with my boots on.”
Let’s all pray The Deep State won’t add Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to its list of deceased patriots. Working with its stooges in the ETM, it already has launched a smear campaign against Mr. Kennedy, including a recent slimy hit piece on him and his character in the New York Post.
More on RFK Jr.’s work on behalf of child health through Children’s Health Defense can be found at its website:
Thanks for reading! Now comes word the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has delayed activities related to implementation and enforcement of its employer vaccine mandate pending the outcome of litigation.
The entire exercise has been a sham from the outset. Using the pretext of a “health emergency,” the Biden Administration delayed implementation for two months after the announcement. Our understanding of an “emergency” is believing it is something that requires immediate action. Again, the communists in the government keep playing word games.
Nothing says insanity like forcing experimental inoculations on a population and now its children to combat a disease with an overall 99% recovery rate if given proper medical treatment. Those with severe underlying conditions that have them at death’s door to start with are clearly an exception. The Deep State has totally gone off the deep end.
The Forgotten Street makes Christmas shopping easier. For the history buff and students on your list, get J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking histories. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
You won’t have to worry about them being stuck in the ocean on ships. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research for Book Three has unearthed truly startling information on The Deep State and the international criminals behind it.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. During October, we received more orders from The United Kingdom, Denmark and Canada, along with our first order from Spain. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their interest. We can’t thank you all enough.
The message behind these histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated. It helps keep our crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
November 7, 2021
Biden’s Energy Secretary is a Total Nincompoop
In the past two days, no single member of the Biden cabinet has demonstrated such complete incompetence and ignorance as Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of the Department of Energy.
Rising gasoline prices are putting a serious pinch on family budgets. The prospect for a corresponding spike in home heating costs is very real.
Ms. Granholm’s responses, when pressed in television interviews, basically comes down to this: “Tough nuggies.”
Real Americans who work and live on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are thoroughly appalled that someone this arrogant, elitist and condescending could hold a responsible leadership position in government.
In a Bloomberg interview on Friday, Granholm was asked if oil and natural gas production would be ramped up in America to meeting rising demand.
Her response? A maniacal, roaring laugh. What is it with progressive women laughing when asked tough questions?
“That’s hilarious! Would that I had a magic wand on this. As you know, of course, oil is a global market, it is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC and they made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning.”
There’s goes another empty-headed Democrat with a “magic wand” wisecrack, just like Barack Obama said about Donald Trump claiming he could revive American manufacturing. Trump proved Obama was just a complete ass on the subject.
President Trump actually had a “magic wand” handy when he opened up oil and gas production in the United States to where the country become energy independent for the first time ever, and the world’s number one energy superpower with the most proven reserves on earth.
We can recall the golden days of the Trump Administration when gasoline was $1.98 per gallon. The price today is getting close to double that.
In her latest snack on her shoe, Granholm told CNN host Dana Bash that Americans can expect to pay more to heat their homes this winter. She then offered the totally lame reply that “. . . Americans should be grateful because Europeans will be paying much more.”
Excuse me, Madame Secretary, I don’t give a rat’s hiney what Europeans pay for home heating. It’s simply not relevant or germane to the discussion about your administration’s inability to deal with the situation.
Biden’s response to America’s energy woes is to beg OPEC and Russia to increase production while he shuts down pipeline projects in the U.S. and halts new oil and gas production on federal land and offshore.
Pitiful. Joe Biden on his knees asking other countries to bail him out of a situation of his own making.
For those not familiar with Granholm’s background, she is a Canadian immigrant. She has a law degree and served as attorney general of Michigan before becoming a two-term governor of Michigan from 2003-2011. Since then, she’s been a professor in public policy at the University of California-Berkeley. Enough said. You get the picture of how wholly unqualified she is to be Energy Secretary.
Granholm is simply representative of her peers in the Biden cabinet. It’s no doubt the foremost collection of nonentities, incompetents and clueless wankers ever assembled.
October 29, 2021
Pope John Paul II’s Wisdom on Parents and Education
As the Virginia governor’s race goes down to the wire, it’s become notable because of a local issue that’s mushroomed into the hottest political debate in the country.
Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe, so aptly noted as “The Punk” by Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo, did more than put his foot in his mouth during a recent debate when he said, “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions... I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
That rash comment perfectly sums up the Democrat attitude that all children belong to the state and parents should just butt out. Frankly, it’s a purely communist mentality.
The Loudoun County School Board and school administration have shown nothing more than total contempt for parents whose tax dollars fund their indoctrination of students. They’ve even turned their backs on rapes occurring in school bathrooms by boys pretending to be transgender.
To those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, it appears the incomparably arrogant McAuliffe has given his opponent, Republican Glenn Youngkin, a potentially winning issue. He’s also provided the entire GOP a pathway to a total rout in 2022.
Suburban moms who’ve been a major voter target for both political parties now see Democrats for the contemptible liars they are. With Attorney General Merrick Garland siccing the FBI on parents voicing their concerns at school board meetings, women branded as potential “domestic terrorists” now see the Biden Administration and Democrats in general as mortal enemies.
Parents speaking up for their children and their rights are simply doing what good Americans should be doing. The communist National School Boards Association has been revealed for the vile entity it is. White House staff colluding with them to push Garland to issue his lunatic memorandum are in the same slop bucket with them.
All sides in the controversy would do well to take a step or two back to consider the wise analysis regarding parents, families and education provided by Pope John Paul II.
In 1994 the Vatican published a book, Prayers and Devotions, 365 Daily Meditations of Pope John Paul II. I start each morning reading the devotion for each day.
His October 23 message, Bringing Up Children notes:
“The task of education has its roots in the parents’ primary vocation to share in God’s creative work. By begetting in love and for love, a new person having the vocation to growth and development in him, the parents take on the task of effectively helping that new person to live a fully human life. Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.”
Amen to that!
His October 29 devotion, The Social and Political Task of the Family, makes clear the responsibility parents have to speak up and defend their values:
“The family’s social function is also expected to be expressed in political intervention. This means that families must be the first to busy themselves so that the state’s laws and institutions not only shall not offend, but shall also positively sustain and defend the family’s rights and duties.
“In this sense, families must grow in awareness of being the foremost actors in so-called ‘family policy’ and take on the responsibility of transforming society. Otherwise families will be the first victims of those evils which they limited themselves to watching with indifference.”
Among those evils are schools indoctrinating students with early sex education that’s virtual pornography, promoting abortion, allowing open use of restrooms by both genders under the guise of transgenderism, forcing the racist garbage of Critical Race Theory to demonize white students, and encouraging disdain for parental rights and supervision.
Given the Pope’s wisdom, it becomes abundantly clear Democrats are acting as satanic agents of The Deep State in doing all they can to destroy the family unit and assume complete jurisdiction over children from cradle to grave.
We may really be seeing The Great Awakening take hold at the local level as more parents find the courage and inspiration to regain control on their children’s education and health.
The news that a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee and now the agency itself are giving the green light for vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 with the Pfizer China Virus shot just further confirms how irresponsible the government has become in its public health duties.
Children in those ages are highly unlikely to suffer hospitalization and/or death from the virus. There’s absolutely no legitimate science to suggest the inoculations are fully safe. FDA authorization has occurred with absolutely no idea as to the unintended long-term side effects.
This isn’t science. This is political madness.
It’s clear the FDA is simply serving as pimps for more government welfare for Pfizer, which in no way has any liability for what may happen to children becoming guinea pigs and lab rats for the shots.
This is just one more example of why parents must speak up and defend their right to not have their children inoculated. Reckless California Governor Gavin Newsom already has ordered such a mandate. The words and wisdom of Pope John Paul II must be taken to heart and acted on.
Thanks for reading! Today Joe Biden met with Pope Francis in the Vatican, a perfect meeting to two phonies installed instead of legitimately elected. Both indicated the topic of abortion never surfaced in their discussion. Biden bragged the Pope had deemed him a “good Catholic.”
Any Pope who wouldn’t take the opportunity to provide instruction on how support of abortion undermines a basic tenet of Church doctrine is simply one who’s abdicating his duty. We would expect no less from Frankie the Red.
Your Christmas shopping is made much easier with the perfect volumes to learn more about The Deep State and its sordid history: J.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories tell it all. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News.
You won’t have to worry about them being stuck in the ocean on ships. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research for Book Three is digging much deeper into the treachery perpetrated by The Deep State and its eunuchs in The Elite Traitor Media.
Readers in 12 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. During October, we’ve gotten more orders from The United Kingdom, Denmark and Canada, and now our first order from Spain. In addition, our fellow Americans continue their interest. We can’t thank you all enough.
The message behind these histories must be shared more widely. Consider purchasing copies for donation to public and high school libraries where you live.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated. It helps keep our crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
More vaccination mandates are starting to take hold, creating a growing danger to public safety and health. Police, firefighters, first responders and health care workers in major cities are being sidelines for their refusal to take the jabs. Deadlines for the military services are looming as well, with large numbers still unvaccinated. Yesterday’s heroes now are being vilified and demonized by The Deep State for exercising their right to control their bodies and health.
Pray for them and their families. Ask Almighty God to bless and protect them with His grace.
October 24, 2021
The Completely Irrational China Virus Mandates & Destruction of American Medicine
The growing backlash among workers to the looming Biden mandate of coerced vaccinations forThe China Virus speaks volumes about the irrationality of government’s assault on the doctor/patient relationship and the medical community’s subservience to Big Pharma.
It also demonstrates real Americans’ belief that the concepts of “informed consent” and “natural immunity” still have meaning in the 21st century.
Abortion activists for decades have trumpeted the mantra, “My Body, My Choice.” But it appears that only applies for would-be mothers who want to murder their offspring. It clearly doesn’t carry any weight for people who simply don’t wish to be guinea pigs or lab rats for alleged vaccines that haven’t been fully tested. Everyday Americans with common sense can smell a rat a mile away.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who grew up with family doctors we relied on to give us medical care specifically designed for our unique circumstances, now are completely dismayed by the one-size-fits-all socialist approach mandated by The Corporate Medical Complex.
Those doctors striving to preserve the doctor/patient relationship are being severely punished and even blackballed for not toeing the socialist line.
The Deep State knows that gaining control over people through medical tyranny is the fast track to total dominance and control over society. Look how well that’s work in Great Britain and Canada. How better to do that than ramp up The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) propaganda machine to instill paralyzing fear over a virus that poses a serious threat only to the elderly with underlying health conditions.
Early on in the China Virus Pandemic we were told those contracting it who were in reasonably good health had a 99.8% chance of surviving it. In addition, the alleged “medical experts” assured us that children were not at risk. Initial focus was on the elderly with pre-existing conditions, just as we’d done during outbreaks of seasonal flu.
In general people responded well to the request to “slow the curve” by improving hand washing, keeping social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings.
The Deep State and its government apparatchiks quickly recognized the public’s willingness to acquiesce so easily had opened the door for mass mask wearing as well as school and business shutdowns. Medical tyranny was underway in the name of protecting public health.
The move toward The Great Reset began to accelerate, with the recognition the virus could be used as an excuse to frighten people away from voting in person. That hastened the spread of mail-in voting so the re-election of Donald Trump could be prevented.
The resulting economic meltdown apparently hasn’t taught a number of Americans anything. The pro-vaccination crowd isn’t content with having a majority of people vaccinated. No, instead it wants everyone vaccinated with no exceptions. That’s because they want to destroy the notion of natural immunity occurring in those who’ve had the disease and recovered.
Those who want to make their own medical choices or have sincere religious concerns about the shots are being demonized and ostracized as would-be murderers by the particularly unhinged. Millions of Americans have contracted and survived the China Virus, which means they now have natural immunity. At least it used to.
“Experts” now are telling us the only way to get immunity is to be vaccinated, thereby discarding one of the bedrock fundamentals of modern medicine.
Joe Biden is trying to sell the absurd notion that the current wave of virus cases is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. In essence, he’s telling us, “The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected.”
Even worse, the demented old fool wants to force the vaccinations on children aged 5 to 11 when there appears to be absolutely no valid medical reason to do so.
Fortunately, there still are doctors who take their profession seriously. They’re willing to place the doctor-patient relationship ahead of Corporate Medical Complex dictates that are destroying the greatest medical system on earth. These courageous individuals who’ve been willing to treat patients with medicines approved by the government for other uses have saved countless lives.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have banned the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin to protect the many billions in profits being generated for the vaccine makers.
It doesn’t matter to them that countries like India and Japan have enjoyed great success with ivermectin. Or that very poor countries in Central Africa, which rely on HCQ and ivermectin as part of their standard health regimen, have not been adversely impacted by the China Virus.
In his role as chief medical adviser on the pandemic for both President Trump and now Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci has been the ultimate pimp for Big Pharma. As a results, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died needlessly.
The lying fraud Fauci has been exposed for funding gain-of-function research at the Red Chinese Wuhan Lab that led directly to the China Virus Pandemic. The sick bastard also has funded sadistic experiments on beagle puppies in Tunisia with our tax dollars.
The battle against socialized government medicine was lost years ago with the rise of health insurance giants dictating treatments, Big Pharma corrupting physicians, and medical corporations buying up hospitals and physician practices to create substandard, one-size-fits-all medical complexes.
When people relied on their family physician, who knew their health and family histories, health outcomes were generally good before the onslaught of massive drugging of the populace with heavily promoted pharmaceuticals.
Recently peerless investigative journalist Sheryl Attkisson, one of the honest very few left today, visited Amish communities in eastern Pennsylvania to see how they’ve fared during the pandemic. She found they have done extremely well with no isolation, shutdowns, hospitalization, or vaccination.
People of the Mennonite faith are wary of government, public education, and corporate health systems in general. Instead, they rely on the scientifically proven notion of “herd immunity.”
They chose to mass infect themselves with the China Virus during a religious holiday in May, in which they all shared a communion cup of wine. That spread the virus, and fortunately most recovered from it readily. Likely their culture of hard physical work keeps their immune systems in top shape. They never shut down their work to follow government dictates.
An analysis of Amish in Lancaster County by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that, indeed, the Amish had achieved herd immunity.
By keeping to their faith, avoiding public education, ignoring government overreach, and distrusting modern medicine with its corporate culture, the Amish may be proving conclusively they are the smartest people in the United States.
Meanwhile, the fate of millions of American workers hangs in the balance as they await the vaccine mandates promised by The Bastard President, whose illegitimate government is rapidly losing the support of the American people.
Workers in all walks of life, from healthcare workers, pilots, and truckers to police, firefighters and first responders, are enthusiastically saying to those who would fire them, “Take This Jab and Shove It!”
Maybe there’s still hope for the last beacon of freedom in the world, but the light is growing dimmer as Joe Biden mocks the notion of individual liberty.
Thanks for reading! While America’s ship of state is headed for the shoals, Biden and his communist cohorts are focused on Climate Change as their big idea to fundamentally transform America and the world.
Halloween will kick off an almost two-week United National Climate Change Conference, COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland. An estimated 30,000 attendees from 197 countries around the globe will fly in for the confab, generating perhaps the greatest carbon footprint of any meeting in history. Many heads of state and assorted celebrities are expected to attend.
This may be the biggest assemblage of hypocrites, lunatics, and outright wankers in history. Of course, the Bastard President will be there with his many handlers to ensure he stays on script and totally humiliates the United States with his apologies that we haven’t become a third world hellhole yet like the rest of them.
COP26 is just another Deep State choreographed spectacle designed to push one world government and tyranny by a self-selected, rich elite. They’ll be ferried about in gas-guzzling Land Rovers and other vehicles, with nary an electric one in sight.
Begin your Christmas shopping with the perfect volumes to learn more about The Deep State and its sordid history: J.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories tell it all. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. You won’t have to worry about them being stuck in the ocean on ships. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research for Book Three is uncovering more treachery regarding The Deep State and its eunuchs in The Elite Traitor Media.
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In the first three weeks of October, we’ve gotten more orders from The United Kingdom, Denmark and Canada in addition to our fellow Americans. We can’t thank you all enough.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated. It helps keep our crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS and your concerns are welcome at the same address.
Pray that more of the medical community will step forward to stand up to the tyrannical, unscientific measures being forced on America and the world. Let your care providers know you won’t be forced to do anything outside of informed consent or in conflict with your religious beliefs.
October 17, 2021
Biden’s Energy Policy is Incoherent, Inept, and Ultimately Treasonous
This week the hapless Biden Administration conceded it was in discussions with U.S. oil and gas producers to find ways to reduce rapidly rising energy prices.
Talk about unmitigated gall! The very people that Joe Biden and his merry band of communists have vilified and demonized since taking office now hold the future of his government in their hands.
That’s one of the unintended consequences of an illegitimate election and the installation of TheBastard President by The Deep State.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, see the effects of Biden’s incompetence and idiocy all around us. Immediately upon taking office, he moved to halt the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline that could ship oil from Alberta, Canada, to refineries in Illinois and Texas, as well as an oil tank farm and oil pipeline distribution center in Oklahoma.
While some saw the move as a payoff for the political support of left-wing environmentalists and unhinged progressives, we also saw the fine hand of Warren Buffett involved. Without the pipeline, the most efficient way to move the oil is on a railroad owned by the wily billionaire.
The loonies agonizing over a possible pipeline leak act as if they don’t know that sometimes freight trains derail, with some leaving the tracks while passing through towns.
Biden didn’t stop there. He moved quickly to suspend oil and gas drilling on federal lands in Alaska. He bought into the ridiculous lie that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) would endanger wildlife and threaten the environment. This January, his administration halted new oil and gas drilling permits on all federal lands.
President Donald Trump had the good sense in 2017 to open a defined area in ANWR for oil exploration and production, knowing the ultimate key to a sound economy and national security was for the United States to be energy independent, a milestone he achieved in his first term of office unlike any of his predecessors.
Prior to the China Virus pandemic, U.S. oil production in 2019 had reached 13 million barrels a day, enough to make the country the world’s number one producer and a net exporter of energy. Production now runs about two million barrels a day less.
What The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) have worked overtime to hide is the fact the ANWR area in which drilling occurred is miniscule compared to the 19 million+ acres of the refuge. It is the equivalent of an area the size of a postage stamp in the average American living room.
Also ignored is the incredible safety record of the drilling that’s occurred for decades in the Point Barrow, Alaska, area, and the integrity of the pipeline across Alaska that has numerous safeguards to shut it down in the event of any leak.
While the Biden government’s energy policy is built on the “pie-in-the-sky” notion of renewables supplanting so-called fossil fuels, a global energy crisis is underway thanks to the unwise shutdown of coal and national gas-fired utility plants in order to promote unreliable and economically unsustainable “green energy.”
The Euro-Idiots in Germany and elsewhere don’t comprehend that sometimes the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow. Plus, electricity can’t be stored. It must be used up as it’s generated. In Europe, France has been able to escape the madness because about 70% of its power comes from nuclear energy.
What the green energy advocates fail to understand is that society is evolving to where it’s becoming more dependent on electric energy. Demand continues to rise, despite the virus pandemic and the rising price of energy. Individuals and businesses are more reliant on devices that use considerable energy and require frequent re-charging. Imagine the impact coming as more people are coerced into electric vehicles and a charging station infrastructure must be built. Renewables simply won’t cut it.
The current shortage of available fuel to meet power demand has led to soaring prices that are crippling global economies already stressed by the China Virus shutdowns. Ironically, Red China is one of those suffering. Well, you reap what you sow.
This past week, the federal government announced that American households could face heating bills that spike as much as 54% this coming winter. Coupled with the spiraling cost of gasoline, the overall energy picture is pointing to an economic meltdown and disaster for everyday Americans trying to hang on.
Much of the Biden policy is driven by the Climate Change Crazies. Having bought into the utterly insane notion that carbon dioxide is warming the planet to a point where life will become unsustainable in 30 years, the Biden team is focused on destroying the oil and gas industry at the expense of Americans living right now.
The war on coal that began under the Obama Administration has taken its toll, with the number of active mines and miners now at their lowest in decades, at a time when global demand for coal is soaring. Where 180,000 Americans were employed as coal miners not that long ago, the number was down to 42.500 this August.
When asked about how the administration will deal with escalating gas prices, Biden mouthpiece Ginger Goebbels said, “Certainly we all want to keep gasoline prices low, but the threat of the crisis – the climate crisis – certainly can’t wait any longer.”
Here’s express confirmation the Biden energy policy is driven by grossly flawed computer models and the Deep State globalist, one world scam, not reality. It all comes down to “follow the money.” Dig into who exactly stands to benefit from the renewable energy and climate change scams.
This comes as no surprise. The entire Democrat agenda thrives on fear. Right now, they have multiple scares to overwhelm the public: the China Virus; Climate Change; January 6 Insurrection; Domestic Terrorists; Systemic Racism; Islamophobia; Nuclear War; Defund the Police; Environmental Devastation; America Oppression; Gender Equity; Social Justice; blah, blah, blah. The damn list is endless. Its roots originated in the Kremlin almost a century ago. It all adds up to this: America Last.
Compare it with the Trump agenda: America First. Make America Great Again. Patriotism and Pride in our Heritage. Winning. Energy Independence. Law and Order.
Guess all we “deplorables” prefer hope over despair, and progress over decline.
The Biden energy policy is a clear and present danger to our economy, our national security, and our continued existence as a representative republic. Its architects and backers are traitors of the highest order.
Thanks for reading! The National Football League continues its slide from a national pastime to a national joke and embarrassment. Whoever leaked coach Jon Gruden’s emails from an internal investigation clearly has a vendetta against him.
How many people could withstand scrutiny of what they may have written in private emails and correspondence a decade ago? Damn few, if any. To hold Gruden to this standard is the height of hypocrisy, especially from a league that features outright filth and misogyny in its Super Bowl halftime shows.
The league may pride itself on being “woke.” Now it’s a crashing bore with unwanted political messaging and sub-standard football. Imagine what the old Baltimore Colts and Green Bay Packers would do to the misfits playing today.
Speaking of “woke,” we now learn that Walmart is subjecting its employees to indoctrination in Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT operates on the premise that all white people are racists. Imagine what company founder Sam Walton would think of CRT being shoved down the throats of his employees. By allowing this fiasco, the current CEO is setting a new standard for corporate stupidity and viewing his customers with contempt.
Given the makeup of Walmart’s clientele in rural parts of America, you have to wonder why any white folks will consider still shopping there once they know about the CRT training. Yeah, the prices are great. But for God’s sake, have some self-respect and dignity. Not to mention how Walmart is simply subservient to the Red Chinese Communist Party. Tell Walmart to “drop dead,” just like Woca-Cola.
With an economic meltdown on the horizon, and the dismal prospects for a Happy Christmas due to the scores of ships off both coasts waiting to be onloadeThe Forgotten Street comes to the rescue.
The perfect gifts for those wanting to learn more about how we got to this point in history areJ.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. You won’t have to worry about them being stuck in the ocean on ships. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research for Book Three is uncovering more treachery regarding The Deep State’s satanic globalist agenda.
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In the first two weeks of October, we’ve gotten more orders from The United Kingdom, Denmark and Canada in addition to our fellow Americans. We can’t thank you all enough.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated. It helps keep our crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same address.
Clearly even more challenging days lie ahead. We have to gird our loins and put on the Armor of God. Check out Ephesians 6: 13-17 in the Holy Bible. Stay strong. May God bless us all.
October 6, 2021
Fascist AG Garland Uses FBI as Gestapo Goons Against Parents
If you needed any more confirmation the illegitimate Biden Administration has gone off the rails into full totalitarian mode, look no further than the descent into fascism by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Former Democrat presidents like Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy did what they could to dissuade the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover from becoming a heavy-handed, national secret police.
That all changed under Barack Obama, and now the Bastard President, Joe Biden. The all-out drive to intimidate political opponents that started under FBI Director James Comey and now-ineffectual Christopher Wray has become truly disturbing.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, see the sinister hand of The Deep State behind the current push to make the FBI into a federal Gestapo, crushing all dissent and intimidating those who speak out against the administration and its communist policies.
Garland took things a step further Monday with the announcement he’s unleashing the FBI to work with U.S. attorneys to stifle any dissent from parents at local school board meetings.
He’s doing it under the guise that parents outraged by how local school districts are handling the China Virus pandemic, and how school curriculums are being twisted by radical theories such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the LGBTQ agenda, now pose a threat to school administrators and teachers as well as school board members.
This sham is coupled with the call by the communist National School Boards Association (NSBA) for Joe Biden to label these parents “domestic terrorists.” Joseph Stalin would be proud to see how his followers are governing in America today. NSBA leaders also called for the involvement of Homeland Security and the Secret Service in a demonstration of ludicrous overkill and pure idiocy.
Garland ignores the fact any citizen making threats against public school officials is likely in violation of state and local laws, which should be enforced at that level. But he’s not interested in enforcement. He’s promoting the stifling of dissent through threats and intimidation.
He recognizes the harsh intimidation factor of having the government federalize that responsibility. It’s all part of the globalist agenda to nationalize everything through communist or fascist means. We certainly can’t have citizens voicing their concerns at the local level, as guaranteed under The First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Of course, there are notable exceptions for communist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Not only are they allowed to protest, they also can loot, burn, and murder to their hearts’ content with no interference or remote interest from the FBI, which sees neither group as a problem or threat.
All of which shows just what a gutless coward and political hack Merrick Garland truly is.
This is a typical left-wing response to average everyday people getting uppity enough to think they have a say in how their children are educated and raised. So, the answer for leftists is pure overkill. Bring more force and intimidation to bear on the issue than is needed or even warranted.
The Bastard President and his crew fully believe your children belong to the state, not to you. They’ll do anything they can to undermine your morals and values so the educational system can continue to turn out conformist drones who unquestionably obey the globalist, one-world agenda, and the variety of hoaxes it supports.
Of course, all this is possible because The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) is owned lock, stock, and barrel by The Deep State. One clear example of that is how CBS keeps adding prime-time programming extolling the virtues of the FBI. In no way will its alleged news organization ever criticize an agency it features in its evening shows to sell advertising to woke Corporate America.
These programs will never depict FBI agents showing up like Gestapo goons with swat teams and compliant ETM like CNN in tow to harass and arrest people like Roger Stone and his handicapped wife, or Paul Manafort, in pre-dawn raids. Those efforts are just part of the bigger agenda to intimidate and frighten ordinary citizens into not questioning their authority.
For the alleged crimes Stone and Manafort were said to have committed, a phone call to their attorneys to have them come into the courthouse for arraignment would be a normal procedure. Even Mafia dons get that treatment. But the FBI is all about grotesque theatrics to make them look more menacing, especially when the targets are white Christian conservatives.
Meanwhile, we’re treated to the spectacle of seeing illegal aliens and their advocates harass and threaten a federal official, Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona. These communists chased her into a bathroom, with their cohorts later harassing her on an airplane and in an airport. At no point did airline or airport personnel come to her aid to protect her. Naturally, the FBI likely has no interest either.
Are these people so stupid or brain-dead to think their fascist tactics actually will convince her to support what they want? They obviously are “dreamers.” If I were her, I’d get on the “deport-them-all train.” Because Arizona is an open carry state, she should start wearing a .45 on her hip whenever she goes back home. Enough is enough.
What Garland and his goons fail to comprehend is everyday Americans are totally fed up with Big Government trying to run every aspect of our lives while wrecking the economy to serve globalist masters who want to destroy our American way of life.
Biden and communist politicians like him have done all they can to undermine parents and the family structure, disrupt the doctor/patient relationship, denigrate our religious values and American heritage, open our borders to illegal alien invaders, and send our jobs overseas to destroy on America’s manufacturing base and supply chains.
They can demonize parents at school board meetings all they want. But we know who the true “domestic terrorists” are. They operate and live in Washington D.C., abusing our tax dollars and violating our human rights.
Thanks for reading! Psychopath doctor Anthony Fauci is being revealed for the globalist communist fraud and criminal he truly is.
He’s kept effective medical treatments for the China Virus blocked to give Big Pharma time to develop its alleged vaccines and now rip off the formulas of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to produce their own treatments, which Fauci and the frauds at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with the Food and Drug Administration, will immediately approve and promote at outrageous prices.
The Deep State and the Corporate Medical Complex have worked overtime to inculcate fear and set the stage for a massive raid on the U.S. Treasury.
The decades’ long treachery of The Deep State is revealed in J.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Book Three is in process, with more recently uncovered crimes to be revealed regarding The Deep State’s satanic globalist agenda.
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have embraced the Betrayal at Bethesda series. In September we were pleased to have readers from Denmark and Australia.
We also continue to attract worldwide fans for The Forgotten Street. In September, our visitors came from the following locations: Poland; The Russian Federation; Germany; The Czech Republic; The European Union; Red China; Canada; Colombia; Armenia; France; Macedonia; The British Indian Ocean Territory; India; Japan; Hong Kong; Italy; Brazil; Uruguay; South Africa; The United Arab Emirates; Belgium; Bulgaria; Spain; and Uzbekistan.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated and truly needed to keep this crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same address.
The erosion of our liberties should shock and alarm anyone who calls himself or herself an American. We must summon the courage to challenge those behind this treasonous activity and always seek the blessings of Almighty God to face the dangers ahead.
September 26, 2021
Time to Face the Inconvenient Facts About the China Virus
As we head into the final quarter of Year Two of The Utter Madness surrounding The China Virus, it’s time to review what we’ve been through and what we face in 2022.
From the onset of the pandemic and the irrational fear created by the wholly irresponsible Elite Traitor Media (ETM), it was painfully clear the virus was a Red Chinese bioweapon designed to crash the global economy and force Donald Trump from the presidency.
The Deep State used its apparatchiks in government like Anthony Fauci to shape the response to the pandemic and ensure measures could be taken to discourage in-person, verifiable voting in 2020.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, smelled a rat early on in 2020. As events unfolded, we came to the unavoidable conclusion that the whole damn mess was a massive hoax from Day One.
There, I said it. Hoax. Cue the Old Testament response from the Left-Wing Kooks who bought into the scam: Weeping and gnashing of teeth; rending of garments; wailing lamentations. Karen, just shut up and go away.
Early on, we learned the China Virus was not especially dangerous unless you were elderly and had serious underlying medical conditions. In general, it had a survival rate over 99% and posed no particular threat to healthy children. For most people, if it were contracted, it would resemble a case of seasonal flu at worst and a common cold at best. Certainly unpleasant, but hardly anything worth shutting down the country, destroying the economy, and ruining people’s lives.
But what about all those who died from COVID-19? Do you mean all the ones whose deaths could be attributed directly to the virus, or all the ones whose death certificates noted COVID-19, including those with serious co-morbidities or who died in accidents? Interestingly, the average age of death in 2020 is running higher than the average life expectancy, which suggests the China Virus has a particularly severe effect on the elderly and not the population in general. In some respects, it mirrors the seasonal flu, which mysteriously disappeared.
Data shows that in the United States there hasn’t been what’s called “excess mortality.” In any given year, the expected number of deaths from most causes stays within predictable ranges, unless the outbreak of a pandemic skews the numbers.
That hasn’t happened with the China Virus. U.S. mortality rates in 2020 were at the same level they were in 2004. That can be explained in part by the virtual absence of seasonal flu as a cause of death. Flu cases were negligible compared to recent years. Or were they? Were they just misclassified as COVID?
Shouldn’t we also discuss the hundreds of thousands who died needlessly from gross medical malpractice because they weren’t given early treatment or denied FDA-approved medicines that ultimately proved efficacious against the China Virus?
President Donald Trump raised the possibility of using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a possible treatment, but he was immediately castigated and shouted down by the ETM and the treacherous Coronavirus Task Force. The last thing they wanted was a quick end to the pandemic.
Some doctors dared to try HCQ for their patients and got positive results. They were dismissed as dangerous quacks. More recently, courageous physicians have stepped forward to try and recommend ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug that’s used effectively throughout the world to treat parasitic infections.
Reports now are coming out of India where governments in two large states have distributed ivermectin, zinc and vitamin packs for free to treat the virus as well as prevent it, all for a cost of less than one dollar a day.
In Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India with 240 million people, the China Virus has been all but eradicated through the use of ivermectin. Cases have been reduced 95%, from 200,00 active cases in April to fewer than 200 cases now with no deaths. In Central African countries similar results have been obtained, leading their presidents and governments to forego the distribution of the alleged vaccines.
So, the poorest countries in the world are having greater medical success than the wealthiest country on earth. The ETM and corrupt government officials are dismissing ivermectin as “horse paste” and covering up the truth from the American public
Thanks to the hopelessly corrupt Corporate Medical Complex (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Pharma and ward of Big Government), doctors in fear of their livelihoods toe the party line when it comes to treatment. Only those protocols sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Medical Association (AMA) and state medical boards are being used in hospitals and private practices. They do not include HCQ, ivermectin or even prednisone, an anti-inflammatory medicine that works wonders on respiratory illnesses.
How many thousands showed up at hospital emergency rooms with symptoms only to be turned away with no treatment and told to come back if their symptoms worsened? Once they came back, the disease had strengthened enough they could be admitted and placed under protocols likely to kill them. Under the absolutely perverse federal payment guidelines, hospitals have a serious monetary incentive to simply manage the decline, especially for older patients.
The ETM positively thrives on body counts. There’s nothing the corporate media love more than creating a scorecard to show rising death counts and cases to instill fear in the populace and goose up their viewership and readership.
That started with the Vietnam War and has reached its pinnacle with the China Virus. The fixation on the number of “cases” is particularly telling. What’s being reported as “cases” are actually positive test results from a testing protocol that’s been proven inflated and wholly unreliable.
Many of those testing “positive” for coronavirus were and are asymptomatic. The dirty little secret behind all this is that laboratories were never able to isolate and conclusively identify a specific virus as COVID-19. That’s because it’s not a naturally occurring virus but instead a lab-created bioweapon, thanks to funding provided to Red China by Fauci and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The testing relies on a process called Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) invented by a scientific team led by biochemist Kary Mullis. For this discovery, they received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993.
In a video Mullis explained “… with PCR you find almost anything in anybody …doesn’t tell you are sick.” He died at age 74 of pneumonia in August 2019, just before the outbreak of the China Virus and the subsequent widespread use of the PCR test. How convenient.
A positive test result from a COVID-19 PCR test shows you have been exposed to a coronavirus, which could be anything from the China Virus to a common cold or the seasonal flu. It can’t differentiate among them.
In recognition of this, the World Health Organization (WHO), which played a key role in covering up what really happened in the Wuhan lab in Red China, has admitted the PCR test can often show false positives.
Of course, media-generated hysteria led to the devastating lockdowns and mask mandates, all of which probably contributed to the spread of the virus.
Mask Mania continues today, despite all the evidence showing masks used by everyday people don’t prevent infection or transmission of the virus. It says so right on the boxes they come in.
What’s particularly disturbing is seeing small children, even toddlers and babies, wearing masks. This is the worst form of child abuse. Small children’s brains are still developing and require a steady flow of oxygen. Depriving them of oxygen is likely to result in a generation of children and later adults with poorly developed brains and social skills.
They’re now developing a fear of being out in public or in school, which is engrained into them by parents who are ignorant sheep and totally ill-suited to raise children. In fairness however, this madness has been abetted by completely irresponsible and possibly criminal guidance from CDC and physician organizations trying to curry favor with politicians. It’s all about feathering their own nest instead of looking out for public health in children.
Any medical professional who says small children should be masked or inoculated is simply a deceitful quack. Yes, I mean you, Anthony Fauci.
Meanwhile, we see no masks used by partying politicians or the entertainment elite, whose recent Emmy Awards revealed the China Virus for the total hoax it is.
At the outset of the pandemic, events with large audiences such as sports and entertainment were shut down out of the fear of being “super spreader” possibilities. But the government overseers didn’t stop there. They even got down to the level of weddings, funerals and family gatherings. People were even banned from visiting grandmas dying in the hospital or nursing homes. What an utter and criminal disgrace!
As it turns out, with the loosening of the restrictions over time and sports events now drawing significant crowds, there’s absolutely no evidence that the disease was being spread in large gatherings. The majority of infections have been asymptomatic. There’s no sign that asymptomatic people spread infection.
With the advent of the alleged “vaccines” developed in Operation Warp Speed, it was expected the crisis would ease up. Of course, the gene therapy (mRNA) treatments passed off as vaccines may be helping recipients better manage a possible case of the virus. But even the manufacturers have stated the vaccines will not provide immunity or prevent transmission of the illness. In essence, they’re admitting the inoculations are not real vaccines.
CDC reporting through its Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveals more than 726,000 have been injured or become ill from the shots, and close to 16,000 have died. These results are more than the total combined adverse events reported for all vaccines in the past three decades.
Nonetheless, the illegitimate Biden Administration and its Bastard President are insisting on vaccine mandates. They’ve passed the buck to the states, the military and Corporate America to become their enforcement goons. No shot, no job.
The unintended consequence has been to force thousands of healthcare workers and emergency responders, who’ve witnessed the adverse impact of the vaccines on some patients first-hand, to forego the shots and risk their jobs.
Now that crunch time has arrived, we’re getting ready to see police, firefighters, and our military men and women leave the ranks of their various forces. Perhaps this isn’t an unintended consequence. It’s starting to look like a deliberate effort to purge those areas of critical thinkers who might question authority that’s goes beyond its scope.
It’s also a major plus for Red China in its undeclared war against the United States and the Western world.
Vaccine hesitancy is born out of the recognition the inoculations being offered involve mRNA technology that’s never been fully tested and approved for use on humans. People stigmatized as “anti-vaxxers” are exercising their God-given rights to control their health choices and not serve as lab rats or guinea pigs for what the mad scientists in NIH and Big Pharma have cooked up.
The coercive mandates are in violation of federal law and the Nuremberg Code that was adopted internationally to prevent a repeat of the Nazi experimentation that denied informed consent. Because the current vaccines available are approved under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) instead of being fully approved after the complete testing required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they legally can’t be forced on any individual.
Even worse, favored classes are being exempted, such as Congress and its staff members. What a disgusting middle finger being shown to the rest of us! Clearly Nancy Pelosi and crew aren’t on the list for the “kill shot.”
Neither are the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the Southern border in a planned invasion. The Biden Administration is shipping them untested and unvaccinated throughout the United States, with a special emphasis on red states to shift voter demographics in the Democrats’ favor. This is just more evidence the pandemic was and still is a Plandemic designed to change the American Republic forever.
So, what’s really going on here? It looks like a total grab for power by The Deep State and the Globalist Cabal behind it. It also appears to be a very efficient money laundering scheme to loot the Public Treasury and reward Big Pharma, which is turn will share its proceeds with the compliant Corporate Medical Complex and favored politicians.
All this didn’t just happen after an accidental lab leak in Wuhan China. It’s been in the works for some time, beginning with NIH funding “gain of function” research. The European Union began working on the concept of vaccine passports well before the pandemic started.
In October 2019, the World Economic Forum, led by crypto-fascist Klaus Schwab, held a pandemic training exercise that was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Things that make you go “hmmm.”
These are just the highlights of the inconvenient facts behind the China Virus Hoax. There’s much more to be uncovered and discussed. The world must rely on independent researchers like The Forgotten Street and others to do it. We have too much at stake to be intimidated and remain silent.
Thanks for reading! We can just imagine the slings and arrows headed our way. Whatever. We still have plenty of arrows in our quiver.
The Deep State and the Democrats always make a fundamental mistake. They push the envelope just a little too far. Far enough that more and more Americans are waking up to the truth and seeing the events around them for what they really are.
The perfidy and treachery of The Deep State is revealed in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking histories. Volume One is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Book Three is in process, with more heinous crimes uncovered and revealed regarding The Deep State’s satanic agenda.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated and truly needed to keep this crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same email address.
The Big Tech giants are working overtime to silence voices who challenge The Deep State and its globalist agenda. That’s because they are Deep State creations and owned lock, stock, and barrel by the powers behind the scenes. We pray God will give us the strength to carry the battle forward and patriots worldwide will join us in this fight for survival.
September 20, 2021
Biden & Harris Incompetence Reveals Much Deeper Corruption
Last week was the week that was for the Biden Administration. Its rank incompetence was revealed beyond any question. What’s more disturbing is behind that incompetence is an unlimited capacity for pure evil.
The multitude of deliberate debacles and predictable disasters is beyond measure. Born of illegitimacy, the Biden Administration reflects the innate evil of its Bastard President, the pretender installed through the duplicity The Deep State.
No person in his or her right mind can remotely believe that Joe Biden legally got the most votes of any presidential candidate in history.
Consider what the man has wrought in his brief tenure: the worst border crisis in our history; the reignition of rampant inflation; an unparalleled spending spree robbing the public treasury and our children; the most humiliating military defeat ever; an intentional effort to further divide the American people; a total inability to cope with The China Virus pandemic in a rational way based on true science; use of medical tyranny to assault the doctor-patient relationship, religious liberty and personal privacy; a fixation on the outlandish Climate Change hoax; alienating traditional foreign allies; decimating small businesses and the middle class; turning Corporate America into his goons to enforce medical dictates.
Lord Almighty, the list is endless and keeps growing daily! Behind it all is a trend that deeply threatens the further existence of the American Republic.
More and more, those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are coming to the horrifying realization that virtually all of our major institutions have been infiltrated and hopelessly corrupted by globalists and communists who want nothing more than the dissolution of the United States of America.
Consider the sorry state of each of these former pillars of our society: governments at the federal, state and local levels; our educational system at every level; the judiciary; religious institutions; mainstream media that have become The Elite Traitor Media (ETM); the entertainment industry; Big Pharma and the establishment medical community; Big Tech and social media; Corporate America that has forsaken its American roots; the Federal Reserve system and major financial institutions.
Sadly, Americans can no longer put their trust in any of them to respect our wishes, protect our freedoms, preserve our heritage, or represent our hopes for the future. Name one of them we still can trust. Take all the time you want. You’ll fail to do so.
Given the sorry state of affairs, you’d like to think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would want to take charge of the situation and deal with the multitude of issues before them.
No, this past weekend, Joe was off riding bikes and eating ice cream in Rehoboth Beach while Kamala was flipping a coin at a second-tier football game. They haven’t a care in the world and frankly, just don’t give a damn while our world is going to Hell in a handbasket.
The mess in Del Rio, Texas, exemplifies all that’s wrong with the Biden team. The border is flooded with many thousands of illegal migrants bringing God knows what diseases with them. Yet, Joe Biden has the unmitigated gall to attack and demonize those of us who’ve exercised our rights to not get the China Virus inoculations.
The tens of thousands of illegals who’ve crossed the border untested and unvaccinated, and then been shipped by Biden’s administration to red states across the country are what’s driving the current wave of China Virus cases. But the ETM is pushing the Biden lie vigorously as part of the Deep State plan to marginalize, demonize, isolate, and punish many millions of Americans who refuse to be obedient sheep.
This strategy worked well for Adolph Hitler in his campaign against Jews. Now The Deep State has dusted off the playbook to use it against Americans who want to exercise their God-given liberties and control their healthcare choices.
Mr. Unity has gone so far as to restrict shipments of monoclonal antibody treatments to Florida and other red states out of spite for his hatred of Governor Ron DeSantis, who has stepped up efforts to meet the demand for the treatments by his citizens in a serious effort to contain the virus. His plan seems to be working as the number of cases in Florida has dropped dramatically.
Biden’s rear is chapped because Governor DeSantis has the stones to speak up and prove not only does “the emperor have no clothes,” he’s also a mean, petty and evil individual. The restriction on the antibody treatment will have a particularly disastrous impact on black Americans who are leery of vaccines for a multitude of good reasons.
Joe Biden is and always has been a closet racist and a lying fraud for almost a half century. DeSantis is ripping the curtain back, showing the world the truth.
Behind all this chaos is The Deep State and the Globalist Cabal that’s been tearing down our country for decades in pursuit of their elitist New World Order.
Four years ago today, J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking history, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy was published. Since then, it’s gained a global following, selling in 11 countries on five continents. Copies are still selling, including one in Denmark so far this month.
This primer on the sinister agenda of The Deep State lays the background for what we see happening today with the Biden Administration. It’s clear that brain-damaged Joe is by no means calling the shots. It’s time for all of us to wake up and acknowledge the truth.
Thanks for reading! We have much more to say about the many issues confronting our beloved land. Stay tuned for new revelations coming soon on The Forgotten Street.
Confirmation of the awful truth of the military drone strike on an innocent Afghan father and his seven children should shake everyone to the core. It underscores our worst fears about the competence of our military and intelligence leadership. Biden press secretary Jen Psaki has the gall to dismiss it as a tragedy and once again dig up the rotting bones of Biden’s dead children to give the Bastard President some cover.
Sorry, it’s much more than a tragedy. It’s an atrocity and more likely a war crime. It fits with the Deep State agenda.
More can be learned about The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories. The first volume is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Research underway on Book Three has unearthed and further confirmed the workings of The Deep State, detailing its heinous crimes and evil agenda.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated and truly needed to keep this crucial work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same email address.
As our country falls into more chaos and despair, we must call upon Almighty God to give us the strength to overcome the evil before us and the courage to stand up for new leadership that will restore our tainted institutions.
September 11, 2021
Proud To Be American
This article is dedicated to American Airlines employee M. J. Booth, who perished on September 11, 2001, when AA Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. It was written for the 5thanniversary of September 11 by J.C.’s wife, Dottie Hawkins, a now retired and proud AA employee at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, where she was a Premium Services representative in the Admirals Club.
Now 15 years later, it still resonates and captures the true essence of what to remember on every September 11. Read it over and take it to heart. No one could ever write a more fitting remembrance of that horrific day.
In my heart, I truly believe it was fate that brought me to work at American Airlines. All of us can remember where we were and what we were doing the morning of September 11, 2001. I was at home in Alexandria, Virginia, doing some last minute chores before leaving for work at the airport.
But I never got to work that day. We all know why.
I got an early morning phone call from my daughter, who told me to quickly turn on the television. And then I watched the horror unfold with my disbelieving eyes. Not long after that, I heard a huge explosion that shook the windows of our house. I soon realized that the explosion had been AA Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. I frantically ran outside and could see and smell the smoke from just a few miles away.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, Reagan National was closed. Luckily for me, I was not one of the employees laid off. Instead, I was sent to work at the Admirals Club at Dulles Airport.
Each day as I drove to work, I had to pass by the Pentagon. The sight and smell of the smoldering ruins will live on forever in my mind and in my heart.
Our colleague and dear friend, M. J. Booth, who had worked for American at Dulles Airport for more than 40 years, was on AA Flight 77. She had been on her way to an American Airlines Credit Union meeting in Las Vegas, via Los Angeles. M. J. was one of the many innocent people who perished that day ... one of the many who was just going about her everyday business, doing her job.
About a month later, Reagan National Airport reopened. Shortly thereafter, a co-worker came by the Admirals Club distributing to every AA employee a red, white and blue pin that said, "Proud To Be American."
For me, that slogan holds two special meanings. Not only does my heart swell up with pride at having worked for such a great company, it also holds the pride I feel for my country, its ideals and its values.
So here we are five years later. Not long after the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, I visited the American Airlines C. R. Smith Museum in Dallas ( ). This wonderful museum houses artifacts celebrating the rich and proud history of American Airlines and our country's aviation industry.
Within the museum is a 10,000 square foot glass pavilion that houses a vintage DC-3 airplane named "Flagship Knoxville." It is a wonderful reminder of American Airlines' early history and the beginning of a golden age of commercial passenger airlines. The cost of constructing the exhibit was and still is supported by the sale of thousands of engraved bricks that make up the floor.
When I retired from American Airlines after 15 years' service in August 2005, my husband and daughter purchased one of these bricks to honor me and my service to American Airlines.
What a thrill it was for me to see that brick for the first time! As I looked down at "my" brick, a huge lump formed in my throat and I choked back the tears. It reads, "DOTTIE HAWKINS ... A GREAT AA AGENT ... A GREAT MOM AND WIFE."
I thought to myself, in some small way, because of this brick, I won't be forgotten. In the years to come, my grandson will be able to visit the museum and see Grandma's brick ... and so will his children and his children's children. Proud To Be American.
Then, slowly my eyes moved to a roped-off area of special bricks close by to mine. As I walked towards the area, my emotions became even stronger, for there were the bricks honoring those AA employees who had died on AA Flights 11 and 77, as well as bricks honoring those who had been on United Flights 93 and 175 ... all of them just innocent people going about their daily business.
As my eyes zeroed in on M. J.'s brick, many more emotions came over me. I first thought of her, her zest for life and her immense pride in working at American Airlines. She had attended a Labor Day party at our house just a few days before September 11, along with many other AA employees.
We had a sing-along that evening, and just after we all had belted out a resounding rendition of "God Bless America," someone asked M. J. when she was going to retire from AA. She firmly replied, "Never! They're going to have to take me out in a wheelchair!" Proud To Be American.
Little did she or any of us know that she wouldn't retire sitting in a wheelchair. Instead, she would be blown up in a crashing AA 757 flown at the hands of Muslim radicals, the most evil and violent human beings to walk the face of the earth.
September 11, 2001, changed my life forever ... the way I think and the way I look at life. I will NEVER forget! Hopefully, many of you will never forget. But, sadly, many already have.
Together we will face the forces of evil and secularism head on. Together, we can become the voice of good by letting the world know we will NEVER, EVER FORGET!
Always and forever, Proud To Be American.
September 9, 2021
Joe Biden’s Disgusting, Unpatriotic War on Americans
When he ran for President in 2020, Joe Biden touted his ability to unify a divided country as a main selling point for his candidacy. That was just another pathological lie from a petty little man whose entire political career has been built on a foundation of lies.
In today’s remarks regarding the government’s efforts to combat The China Virus, Biden showed clear anger and contempt for the American people. Under the guise of trying to protect public health, he smeared the 80 million Americans who have yet to be vaccinated. He overlooks that many millions of them may have already had and recovered from the virus, and now have acquired immunity from further infection.
In a petulant tirade, he unleashed a program of mandates that will coerce people into getting the shots by using their employers as the enforcers. His plan clearly violates a number of federal laws designed to protect people from being subjected to medical experiments against their will and conscience.
Apparently the Biden Administration has no regard for the United States Constitution and the Separation of Powers. Congress appears to be totally out of the mix when it comes to setting policy.
A major problem is the only alleged vaccines available are those under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by the Food & Drug Administration. The EUA rules make it clear that people should only take the inoculations if they have informed consent. The heavy-handed tactics of Mr. Biden obviously violate those rules and laws.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, aren’t the least bit surprised by Biden’s announcement. It’s part and parcel of his illegitimate government, and how he’s acted as a Bastard President installed by The Deep State in a stolen election.
Since his January inauguration, Mr. Biden has carried out a war against the American people, beginning with his open border policies that have initiated a flood of illegal immigrants from Mexico into our Southern border states. From there, his Homeland Security apparatchiks have dispersed unvaccinated and unvetted migrants to towns across the country.
His attack on unvaccinated Americans is designed to obscure the deliberate spread of disease from these migrants, who weren’t tested or inoculated. Instead, they’ve been shipped throughout Texas and to Florida where they have skewed the China Virus statistics to make governors Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis look like they’re not doing enough to fight COVID-19.
Biden also has taken the war against Americans to global lengths by abandoning many hundreds, perhaps thousands, in Afghanistan allowing them to become hostages of the Taliban.
Concerned private American citizens have risked their lives to travel to the area to try to extricate those left behind. To avoid total embarrassment for its gross ineptitude, the State Department claims it’s working with the Taliban to get the Americans out. That’s in keeping with State Department tradition of working with our mortal enemies (USSR, Red China, Castro’s Cuba) to the detriment of American citizens.
Not to be outdone by the thugs who run Red China and abuse human rights routinely, the Biden Administration has arrested protesters from the January 6 rally at the Capitol and turned them into political prisoners in solitary confinement in the District of Columbia hellhole of a jail. Due process and the right to a speedy trial were thrown right out the window by a Department of Justice that’s run like the worst type you would find in a banana republic.
Just yesterday, the Biden Administration took the unprecedented step of asking citizens appointed by President Trump to review boards for our military academies to resign or be fired. No president has ever done this before. People on the boards are appointed for three-year terms and are allowed to serve them out. Thus, one of the few bipartisan areas in our government is being radically politicized.
Aiding and abetting Biden in his war on Americans is The Elite Traitor Media, which won’t challenge him on any issue. It just takes and runs with whatever garbage Jen Psaki and her propaganda lackeys dispense. The only reporter in the White House press corps who appears to be a real journalist is Peter Doocy of Fox News. He’s the only one who seems to challenge how Ginger Goebbels runs the show.
Recently some commentators have focused on Biden’s frequent gaffes and instances where he’s lost his train of thought. Some wonder if these are signs of his alleged dementia or if he might have other health issues.
Nearly a year ago, on October 7, 2020, The Forgotten Street revealed what it believed to be the main health issue confronting the then Democrat presidential candidate.
At that time, we noted the common knowledge that Biden had suffered two brain aneurysms in 1988 that required major surgery. He obviously recovered and went on to a productive life. But he since displayed a knack for making “gaffes” and exhibiting inappropriate public behavior around women and young girls. He also would have sudden temper tantrums when challenged on an issue.
We theorized there might be a valid medical reason. We believe Joe Biden suffers from a condition called “encephalomalacia.” That’s a fancy medical term for a “softening” of the brain more commonly known as brain damage.
Encephalomalacia is a common occurrence in patients who undergo a surgery known as a “craniotomy,” where part of the skull is temporarily removed to allow access to aneurysms. Over time, it can spread and worsen.
It’s very possible that Biden suffered some damage in the frontal lobe of his brain, which is the area that controls your behavior and what you might say. In essence, it can impair the filter in your brain that keeps you from blurting out something inappropriate or from doing something unseemly (like sniffing women’s hair or fondling little girls).
At the time of publication, we thought this issue warranted examination and that Mr. Biden deserved an opportunity to confirm or refute the issue. Numerous contacts were made with a wide range of media, including alleged conservative media, but only one, America’s Survival, printed the information.
We still believe this issue should be examined, especially given the outbursts of temper being displayed by Biden in recent remarks to the press and his apparent disdain for Americans who don’t toe the party line.
What Joe Biden did today was totally un-American and incredibly divisive. It underscores the brutal fact that he is wholly incapable of unifying a increasingly divided nation. He’s incapable because The Deep State thrives on that division and wants to make it worse.
It’s truly pathetic that this close to the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks Joe Biden has squandered another opportunity to try to unite our country and rally around common causes.
His contemptuous attitude toward those who have different points of view or beliefs is a clear and present danger to our country and our ability to rise above raw politics to create a truly united country that can survive in an increasingly hostile world.
Thanks for reading! We’ll have more to say about the 9-11 anniversary very soon.
The Deep State welcomes the division caused by Biden and seeks the utter ruin of our republic.More insight on its sinister workings can be found in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking histories. His first volume is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have enjoyed both works. Research underway on Book Three has unearthed new revelations about The Deep State, its heinous crimes, and its evil agenda.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated and truly needed to keep this work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same email address.
We mustn’t let Joe Biden turn employers into vaccine enforcers. The 80 million Americans who haven’t been vaccinated have reasons why. Forced to choose between their jobs and their concerns about the shots, many may leave the work force, creating a new economic downturn that could prove disastrous.
We must fight the Biden plan as vocally and forcefully as we can. It’s simply un-American and a clear violation of The Nuremberg Code.
September 6, 2021
Media Smear of Ivermectin Covers Up Government and Big Pharma Major Crimes Against Humanity
A recent Rolling Stone article alleging a surge of patients going to Oklahoma emergency rooms because of overdoses of ivermectin has been proven totally false and since been retracted.
That hasn’t stopped The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) from pushing the story and failing to apologize for misleading the public about how a medication used to fight parasitic disease globally has been proven safe for use in humans.
Senior public health officials in the United States like the malevolent Anthony Fauci have dismissed the use of ivermectin as a means of helping cope with The China Virus and keep it from becoming more severe in those who get early treatment.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, became immediately suspicious of how Fauci, his comrades and the ETM have consistently downplayed any already approved drugs that could be repurposed for use against COVID-19.
Some physicians have ignored that advice and provided patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), ivermectin and prednisone with good results to keep the disease from progressing to a point where people had to be hospitalized.
In other countries, ivermectin is provided for pennies a day to prevent serious parasitic disease. As a result, the China Virus has not had a serious effect on public health in many parts of Africa.
More recently, India has provided ivermectin free to its citizens and a health agency in Japan has recommended its use as well. An estimate from Bangladesh reports that a five-day course of the drug costs anywhere from 60 cents to $1.80.
Now comes bombshell news that a British scientific study has concluded ivermectin can be used effectively to lessen the impact of COVID-19 globally.
That news is most unwelcome for The Deep State and the Crypto-Fascists behind it who want to prolong the pandemic and further destabilize the global economy.
The American Journal of Therapeutics reported in its July-August 2021 issue that the study assessed the “efficacy of ivermectin treatment in reducing mortality, in secondary outcomes, and in chemoprophylaxsis, among people with, or at high risk of, COVID-19 infection.”
The study’s scientists note that given the time frame needed for developing new medications, “. . . identifying existing drugs that can be repurposed against COVID-19 that already have an established safety profile through decades of use could play a critical role in suppressing or even ending the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.”
While the ETM continues to mock ivermectin available for livestock as “horse paste” unsuitable for humans, it covers up the fact that ivermectin received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 for its critical role in wiping out infectious parasitic illness in Africa.
It also hides the fact that the U.S. government provides ivermectin to all refugees from Africa, the Middle East and Asia before they’re allowed to enter the country to control any diseases they may carry.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA) are most unlikely to encourage the use of ivermectin, even though it would help prevent a great deal of the hospitalization and death currently occurring from the China Virus and its alleged variants.
The reason is simple: These agencies are pimps for the pharmaceutical companies and the bureaucrats running them care less about public health and more about their own political power.
If ivermectin was authorized, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that’s cleared the way for the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson alleged vaccines would be no longer valid.
Those inoculations can only continue if there are no sanctioned alternative therapies available, such as HCQ and ivermectin.
Folks, it all comes down to corporate greed and the power-mad bureaucrats making it impossible for people to get early, affordable, effective treatment.
Bottom Line: Hundreds of thousands of Americans and many more globally have died needlessly at the hands of criminals who’ve used the China Virus pandemic and the fear whipped up by the ETM to unseat Donald Trump from the presidency and grossly enrich themselves.
Of course, the NIH that employs Fauci and is run by the inept Francis Collins has stated “there are insufficient data to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.”
There are insufficient data because NIH and other U.S. agencies devoted absolutely no resources to discovering what therapeutics might be effective in the early stages of the pandemic.
The emphasis from Day One was on vaccines, which for people who already had the disease or had died would be of no use whatsoever. There never was any sense of urgency to repurpose proven drugs or invent new ones.
Ivermectin already had shown antiviral effectiveness against such RNA and DNA viruses as Zika, dengue, yellow fever and others.
On an anecdotal note, I suffered a sudden pulmonary illness in 1990 that appeared to be a bronchitis. It rapidly degenerated into an attack on my lung function. While consulting several specialists, it became apparent they were baffled by my condition.
I was at a point where walking 10 to 15 feet became a major effort leaving me breathless.
Through sheer luck, I found another doctor who said I had a “restrictive lung disease” of unknown origin. He immediately prescribed a high dosage of the steroid prednisone to reduce the spreading and dangerous inflammation in my lungs.
Within 10 days, the condition was completely cleared up. Given the vastly reduced state of my lung function, the doctor said if I hadn’t gotten treatment when I did, I would have been dead within a month.
When the China Virus started to hit, I immediately wondered why prednisone was not discussed as a possible treatment given the disease’s harmful effect on breathing. Little did I realize what criminals our public health officials are and how corrupt the medical community establishment is.
Hospitals are making more money admitting people with advanced disease and watching them die than treating people early with effective medicines.
Aiding and abetting in this major crime against humanity are the ETM, which has demonstrated beyond all question it truly is The Enemy of the People and the propaganda arm for The Deep State.
Thanks for reading! The ETM are working their evil in other areas as well. The stories about Americans and Afghan allies being held hostage by the Taliban while waiting for the six airplanes that are in place for takeoff neglects to mention that the takeoffs have been delayed because of red tape by the U.S. State Department trying to vet all those on the aircraft.
These people are being held hostage by the ineptitude of the State Department, although we can’t dismiss the possibility that it’s all part of the masterful strategic planning we’ve already seen by the Biden Administration, and perhaps even collaboration with the Taliban.
It looks like the people we have creating plans in the State Department have peers of the same caliber in the Department of Defense, bureaucrats just as incompetent and dangerous.
The Deep State thrives on such instability and chaos. To get more insight on its sinister workings, read J.C. Hawkins’ compelling histories. His first volume is: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. His most recent work is: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Betrayal at Bethesda
Betrayal at Bethesda II
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have enjoyed both works. Research underway on Book Three has unearthed a great deal more about The Deep State, its heinous crimes, and its evil agenda.
We are blessed with followers from all over the globe. August brought a significant increase in readership. Some came from these locations: Poland; Red China; Germany; The Russian Federation; The Czech Republic; Slovenia; France; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Vietnam; Indonesia; South Africa; The European Union; Brazil; Israel; Canada; Japan; India; The United Kingdom; Spain; Greece; Hong Kong; Italy; and Luxembourg.
Royalties from J.C.’s books help keep The Forgotten Street a powerful voice for all of you. Your support through the purchase of these books is deeply appreciated and truly needed to keep this work going.
J. C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Feedback on TFS is welcome at the same email address.
We’re entering a new school year, and the controversy over mask mandates and vaccinations has come to the forefront at school board meetings. Parents, speak up for your children and defend your rights to manage their health.
God bless you all for your interest in freedom and human rights. Our fight continues. It’s a fight we must win!
March 13, 2021
Was The Stolen 2020 Election Foreshadowed in 2016 By A Murdered Satellite Expert?
The Deep State and its henchmen and women in The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) have done an effective job in shutting down any reasonable discussion of the stolen 2020 election.
Those of us everyday Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know full well there’s absolutely no way Joe Biden got the largest presidential vote in history, more than 80 million.
Meanwhile, incumbent President Donald Trump earned 11 million more votes than he did in his winning election in 2016. As we headed to bed on Election Night 2020, he was riding an overwhelming lead in all the key battleground states.
That lead mysteriously disappeared overnight as incredible vote totals showed up November 4 for Mr. Biden.
Readers of J.C. Hawkins’ 2020 landmark book, Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News, are well aware of his groundbreaking revelations in Appendix A, The Deep State Mysterious Death List.
As research continues for Book Three, a startling piece of new information has surfaced.
Back in 2016, a prominent space economist and scholar raised the potential for satellite systems to influence national and state elections. Part of her concern was satellite systems here in the United States being taken over by interests connected to foreign governments.
Some researchers believe these systems fell under the control of Red China, and possibly Italy and Iran.
On July 8, 2016, Molly Macauley, vice president for research and a senior fellow at Resources For the Future (RFF), a prominent Washington think tank, was fatally stabbed while walking her large dogs in a relatively safe and fashionable neighborhood in Baltimore.
Police haven’t solved the case, or established a motive for the attack. Macauley was stabbed in the neck and ultimately died at a local hospital.
Interestingly, her death came two days before the unsolved murder of Seth Rich in Washington D.C. Rich was the Democratic National Committee staffer who some believe leaked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton and John Podesta to Wikileaks.
In terms of a possible motive for doing so, Rich was known to be a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democrat nomination. It was thought he believed Hillary Clinton and the DNC unfairly sabotaged his campaign.
In what seems more than coincidence, Rich was found alive despite gunshot wounds at the site of his attack. He, like Macauley, also died at the hospital even though he survived surgery.
Clearly, both Macauley and Rich raised serious issues that could have challenged the legitimacy of Hillary Clinton’s White House bid.
The fact Macauley warned how satellites could be used to rig an election back in 2016 certainly adds credence to the various charges that foreign governments might have used the technology in 2020 to alter results in Dominion voting machines. The ETM and Democrats keep maintaining the machines were not connected to the Internet, but that’s been proven false.
As the phrase “stolen election” remains verboten in the ETM, there clearly is enough “smoke” without a full-blown fire to cause the Biden election to be questioned. To those who believe he is an illegitimate president, he will always be The Bastard President.
His pathetic speech on Thursday evening just cemented his image as a befuddled, weak leader who mouths platitudes while unknown powers behind the scenes call the real shots for his presidency.
Joe Biden sees himself as a “ruler,” who will dictate what we can and can’t do as free citizens. Meanwhile, the country he “rules” is going to hell in a hand-basket as border security is eradicated and illegal immigrants with the China Virus pour across the border.
In addition, gas prices are skyrocketing and school children are falling further behind because of selfish teachers unions who keep schools closed. His Congressional leaders are doing all they can to rig future elections, punish law-abiding gun owners, and discriminate against people of faith.
The national debt now is so far out of reach that we can look forward to suffering through uncontrolled inflation and national decline.
This is Joe Biden’s vision for America: America and Americans Last.
Thanks for reading! Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing all she can to ram legislation through Congress that will put the United States on the fast track to full-blown communism.
While Republican partisans talk about stemming the tide in the 2022 mid-term elections, they fail to comprehend that such talk will only be hot air if the serious election integrity issues we have aren’t addressed immediately at the state level.
The Deep State has succeeded in putting in place an infrastructure that will keep the ETM in its back pocket and further ensure elections can be hijacked through rigged processes such as mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
For more background on the Deep State, its evil machinations and its ultimate totalitarian goals, get your hands on J.C. Hawkins’s revealing book on before it falls victim to the cancel culture craze:
Readers in 11 countries on five continents are fans of both of J.C.’s Betrayal at Bethesda books. Research and writing of Book Three is underway, with new revelations regarding mysterious deaths such as Molly Macauley’s to be included.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in its 15th year, The Forgotten Street has won followers around the globe who appreciate its hard-hitting look at the issues of the day in America.
Foreign visitors in February included readers from these locations: Brazil; The European Union; The Russian Federation; The Czech Republic; Germany; The Ukraine; Red China; The United Kingdom; Austria; Iceland; Turkey; The British Indian Ocean Territory; France; Japan; Hong Kong; Indonesia; India; Nigeria; Poland; Romania; and Tajikistan.
God bless all of you who share our love of liberty and seek the end of The Deep State drive to institute a one-world communist government. Keep the faith and keep fighting!
February 17, 2021
We Must Repay The Great Debt We Owe Rush Limbaugh
Today, his suffering ended. Rush Limbaugh left us to be embraced in the loving arms of God. Well done, faithful servant.
It’s somewhat fitting that Rush passed away on Ash Wednesday. For those in the Roman Catholic faith, today is a day in which the placing of ashes on our foreheads by a priest symbolizes the ultimate death and departure from this life we all face.
It tells us we might die sooner or later, but that we will surely die. It thus becomes incumbent on us to get right with Our Creator. There’s no doubt Rush had deep faith and had made peace as he faced the end of his life with such grace and courage.
Rush Limbaugh essentially created an entirely new genre in commercial radio: the conservative talk show. For more than three decades he captivated audiences with his wit, knowledge, passion and abiding love for our country.
He showed those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, that we had an obligation to speak up and stand up for what we believe is right with America, just as he did for three hours every day for so many years. Even as he battled the deadly lung cancer that severely afflicted him in this past year, he remained at the top of his game.
It was so wonderful for President Trump to honor Rush with the presentation of the Medal of Freedom at last year’s State of the Union address. That moment will remain a fond memory for all the millions of Americans who loved Rush Limbaugh and always will.
His leadership and the unique voice he gave to conservatism and patriotism must be carried on by each of us. In the face of brutal onslaughts from the cultural Marxists, Democrat partisans and The Elite Traitor Media, he proved that courage and determination could carry the day against them.
Even The Deep State, aided and abetted by Establishment Republican traitors, tried to take him out but they failed miserably. So we must carry his fight forward by exposing their treachery and enlisting more patriots to join our cause.
There can be no more fitting tribute than that paid by Mark Steyn, who often filled in for Rush in hosting the program. His essay today on his website is a must read. No one could say it better than the incomparable Steyn:
J.C. Hawkins & Cliff Kincaid Discuss the Communist Threat on America’s Survival TV
It just so happened that yesterday, J.C. Hawkins was Cliff Kincaid’s guest on America’s Survival TV to discuss the ongoing communist threat against the United States and how the foolish use of the Leftist term “McCarthyism” by conservatives like Glenn Beck and Republican politicians works against the conservative cause
In an episode entitled Glenn Beck’s McCarthyism “Red Scare” Backfires, the pair review the historical background of the courageous effort by Joe McCarthy and others to protect America from the infiltration of communists in our government and leading institutions. It can be found here:
Much of the discussion focuses on revelations found in J.C. Hawkins’ international blockbuster, Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have become fans of both of J.C.’s Betrayal at Bethesda books. Research and writing of Book Three is underway.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
More of Cliff Kincaid’s extensive research and catalog of books can be found on his America’s Survival website:
Both J.C. and Cliff continue the fight against communism and the globalist attempt at one world government. In that way, they honor the memory of Rush Limbaugh and protect the precious heritage of our Founding Fathers. They urge all of you to join them.
Thanks for reading! Please keep Rush in your hearts always.
January 24, 2021
In Less Than One Week, Biden Already Worst President Ever
Who couldn’t see this coming?
As Joe Biden prepped to take office on January 20, his staff was busy preparing a raft of executive orders for him to sign on Day One. Let’s be real. There is absolutely no chance he actually took the time to read them.
At one point in the ceremony he was heard to mutter “What Am I Signing?”
Biden is a mere figurehead. He’s not in charge. He’s a stooge of The Deep State that’s really calling the shots. They’ve been propping him up since the primaries and once he was nominated.
As reported here on October 7, Biden likely suffers from a medical condition called encephalomalacia. It’s a form of permanent brain damage that commonly occurs when someone undergoes major brain surgery as he did twice in 1988.
Because the damage is in the frontal lobe of the brain, the individual then has issues controlling his or her impulses. A sudden burst of anger, an inappropriate comment or behavior is quite possible. Sound familiar in terms of Joe Biden?
It’s by no means always debilitating. People with the condition can still function. But by no means should they be President of the United States.
Back to his Executive Actions. On January 20, Mr. Biden signed 15 executive orders and two agency actions. The net results are that America is now less safe and no longer energy independent while more Americans have become unemployed, the disadvantaged among us are now poorer, and more babies worldwide will be murdered. Finally, more of our sons and daughters now are destined to die or be maimed in stupid, endless wars.
For those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, we know we’re in the crosshairs of a bloodthirsty Left that wants to “de-program” and “re-educate” us, if not eliminate us altogether.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat-led Congress will not stand in their way. Instead, they will preach false calls for national healing and unity. The Communists now are fully in charge with the treasonous enabling of the GOP leadership. The Elite Traitor Media are cheering them on.
Consider what’s happened in the past week.
The first order of business was to stop construction of The Wall on our border with Mexico. This represents a major threat to national security because it will allow more migrants to cross the border. Chief beneficiaries will be the drug cartels, human smugglers, potential terrorists and people infected with a range of diseases including the China Virus who want American medical care.
Biden also ordered Customs and Border Protection to halt deportations of detained illegal immigrants, as well as demanded those in custody be released.
Coming to a community near you, or your hometown, God knows what kind of thugs and criminals.
He also is tacitly encouraging caravans of more migrants coming from Guatemala and Honduras through Mexico to cross our southern border without any disruption.
They just got a free pass to enter our country.
One of the great achievements of President Trump’s administration was for the United States to become truly energy independent and a net exporter of energy. Previous presidents talked about that endlessly, but it took Donald Trump’s vision and leadership to finally make it happen.
Among the actions taken this week were revoking the permit for construction of the Keystone Pipeline to carry oil from Canada to the United States for processing into a broad range of petroleum products.
Enviro-crazies hailed the action, but they’re too witless to understand it has nothing to do with protecting the environment. It’s a sleazy political payoff to Warren Buffett, whose railroad will transport the oil into the United States.
Truth be told, shipping by rail or by tanker truck is much more environmentally hazardous than by pipeline. A derailed train will cause a catastrophic oil spill that will be virtually impossible to clean up, possibly in the heart of an American town or city.
Meanwhile, Americans and Canadians who have high-paying union jobs constructing the pipeline now face unemployment, many after having moved to work on the project. Canadians are outraged by this betrayal by an alleged ally, and unions have gotten stiffed for their support of Biden and the Democrats.
In addition, many businesses including small businesses such as restaurants, motels, apartment complexes and retail stores that relied on the workers as customers will be severely affected as well.
Moreover, as the United States finds it’s now dependent again on foreign sources for energy, the Deep State War Machine will ramp up to send our sons and daughters to God-forsaken places to be killed or maimed in stupid wars to get energy while we have plenty right here at home.
Besides the pipeline halt, Biden ordered cessation of the leasing of federal lands and waters for oil and gas exploration. Now the blue state of New Mexico, with its Democrat politics, will see rampant unemployment and the loss of union jobs throughout the state.
In addition, Native Americans who benefitted from energy projects on their reservations will fall once again into abject poverty.
Biden also decided the United States will re-enter the disastrous Paris Climate Accord, which will put onerous restrictions on our country while giving Red China and others a free pass. It’s another “feel good” globalist scam to redistribute wealth. Communist dupes worldwide are lapping it up.
What he fails to comprehend is that the United Nations has deemed the agreement an international treaty, which means is must receive approval by two-thirds of the United States Senate before taking effect legally. But the enviro-crazies don’t pay attention to details like that.
In one of the more inexplicable actions, Biden reversed an order by President Trump to lower the pricing of epi-pens used by people with diabetes to inject insulin.
President Trump’s order was designed to make insulin more affordable for poorer and elderly people. Foremost among the beneficiaries were Black Americans who have a higher incidence of diabetes.
The end result of the Biden action is obviously sheer racism to benefit the pharmaceutical industry.
On a cultural note, the Biden Administration is reverting to the unhinged transgender policies instituted by President Barack Obama, which will encourage transgender participation in women’s sports and open use of bathrooms formerly designated by gender.
The net result will be the total negation of Title IX requirements that promoted women’s sports and saw them flourish across the country. Now we’ll have the spectacle of women’s sports being effectively eradicated by an administration supported by clueless progressive women.
Next up will be The Olympic Games, turning them into a bigger farce than they now are.
While they celebrate Kamala Harris supposedly breaking the “glass ceiling” keeping women from being Vice President of the United States, they’ve allowed a bulletproof plexiglass ceiling to be imposed that will prevent many women athletes from achieving their goals.
News flash to the transgender advocates: There are only two genders, female and male. To believe otherwise is to ignore established science and the entire scope of human history. Those unfortunate people confused about their gender need counseling by mental health professionals, not pandering from unprincipled politicians.
Last but not least, designated Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has raised the possibility of increasing federal taxes on gasoline and diesel fuels to create more funding for infrastructure.
This increase would be another regressive tax hurting less advantaged people the most and resulting in higher costs for goods shipped by trucks.
One of the ways he posed to implement the tax could be to base it on the number of miles driven by the individual. Allowing that to happen simply would be a gross invasion of personal privacy resulting in people driving less to keep their cost down. Truckers will forego longer trips thus promoting the use of more trucks to ship a set of goods instead of one taking them cross-country. Result, more vehicle pollution.
Mayor Pete is clearly out of his league with this position. He’s about as qualified for it as I am to be an astronaut.
On the China Virus front, Mr. Biden seems way out of his depth. He’s struggling to articulate a coherent plan for immunizations and new therapies to treat the illness. He moans about the looming possibility of more infections and deaths.
Old Joe seems to be telling us, “The worst is yet to come.” How right he is on any number of fronts.
So there we have it. Week One of a Biden presidency that already has a negative economic impact, making the country more vulnerable to crime and the flow of drugs, putting in motion a huge spike in gasoline prices and throwing many thousands of Americans out of work.
This is precisely what could be expected of a president installed through a fraudulent election by The Deep State and global communists trying to institute “The Great Reset.”
Welcome to the world of The Bastard President.
Thanks for reading! A friend asked us earlier in the week what we were writing about next. We noted the plethora of possible topics and the problem of where to begin.
One obvious topic we’re saving for another day is the highly unconstitutional impeachment of President Trump. At a time when sane people would be trying to bring the nation together, the truly unhinged led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are pushing the nutty notion that a person who holds no public office can be subject to impeachment.
Of course, the always predictable Mitt Romney weighed in with his blessing, proving once again the men in white coats are way overdue for a visit to the Romney household.
All this madness is just the evil machinations of The Deep State. You’ll find no end to their dark deeds and subversion in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Readers in 11 countries on five continents have become fans of both Betrayal at Bethesda books. Research and writing of Book Three is underway.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in its 15th year, The Forgotten Street remains a beacon of truth shining through the satanic propaganda of the Elite Traitor Media and Big Tech. God bless all of our followers in 25+ countries worldwide!
January 12, 2021
Are We About To Become America’s Uyghurs? The Looming Purge Ahead
As we get closer to a Biden inauguration, The Deep State and its lackeys in The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) are ramping up their divisive rhetoric and widening the chasm between Americans.
Right now the only national figures calling for a healing of the division and a need to unify the country are President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Yet, Democrats are calling for his head in another phony impeachment or invoking of the 25th Amendment.
In turn, President-Select Joe Biden is throwing gasoline on the blazing political fire, showing no desire to unify the country. For him, other “Sore Winner” Democrats, the ETM, Never Trumpers and GOP turncoats, it’s all about revenge and retribution against President Trump and his 75 million supporters.
The only way the Deep State will be able to force the United States into the globalist “Great Reset” reconfiguration of the global economy and create a world government is to destroy any vestige of individual liberty and populism.
Media figures and politicians alike are raising the specter of “de-programming” and “re-educating” Trump supporters, whom they view as cult members. Rich Klein, political director for ABC News, actually used the term “cleansing” when speaking about the need to eliminate our political freedom and opinions.
Let’s get clear on one thing: those engaged in such discussions are not liberals, progressives, or even socialists. Each and every one of them is simply a Communist who wants to reduce those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, to second-class status as the Red Chinese have done to the Uyghurs in northwest China.
For those unfamiliar with what I’m referring to, the Uyghurs are an indigenous Muslim minority of Turkish ethnicity who are being abused and eliminated by the ruling Chinese gangster regime.
It’s estimated there are about 11 million Uyghurs in Red China, many of whom have been relegated to second-class citizenship or killed. Approximately one million of them are interned in forced labor camps to be used as slave labor in textile factories. They are subjected to “re-education” to rid them of their Muslim religion and beliefs.
In addition, Uyghur women are being sterilized so their ethnicity can be eradicated. What the Red Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs represents some of the worst human rights abuses ever on Planet Earth.
President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are about the only world leaders speaking out about this atrocity. Both have referred to treatment of the Uyghurs as “genocide.” On May 22, 2020, President Trump signed the Ugyhur Human Rights Policy Act to impose certain sanctions on Red Chinese officials.
Pope Francis has turned a blind eye to it as he continues to prostitute the Roman Catholic Church to the Red Chinese regime. He’s too busy attacking populism, whining about climate change and plugging the Great Reset to be bothered with speaking out about genocide.
This provides a snapshot of what the zealous Communists now in control of the American government, the ETM, Big Tech and Corporate America would like to see happen to Trump supporters in particular and conservatives in general.
Big Tech is carrying its weight in the Communist takeover by shutting down accounts on Facebook and Twitter, and Apple and Google denying services to other would-be social media outlets. In Corporate America, banks, hotel companies and others are shutting off campaign donations to Republicans and conservatives, or denying them services altogether.
Not satisfied with already leveling the Middle Class via the China Virus Scamdemic, Communists are going so far as to identify Americans who participate in political rallies in their free time so employers will be intimidated into firing them. The more unemployed the better in their eyes.
When a new President of the United States takes office, he generally builds his Inaugural Address around a particular vision and theme. Of course, President Trump discussed his America First agenda. Thus far, Joe Biden has displayed no capacity whatsoever to define a vision or purpose for his presidency other than to keep getting rich from foreign corruption.
His most notable statement in the election campaign was during one of the the debates when he talked about the coming “Dark Winter.” Talk about a downer.
Right now, there is no recognizable theme to the Biden presidency other than be a retread of the Obama regime, given the has-beens and never-weres he’s selected for his cabinet and other positions.
With a nation as severely divided as ours, Biden seems perfectly at ease with doing nothing to unify the American people. That tells me he’s bought into the demonization of Trump supporters and is comfortable with turning us into America’s Uyghurs.
In doing so, he will narrow our options in terms of how best to respond. It’s almost as if The Deep State wants to provoke armed conflict in order to install a fascist-style regime with brain-damaged Joe Biden as its figurehead Bastard President.
With few days remaining in his presidency, Donald Trump has a very difficult decision: Will he let the nation drift further in chaos or will he risk everything to invoke The Insurrection Act and take full control of the situation? Stay tuned.
Thanks for reading! We’re left with dwindling options, but we still have prayer and the ability to secure firearms if we feel personally threatened by coming events. Pray for guidance from The Almighty and get ready for rough days ahead.
The Deep State’s depth of Pure Evil is limitless. It views us, as well as our nation, as expendable in order to gain a foothold in the Great Reset that seeks to subjugate the entire world.
How The Deep State has pursued its criminal agenda for nearly a century is explained in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in our 15th year at The Forgotten Street, we’ll keep fighting against the Communist headwinds. With God’s blessing and our fervent prayers, we’ll keep bringing the truth to our followers worldwide.
January 7, 2021
Deep State False Flag Operation at Capitol Shuts Down Congressional Session on Electoral Certification
As the shock of yesterday’s events still resonates with the public, it’s time to face the truth about what truly happened there.
The Elite Traitor Media (ETM), Democrats and turncoat Republicans are in overdrive to castigate and blame President Donald Trump for the chaos.
As a result, he’s been forced to halt further efforts to have the election results examined and has agreed to an orderly transition of power to now President-Select Joe Biden.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, now know what many of our friends and neighbors who travelled to Washington D.C. for the Save America rally know: the people who stormed the Capitol yesterday were Antifa goons who were paid and trained to do so.
The invasion and disruption in the Capitol was pre-planned by The Deep State with the following three objectives in mind:
- Discredit Trump supporters and in turn, President Trump;
- Disrupt the process by which the president’s supporters could challenge electors in various states in dispute;
- Intimidate those thinking of following Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the challenging process from continuing to do so.
It succeeded on all three levels, just as planned. It was able to happen with the cooperation of the Capitol Police, who in some circumstances permitted and facilitated access into the building by moving barricades and directing the protestors inside the building. Those actions have been filmed on phones and released on the Internet.
What remains at issue is what possessed police to shoot an unarmed woman inside the Capitol. She turned out to be an Air Force veteran and staunch Trump supporter named Ashli Babbitt. The ETM has shown absolutely no curiosity or outrage over who shot her and why.
Maybe if she had been an armed minority drug dealer they would be all up in arms.
The cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt is reminiscent of the events of May 4, 1970 when the National Guard shot protesting students at Kent State University in Ohio. In that incident, 4 people were killed and 9 wounded. To this day, it’s unclear who gave the order to fire upon the students.
That’s why it’s unlikely we’ll ever know the facts of the Babbitt murder. It was part of the False Flag staged yesterday. A Capitol police officer allegedly has been suspended pending investigation. But, like so many other official investigations that drag on and on, it’s not likely we’ll get a satisfactory result.
The storming of the Capitol had all the hallmarks of a CIA operation, similar to ones staged repeatedly in foreign countries to facilitate the overthrow of governments. It also has striking similarities with the so-called “color revolutions” promoted by globalists like George Soros.
No doubt the folks at Langley and in The Deep State are smiling today. They know they’ve pulled off their third successful coup against a sitting President of the United States.
The CIA’s involvement is apparent in the murder of John F. Kennedy, the ousting of Richard Nixon, and now the theft of a landslide election victory by Donald Trump.
Rumors have circulated for more than a month that the CIA may have been involved in the manipulation of Dominion Voting Systems machines to change votes from Trump to Biden and also add votes to the Biden total.
A report released by a government transparency organization, Nations in Action, alleges that an Italian defense contractor worked with the CIA and Britain’s MI6 agency to transfer election data from CIA servers in Frankfurt, Germany, to Italy in order to use military satellites to send it back to the USA to Dominion systems to change the election results.
In a sworn affidavit introduced in an Italian court, Arturo D’Ello, an employee of the Leonardo defense contracting firm, claims the Leonardo systems were used to steal the election in the United States.
When Sidney Powell and others alleged that the Dominion systems were linked to the Internet, Dominion was able to convincingly deny the charge because it got its data from a satellite, not over the Internet.
Maria Strollo Zack, Nations in Action founder, further claims the entire scheme was put in motion by former president Barack Hussein Obama, who provided the funding for an ongoing, years-long, campaign of subversion against the Trump administration. She alleges the funds were diverted from the cash sent to Iran as part of the Obama agreement with Iran regarding nuclear weapons.
The Leonardo defense firm has an American subsidiary that’s headed by William J. Lynn III, who served in the Obama/Biden administration as deputy secretary of defense for cyber security and space strategy. Prior to that he served in the Clinton administration. Upon leaving that post he became a lobbyist for the defense contractor Raytheon. The plot thickens.
Zack is an entrepreneur and political activist who previously has worked with Newt Gingrich and supported Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.
More details on the Italian role in the election fraud scheme have been revealed on the conservative Christian website Here is a link:
Last night we discussed these events on The Schiffer Report radio program on WHKW in Cleveland. Other members of the panel agreed with our conclusions in a very stimulating discussion of how The Deep State has managed to pull off its coup against President Trump.
Host Paul Schiffer provides strong leadership in Ohio to challenge the schemes underway to implement a socialist government in the United States.
All options to expose the massive election fraud have now expired. Nonetheless, certain facts are indisputable. Several states implemented changes to their election practices without legislative approval as required by state constitutions. Vote counting was simultaneously halted in five states in what appeared to be a coordinated effort to stop the growing momentum of the Trump vote total. Signature verification of absentee ballots, as required by law, was abandoned in Georgia and Nevada.
No one can explain these facts away without turning a blind eye to blatantly fraudulent actions.
The Georgia runoff election results were entirely predictable. Since the November 3 fiasco, no changes were implemented to voting systems or procedures. Anyone thinking the Republican senators had any change of winning was simply a damn fool.
So what have Joe Biden and the Democrats actually won? They’ve stolen an election and raised a huge middle finger to the 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. Now, they piously ask for national unity. Fat chance of that.
Even worse, they and the GOP traitors are doing all they can to further humiliate and harass President Trump as he gets ready to leave office, without so much as a gracious “thank for your service.”
They’ll now get to rule over a banana republic with an illegitimate government. Make way for Banana Joe, the Bastard President.
Thanks for reading! Despite our complete disappointment, let’s not hang our heads for long. This isn’t over by any means. One way, or another, we will work to find a way to restore our constitutional republic.
The Deep State may have won this round, but it can only prevail by resorting to tactics that will ultimately repulse even the dupes who’ve let them win.
Learn more about the Deep State and its criminal machinations in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in our 15th year at The Forgotten Street, together we face enormous challenges. But with God’s blessings and our fervent prayers, we will prevail.
December 31, 2020 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We Need The Spirit of ’75, and Must Put On The Whole Armor of God To Prosper in The New Year
As The Big Steal to deny President Trump his landslide re-election moves toward a conclusion, it’s readily apparent there are greater forces in play here than mere politics.
Globalists and The Deep State are pushing a grand scheme to cement their control over the global economy. Their fanatical drive to assume total control over our lives is what’s motivating them in part.
The biggest obstacle they face has been President Trump, whose entire presidency is a reaffirmation of constitutional government and individual liberty.
For those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, the Trump presidency provides a beacon of hope that our wonderful American heritage and way of life still has a chance to survive the onslaught of The Deep State and its godless advocates.
This past summer, The World Economic Forum, an international body of crypto-fascists intent on world domination, unveiled their plan for the “Great Reset.”
The Great Reset is a revolting blend of communism and fascism designed to eliminate national sovereignty and individual freedoms such as owning property and religious liberty.
International journalist and author Alex Newman has provided terrific insight into this insidious Great Reset plot in a cover story for the New American magazine. His in-depth analysis can be found here.
One element of the Great Reset and work of World Economic Forum globalists that warrants further investigation is the ultimate force driving their obsession to change the world as we know it.
It’s my firm belief many of the globalist proponents are quite simply Satanists. They clearly lack any belief in God. They see themselves as demi-gods who would deny us our God-given inalienable rights.
They’re working hand in glove with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to diminish the United States as a world power and boost Red China. By unleashing COVID-19 on the world to create economic havoc and a total panic, they’ve initiated government tyranny that will be difficult to reverse.
That’s why, more than ever, we need two motivating forces to not only oppose them, but also soundly defeat and crush them. The Deep State and all it represents must be thoroughly destroyed.
First, we must adopt what I call The Spirit of ’75. We should study and embrace the God-driven spirit that motivated our forefathers to take up arms in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775, against the most powerful empire on earth, The British Kingdom.
Armed with their muskets, those brave farmers knew they had something more important going for them while facing the most formidable army on earth.
Clearly, they were God-fearing people. Most likely they were quite familiar with The Holy Bible, particularly with The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Ephesians. The words of St. Paul resound truer today more than ever:
Ephesians 6, 10-13, King James Version
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
With all we face from the satanic forces around us, we need the Spirit of ’75 and The Whole Armor of God to prevail. The struggle ahead will require more fortitude than we’ve ever possessed. We can only gain that strength through faith in our cause and reliance on what our forefathers called “Our Creator” in the landmark Declaration of Independence.
For inspiration as we enter the New Year, take time to re-read that magnificent document. Appreciate the risks taken by its signers, who ended the Declaration with these memorable words that take on even greater meaning today:
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
We must pledge to adopt The Spirit of “75 and Put on the Whole Armor of God to fight the satanic evil of The Great Reset and The Deep State.
Thanks for reading! We end the great challenges of 2020 and the treasonous deception of The Deep State. As with previous years, we learned valuable lessons about those who wish to rule us instead of represent us.
Next Wednesday brings the final showdown of the 2020 election as the Congress convenes to certify the electors from the Electoral College. It promises to deliver great drama as President Trump makes his final case to stay in office. The Deep State is doing all it can to thwart him.
The origins of The Deep State are thoroughly explored in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Start the New Year off right by adding to your library both BAB II and its predecessor, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F Kennedy, for a combined price of $28.90 on
These histories have won an international audience on five of the seven continents. Amazon reports sales in these 11 countries: The United States; Canada; Mexico, Brazil; The United Kingdom; France; Denmark; Italy; India; Japan; and Australia.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in our 15th year at The Forgotten Street, we continue to grow our following both at home and internationally. Foreign visitors in December came from the following locations: Red China; The Russian Federation; The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; Canada; Mexico; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Brazil; Japan; Poland; France; Greece; The Ukraine; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna Islands; Australia; Colombia; The Dominican Republic; Iran; Jordan; St. Pierre and Miquelon.
We wish you all God’s blessings and best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!
December 14, 2020
The Scamdemic and Looming Democrat Depression
As is all too obvious, the China Virus “scamdemic” was carefully planned by the Globalist Elites, Red China and The Deep State to trash the United States and global economies to usher in their “Great Reset” to institute communist world government.
In order for that to succeed, the 2020 American election had to be stolen away from President Donald Trump by any means necessary.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, know full well that Joe Biden was primed to become The Bastard President, as illegitimate as they come.
President Trump was presiding over the best economy in our lifetime and a new era of world peace. He was on the fast track for re-election in a landslide.
So, the Deep State, in concert with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), concocted a scheme to unleash the virus pandemic on an unsuspecting world, knowing it could rely on The Elite Traitor Media (ETM) to manufacture a total Fake News panic over a virus nowhere as lethal as purported.
Certainly, those with underlying health problems are more vulnerable, just as they are to seasonal flu. But, this is a virus many people won’t know they have unless they are tested. Many of those will be totally asymptomatic.
Part and parcel to this fraud was the participation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in ginning up phony case statistics and pimping for a vaccine as the only answer to stem the spread of the virus.
Most recently, CDC announced it’s lumping pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 into one PIC category in which all cases will be considered the China Virus. How phony and deceptive can you get!
Little did they anticipate President Trump marshaling the incredible resources of the government and private industry to create Operation Warp Speed to produce several vaccines in record time and gain the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Because there was an ongoing election campaign, Democrats and the ETM fed the public lie after lie about the president’s “inadequate and poor response” to the virus crisis.
Faced with an unprecedented situation, President Trump relied on the federalist system that permitted states to exercise their judgments on how to handle the crisis, even with a national lockdown.
The resulting lockdown of economic activity, particularly onerous in states run by Democrats, took a booming economy and plunged it into recession, with the fully expected massive unemployment.
The Coronavirus Task Force followed the recommendations of Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His advice changed with the wind, resulting in conflicting directions that only made it more difficult for President Trump, directly impairing the economy.
Fauci certainly earned his paycheck from The Deep State and Big Pharma.
Even with the economic downturn, President Trump persevered in getting stimulus relief through a balky Congress past the treasonous Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. He encouraged states to beginning reopening their economies and loosening restrictions on their citizens.
With a rebound underway, President Trump seemed on track to victory. But the determination of the Democrats to win by any means necessary led to The Big Steal, which is close to placing Joe Biden in The White House on January 20, 2021.
Reliable Deep State stooges like Gavin Newsom on California and Andrew Cuomo in New York keep tightening the screws on small businesses, bars and restaurants.
It now seems probable that almost 60% or more of small businesses could completely shut down forever. The restaurant and travel industries are devastated. Given the ripple effects felt throughout the economy, Joe Biden may take office just in time to preside over the worst Depression in American history.
That was the plan all along, to make millions more Americans fully into wards of the government.
It’s all according to the scheme of the Great Reset elites, who right now see their best opportunity to crush national sovereignties and institute a hybrid capitalist/communist world government system, The Ultimate Fascism.
Meanwhile, 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump and who cherish the U.S. Constitution may prove ungovernable. They will never embrace the completely unacceptable Bastard President and illegitimate government run by Democrat Socialists.
The Electoral College process has to play out, with today’s deadline bringing the prospect of competing slates of electors in the swing states still in question.
President Trump shows he’s determined to fight to overturn the fraud and rightfully begin his transition to a second term. We all must pray he succeeds.
Thanks for reading! Analysis of the Dominion voting systems in one Michigan county has revealed the fraudulent operation carried out there. The Trump legal team, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood continue their efforts to prove beyond question the widespread fraud that occurred in the election.
Our posts were delayed by some projects undertaken in our household. Now we are fully ready to enjoy Christmas, as we pray all of you are as well.
We wish only the most blessed of Hanukkahs to our Jewish brethren.
November brought record visitors from such foreign locations as: Germany; The Czech Republic; The European Union, The Russian Federation; Canada; Australia; Red China; South Africa; Poland; Romania; Brazil; Japan; Montenegro; Vietnam; Indonesia; The Catalan Community; France; Mexico; Wallis and Futuna Islands; Chile; Ghana; Norway; The Ukraine; The United Kingdom; and India.
The Great Reset being pushed by The Deep State represents the utmost in pure evil and treachery. That’s exemplified by the wretched hive of scum publicly advocating it.
You can learn more about the origins of The Deep State in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
For the ultimate in Christmas gifts for the patriots on your shopping list, you can get BAB II and its predecessor, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F Kennedy, for a combined price of $28.90 on
Both have won an international audience on five of the seven continents. Amazon reports sales in these 10 countries: The United States; Canada; Brazil; The United Kingdom; France; Denmark; Italy; India; Japan; and Australia. November sales were particularly strong.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached at the following email:
Now in our 15th year at The Forgotten Street, we’re especially grateful for the loyalty of our followers. We welcome more to join them and learn about real American history and the fight against the dark forces seeking to destroy our wonderful heritage and country.
God bless you all!
December 7, 2019
Democrat Grinches Are Determined To Wreck America
As we get into the swing of Christmas season, with goodwill toward all and decking halls with boughs of holly, Democrats in Washington have sent their Christmas message loud and clear:
“We hate you damn deplorables for giving us the most successful president in our lifetime. Lower unemployment and higher paychecks make it impossible for us to play on your fears about the future.”
“At least we still have Climate Change and Gun Control to demagogue to our hearts’ content!”
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has jumped to the front cabin of the Impeachment Train and taken over the controls. It’s full speed ahead:
“USMCA be damned, forget border security, we can’t stop the flow of drugs, ICE should be abolished, the heck with healthcare reform, not need to repair infrastructure, and you oldsters won’t see lower prescription drug prices if we have anything to do with it. Budget, we don’t need no stinkin’ budget. We’ve done without one for decades.”
The impeachment charade hit a new low this past week with Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler parading three of the most effete, condescending professorial phonies he could find to display their total ignorance, disdain and contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the American people in a televised hearing.
Invited by Republicans on the committee, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley added the only notes of sanity, honesty and integrity from the witnesses. He basically testified that in terms of impeachable offenses by President Donald Trump, the Democrats are holding an empty hand.
What was particularly depressing about the hearing was to see just how superior the Harvard, Stanford and North Carolina law school professors feel to the rest of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA. Their snotty innuendo and moral smugness displayed all that is wrong with higher education in our country.
The sideshow moves on this coming week, ironically when Michael Horowitz, Inspector General for the Department of Justice, is expected to release his report on possible misconduct and abuse by officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding FISA applications. The report is scheduled to come out on Monday, with Horowitz appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
It will be interesting to see how the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee, The Elite Traitor Media, try to spin the Horowitz report into a “nothing burger” while ballyhooing the Nadler circus. Or, will Horowitz take a dive to protect The Deep State?
The corrupt Fake News media are using the same tired Watergate playbook to help The Deep State in its coup attempt against President Trump. Their main problem is they’re facing a president who will fight back tooth and nail, and a Republican party that recognizes it can’t fold up like its predecessors did with Richard Nixon. Of course, they had Deep State stooge Gerald Ford to rely on then.
Meanwhile, the Democrat presidential contenders march on, trying to get an upper hand in their bid for the nomination. Newcomer Michael Bloomberg has jumped in, ready to spend much of his billions to buy the nomination and the election.
Bloomberg’s major problem is he’s hitching his wagon to issues that don’t resonate with the American public at large: climate change and gun control. They will fire up the progressive, Far Left Base, but won’t translate into a general election win.
His boasting about his economic successes falls flat in the face of a booming economy engineered by President Trump. The latest jobs and unemployment report, coupled with strong success in generating jobs for minorities and the powerful impact of a major tax cut, makes it virtually impossible to contend that President Trump hasn’t done a great job with the economy.
Hard left-wingers like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders keep touting programs for “free” stuff that are impossible to finance. The dollars needed simply don’t exist anywhere in the world.
Mrs. Pelosi ignored a number of opportunities, such as USMCA, to swallow hard and pass bipartisan legislation that the Democrats could at least claim some credit for.
Instead, they’ve cast themselves as the Grinches who want to steal the economic windfall that could come through new trade deals and controlling the southern border.
When challenged in a press conference, she hid behind her Catholicism to say she doesn’t “hate” anyone, least of all President Trump. For her to play the Catholic card is the ultimate in sheer gall, particularly in this season of Advent.
Her almost demonic support and defense of abortion on demand at any phase of pregnancy is a mortal sin according to Catholic doctrine.
It’s also incredibly racist, given the fact that black babies are slaughtered in a disproportionate fashion. But, that’s why abortion came about in the first place. The satanic Margaret Sanger wanted to control and limit what was called the “Negro” population back then.
If the Roman Catholic Church had a real Pope, like John Paul II or Benedict, instead of the phony politician Francis, Pelosi and her ilk among visible political figures would have been denied communion or excommunicated a long time ago.
Not satisfied to bash President Trump at every opportunity, the Elite Traitor Media had to take First Lady Melania Trump to task for the White House Christmas decorations and the outfit she wore to show what had been done to get the White House ready for Christmas.
That, coupled with the snarky swipe at the Trumps’ 13-year old son Barron by Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan during the impeachment hearing, clearly showed the Progressive Left is driven by deep-seated hatred and a manic lust for power at any cost.
As they lurch from terminology to terminology to describe themselves, “liberal, progressive, democratic socialist” it’s time to get real and call them what they really are: “Communist.”
Thanks for reading! This month promises more political fireworks, which is sad in a season that traditionally has called for setting aside differences and focusing our gratitude on the Advent of the birth of Jesus Christ.
We must always keep Christ in Christmas!
For those of you looking for a special Christmas gift for those people in your lives who share your interest in and love of history, we hope you will consider J.C. Hawkins’ landmark Cold War book:
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions on
Sales keep growing on four continents: North America; South America; Europe; and Australia. J.C. is readily available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda.
Please contact him by email at:
J.C.’s well into research for the sequel to Betrayal at Bethesda, which will focus on the origins and emergence of The Modern Deep State and Fake News.
This effort will shine a new light on the role of seditious members of the military, intelligence community, and certain business interests in carrying out the eliminations of Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy.
It also will reveal their role in the mysterious deaths of a number of other prominent American leaders, beginning with General George S. Patton, Jr., in World War II, and continuing right up to today.
Today marks the 78th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. That day still lives on in infamy, but as our continued research shows that infamy has a broader reach, right into the highest levels of the Roosevelt administration. More to come!
We encourage anyone with relevant information on these events and other mysterious deaths having a possible Deep State connection to contact J.C. by email at:
All inquiries will be held in confidence. The identity of those contacting him will not be disclosed.
We’re especially gratified by the strong support from followers of The Forgotten Street worldwide. In November, we had visitors from these top 25 locations: Red China; The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; Tokelau; Vietnam; The United Kingdom; The Russian Federation; Indonesia; Canada; Romania; India; Kenya; Hungary; Colombia; Singapore; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Japan; Turkey; Italy; Mexico; Poland; Tajikistan; Armenia; and Belgium.
We offer our first Merry Christmas of the season to you all, with many more to come. God bless all our followers on The Forgotten Street!
November 22, 2019
56 Years Later, The Deep State Relies on the JFK Murder to Keep Us in Line
Can it really be 56 years since President John F. Kennedy was so publically and brutally murdered on a street in Dallas, Texas?
Decades later, so many questions remain for those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who never bought the ridiculous conclusion of The Warren Commission Report that JFK was killed by a “lone nut gunman.”
Despite congressional laws to force government agencies to release all their files related to the Kennedy assassination, The Deep State continues to thwart the efforts of many researchers to finally uncover the truth.
In the most recent hope that President Donald Trump would order the release as called for by law, he was somehow persuaded to bow to requests from the Central Intelligence Agency and other security agencies to allow some files to remain confidential.
Without revisiting the matter, today let’s focus on a critical point in the entire rationale for the assassination. President Kennedy had the unmitigated gall to challenge the Deep State and the status quo, and try to usher in a new form of presidential leadership.
The American public was responding favorably, but the Deep State knew it couldn’t run the risk of a Kennedy re-election in 1964.
He was a new breed, not a compliant politician like his predecessors Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman, both of whom knew their limits vis-à-vis the Deep State.
JFK was willing to take on the CIA, a belligerent and insubordinate Joint Chiefs of Staff, Big Business and The Military-Industrial Complex to forge a new path in global politics, and promote sustainable economic growth that would reward the middle class.
That was simply unacceptable to The Endless War Machine that needed new fuel to reward its patrons, and business interests such as Global Banking and Big Steel that relied on an unquestioned status quo.
For his audacity, JFK was targeted to be publicly and brutally murdered in front of the entire world in order to further a coup to install the corrupt and compliant Lyndon Baines Johnson as president.
By doing so, the Deep State issued a warning to future JFK wannabes that they could very well endure a similar fate.
We now find ourselves facing a similar crisis in the Deep State attempted coup against President Donald Trump. Aligning themselves against him are some of the same actors as well as new elements.
Rogue intelligence and FBI leaders;
Insubordinate military leaders;
Corrupt Democrat and Republican politicians bought and paid for by global business interests;
The Elite Traitor Media who resent and hate everyday Americans like us
Social media moguls who work to suppress public debate and censor conservative voices.
Since November 22, 1963, America has never been the same. We’ve seen our share of political turmoil and a fracturing of the national patriotic fabric that once held us all together.
For our children and grandchildren, let’s hope that some date in the near future won’t hold the same grip on their psyche as that day from 56 years ago holds on ours today.
Thanks for reading! The Deep State’s penetration of all our institutions is truly disturbing. We now have public figures extolling the alleged virtues of the Deep State because its attempt to oust President Trump is in line with their communist values
Princeton economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman produced the following Tweet regarding the Democrats’ phony impeachment inquiry:
“One side lesson from this inquiry is that the Deep State contains some really impressive, principled people. Which is why Trump hates it so much.”
We’d be hard pressed to hear a more odious and disgusting figure than Paul Krugman find something commendable about the Deep State. This is the same Deep State that used highly-trained snipers to blow out John F. Kennedy’s brains at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Its leadership may have changed, but it’s the same treasonous mentality that exists today.
He’s correct in that Donald Trump hates the Deep State because he knows it is un-American and actually communistic. It relies on a self-appointed group of elites who think they’re smarter and better than the rest of us.
Deep Staters reject the concept of a democratic republic in which the people have the opportunity to select representatives who will promote their interests, and the overall interest of the United States of America instead of being mere lackeys for globalism and a totalitarian New World Order.
They want a centralized government oligarchy to run everything and dictate how all of us will lead our lives. The notions of individual freedom and liberty are totally foreign to the Deep State. Which is why it and its evil must be fully destroyed as soon as humanly possible.
Learn more about the Deep State and its murderous history in J.C. Hawkins groundbreaking book: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions on
It’s enjoying growing sales on four continents: North America; South America; Europe; and Australia. J.C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda.
Please contact him by email at:
Take a few minutes today to consider the incredible patriotism of John F. Kennedy and pray for his soul. An authentic American war hero, he suffered a fate he never deserved and now endures the ongoing smearing of his reputation.
The focus on his supposed sexual adventures is grossly exaggerated. A careful review of his medical history, which is readily available, shows that much of the alleged events would have been virtually impossible.
No doubt he had affairs outside of his marriage, but he was in no way the individual depicted by so many smear artists today. It’s all propaganda to serve the interests of the Deep State.
The purpose is to paint Kennedy as such a repugnant reprobate you wouldn’t care who murdered him or why. The smears continue because a dead man can’t defend himself.
God bless all our followers here and abroad in close to 30 countries. Be sure to pray for President Trump and his personal safety in this time of crisis and growing danger.
November 19, 2019
How You Can Best Help Roger Stone
After yesterday’s post, we heard from Roger thanking us for mentioning his defense fund and encouraging folks on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, to support an appeal to his recent conviction. Because of the full gag order imposed on Roger by Judge Amy Berman Jackson, he’s essentially unable to make a living doing writing, speaking, media interviews or political consulting. As a result, he and his wife have moved from their comfortable home to a modest condo to cut their living expenses.
The amount of money raised for his defense fund must be spent only on legal fees and related court expenses. So Roger and his wife Nydia have consulted professionals and created The Roger Stone Family Support Fund. The fund was established to help pay their rent, food, medical expenses, insurance and gasoline, all the most basic of living expenses.
While Roger is silenced and unable to make his case for his innocence, media figures like Donna Brazile and Meghan McCain go on their talk shows and wish him to “rot in Hell.” How totally un-Christian of them! They can spew their vulgar trash while he’s just supposed to sit there and take it. That’s why good Americans should demand he be treated fairly, and not smeared by the hatred of The Deep State.
An Obama appointee, Judge Jackson barred his defense team from one of the more potent weapons they had. She forbade them from telling the court and jury that that the Special Counsel failed to prove that the Russians were behind the “stolen” DNC emails given to WikiLeaks. Stone was charged with making a false statement regarding the Russian Collusion Hoax, which in essence proved to be right.
Jackson is the same judge who handled the Paul Manafort case and treated him worse than any serious criminal by jailing him in solitary confinement prior to trial. Both Manafort and Roger were subjected to Gestapo-style, pre-dawn arrest raids by federal goons instead of being shown the courtesy of asking them to turn themselves in as other defendants of similar alleged crimes have done.
In a spirit of human decency, with all politics aside, Roger and his family deserve a way to have a modest, basic lifestyle as he’s now unable to make a living. While he awaits the next steps in the legal process, as we near the Christmas season, we hope a spirit of generosity will move you all to act. Those who would deny him basic sustenance have no heart, and reveal themselves for the vengeful Deep Staters they are.
Here’s where you can learn more about the Support Fund and how to contribute:
When you see how horribly the Deep State and corrupt judicial system have treated people like General Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, you realize what a potent evil force we and President Donald Trump face.
November 18, 2019
President Trump Has Truly Entered The JFK Danger Zone
As the treasonous “Resistance” keeps failing miserably in its various attempts to sabotage and undermine the presidency of Donald Trump, it’s all too apparent that President Trump has entered the same “danger zone” that led to the vicious murder of President John F. Kennedy.
With less than a year now until the 2020 presidential election, President Trump finds his political base solidifying and growing, the economy experiencing a major boom, and support from minority voters coming to the forefront.
President Kennedy was murdered 56 years ago on November 22, 1963, a little less than one year before the 1964 election. His popularity with the American people was growing, the economy was strengthening, and his foreign policy overtures for a peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union did not sit well with The Deep State.
Those of us alive then on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, can recall with horror the assassination, and its awful aftermath with the murder of alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. The sorrowful funeral and burial at Arlington National Cemetery still are fresh in our memory.
The Deep State swung into action to pin the murder on a deceased “lone nut gunman” and bolster that assertion with the ludicrous Warren Commission Report. Those of us who challenge the Warren Report are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” despite the solid evidence that proves us right.
Now, we see new danger on the horizon. Democrats and their allies in The Elite Traitor Media have labored continuously to further The Russian Collusion Hoax and now replace it with a Phony Impeachment Inquiry that has little or no public support.
No doubt the Deep State has long recognized these legal maneuvers have no chance of success. As a result, it’s safe to conclude that somewhere highly skilled assassination teams are plotting and training in the event the looming election looks like a Trump landslide.
When you consider the wide range of assassination techniques considered and tried by the CIA against Fidel Castro, you shudder to think what might be on the table for use against Donald Trump!
Our July 1 column this year noted the eerie similarities between Presidents Trump and Kennedy. They include:
- Family wealth.
- An ability to connect with working class voters.
- Glamorous First Ladies.
- Historic tax cuts and strong economic growth.
- Foreign policy risk-taking.
- A bold vision for America’s role in the world.
- Taking on big business interests whose globalist tendencies show nothing but disdain for America and Americans.
- Disloyalty in the American military.
We can add to the list the following: A divided opposition political party; A bureaucracy unresponsive to presidential directives; A Deep State desire to remove them by any means necessary.
While JFK had to face the challenge of what was then called “the military-industrial complex,” President Trump must deal with the “military-intelligence complex.”
President Kennedy had earned the enmity of elements within the CIA with the firing of Director Allen Dulles. More ominously, he was undercut by the sedition within the Joint Chiefs of Staff led by Army General Lyman Lemnitzer.
Lemnitzer was known for saying this about JFK: “Here was a president who had no military experience at all, sort of a patrol-boat skipper in World War II.”
John F. Kennedy more than proved his personal courage and extraordinary heroism in saving his patrol boat crew after the sinking of the boat under his command, PT-109. For Lemnitzer to say Kennedy had “no military experience at all” is a slap in the face to all who served our country honorably in World War II.
Joining Lemnitzer in his disdain for President Kennedy’s foreign policy were the other members of the Joint Chiefs: Air Force General Curtis LeMay; Navy Admiral Arleigh Burke; and Marine Corps General David Shoup. They were angered when President Kennedy shot down their harebrained and dangerous schemes to carry out false flag operations in order to spark a war with Cuba.
Since he began his campaign for the presidency in 2015, Donald Trump has called for a halt to “endless wars” and a withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria because of a lack of a clear objective that serves the best interests of the United States.
Opposing him since then have been such Deep State lackeys as Marine General Jim Mattis, who undercut the president while Secretary of Defense, and General John Kelly, former head of Homeland Security and then Chief of Staff. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley accused Kelly of trying to get her to help undermine the president.
Other outspoken anti-Trump military and intelligence community voices include retired Admiral William McRaven, Admiral James Stavridis, General Barry McCaffrey, H.R. McMaster (former National Security Adviser), Lt. General Mark Hartling, Air Force General and former CIA Director Michael Hayden, and former CIA Director John McLaughlin.
McLaughlin truly distinguished himself by saying in a television interview, “Thank God for The Deep State.” That certainly validates the treachery going on behind the scenes in Washington D.C.
Right out in front, overtly leading and pushing the attempted coup are former CIA Directors John Brennan and James Clapper, and former FBI Director James Comey. Behind the scenes are the cowardly schemers Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Truth be told, The Deep State is the real Criminal Class of our country.
Upon his dismissal from the National Security Council, John Bolton voiced his displeasure with President Trump’s America First agenda. That backstabbing has earned Bolton a lucrative book deal and guaranteed him plenty of time on cable news shows. It appears he was a Deep Stater and Never Trumper all along, certainly an instrument in The Treasonous Cabal trying to implement the coup against the president.
J.C. Hawkins’ landmark book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy explores the strong political and personal connections among the three vocal anti-communist leaders, who wound up targets of The Deep State.
The section regarding the Kennedy murder as a natural extension of the deaths of Forrestal and McCarthy has provoked a controversial response in some quarters, but high praise in others.
He’s now well into research for a sequel to Betrayal at Bethesda, which will focus on the emergence of The Modern Deep State and Fake News it so easily manages.
This effort will shine a new light on the role of seditious members of the military, intelligence community, and certain business interests in carrying out the eliminations of Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy.
It also examines their role in the mysterious deaths of a number of other prominent American leaders, beginning with General George S. Patton, Jr., in World War II.
We encourage anyone with potentially relevant information on these events and other mysterious deaths having a possible Deep State connection to contact J.C. by email at:
All inquiries will be held in confidence. The identity of those contacting him will not be disclosed.
The Democrats impeachment follies continue, with the unintended effect of introducing to the American public a group of sterling House Republicans who are demolishing the ludicrous attempt to stage a coup against President Trump.
Hats off to Jim Jordan (OH), John Ratcliffe (TX), Elise Stefanik (NY), and Chris Stewart (UT). They are superstars compared to the Clown Show on the other side led by the seditious Adam Schiff.
President Trump desperately needs our prayers and vocal support to withstand the treason coming his way. God bless Attorney General William Barr for his revealing speech to The Federalist Society in which he excoriated Democrats for their treacherous “Resistance” attempt.
Hopefully, his remarks foreshadow indictments coming soon against the plotters and leaders of the attempted coup against President Trump.
Thanks for reading! We’re not surprised that our friend Roger Stone was convicted by an extremely biased Washington D.C. jury and hampered in his defense by a hack Deep State judge.
What we’re witnessing is a man being prosecuted for practicing politics as it’s been carried out for decades. Roger Stone is a political prisoner persecuted by an out-on-control Special Counsel witch hunt that tried to get him to turn on and harm President Trump.
Roger now faces a highly expensive appeal process. Those of you who can help keep him from serving what in effect will be a life sentence must contribute to:
Remember the Nazi-style pre-dawn arrest carried out by FBI thugs, and swear that should never happen again in the United States of America for an individual accused of a non-violent crime. Of course, The Deep State coordinated with CNN to make sure it made The Fake News.
J.C.’s groundbreaking book on Cold War history, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, has ongoing strong sales in November. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions on
It’s enjoying growing sales on four continents: North America; South America; Europe; and Australia. J.C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda.
Please contact him by email at:
God bless all our friends on The Forgotten Street! Stand up and speak out for President Trump as he fights to thwart the attempted coup while uniting Americans around his America First agenda. We’re heartened that more and more minority supporters are joining this historic movement.
November 1, 2019
Democrats’ Brazen Coup Attempt Plainly Out in the Open
Today Marks the 13th Anniversary for The Forgotten Street
By ramming their laughable, one-sided rules for the phony “impeachment inquiry” through the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow coup plotters make no bones about the fact that President Donald Trump won’t be accorded any due process rights.
Democrats, The Elite Traitor Media and The Deep State are all out in the open now about their intent to stage a coup against the duly-elected President of the United States.
His alleged “crime?” Having the audacity to conduct a foreign policy that doesn’t fit their communist, globalist agenda and promotes President Trump’s stated doctrine to put “America First.”
By going “all in” on impeachment as their agenda, Democrats have told the American people they aren’t interested to doing the work needed to support fairer trade agreements like USMCA negotiated by the president, work with the Trump administration to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, and enhance national security by enforcing immigration laws and securing our borders.
They even want to repeal the record tax cuts that have brought unprecedented prosperity and jobs to the American people.
Those of us living on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, aren’t the least bit surprised by this turn of events. That’s because we know that for virtually our entire lifetime, a malevolent force has been at work to undermine our Constitution, as well as our political and cultural institutions. Academia, entertainment, our public schools and organized religion all have been compromised beyond redemption.
That force is Global Communism. It’s successfully embedded itself as The Deep State, wrapping its identity in the cloak of globalism. It’s already staged two successful coups, the murder of John F. Kennedy and the forced resignation of Richard Nixon.
Globalism is predicated on the concept that an elite group of people will put in place a “New World Order” that makes us all citizens of the world. That lunacy started with Woodrow Wilson and was continued by Franklin Roosevelt, two of the greatest traitors in American history.
Unlike the execrable Barack Hussein Obama, I don’t aspire to be a “citizen of the world.” I am proud and thankful to Almighty God to be a citizen of the greatest country in world history, The United States of America.
Globalism is just another cheap moniker for Communism, in which a self-selected group of elitists will tell all of us how to live, in the name of equality and fairness.
Nothing could be farther from equality and fairness than making everyone share the same misery in order to prop up an entitled elite made up of charlatans like the Clintons, Obamas, Warrens, Sanders, Bidens, Pelosis and other left-wing scum.
The Forgotten Street was born out of the frustration of seeing the Bushes and RINOs of the world sell out the magnificent legacy of Ronald Reagan in order to cater to global elites and international money overlords.
Now, 13 years later, we press on into Year 14, knowing that the American way of life we grew up in and deeply cherish is greatly threatened and rapidly being eradicated. We will never be deterred, despite the obvious personal threats that have come our way at least three times. At least we lived to tell about them.
In 2016, we quickly recognized that our only hope to save America rested on the shoulders of a brilliant billionaire who was ready to sacrifice his perfect life and forego billions in order to salvage what was left of the America he so deeply loves.
So to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, John Brennan, James Comey and the other coup plotters, abetted by the treasonous garbage in The True Enemy of the People, The Elite Traitor Media, we say you have just declared war on a people who will fight you till the last day, no matter what it takes. Fox News commie stooge Chris Wallace can get all the goose-bumps he wants, his days are over. We see him for the Fifth Column he is.
Thanks for reading! The rats are coming out of the woodwork with their phony whistleblower claims, showing just how corrupted our military establishment and civil service have become with embedded Deep Staters. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is poster boy number one for this treacherous scum.
For 13 years, The Forgotten Street has built a significant audience overseas that wants a more unvarnished commentary on American events. In October, we welcomed visitors from such locations as:
Red China; The European Union; The Czech Republic; Germany; Canada; The Netherlands; Tokelau; The United Kingdom; Saint Vincent and The Grenadines; The Russian Federation; Hungary; Brazil; Japan; The Ukraine; Tuvalu; Greece; Tajikistan; Ecuador; Indonesia; India; Kyrgyzstan; and South Africa. May God bless you all!
J.C.’s groundbreaking book on Cold War history, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, enjoyed its best sales month yet in October. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions on
The book has garnered all 5-star reviews on Amazon. It’s enjoying record sales on four continents: North America; South America; Europe; and Australia. J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda.
He’s currently researching and writing an updated version: Betrayal at Bethesda II: Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News. The target date for publication is early 2020.
We’ve enjoyed every minute of the past 13 years, and hope we’ve broken new ground for our readers. Better days are ahead, as we fight The Deep State and rebuff all its attempts to silence us. May each and every one of them involved rot in the Hell they so richly have earned.
Our heartfelt thanks to all who share our love of America and our passion to defend a courageous president from the vile attacks he endures for our country. Please pray for his safety in this perilous time.
October 7, 2019
Intelligence Community Is Ground Zero For The Treasonous Coup Attempt Against President Trump
Just as was the case in the successful coups against Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, The Intelligence Community is ground zero for the cabal trying to oust President Donald Trump.
The ongoing CIA whistleblower stunt brings the agency’s culpability out into the open, joining the odious machinations the FBI engaged in beginning with the Trump candidacy in 2015.
Part and parcel of the plot to thwart a fair presidential election in 2020 is the participation of The Elite Traitor Media, which The Deep State used to its advantage in undermining Richard Nixon following his historic landslide victory in 1972.
Given the controversy generated around a Trump presidency by Deep State controlled media and Democrats who refuse to honor election results, it seems totally reasonable the American people should have their say in the 2020 election regarding President Trump and his first term accomplishments.
That’s how the United States has generally handled these types of issues. But, the Deep State wants to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and put in place a socialist dictatorship run by their chosen elites.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is intelligent enough to recognize that a formal impeachment proceeding will get nowhere, given the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate and the clear distaste the American public has for the continued gridlock and political circus in our nation’s capital.
Despite that, she’s acquiesced to her party’s extremists by allowing a fake impeachment inquiry to proceed. The Elite Traitor Media is supporting this fiction, reporting that inquiry letters sent to the White House requesting documents are actually subpoenas.
No, they are not subpoenas. Those can only be issued as part of an official impeachment process authorized by a vote of the entire House of Representatives.
What the Democrats and the Intelligence Community Inspector General have tried so desperately to hide is the fact they changed the whistleblower rules after the complaint was originally lodged in August.
It turns out the decision to allow second-hand information (hearsay) in lieu of first-hand knowledge was made by the Inspector General in September, but the change was backdated to August in order to support the bogus whistleblower complaint.
By playing along with this deception, Inspector General Michael Atkinson has revealed he’s a rank traitor of the highest order.
Those of us everyday Americans on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, view the shenanigans in Washington D.C. as proof positive that The Deep State must be destroyed and The Swamp must be fully drained.
President Donald Trump is our only hope to make that happen.
In addition to the phony impeachment scam being perpetrated by the Democrats, The Uniparty in the Swamp is trying to coalesce around any anti-Trump activity, trotting out such seditious stalwarts as the disgusting Colin Powell and Mitt Romney to excoriate President Trump for any reason they can find.
By announcing his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria, President Trump made it clear he has no stomach for asking American military men and women to keep dying and getting maimed in the endless Middle East meat grinder.
He’s determined it’s morally wrong to ask Americans to continue to die in military interventions that only serve to further enrich the military-industrial complex and relieve alleged allies of carrying the burden.
Our soldiers should only go into battle situations when there is a clear military objective designed to protect the United States and an unequivocal strategy to achieve a decisive victory that will end further bloodshed.
The farce that continues in Afghanistan is the prime example of the folly that’s driven American foreign policy under both Democrat and Republican administrations.
The usual Neocon suspects are grumping about Trump’s Syria decision, and bemoaning the fate of the Kurds along the Syria-Turkey border. What they fail to take into consideration are two critical facts: Turkey is a member of NATO. As a result, the U.S. is obligated to support it in its attack on ISIS in Syria. Secondly, the branch of the Kurds in question have ties to a Marxist terrorist organization supported by Russia for decades in Turkey.
Donald Trump is The Deep State’s worst nightmare. He’s fully committed to getting our country back on the right path, taking power from the globalist elites and giving it to the people, and restoring patriotic values in the center of our civic life.
The various schemes to unseat him keep failing, much to the chagrin of The Elite Traitor Media, whose credibility has been shredded by their overt bias and outright lies.
Their failure brings enhanced danger for President Trump. As completely unhinged as his opponents have become, they pose a growing risk of taking the ultimate violent action to get their way.
We’ve warned in the past that it’s highly likely elite teams of would-be assassins are training in suburban Virginia and/or Maryland while the Deep State cabal perfects its plot.
For this reason, it’s also likely that President Trump has enhanced his security detail beyond the assigned Secret Service teams. Given the past failures of the Secret Service to adequately protect Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, we have to believe that the president has hired his own security to augment government personnel.
That certainly would be the prudent thing to do, given the penetration and infiltration of government ranks by outright subversives over the past century.
There are reports President Trump has activated U.S. Marine Reserves to protect against a possible coup attempt or assassination. These reports can’t be confirmed at this time. But it certainly seems entirely possible the president is aware of active plots to remove him from office.
The Democrat Party has been completely taken over by radical Communists bent on seizing power any way they can. That’s why they’re so adamant about gutting the Second Amendment and our God-given Right to Bear Arms to protect ourselves, our families and our property.
We live in dangerous times, times in which true American patriots must rally around the President of the United States to preserve our democratic republic.
Thanks for reading! We are nearing a true tipping point, one in which we may be called upon to resist the treasonous actions planned against President Trump by any means in which we can.
The Deep State continues to pursue its treachery, just as it has for all our lifetime. Learn more by reading J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, which can be found in paperback and Kindle versions on
J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda. He continues researching an updated version of his controversial book.
His latest research has uncovered more American patriot leaders who were targeted for elimination by The Deep State. These names are quite familiar and will be shocking to members of The Forgotten Street. His work entails its own risk. Within the last month, J.C has received ominous warnings, but he forges ahead fearlessly.
If you have information that might aid his research and help defeat the Deep State, please contact him by email. He may be reached at:
Interest in Betrayal at Bethesda continues to grow. With recent sales in Brazil, the book now is selling on four continents: North America, South America, Europe and Australia.
September brought another strong month for The Forgotten Street, including foreign visitors from such locations as: The European Union; Red China; Tokelau; Germany; The Czech Republic; The United Kingdom; The Russian Federation; Italy; Brazil; France; Morocco; Poland; Japan; Belarus; Greece; Colombia; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Mexico; Spain; India; The United Arab Emirates; Argentina; Australia; and Hungary.
God bless all of you who support freedom and liberty for the world’s oppressed, especially Christians who are suffering globally. Please share our news with neighbors and friends.
August 14, 2019
Liberty Sentinel Website Features Interview with J.C. Hawkins On Betrayal at Bethesda
In an exclusive interview with J.C. Hawkins, founder of The Forgotten Street, Liberty Sentinel founder Alex Newman gives the St. Augustine author an opportunity to explain the underlying premise of his groundbreaking work.
Newman is an internationally renowned investigative journalist who’s recognized as one of the foremost experts on the history and current workings of The Deep State.
The interview can be found on the front page of Liberty Sentinel at The website is Newman’s vehicle for promoting individual freedom, education reform and opposition to globalist efforts to impose a New World Order. Be sure to visit Liberty Sentinel and review the vast amount of research available there.
Filmed in a city park in Ormond Beach, Florida, the interview comes to a sudden, humorous end as city workers begin cutting grass and trimming palm trees. The ensuing noise drowns out any further effort to continue the interview.
Hawkins’ landmark book continues to gain readership around the globe. In reviewing and assessing the mysterious deaths of Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy, Hawkins provides a close look at the emergence of The Deep State in the aftermath of World War II. Betrayal at Bethesda is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda and his ongoing research for an updated version of his controversial book. He may be contacted by email at: If you have information that might aid his research, please contact him by email.
July 20, 2019
Democrats Show Their Commitment To Communism, Not Socialism
As the Democrat presidential contenders keep rolling out their campaign agendas, it becomes crystal clear their hard turn to the Left has allowed them to unmask their inner communism.
For decades, they’ve tried to hide their commitment to instituting a totalitarian regime in Washington that will ultimately “fundamentally transform The United States of America,” as Barack Obama so confidently proclaimed.
Like the Stalinists they so much admire, they play the usual word games. They hid behind the “liberal” tag, but once Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan demolished that, they all turned into “progressives.”
Now they’re openly embracing the term “socialist,” but those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main State USA, have long recognized them for what they truly are: hard-core “communists” who want to eradicate individual freedom and capitalism as we know it.
To help clarify the situation, we invented our own term, “Prog-Lib-Commies” to show the hypocrisy of their identity. We did it partly to mock them, but also to zero in on their end game. Now is the appropriate time to tell it like it is: They are Communists with a capital “C.”
The operating mantra of the Democrat Party is to label all Trump supporters, Republicans and conservatives as “racist.” Because they’ve thrown that term around so loosely without any factual foundation, the term has become utterly meaningless. It’s completely lost its desired impact.
A couple days ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her comeuppance when she called President Donald J. Trump a racist during a speech on the House floor in support of a resolution to condemn his remarks about the Four Comrades of the Apocalypse, or as the adoring Elite Traitor Media call the radical women who’ve become the true face of the Democrat Party, “The Squad.”
We prefer to call them The Fraud Squad. Pelosi got reprimanded for breaking House rules and left the chamber to a chorus of boos.
This back-and-forth drama has been fostered by The Deep State, which has been doing its damnedest since the end of World War II to bring about a One World globalist government that will serve as the ultimate communist regime. The United Nations was created to facilitate that goal, but has failed miserably thanks to its inability to do virtually anything right.
As a newly-elected congressman in 1946, Democrat John F. Kennedy put it best when expressing his total contempt for communism by stating on numerous occasions that America would never submit to “a small clique of ruthless, powerful and selfish men running a slave state.” Does the name George Soros strike a familiar note?
Kennedy joined with his mentor, Defense Secretary James Forrestal, and friend Senator Joe McCarthy to form a true vanguard in the fight against global and domestic communism.
You can learn much more about these courageous leaders and how their intertwined fates led to tragedy for them all in J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking history, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions at
As we consider the radical takeover of the Democrat Party by its Fellow Travelers/Useful Idiots wing, it becomes more and more apparent just how right Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy were about the communist infiltration of our government, educational and cultural institutions.
With the support and guidance of The Deep State, leftists have succeeded in promoting open borders, advocating abortion on demand, engineering a federal takeover of health care, dumbing down our educational system, advancing a sexual revolution, wrecking the family structure, destroying organized religion, removing God from the public square, perverting American history, disparaging our national heritage, and mocking patriotism.
Fortunately for our country, enough patriots banded together to elect a president in Donald J. Trump who has the intestinal fortitude and high intelligence needed to turn back the Red Tide that’s almost ruined America.
By doing so, we’ve become the object of ridicule, scorn, outright hatred and even violence by the government, cultural and educational alleged elites. But, thanks to the rebound in our economy engineered by President Trump, there are more of us than there are of the Hate America First Crowd. Best of all, our numbers are growing.
Minorities that have been poorly served and taken for granted by Democrat regimes have begun to benefit from the improved job climate and heartened by a president who is fighting the abortion genocide that has decimated their numbers.
If President Trump succeeds in peeling off a significant percentage of black and Hispanic voters who previously voted Democrat (say 10 to 15 percent or more in addition to those who supported him in 2016), it will become mathematically impossible for the Democrats to succeed in 2020.
Equally important, those of us on The Forgotten Street who’ve stood by President Trump must double down on our support and call out the Never Trumpers in the GOP to let them know we will no longer tolerate their treachery.
Thanks for reading! The backstabbing wing of the Republican Party, led by such losers as Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, John Thune, Joni Ernst, Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Bill Weld must be relegated to the irrelevancy and ignominy they so richly deserve.
On a happier note, our good friend Cliff Kincaid has re-launched his America’s Survival website with a fresh look. Be sure to visit it at: He deserves our support and encouragement in his crusade against The Deep State.
For our followers in the Jacksonville, Florida, area, know the We Can Be Heroes Foundation is sponsoring a breakfast on Saturday, August 3, to honor Purple Heart recipients. It’s an opportunity to meet those that served, and provide a helping hand to homeless veterans in reemployment programs. It’s part of the group’s salute to our Nation’s Combat Wounded as part of National Purple Heart Day.
The event will be at the Applebee’s restaurant at 5055 J. Turner Boulevard near I-95 and US-1. It will run from 8 to 10 a.m. The cost per ticket is $12 or 3 tickets for $30. Purple Heart recipients will eat for free. For information, please call 904-373-8817 or visit the website at
Our readership numbers remain quite strong and sales of Betrayal at Bethesda continue to rise.
J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda and his ongoing research for an updated version of his landmark book. He may be contacted by email at: If you have information that might aid his research, please contact him by email.
God bless you all for your interest and support!
July 1, 2019
Trump and JFK: The Encouraging, Yet Disturbingly Eerie Parallels
At this point well into the first term of the Donald J. Trump presidency, it’s interesting to note the increasingly common parallels with the first term of John F. Kennedy.
Yet, at the same time, there are disturbing and positively eerie parallels to consider for those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA.
Let’s examine what the 35th and 45th Presidents of the United States have in common:
Family Wealth: Both men came to the Oval Office with considerable personal wealth, though Kennedy’s was inherited while Trump’s was mostly self made and larger. Both embraced their wealth with a sense of pride, yet displayed a penchant for service to society in general.
Ability to Connect With Working Class Voters: Despite their wealth and Ivy League educations, both Kennedy and Trump were natural politicians who connected incredibly well with working class, blue-collar voters. Their considerable communications skills and charisma served them well in this regard. Trump’s campaign rallies, which he’s continued into his presidency, are a major building block in creating an impressive, unshakable base for re-election.
Glamorous First Ladies: Jackie Kennedy and Melania Trump both brought a great sense of fashion and a much-needed touch of glamour to the role of First Lady. The left-wing Elite Traitor Media hasn’t given Mrs. Trump the glowing coverage showered on Jackie, but Melania’s clever use of her platform as First Lady to showcase her causes and her empathy with those affected by natural disasters has won her widespread public admiration.
Historic Tax Cuts and Economic Growth: Kennedy and Trump both recognized that serious tax cuts were needed to stimulate the economy and promote more business investment in America. They faced strong opposition from Democrats and big government advocates more interested in growing a dependent class of Americans.
Foreign Policy Risk-Taking: JFK saw the opportunity to lessen tensions with the Soviet Union after the Cuban missile crisis and to push ahead with an atomic test ban treaty. Trump perceived an opportunity to reduce the possibility of a conflagration on the Korean peninsula with his outreach to North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un.
Full-Fledged Patriotism: JFK’s stirring inaugural address featured the incomparable, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” His founding of the Peace Corps gave young Americans another avenue for national service. Donald Trump’s “America First” policies and his unabashed patriotism resonate with Americans who want their government to put American citizens’ interests ahead of globalism and illegal immigration.
Bold Vision: Jack Kennedy’s challenge to put a man on the moon gave the space program the boost it needed to surpass the Soviet efforts. Donald Trump’s call for a Space Force as a new branch of the military shows his recognition of the challenges and threats posed by our potential adversaries, especially Red China.
Taking on Big Business Interests Not Concerned with America: Kennedy’s epic battle with Big Steel to force a rollback of prices earned him the hatred of a number of business interests. Trump is taking on Big Pharma to get drug prices more in line with reality and using tariffs to leverage better trade deals globally and tighter control of the southern border with Mexico. The United States Chamber of Commerce has fiercely fought Trump on a number of issues (tariffs, NAFTA, TPP) in order to serve the globalist interests that run the organization. It should be renamed the Globalist Stooge Chamber of Commerce.
Disloyalty in the Military: After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK faced open hostility from his Joint Chiefs of Staff who wanted an invasion of Cuba. President Trump’s efforts to modernize the Pentagon and build up military strength have been thwarted in some measure by military leaders and defense bureaucrats who were “Clintonized” and “Obamafied” to turn the military into a massive social experiment. The departure of James Mattis from DOD was no loss at all.
FBI Subterfuge: Both presidents had to contend with seditious FBI Directors (J. Edgar Hoover and James Comey) who directly tried to sabotage their presidencies. The Federal Bureau of Investigation always had a political bent to it, depending upon its leadership, but really began a serious downhill slide under Robert Mueller and then James Comey. The current director, Christopher Wray, has done nothing to clean up the mess or end the corruption. He’s just another Deep State swamp dweller.
Divided Opposition Party: Looking ahead to second term elections, both men faced opposition parties that were and are deeply divided. The GOP facing JFK was split between the Barry Goldwater and Eastern Establishment (Rockefeller) factions. Trump is looking at a Democrat party swerving sharply to the left and leaving whatever members might have considered themselves moderate or Kennedy Democrats well behind.
Deep State Desire to Remove Them by Any Means Necessary: Both Kennedy and Trump were considered outsiders by The Deep State. Due in large measure to their personal wealth, neither man owed anything to anyone for their election to the presidency, unlike Dwight Eisenhower, both George Bushes, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who were clearly products of the globalists and the Deep State.
As a result, JFK and Trump were targeted for removal well into their first terms, with Trump even being in the Deep State’s sights during his candidacy, and then his presidential transition.
JFK/Trump Key Points of Difference
Despite the parallel achievements and positions taken, Jack Kennedy and Donald Trump also have significant points of difference.
Age/Health: Trump is the oldest man to reach the presidency while Kennedy was the youngest elected. Oddly enough, when it comes to health, President Trump is the picture of health with boundless energy and stamina. President Kennedy endured a lifetime of poor health since his childhood, dealing with a wide range of debilitating conditions, many of which were hidden from the public. Most people are unaware that due to his severe back problems, JFK often used crutches in private to walk around.
Military Service: JFK was a bona fide World War II hero, whose courage in saving his crewmates after the sinking of the PT boat he commanded should earn everyone’s admiration. Although he attended military school prior to college, Donald Trump never served actively in the military. His opponents have criticized him as a “draft dodger,” but never said the same about their beloved Bill Clinton.
Vice Presidents: Donald Trump has the benefit of a loyal, highly competent vice president in Mike Pence. In his calculation to become president, Kennedy enlisted Texan Lyndon Johnson, who turned out to be a vile snake-in-the-grass. Some Kennedy assassination researchers believe LBJ was involved in a plot to kill the president.
Attorney General Support: Kennedy had a built-in advantage by picking his brother Bobby to serve as Attorney General. RFK became much more, being JFK’s most trusted advisor on a wide range of issues. President Trump picked Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be his attorney general after Sessions helped in the 2016 campaign. We all know what a fiasco that turned out to be.
Media Bias: Donald Trump has been the object of grossly unfair media derision and scorn from the day he announced his candidacy. He has been subjected to the most outlandish negative coverage and bias of any president in the modern era. Kennedy, on the other hand, enjoyed more favorable media for the most part, with the Washington press corps going out of their way to avoid negative coverage and ingratiate themselves with the Kennedy administration in general.
Transparency: The Kennedy obsession with image led to extensive public relations efforts to promote the class and glamour of the administration while keeping secret any information that would detract from that. President Trump, on the other hand, is the most transparent president in history. Through his adept use of social media and on-the-spot press interactions, we know exactly what he’s thinking and what to anticipate in terms of policy. His attitude is “what you see is what you get.” No surprises.
All of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, must hope and pray that the 16 months ahead of the November 2020 election won’t bring a tragic, horrific parallel between Jack Kennedy and Donald Trump. As all the Deep State schemes to unseat President Trump continue to fail, their options dwindle closer and closer to the truly unthinkable.
Thanks for reading! The performances of the Democrat presidential contenders during the recent debates, and their pathetic pandering to their hard left base, just raise the odds of a looming Trump landslide re-election.
Kamala Harris’ staged attack on Joe Biden regarding race during the debate just further reveals what a pathetic fraud she is. She tried to paint herself as a “poor little black girl,” as if she grew up in Selma, Alabama, during the height of segregation. In fact, she grew up in a privileged home in Berkeley, California, with two highly educated parents. Then she advanced her career as a city prosecutor literally under San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.
Once again, President Trump has pulled off a diplomatic coup with his surprise meeting with North Korean Dictator Kim Jung-Un in the so-called Hermit Kingdom. Of course, the visit has been panned by the usual suspects in the Elite Traitor Media and Democrat Party.
The fact is President Trump has done more to advance the cause of peace on the Korean peninsula and that part of Asia than all the other presidents combined going back to Harry Truman.
His style of personal diplomacy demonstrates how hopelessly inept the State Department has been with its buildings and embassies full of alleged diplomats who can’t get out of their own way in terms of setting up meaningful meetings and real dialogue with potential adversaries.
We had a significant number of foreign visitors in June from these locations: Germany; Red China; The Czech Republic; Tokelau; The United Kingdom; The European Union; Italy; The Russian Federation; Canada; New Zealand; Sweden; Poland; Bulgaria; Colombia; Indonesia; Argentina; Belgium; Norway; Brazil; Belarus; France; The Ivory Coast; The British Indian Ocean Territory; and Japan. We sincerely appreciate your interest in our perspective on what’s happening in America.
We’re pleased to see a spurt in sales during June for J.C. Hawkins’ landmark book on The Deep State and its treachery: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It can be found in paperback and Kindle versions at
J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda and his ongoing research for an updated version of his landmark book. He may be contacted by email at: If you have information that might aid his research, please contact him by email.
You can count on The Forgotten Street to keep delivering the news and perspectives few others can. God bless you all for your interest and support!
May 2, 2019
62 Years Have Passed Since A Great American Died, And He Continues To Be Smeared To This Day.
It’s been 62 years since the death of an American patriot who inspired millions, and yet earned the ongoing hatred of America’s elites.
Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy of Appleton, Wisconsin, led a vanguard of patriots in fighting the infiltration of the American government and cultural institutions by communists under the direct influence of the Kremlin.
These agents of evil directly colluded to undermine America. For his efforts, McCarthy’s name became an epithet. The charge of “McCarthyism” continues to be leveled against those who dare to take on subversive forces.
Both Democrats and Republicans alike use “McCarthyism” to insult opponents, which means the GOP offenders perpetuate the unfair smear against one of the party’s real champions.
What all overlook is the fact that on May 2, 1957, Senator McCarthy was murdered in the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
His death came as a shock to everyday citizens and Washington denizens alike, but it was portrayed as the result of heavy drinking that caused his fatal acute hepatitis. The news media of the day, and historians to this day, continue the false narrative, despite the clear evidence that he did not have cirrhosis.
J.C. Hawkins’ groundbreaking book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, provides insight into McCarthy’s sudden and unexpected death, and lays out the real cause that points directly to murder.
Renowned author Diana West devoted a blog on her website to the origin of the “McCarthyism” term and how it was spread to smear the senator and his supporters:
In short, Gus Hall, leader of the U.S. Communist Party, got his marching orders straight from the Kremlin on how to counter the rise of Joseph McCarthy as a leader in the fight against domestic and global communism. It’s worth noting that as a young man, former CIA director and current traitor John Brennan admitted to voting for Gus Hall for president.
Sadly, the useful idiots in the news media and academia ran with the term and were joined by Democrats and Republicans who were not amused by the aggressive tactics used by McCarthy and his team of investigators.
Equally distressed was President Dwight Eisenhower, who did not want McCarthy to investigate the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Army being infiltrated by questionable people. Ike ordered his staff and selected government leaders to form a behind-the-scenes cabal to help bring McCarthy down and destroy his crusade against communism.
The greatest revelation uncovered by Hawkins is that McCarthy fully intended to investigate the strange death of General George S. Patton, Jr., which he contended was a “murder.” When you consider who had the most to gain by Patton’s death, the list is incredibly lengthy. The names involved are particularly shocking and will be included in Hawkins’ update to Betrayal at Bethesda, which is in progress.
Betrayal at Bethesda reveals more about what transpired and who the culprits might have been in the senator’s demise. It also breaks ground by revealing how McCarthy’s fate was intertwined with those of former Defense Secretary James Forrestal and President John F. Kennedy, two other staunch anti-communists.
McCarthy’s death occurred right on the heels of May 1, recognized worldwide by communists as International Workers Day. It’s highly likely the plot to kill the senator got underway partly as a response to the observance when the opportunity was presented by his admission to the hospital with a knee injury.
The treachery behind McCarthy’s death is ongoing as school and college textbooks continue to smear him, aided by GOP turncoats who betray his anti-communist legacy to curry favor with The Elite Traitor Media that will always hate their guts, no matter how much they pander.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, had no greater champion that Joe McCarthy, whose working class roots, heroic service in World War II, and unflagging patriotism represented the best of America.
For his efforts, all he got was calumny and scorn from the elites who’ve been selling out America for decades.
Thanks for reading! We see more treachery against President Trump and his administration unfolding by the shameful and disgusting attack on Attorney General William Barr.
The treasonous Democrats will pull out all the stops to smear Barr in order to render ineffective his upcoming prosecutions against the CIA, FBI, Democrat and Republican traitors who’ve been trying to overthrow the results of the 2016 election. Aiding and abetting them are the true Enemy of the People, The Elite Traitor Media.
These elites are using the same playbook they used to oust Richard Nixon after his historic electoral victory. For the sake of our republic, we must not let them carry out another coup.
Previously, they used violence to end the reign of John F. Kennedy, and we must pray they don’t use the same treason against President Donald Trump.
We live in dangerous times when Democrats have thrown all caution to the winds to undermine the Trump administration and disrupt our economy.
They offer no positive agenda for America, only fascist tactics to bring about a communist regime that will totally destroy our way of life.
April was yet another record month for The Forgotten Street, with our readership exceeding March’s record-seeing totals. We’re delighted to thank our foreign visitors from the following locations: Red China; The European Union; The United Kingdom; The Czech Republic; Germany; The Russian Federation; Canada; Vietnam; France; Australia; Indonesia; Italy; Japan; the Netherlands; Romania; Brazil; Belarus; Ireland; The United Arab Emirates; Switzerland; Montenegro; Poland; Tajikistan; The Ukraine.
For those of you interested in J.C.’s book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy, it can be found in paperback and Kindle versions at
J. C. is available for speaking engagements and media interviews regarding Betrayal at Bethesda and his ongoing research. He may be contacted by email at:
We greatly appreciate your support. Please tell friends, neighbors and family about the unique perspective we bring to today’s events. May God bless you all!
March 5, 2019
Climate Change Kooks Driving Democrats Straight Off A Cliff
Absolute confirmation that the Democrat Party has gone completely off the rails can be found in its members’ embrace of the lunatic “Green New Deal.”
Adoption of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s signature plan by presidential contenders such as Kamala Harris and Cory Booker and members of Congress shows just how hopeless Democrat chances for a presidential victory in 2020 are becoming. Their campaign buses are hurtling straight for the edge of the cliff.
The relentless drive of progressives to turn back the clock and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels represents the height of idiocy.
The discovery of oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859 by Edwin Drake ushered in a transformation of the world from an agrarian economy to worldwide industrialization that raised the standard of living and ease of everyday life for billions of people globally.
Today’s doomsayers rely on bogus computer models to predict the end of the world in 12 to 50 years because of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide. Their predictions effectively demonstrate the old truth about computer data: “garbage in, garbage out.”
These fools trot out the same tired argument, “the science is settled.”
On its face, that claim is simply ludicrous. The very nature of science is that it is never settled. Any scientist who says otherwise is no credible scientist. That’s why we keep doing research. Duh.
These are the same people who’ve long claimed we must abandon fossil fuels and find new sources of energy because the world will run out of oil and natural gas once reserves are tapped into.
Unfortunately, real scientists keep finding new ways to locate additional oil and gas reserves. As a result, more fossil fuels are available to us than ever before. We have a virtually inexhaustible supply that will long outlast our lifetime.
Progressives touting solar and wind energy totally ignore the environmental devastation both cause, as well as the proven fact that neither is economically viable without massive government subsidies.
Wind turbines are absolute killers of birds of prey such as eagles and hawks, along with other birds as well. In addition, the land that must be cleared to allow for construction of wind farms is significant.
Solar farms are land gobblers as well. In both cases, if the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow, the facilities are useless because electricity can’t be stored. It’s used up as it’s generated.
Not to mention the fact that solar and wind energy are wholly incapable of replacing the electrical demand met by traditional fuels such as natural gas and coal.
If the electrical grid shows increased and growing demand in response to weather conditions, the utilities simply fire up more generating capacity. Wind and solar energy can only serve as auxiliary sources.
Interestingly, alleged environmentalists ignore other alternative energy sources such as hydroelectric and nuclear energy.
The Climate Change Kooks don’t give a rat’s behind about the environment. Their global hoax is all about money, socialism and total government control over our lives.
They’ve effectively branded carbon dioxide as “pollution,” which is a big lie that Joseph Goebbels would be proud to have spread. Endless propaganda in the Elite Traitor Media and indoctrination of kids in public schools has created a total misunderstanding of the science behind life itself. Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, remember how our schools taught us, not how they brainwashed us.
Humans rely on oxygen to survive. Oxygen is generated by trees, plants and other vegetation, which rely on carbon dioxide to thrive. Many of us learned that lesson in fifth grade. The lesson stuck with us ever since. This is the one case in which the science is as close to “settled” as it may ever get.
Carbon dioxide has a density about 60% higher than dry air, which makes it virtually impossible for it to rise in the atmosphere to a level and concentration that would create a greenhouse effect and thus, global warming.
In addition, plant life absorbs carbon dioxide as it remains closer to earth, resulting in increased vegetation in parts of the globe. So don’t let the Climate Change Kooks fool you with their nonsense.
Let them continue that lunacy, which brands the Democrat Party as The Party of Hoaxes, chasing phantom crises in order to create fear and sow division that will allow their brand of communism to flourish.
Thanks for reading! The Democrats have no positive agenda heading into the 2020 election. All they have are their hoaxes and endless investigations, which are starting to bore and seriously annoy more and more Americans.
President Donald Trump’s record of achievement and strong leadership, unheard of by his predecessors, is beginning to resonate with the American people.
We greatly appreciate our followers on The Forgotten Street. Our foreign visitors continue to grow. In February, they came from such locations as these: The European Union; The Czech Republic; The United Kingdom; India; Germany; Red China; Brazil; Sweden; Argentina; Australia; Romania; Poland; The Netherlands; The Russian Federation; Tajikistan; The British Indian Ocean Territory; Italy; Japan; The Seychelles; Colombia; Spain; France; Belgium; Switzerland; and Lithuania.
As Democrats keep up their relentless effort to force President Trump from office in a phony coup, it’s obvious Special Counsel Robert Mueller is holding a big bag of nothing regarding Russian collusion.
Unfortunately, The Deep State holds in reserve more sinister means to achieve the change it wants. As the legal and congressional ploys continue to fail, we must pray for President Trump’s safety and let our elected officials know we expect the traitors behind the coup attempts to be brought to justice.
The Deep State has plagued this country for far too many decades. Learn more about its origins and the evil it’s already perpetrated in J.C. Hawkins’ landmark book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy.
Paperback or Kindle versions of Betrayal at Bethesda are available at
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be contacted by email at: jch@the
God bless all of you! Share our news with friends and neighbors so they can join the growing readership of The Forgotten Street.
January 26, 2019
We’re All Roger Stone in the DOJ’s Fascist World
The dramatic arrest of Republican political operative Roger Stone clearly shows how far progressives and The Deep State will go to criminalize normal political behavior they don’t approve of, and how much they hate the patriotic people on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA.
The early morning FBI raid on Stone’s Ft. Lauderdale residence would have made Stalin or Hitler proud. Meant to provide maximum intimidation of an accused white-collar defendant, the raid represents the worst of a Department of Justice that continues to assault the rule of law.
Roger revealed when he answered the FBI’s knock on his door at 5:45 a.m., he was staring down the barrels of two rifles. The FBI wouldn’t treat a Mafia boss or child trafficker as poorly as it treated Roger Stone. Typically, prosecutors contact the attorneys for a white-collar defendant and ask them to bring their client to the courthouse for arraignment. Stone certainly would have complied willingly with that.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his gang of thugs have turned the so-called Russia collusion investigation into the grossest Witch Hunt in American history. What they did to Roger Stone should send shivers down the spines of all law-abiding Americans. In the fascist world being created by The Deep State, we are all Roger Stone. As their hated “deplorables,” none of us are safe from being persecuted because of our politics.
If the FBI can stage Gestapo/KGB/Stasi style raids on the targets of indictments, then no American is any longer safe in his or her bed. This outrageous abuse of prosecutorial power first reared its ugly head in the brutal treatment of Paul Manafort and his wife in the early morning raid on their home July 26, 2017.
Initially, there was hope Attorney General Jeff Sessions would be able to clean house at the highly-politicized DOJ and FBI, but that hope evaporated in the early weeks of the Trump administration.
President Donald Trump has since tasked acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and new FBI Director Christopher Wray with making needed changes. They’ve proven to be useless creatures of the D.C. Swamp and stooges for The Deep State.
The pending arrival of William Barr as Attorney General doesn’t bode well for the future, given his bona fides as a D.C. establishment figure highly unlikely to rock the boat.
If I were in President Trump’s shoes, I’d call Christopher Wray into the Oval Office and fire him for allowing such an outrageous abuse of power by the FBI to happen under the hoodlum-like management of Robert Mueller.
Of course, the fascistic raid at the Stone residence wouldn’t have been complete without the presence of CNN. No doubt the phony news network was tipped off in advance so it could get exclusive footage of the raid and scoop the competition.
It’s all just more irrefutable evidence that The Deep State totally owns and runs The Elite Traitor Media, using them as shock troops to further its treasonous coup against President Trump. The real collusion threatening our nation is between The Deep State and The Elite Traitor Media.
Following his arrest, Roger attempted to hold a press conference on the steps of the courthouse. He was silenced by an angry mob of paid protesters and mainstream media who wouldn’t let him speak without interruption.
This is what passes for journalism in the age of Mueller and The Deep State. It simply sounds the death knell of journalism in the United States of America.
When the so-called mainstream media are outright cheerleaders against the President of the United States, it becomes absolutely clear that the media are, in fact, The Enemy of The People. Of course, we experienced this in the past during The Deep State coup against Richard Nixon.
Special Counsel Mueller was originally charged with investigating the possibility of collusion with the Russian government to influence the course of the 2016 election. Unable to find one shred of evidence to support that contention, he since has focused on creating a stream of “process crimes” against people with past or current associations with Donald Trump.
None of these made-up “crimes” occurred during the course of the 2016 election. In the case of Manafort, Mueller went back to the lobbyist’s prior business dealings, none of which involved President Trump. Others, like Stone, have been charged because of incidents that happened after the investigation was underway.
In the finest tradition of Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union, Robert Mueller has been making up “crimes” to prosecute and persecute people whose politics are anathema to The Deep State.
What can everyday Americans do about this highly disturbing turn of events? They should let their elected representatives know there is no place in America for the criminalization of politics. Roger Stone and so many more political operatives on all sides of the political spectrum have every right to research and uncover information about their political opponents without fear of retribution by Deep State criminals in the government.
In our November 7, 2018, column, we made an appeal on Roger Stone’s behalf. What we wrote then holds true today:
“We want to make a special appeal for support of a friend of The Forgotten Street. Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his Witch Hunt and has focused a great deal of attention on legendary GOP operative Roger Stone. Mueller’s team has hassled both Roger and his associates in order to silence them and use prosecutorial power to force them to be crushed by rising legal fees.”
Help Roger Stone by contributing to his legal defense fund. He’s looking at a multi-million dollar burden that could very well bankrupt him and his family. Learn how you can support a true American patriot by visiting: today.
We must let Mueller and his Deep State masters know that President Trump has our complete support and our prayers to keep moving ahead to Make America Great Again. His accomplishments in his first two years are truly remarkable and inspiring.
We will not be deterred or intimidated by Mueller’s thuggery and treason.
Thanks for reading! The Deep State is relentless in its drive to destroy the Constitution, pursue a globalist One World Order, and crush our patriotism. Learn more about its roots in J.C. Hawkins’ blockbuster book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy.
Paperback or Kindle versions of Betrayal at Bethesda are available at
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached by email at:
God bless all our followers and friends on The Forgotten Street around the globe! Readership remains high and keeps growing.
January 3, 2019
Trump Demolishes Failed Foreign Policy Consensus To Put America First
No matter which party held power, since the end of World War II the United States has operated as a “Uniparty” in support of a globalist, “One World” foreign policy. That policy foundation showed a number of cracks over the decades until it became hopelessly outdated and useless in the face of modern realities in a new century.
Fortunately for all of us, Donald Trump has the vision and courage to set our country on a new policy course, one that will truly support our national interests, protect our treasury and spare the lives of our men and women in uniform.
Reliance on ineffective and often hostile organizations like the United Nations and NATO helped lead the United States into an endless stream of wars and military misadventures (Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) that have bankrupted our nation and ruined lives in two generations of military families.
Nothing epitomizes the total arrogance and ineptitude of our reliance on our alleged allies and coalitions than the resignation letter of Defense Secretary James Mattis.
The so-called “Mad Dog” exemplifies the “toothless” military leadership that evolved under the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. They were leaders who allowed our military hardware and training to deteriorate while pursuing the social experimentation dictated by feckless Commanders-in-Chief at the expense of our national security. Mattis leaving DOD is a case of “good riddance to bad rubbish.”
The price we pay today is seeing Russia and Red China rapidly building up their military might and challenging our ability to counteract them. Meanwhile, we handcuff our courageous troops in the Middle East with dangerous rules of engagement and no prescription for victory.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are totally sickened and fed up with the Neocons in Washington D.C. who pimped for our military being stretched thin in order to facilitate foolish nation building and regime change initiatives.
We’re simply disgusted with the killing and maiming of our men and women in uniform for no real reason. Thankfully, Donald Trump came along to say he would end the madness.
The Obama/Clinton misadventure in Libya was a treasonous exercise designed to mask that administration’s efforts to create ISIS in order to overthrow Bashir Assad in Syria. The overthrow and murder of Colonel Gadhafi was a major war crime wrapped in the phony banner of NATO and the United Nations.
While the Elite Traitor Media carries on about the decision by President Trump to withdraw American troops from Syria, the fact remains they never should have been there in the first place. It was another foolhardy effort by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain to further their interests in fostering regime change that would further destabilize the Middle East and promote the Muslim Brotherhood.
The time has come to find an exit strategy for Afghanistan, which has become the longest war in our history. However we leave there, we’ll depart with little or nothing to show for the effort as the Afghan tribes continue their centuries-old battles.
President Trump makes it clear his foreign policy will be guided by our true national interest, not the globalist fantasies that have turned Europe, the Middle East and much of Africa into basket cases. His staunch defense of nationalism should be embraced by other countries as well. We’re seeing hopeful signs with the election of a populist, anti-communist leader in Brazil and presidents in Eastern Europe who won’t let their countries be invaded and ruined by illegal immigrants.
This change in the course of our foreign affairs isn’t sitting well with The Deep State, which is still trying to engineer a coup against President Trump. Now it has a Democrat House of Representatives in place to do its bidding. But, if the legal and legislative maneuvering doesn’t work, a more lethal plan is on standby.
The New Year brings a host of challenges for President Trump, who not only faces The Deep State, deranged Democrats, the globalist Federal Reserve, and the Elite Traitor Media, but backstabbing Never Trumpers within the Republican Party. Thankfully, he has a few courageous, insightful leaders like Rand Paul to watch his back.
We all must pray for our president’s success and safety, while letting GOP turncoats like Mitt Romney and John Kasich know their treachery and perfidy will not work.
Thanks for reading! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy New Year.
The Forgotten Street ended its 12th year with our best readership ever, with new followers showing up around the globe. Nothing like becoming an overnight success!
Our leading December overseas visitors came from these locations:
The European Union, The Czech Republic, Bermuda, Germany, Romania, The Russian Federation, The United Kingdom, Red China, Italy, The Ukraine, Moldova, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Sweden, India, Tajikistan, Poland, Mexico, The Seychelles, Portugal, Argentina, Belarus and Estonia. Many thanks to you all!
The government shutdown shows little signs of resolution any time soon. It may not matter all that much because about 75% of the government is already funded and basically unaffected by the stalemate.
President Trump must hold fast and demand Democrats join with him to secure our borders, instead of focusing on wrecking his presidency and getting more money to fund the murder of innocent babies.
Those of you on The Forgotten Street who are Cold War history buffs should begin 2019 with an easy purchase of J.C. Hawkins’ trailblazing book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. He can be reached by email at: jch@theforgottenstreet.
God bless you all, and may 2019 be a banner year for you and our beloved USA!
November 22, 2018, Thanksgiving Day
Groundbreaking Book Portrays JFK Assassination In Entirely New Context
November 22, 2018, marks the 55th anniversary of the brutal, shocking murder of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. Has it really been that long?
For Baby Boomers and those of us living on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, it remains one of the singular events of our lifetimes. Since that dark day in Dallas, controversy has reigned around the facts of the assassination because the official Warren Commission investigation and report raised more questions than answers.
The Warren Commission explanation for JFK’s murder was that it was an aberration, a one-off event caused by a “lone nut gunman.” As more time passes, younger Americans are less aware of the tremendous impact the Kennedy murder had on our society and politics.
Author J.C. Hawkins has studied and researched the assassination and related events in the Cold War era. His groundbreaking conclusions can be found in his book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy.
Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy formed a vanguard in the fight against domestic and global communism. Hawkins believes these staunch anti-communist leaders met untimely demises at the hands of The Deep State. His research shows strong personal connections among the three men, which may have played a role in their deaths.
The Florida-based, Princeton-educated researcher/writer clearly delineates how the deaths of Forrestal and McCarthy were falsely reported as “fake news” at the time. Forrestal’s death was portrayed as a suicide, and newsmen wrongly claimed that McCarthy drank himself to death. Unfortunately, historians accepted these versions without question and neglected to do the research Hawkins and other patriots have done.
Neither official cause of death as reported for Forrestal and McCarthy by the relevant authorities supports the conclusions of Drew Pearson and other alleged journalists who virulently smeared these men.
Hawkins claims both Forrestal and McCarthy were actually murdered at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. That Naval hospital also was the site of President Kennedy’s autopsy. Thus, in a 14-year period, the bodies of three great patriots all wound up in the same location: the morgue at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center.
The Kennedy autopsy engendered great controversy and suspicion that the true wounds suffered by the president were covered up and/or altered. Betrayal at Bethesda offers a new context to consider, based on considerable research including the notes of the man who embalmed Kennedy’s body and detailed wounds he witnessed that aren’t reflected in the Warren Commission Report.
Forrestal, McCarthy and Kennedy were outspoken against the political establishment, not bound by the prevailing rules and dogma set down by The Deep State. Their rebellious attitudes in taking on the threat of communism turned them into outcasts among the D.C. establishment.
In a break with the current conventional wisdom, Hawkins sees the Kennedy murder not as an outlier, but as part of a continuum of assassinations that may stretch back to the death of General George S. Patton, Jr., another famed anti-communist who failed to toe the “Deep State” party line. Patton bucked policies being enforced in post-war Germany as inhumane and unnecessary.
Hawkins’ years-long research details the critical role Forrestal played as a mentor to young Jack Kennedy at the end of World War II, the close ties between Joe McCarthy and multiple members of the Kennedy family including Jack, and the friendship Forrestal initiated upon McCarthy’s arrival in Washington D.C. to begin his service in the U.S. Senate.
These deaths had a cascading effect, beginning with Forrestal’s in 1949, through McCarthy’s in 1957, and Kennedy’s in 1963. Just five years later, controversial assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jack’s brother Bobby occurred, raising even more suspicions of potential “Deep State” treachery. Once again, the prevailing narrative blamed their deaths on a “lone nut gunman.”
For those who think the deaths of Forrestal, McCarthy and JFK are “old news” and no longer relevant, just consider the “Deep State” coup attempt now underway against President Donald Trump. Also ponder the possible deadly lengths the nefarious cabal may go to if the current legal ploys fail.
Thanks for reading! Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and count our blessings for the incredible bounty a Loving God provides. That bounty is in jeopardy because of rising secularism and cynicism that threatens the very foundations of what makes America the last best hope of mankind.
Hawkins’ book represents a true wake-up call to get Americans and freedom lovers everywhere to cherish the wisdom of our Founding Fathers and fear the existential threat posed by progressives, The Deep State and the Elite Traitor Media to our democratic republic.
We’ve recently endured a contentious election that’s seen Democrats and their treacherous cohorts in the media conspire to steal elections away from legitimate winners in countless Congressional districts.
For Forgotten Street followers, this book represents the opportunity to learn the real history of the Cold War and what’s been at stake ever since then.
Betrayal at Bethesda is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
May God bless all our followers and grant them the courage to resist the malicious lies being spread about President Donald Trump and his determination to Make America Great Again.
November 7, 2018
Never Trumpers Hand House Over To Dems; Senate Majority Ensures Trump Agenda Still Moves Forward
Results of yesterday’s election produced a mixed bag, with something for everyone regardless of political persuasion.
The much-ballyhooed “Blue Wave” never made it to shore. Having Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the House of Representatives may not be as distressing as it might seem at first glance.
The geriatric Democrat leadership has to make a choice between “investigate or legislate.” The same old tired faces leading a jihad against President Donald Trump will only serve to underscore their party’s lack of a positive agenda and genuine program for progress.
A flurry of subpoenas and endless committee hearings castigating Trump administration leaders is bound to turn off more and more Americans who are tiring of the Kabuki Dance that poses as our government.
Imagine how everyday Americans living on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, will react to seeing Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings on their television screens leading the charge against President Trump. What a wretched hive of scum they will be to watch in action.
Democrats regained the House because of two key reasons: first, a number of Republican incumbents, many of whom were Never Trumpers, decided to call it quits and leave their seats up for grabs.
Compounding that problem was the sorry leadership of House Speaker Paul Ryan, who’s been a thorn in the president’s side since the campaign of 2016. Ryan did all he could to undercut President Trump and let his party suffer defeat in key House races.
He certainly earned the large payday he can look forward to from the globalist, One World crowd. Hope he enjoys his 30 pieces of silver.
On the plus side, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now will have a larger group of senators to work with in advancing a true conservative agenda for America.
He also will be able to block any harebrained legislation passed by a Democrat majority in the House.
Besides adding what appears to be four more votes to the GOP side, President Trump also gains by the subtraction of backstabbers like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker.
He wins by having Lindsay Graham step up as a key leader and ally, no longer under the thumb of John McCain. Hopefully Marco Rubio is paying attention and will drop his pettiness regarding President Trump.
Ted Cruz learned a valuable lesson in terms of being a team player and benefitted from a president who worked tirelessly to help Cruz avoid being buried by an avalanche of money from globalist billionaires and Hollywood progressives supporting pretty boy loser Beto O’Rourke.
Republicans of all stripes should recognize no Republican president in our memory ever worked as hard as Donald Trump to help win elections across the board and across America.
In Florida, both Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis can thank President Trump for his efforts to ensure their victories. They will become key allies as the Trump team prepares for re-election in 2020.
Rick Scott will add real strength and leadership to the GOP Senate team for Mitch McConnell. Now Mitt Romney has to make a choice about becoming a team player, or just replacing Jeff Flake and Bob Corker as the leading Never Trump pain in the rear.
Democrats learned hard lessons in Georgia and Florida by putting up socialist candidates for governor. They obviously hoped to ride into office by playing the race card to the hilt and relying on George Soros, Tom Steyer and Hollywood celebrities to power their elections. They clearly didn’t understand constituencies in both states who resented their appeal to racial guilt as well as the outside interference.
With an enhanced Senate majority, President Trump can look forward to adding more federal judges at the district level and potentially one or two more to the Supreme Court. When all is said and done, the judiciary for the next generation will clearly be more conservative and more pro-life, which will earn the president a stronger evangelical base for re-election in 2020.
Historians will look back at the 2018 mid-term election as one that sealed the conservative shift in the courts and changed America for the better as a true constitutional republic.
While Democrats and Republicans can tout victories, the true winners are the American people and those of us on The Forgotten Street.
Thanks for reading! We’d predicted the Senate outcome accurately, but totally missed the House. Obviously, we’re better suited for commentary, not prognostication.
In October, we continued to enjoy readership from locations around the globe, including the following: Red China; The Czech Republic; The European Union; Germany; The Russian Federation; Canada; Australia; Brazil; The Netherlands; India; Poland; Kazakhstan; Italy; St. Helena; Lithuania; Thailand; Argentina; Hungary; Sweden; Denmark; Greece; Japan; Malaysia; Portugal; and The Seychelles.
We want to make a special appeal for support of a friend of The Forgotten Street. Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his witch hunt and has focused a great deal of attention on legendary GOP operative Roger Stone. Mueller’s team has hassled both Roger and his associates in order to silence them and use prosecutorial power to force them to be crushed by rising legal fees.
You can help Roger Stone by contributing to his legal defense fund. He’s looking at a multi-million dollar burden that could very well bankrupt him and his family. Learn how you can support a true American patriot by visiting this link:
This year Thanksgiving falls on November 22, which is the 55th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Controversy still revolves around that horrendous event and who was really responsible for it.
You can learn more in J.C.’s groundbreaking expose, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It’s available in both paperback and Kindle versions on
J.C. Hawkins is available for media interviews and speaking engagements to provide his unique perspective on JFK’s murder and the critical premise researchers have missed about the underlying motivations of the perpetrators.
He can be reached at:
God bless you all and thanks for your support of The Forgotten Street!
October 17, 2018
Stalinist Democrat Mob Destroying Supposed “Blue Wave”
With the Midterm elections only 20 days away, the much-vaunted Democrat “Blue Wave” appears to be nothing more than a figment of overheated imaginations.
The takeover of the Democrat Party by violence-advocating Stalinists fueling angry mobs of protesters leaves a sour taste in many voters’ mouths, especially those moderates and independents searching for a coherent reason to push the “D” lever.
Democrat leaders offer nothing in the way of a positive message. Hating Donald Trump and demonizing conservatives will not generate a huge turnout on November 6.
Reason Number One: President Donald Trump (perhaps the three most marvelous words today) has far exceeded expectations as a leader who is turning America back to its traditional values and well-deserved place in the world as a pre-eminent economic powerhouse.
Since beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 like a rented mule, President Trump has been the target of outrageous slanders that more people see are just outright, malicious lies.
Democrats never accepted the Trump victory or recognized his legitimacy as President of the United States. They embarked on a vitriolic, sustained campaign to undermine his government and thwart his agenda.
Recognizing their failure to engage the American public across the board, Democrats are now fueling the Bolsheviks in their base and using groups like Antifa as their storm troopers.
The results are truly dangerous to America. We’ve already witnessed an attempt by a Bernie Sanders supporter to assassinate a host of Republican congressmen, as well as former officials in the Clinton and Obama regimes calling for harassment of Republican officials, their families and conservatives in general in public places.
Right at the top of that list are hard core Stalinists like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They won’t rest until their manufactured “Resistance” has blood flowing in the streets.
Unfortunately for them, they’ve forgotten we’re the folks on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, who have most of the guns and will fight like hell to keep them from stealing our Second Amendment right to bear arms.
These un-American leaders have failed miserably in their efforts to delegitimize President Trump through the Russia collusion hoax and phony Mueller Special Counsel probe.
More recently, their exploitation of obviously disturbed women in an ill-conceived attempt to block Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, with allegations that had no basis in fact, blew up in their faces by energizing the Republican base to a new level.
Conservatives and Trump supporters I talk to are very clear in their attitude toward November 6: they are “Ground Glass” voters, meaning they will crawl through a mile of ground glass to get to the voting booth and vote Republican.
Early voting totals in Florida reported by the Florida Department of Elections show the GOP with a 46,000+ lead over Democrats in votes cast.
Democrats have shown their true colors, bright Soviet red and cowardly yellow, by failing to condemn the outrageous heckling of Senator Ted Cruz and his wife Heidi recently at a Washington restaurant. The idea that anyone would be so rude and close-minded to disrupt a political opponent’s private, personal time in public is well beyond the pale.
The Elite Traitor Media and their fellow travelers in the entertainment world find such behavior laudable and amusing. What puzzles us in how in their small minds they might think such obnoxiousness benefits their political agenda.
The Democrat Party surrender to the Prog-Lib-Commie agenda, aided and abetted by totalitarian-minded Tech Giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google who are attacking and curtailing Free Speech, will not end well on November 6.
Here at The Forgotten Street, we easily see a pickup of up to six or seven seats in the U.S. Senate by the GOP, as well as Republicans maintaining control of the House of Representatives.
Should that prove to be the case, President Trump will be well positioned to carry out the rest of his election promises and agenda, and cruise to a landslide re-election in 2020.
The only obstacle in his way will be if The Deep State carries out its intention to remove him from power by any means necessary. We all must pray daily for his safety and that of all who serve him.
Thanks for reading! Be sure to tell your friends and neighbors to circle November 6 as the day we can finally crush the Stalinist Democrat push to totally transform America into a socialist nightmare.
September was another stellar month for readership. Our foreign visitors came from such locations as: The European Union, Red China, Germany, The Czech Republic, The Russian Federation, Canada, Poland, Argentina, Romania, The United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Turkey, South Africa, India, Indonesia, The British Indian Ocean Territory, The Seychelles, Belarus, The Ukraine, The United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Croatia, Japan and Luxembourg.
The Deep State continues its malevolent treachery. We must find ways to root it out of our government and globalist financial institutions like the Federal Reserve. For more background on the history of the Deep State and its previous plots to eliminate those fighting global and domestic communism, be sure to check out J.C.’s groundbreaking book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
As the 55th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy nears in November, J.C. Hawkins is available for media interviews and speaking engagements to provide his unique perspective on that event and the critical premise researchers have missed about the underlying motivations of the perpetrators.
He can be reached at:
God bless you all for your interest and readership! May God bless our beloved United States as well.
September 14, 2018
Climate Change Crazies Shift Into Full “Wacko” Mode
As Hurricane Florence slammed into the Carolinas’ coast and drove inland, the totally predictable Climate Change Crazies came out of their asylums to spread their junk science and disinformation.
Leading the charge was the Deep State propaganda organ, the Washington Post, which is trying to convince people that somehow President Donald Trump is responsible for the deadly storm.
The scientific geniuses behind the Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax want us to believe that thousands of years of history and storms documented well before humans began industrialization should just be ignored. Forget those Ice Ages and warming trends that Mother Nature has inflicted upon Earth since the Book of Genesis.
“What we’re witnessing now with Hurricane Florence is all Donald Trump’s fault!” That’s the hysterical mantra the Elite Traitor Media was trying sell the American public. The climate change crazies want us to believe that somehow withdrawing from the absurd Paris accord on climate change has had a direct impact on our weather.
The Paris accord was a “feel good” exercise for progressives that would prove as effective in reducing carbon dioxide levels as trying to urinate up a rope.
They’re still trying to push the phony narrative that the lengthy recovery in Puerto Rico from last year’s hurricanes was due to an inadequate federal response led by President Trump.
Conveniently overlooked is the fact that the Puerto Rican government has had decades of corruption and failure to maintain vital infrastructure such as the electrical grid, sewer systems and highways.
Add to that inept and crooked political leadership like that of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz that resulted in vital supplies being diverted from distribution at critical moments in order to create the nonsensical narrative that President Trump was failing to lead a proper recovery effort.
Ms. Cruz is currently under investigation for corruption by the FBI because of her pathetic and sorry actions during the crisis. Her grandstanding and constant bashing of President Trump simply covered up her gross ineptitude.
President Trump signed a $36.5 billion aid package for the stricken island, but somehow the commonwealth’s government has failed to put it to good use.
On top of that, The Elite Traitor Media and Democrats are promoting a bogus Harvard study that blames the deaths of thousands of Puerto Ricans on President Trump and his alleged inadequate response to Hurricane Maria.
The estimate of more than 4,600 deaths was based on a survey of households and extrapolated on suspect premises. That total is more than 70 times the actual body count made by the Puerto Rican government.
Just more junk science from the Left to support the ongoing climate change hoax and attack President Trump. The president was 100% correct to refute the study and its phony conclusions.
Unfortunately, two prominent Republicans running for office in Florida got suckered into criticizing the president for challenging the study. Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis disgraced themselves as guys you wouldn’t want to share a foxhole with. With alleged allies like them, who needs enemies? They were totally gullible and all too eager to pander to the media.
Prior to Florence making landfall in North Carolina near Wrightsville Beach, the media went into full hype mode, issuing dire forecasts of “the deadliest storm ever,” speculating on a possible Category 5 hurricane.
The storm lost some of its power before reaching the Carolina coast, and landed as a Category 1 storm. Since then, it’s been downgraded to a Tropical Storm. Nonetheless, it’s created a significant storm surge, high winds and torrential rain, as can be expected with most hurricanes, while knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of citizens and leading to a few deaths so far.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) teams pre-positioned before the storm have swung into action to rescue stranded people in harm’s way and have supplies on hand to aid in recovery efforts.
FEMA has created a “Hurricane Florence Rumor Control” page on its website to debunk false information being spread in the media to make the government effort look ineffective.
President Trump and his administration have a continuous uphill battle to combat a hostile media and social media giants spewing Fake News at an alarming rate. Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, recognize we have to choose our information sources carefully and keep a saltshaker handy to provide the “grains of salt” needed to process what’s out there.
Leading the Fake News parade right now is Bob Woodward’s newest book, Fear: Trump in the White House, which extends his streak of so-called “insider” books relying on anonymous sources and a healthy dose of made up sources as well as outright lies.
Since his early days as a reporter at the Washington Post, Woodward has been a reliable foot soldier for the Deep State in advancing its agenda of disinformation and psy-ops. His background in the intelligence world opened the door for him to be the go-to guy to spread misinformation to undermine legitimately elected presidents.
His Watergate work facilitated the coup against Richard Nixon and now positions him as a key player in the coup attempt underway against Donald Trump.
Fueling the attempted coup are such false narratives as the climate change hoax, the bogus Russia collusion investigation and questioning of President Trump’s mental stability.
Looming in the Deep State’s arsenal, should these narratives continue to fail, is the most frightening of all: “executive action” to eliminate Donald Trump.
History is replete with real examples of the Deep State’s capability for the ultimate treachery. They can be found in J.C.’s book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Let’s all pray for the safety of President Trump, key figures in his administration and their families!
Thanks for reading! Prayers are needed for the unfortunate victims of Hurricane Florence. Also, please consider donations to The Salvation Army to help in the recovery effort.
In our last column recounting the serious misdeeds of the late Senator John McCain, we neglected to note his role in promoting the phony Russian dossier that besmirched President Trump. That action was one of the most despicable ever.
Readership of The Forgotten Street continues to grow. We appreciate your word of mouth to let friends, neighbors and family know about a news source that sets the record straight and promotes America’s finest values.
J.C. is available for media interviews, speaking engagements and writing projects. Please contact him at:
God bless you all. May God provide blessings and His tender mercies for those affected by Hurricane Florence.
August 16, 2018
The Press Clearly Is The Enemy Of The People!
With its highly coordinated campaign to undermine the administration of President Donald Trump and severely damage his presidency, the Elite Traitor Media (ETM) has conclusively demonstrated it really is The Enemy of the People with its unrelenting barrage of Fake News.
Having spent the past two years promoting the Russia collusion hoax, the press now is engaged in a real collusion of its own with today’s editorial barrage against President Trump by more than 300 newspapers.
What these ink-stained wretches fail to take into account are a few simple facts:
- Like it or not, Donald John Trump is the duly elected and sworn in President of the United States;
- Donald Trump is the only president we have, and will be, God willing, for the rest of his term at least through January 20, 2021;
- A relentless campaign to damage his ability to govern threatens the national security of the United States during a time when our country faces serious adversaries in Russia, Red China, Iran and North Korea, just to name a few;
- Smearing him and his family with such calumnies as “racist, fascist, dictatorial, etc.” are grossly false and unfair, showing a bias that renders the so-called “free press” a thoroughly subjugated agent of The Deep State unworthy of our respect.
Numerous studies have shown the nature of the coverage of the Trump presidency is virtually totally negative, with no recognition of the positive impact his policies have had on the economy and our national defense.
Despite the coordinated effort to sabotage President Trump’s ability to staff and run an effective government, as he was elected to do, his approval rating stays around 50%, which is almost miraculous.
If the news media were truly objective, and adhering to the alleged principles of fairness they claim to honor, that approval rating would likely be setting all-time records for popularity.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, get on our knees every night to thank God we finally have a president who truly loves America again.
Meanwhile, disgraceful Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo show their total disdain, hatred and contempt for traditional American values. Mrs. Clinton reveals her truly vile personality by saluting an 11-year old girl who kneels during the Pledge of Allegiance in school, telling her to “keep up the good work.”
The New York governor has completely stepped in a cow pie of his own making by averring that America was “never great”. Even his liberal audience was horrified by that remark, realizing it further brands the Democrat Party as hopelessly anti-American.
Not satisfied with their editorial collusion today, the ETM are in high dudgeon over the fact that President Trump has revoked the security clearance for former CIA Director John Brennan, whose relentless personal attacks against the president border on outright sedition.
These media whiners are trying to spin the falsehood that such action denies Brennan his First Amendment free speech rights. What a steaming load of steer manure!
Mr. Brennan remains free to say whatever he chooses about the president, no matter how unhinged, ludicrous or treasonous it may be. He doesn’t need access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets to do that.
Because most of the media have never served in the military, or held a high government position, they don’t comprehend that all security clearances are based on a “need to know.” Even having a security clearance doesn’t give you immediate access to whatever information you want. There are processes in place to allow access only when authorized or needed.
The increasingly senile Andrea Mitchell of NBC went so far as to claim revocation of Brennan’s security clearance amounts to “obstruction of justice” on President Trump’s part. ????? She’s way past her past due date in terms of being an objective, effective journalist. She’s become a national joke.
We’d love to see what MSNBC budgets internally for fainting couches to accommodate Chris Matthews, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough when they get the vapors over the latest Trump tweet or action.
It’s totally amusing, yet disgusting, to see the media fawning over Omarosa and her ridiculous attacks on President Trump, his family and the White House staff.
Her credibility is somewhere below that of Kim Jung-Un, with the only proviso is that he’s more likeable. She keeps finding more ways to put herself in legal jeopardy, with her penchant for taping private conversations and breaking nondisclosure agreements. Hopefully, someday we’ll see her spending time where she belongs, in a federal prison and not in American living rooms on our televisions.
As upset as media figures are over President Trump’s accusations of Fake News, they need only look in the mirror to see why more and more everyday Americans are tuning out their alleged news programs and cancelling their newspaper subscriptions.
The unparalleled and unrelenting campaign against President Trump and his policies makes it perfectly clear that media objectivity has become a total myth. The media have allowed themselves to become the propaganda arm of The Deep State and, by doing so, the true Enemy of the American People.
Thanks for reading! We want to note that J.C.’s book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy reveals the origins of the Deep State and Fake News, beginning in the aftermath of World War II and continuing into the Cold War era.
Available in paperback and Kindle versions, it can be found on
Find out what readers in America, Canada, The United Kingdom and Europe are discovering in this fresh look at recent history.
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements regarding Betrayal at Bethesda. New research and leads from interested readers are making the case for a sequel that promises to be equally as compelling and surprising. He can be reached at:
On a somber note, today marks the passing of the unrivalled Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, and 41 years ago, the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. Life has not quite been the same without the King, who set the ultimate standard as the single greatest entertainer of all time.
God bless all our followers who want an unvarnished opinion on the day’s events and insight into how our culture and society are being continually undermined by those who hate America, especially the Prog-Lib-Commies in the media.
August 7, 2018
Facebook Has Become A True Fount Of Evil In Our World
Facebook has dropped all pretense that it provides a platform to connect people from every point of view. It’s abundantly clear its aim is to become Big Brother and control every aspect of its users lives while selling their data to the highest bidder.
Now comes news (Wall Street Journal) that Facebook is in cahoots with major banks to try to access banking information (your accounts and transactions) in order to allegedly “offer new services.”
Horsefeathers. It has nothing to do with providing new services. It’s all about gaining more control over users and finding a new revenue stream to make up for the recent drop in stock value.
What’s more worrisome is the nagging thought that Facebook is really a stalking horse for The Deep State to shut down political opinion that doesn't conform to its wishes and to target Deep State opponents for information that can be used against them.
While allowing Stalinist hatemongers like Antifa to have free rein on its pages, it shuts down a Republican candidate for Congress who had the gall to call to mind the excesses of the communist regime in Cambodia, which led to her relatives to seek a new home in America.
The Facebook vendetta against Alex Jones and InfoWars, which was joined by the other Big Brother operatives (Google/Youtube, Apple, Spotify), is the tip of the iceberg in the drive to eliminate all political thought that doesn’t conform to the Stalinist ideology of the Hard Left infecting the globalists who want a One World New World Order.
Twitter already suspended The Forgotten Street months ago for daring to criticize foul-mouthed loon Chelsea Handler. Handler and her ilk can drop all the F-bombs they want and insinuate that President Trump should be eliminated by whatever means necessary. But Heaven forbid she be criticized.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is a Deep State bootlicker who’ll do what he’s told by his puppet masters. That’s what the campaign to eliminate conservative voices from Twitter is all about. The irony is that if it wasn’t for President Trump’s tweets, Twitter would cease to exist.
What drives Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow Big Tech CEOs is world-class arrogance and total disdain for users who’ve made them mega-wealthy.
It’s with great pride I note The Forgotten Street never got on board the Facebook train. There was always something almost creepy about it that put us off from the start.
Now that it’s so apparent your personal information is in no way protected, and in many ways abused, it surprises me more people haven’t given up their Facebook addiction.
What Facebook has done to InfoWars is to take the lead in a full-scale, frontal assault on The First Amendment. These Deep Staters want to totally control the flow of information and, more importantly, the content. Those of us who truly believe in Free Speech can see where this slippery slope leads.
The issue boils down to this: our society should encourage and permit the free flow of ideas in a public discourse marked by mutual respect to let the other side present its case and let the public judge which side to take. Silencing one side to slant the debate in your favor doesn’t mean your side has won. It only means you’ve behaved fascistically.
Facebook makes it clear that Prog-Lib-Commies will always be able to spread their hateful messages against President Trump, conservatives, Israel and white people in general without any fear of retribution.
Innocent Americans who joined Facebook to share family news and photos, and reconnect with old friends and classmates, have merely become fodder to bankroll a mammoth scam to sell personal information without their knowledge or permission.
That, my friends, is simply evil.
On another note: summer is here, it’s hot in most places, and the Climate Change Nuts are in full voice. The Apocalyptic Chorus is hitting all the high notes.
No doubt some in the Elite Traitor Media will utter the ultimate signature nonsense: “The science is settled.”
Baloney. If “the science is settled,” then it’s not science. It’s steer manure. The very nature of science is that it’s never settled. That’s why we keep doing research and universities keep producing more scientists.
These global warming lunatics have absolutely no explanation for previous hot weather cycles that affected Earth prior to the discovery of fossil fuels. News flash: one thing most real scientists can agree on is this: the Sun controls much of our weather and is responsible for most of our heat waves. Just like the Moon affects our tides in the ocean. Duh.
In the climate change arena, here’s about all that is “settled.” Humans need oxygen to survive. Plants and trees produce oxygen. Plants and trees need carbon dioxide to survive. Humans through their various activities provide some of that carbon dioxide, but not all of it.
Aggressively reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will simply result in less vegetation and more areas in the world where life-sustaining crops won’t be grown. But then, that’s every racist Leftist’s dream: fewer people, especially those in the Third World.
Thanks for reading! It’s tempting to read a lot into the results of special elections, but that overlooks how much can change between now and November. Nonetheless, the Democrats have retired to their fainting couches to recuperate from seeing Trump win again in Ohio as his endorsed candidate holds the seat for the Congressional 12th District.
Meanwhile, the Paul Manafort trial is turning into a real Feces Folly for the prosecution, which is being bitch slapped by the presiding judge, and sabotaged by their star witness being revealed as totally lacking in credibility.
Readership of The Forgotten Street continues to grow and remain at its best level in its almost 12-year history. Our July visitors from abroad came from the following locations: Red China; The European Union; Germany; The Czech Republic; The Russian Federation; Thailand; The Catalan Community; New Zealand; The United Kingdom; Brazil; Japan; Poland; Denmark; India: The British Indian Ocean Territory; Italy; The Seychelles; Norway; Romania; The Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Australia; Benin; Switzerland; and Spain.
Sales continue to progress for J.C.’s revealing look at Cold War history: Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions on
J.C. is available for media interviews and speaking engagements regarding Betrayal at Bethesda. New research and leads from interested readers are making the case for a sequel that promises to be equally as compelling and surprising. He can be reached at:
God bless all of you for your interest and caring about the sorry state of affairs in our troubled world today!
July 20, 2018
Is The Deep State Laying the Groundwork for “Executive Action” Against President Trump?
As the Never Trumpers, The Deep State and The Elite Traitor Media ramp up their hateful rhetoric against President Donald Trump, they are creating a dangerous climate much like what President John F. Kennedy faced before his fateful visit to Dallas in November 1963.
The Triumvirate of Treason (John Brennan, James Clapper and James Comey) are not to be outdone in their hyperbole, which borders on the edge of lunacy.
Their media acolytes such as Joe Scarborough, Shepherd Smith, Wolf Blitzer, Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper are playing their roles as Deep State stooges perfectly.
What should be of greatest concern is the likelihood The Deep State is plotting a number of nefarious scenarios to remove Donald Trump from the presidency.
I fear that somewhere on a farm in northern Virginia, a cadre of “lone nut gunmen” are being trained for “executive action” against the President of the United States. Little could they know their ultimate role may be that of “patsies.”
Other less lethal options include using the Mueller Russia collusion hoax as a bogus pretext for impeachment, or getting Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet to turn against the president and invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office because of mental instability. Not bloody likely!
That’s why the most extreme measure of all is so frightening. It becomes the last card for desperate men to play. We saw it play out against JFK in spades.
Those not buying into my concern will cite the professionalism and bravery of the United States Secret Service. Unfortunately, agents at the time came up short in Dallas in 1963 and protecting President Ronald Reagan in 1981. In both cases, agents broke with protocol in their protective formations around the president, leaving the two leaders in precarious, exposed situations.
Meanwhile, the master media manipulators are filling the public airwaves and print media with outrageous suggestions that President Trump is a dupe of Russian President Vladimir Putin and involved in treasonous activity to weaken relationships with allies around the world.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
For the first time in recent memory, the United States government has a coherent foreign policy that puts America First for the true benefit of the American people.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are incredibly thankful President Trump is demanding our alleged partners in NATO and Europe begin footing the bill for their defense instead of letting us underwrite their nanny states with our billions and the blood of our military men and women.
His initiative to engage in meaningful dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin makes perfect sense. No one in their right mind could object to the leaders of the two largest nuclear powers in the world finding a basis to avoid a costly and dangerous Cold War II.
Unfortunately for President Trump, backstabbers in the Republican Party are siding with The Deep State against him.
Globalist lackeys like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Ben Sasse, Paul Ryan and others are engaged in despicable conduct that feeds the poisonous rhetoric putting the life of the president in mortal danger.
Only Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has the courage to stand up and defend President Trump from his GOP detractors. Unlike them, Paul shows a serious understanding of the global issues at stake. That could be one reason why he also is in danger, given the two attacks against him in the past year.
On the Far Left fringe, (meaning the Democrat Party leadership, Hollywood, academia and what was once called the mainstream media), disgusting images are surfacing showing violence against President Trump.
We saw this same type of propaganda used against President Kennedy by those eager to undermine public confidence in his leadership. We now witness an ongoing Deep State campaign to besmirch JFK’s legacy and memory in a desperate maneuver to keep the remaining CIA files regarding his assassination hidden.
By sensationalizing President Kennedy’s personal foibles, and tearing down his character, The Deep State hopes the public will lose its desire to finally learn the truth about the assassination. Meanwhile, those fighting to keep the files from public release will keep pushing their “national security” ruse.
Unhappily, we’ve seen this movie before. J.C.’s groundbreaking book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy raises the curtain on the origins of what we consider the modern Deep State and Fake News.
As President Trump challenges the conventional wisdom on foreign policy, international trade, immigration, government regulation and fiscal accountability, he shows how the prevailing attitudes weakened the United States and created global instability.
For that reason alone, The Deep State considers him a dangerous threat to their established order, much like John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were. We know how the globalists responded to them.
Good people of faith on The Forgotten Street are shaken by the hateful madness that’s invaded the public arena and made informed, courteous political discourse nearly impossible.
We must pray for President Trump’s personal safety because The Deep State cabal has become capable of the ultimate treachery. Truly evil people are working feverishly behind the scenes to end his presidency by whatever means it takes.
Thanks for reading! You can gain greater insight into the history of political machinations that resulted in the deaths of patriotic leaders in the past and how that history sets the stage for what we’re witnessing today.
Betrayal at Bethesda is available in paperback and Kindle versions on
Today marks 25 years since the death of White House Counsel Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide, but researchers including me have seriously considered the purported facts of the case and found them severely lacking.
Foster’s murder marks a signal event in the history of The Deep State’s treachery. The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has reignited interest in the matter, given the judge’s role in the controversial official findings.
God bless all our followers on The Forgotten Street!
June 10, 2018
The Deep State Further Revealed As It Keeps Rearing Its Ugly Head
The ongoing public discussion regarding the so-called Deep State and Fake News rests in some measure on an assumption that these are new phenomena.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Deep State has existed for virtually all of our lifetimes, and Fake News has been its stock and trade to manipulate public opinion while advancing its hidden agenda.
In a modern day definition, former Republican congressional aide Mike Lofgren, (who coined the term “The Deep State”) described it as “a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United Sates without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.”
Certainly, the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States has turned that definition on its head because of his ability to support the consent of the governed by keeping his many electoral promises.
That is precisely why The Deep State is working so surreptitiously and energetically to stage a political coup against President Trump in order to thwart his policy shifts that are putting America and Americans first. Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are ever grateful we have a champion for our interests in the White House. We stand with him in fighting The Deep State and revealing Fake News for the scam it is.
The Witch Hunt by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the tip of the spear in that effort to unseat President Trump. Aiding and abetting him are the president’s political opponents in the Uniparty and the Deep State stooges in the Elite Traitor Media.
J.C.’s recent book, Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy (available on in paperback and Kindle versions) provides insight into how The Deep State has been omnipresent since the aftermath of World War II.
Prominent conservative writer and veteran journalist Wes Vernon (with more than three decades of experience in the inner workings of Washington D.C.) has written a new review of Betrayal at Bethesda, that provides a unique perspective on the book’s central messages.
“In this century, as our nation appears on the verge of a (mostly, so far) non-shooting civil war brought about by cultural battles and an attempt to overthrow a sitting president, Americans wonder: How did we get into this mess? It’s axiomatic that one of the best ways to find one’s way out of a bad predicament is to understand how we got there in the first place. Herewith comes an information-loaded analysis titled Betrayal at Bethesda.”
Vernon brings to his work a storehouse of personal knowledge garnered in his 25 years working for CBS Radio Stations News Service (not part of CBS News). His coverage of the White House, Capitol Hill and various Federal agencies earned him a stellar reputation as a fair and probing journalist. More recently, he has written for Newsmax and now, writes a column for the Renew America website:
His June 7 review further notes:
“The Hawkins book is not the first to probe honestly the death of Defense Secretary Forrestal. But the tremendous service this newer volume provides is its addition of mountains of new research and badly needed updating and reinforcement of historical truth that survives decades of repeated false hopes and powerfully motivated attempts to keep his history buried forever.”
The full review can be found here:
Meanwhile, more is coming to light regarding the current treachery of The Deep State. An indictment for leaking classified information against the former security chief for the Senate Intelligence Committee details how The Deep State is colluding with the Elite Traitor Media to generate Fake News to undermine a legitimate presidency.
One of the out-front leaders of the anti-Trump cabal is former CIA director John Brennan, who made what appears to be an outright threat against President Trump’s life in a Twitter tweet this Sunday morning:
To allies & friends: Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration. The America you once knew will return.”
The not-so-hidden translation appears to be: “Sit tight. One way or the other, we will get rid of Mr. Trump. Even if it means Executive Action.”
A more seditious public figure than Mr. Brennan will be hard to find. However, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper and John McCain may give him a run for his money.
Meanwhile, radio hosts across America continue to focus on the machinations of The Deep State. This week, The Schiffer Report program continues its focus and examination. The show airs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 12:30 to 1 p.m. on WHKW 1220 AM in Cleveland. Leading conservative Paul Schiffer hosts the show.
Schiffer’s new program is live-streamed and can be heard over the Internet by going to Once on the site, hit the Listen Live button. Then, hit the forward button that appears on the Cleveland skyline photo. It’s recommended to tune in a little prior to the opening of The Schiffer Report at 12:30 p.m. in order to hear all of the commentary. You will find the Jay Sekulow broadcast on right before Paul and co-host Vicky Dolinsky.
On Monday, Paul will discuss his 2015 political thriller, The Strangling Vine: The Perestrelka End Game. This fast-paced novel mixes espionage exploits with voluminous historical fact to take the reader inside the struggle against global communism. The book is readily available on
The Tuesday and Wednesday programs will feature best-selling author Jerome Corsi discussing his new blockbuster, Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump. Be sure to tune in and get the real scoop on the plot against our president.
Fellow patriots, stay vigilant and keep praying for the success and safety of President Trump, as well as the resounding defeat of The Deep State, which feeds off the deception of global communism to divide our country and undermine our institutions.
Thanks for reading! We are indeed grateful for the support of prominent conservatives such as Wes Vernon, Cliff Kincaid, Denise Simon and Paul Schiffer. Together, along with so many proud Americans on The Forgotten Street, we’re forming a new vanguard against the onslaught of global communists and the anti-American globalists of The Deep State.
God bless you each and every one!
February 25, 2018
Trump’s Non-Partisan Presidency Baffles Progressives
The election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency of the United States on November 8, 2016, sent shockwaves across the global political landscape.
Now, more than a year later, this remarkable accomplishment has given way to a new revelation: for the first time in our lifetime, the United States has a truly non-partisan president.
Donald Trump is redefining the presidency because he’s not an ideologue or a fierce partisan. Instead, he is a staunch advocate for the interests of the American people first and foremost.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are truly thankful we have such a champion for our heritage and values in the White House.
The partisans on the Hard Left immediately went after him as soon as he was elected to portray him as a “racist” and the second coming of Adolph Hitler. This foolish attempt has left the Prog-Lib-Commies and their megaphones in the Elite Traitor Media looking totally unhinged and not connected to the new political reality ushered in by President Trump.
The first year of the Trump presidency was an absolute triumph, despite the sabotage of John McCain to derail health care reform. The major tax cut and tax reform bill is taking hold, with more Americans are seeing the positive results in their wallets and more Americans working than ever in our history.
The man the Left tried so hard to depict as a madman has built an image as a leader who clearly reaches out to others to build consensus.
As a result, the president’s popularity ratings are higher than those of Barack Obama at the same point in his presidency. One can only imagine how much higher President Trump’s popularity ranking would be without the non-stop barrage of hatred from the media, Democrats and progressive dupes in academia and entertainment.
President Trump has displayed extraordinary political skill and judgment by showing his willingness to work with Democrats to solve the DACA dilemma, and to create a real program to promote gun safety and protect school children.
In response, the left-wingers in the dying Democrat party are working overtime to scuttle any progress on DACA in order to have an issue to exploit in the 2018 mid-term elections. By doing so, they’ve revealed they don’t give a damn about illegal immigrants. They just want to keep using them as pawns in their crass political games.
The unrelenting attacks on the National Rifle Association in the wake of school shootings further demonstrate the moral bankruptcy of the Democrats. Their failure is compounded by paying lip service to the president’s call for better mental health resources to identify those who need help and to provide it to them.
The NRA has done more to educate citizens about gun safety and to encourage responsible use of firearms than the federal, state and local governments combined.
None of the mass shootings carried out in the United States have been by an NRA member.
The Democrats also are flummoxed by the reception President Trump has received from world leaders in his travels abroad. Recent polling indicates the standing of the USA globally is improving as leaders recognize they have a partner they can work with in President Trump.
His strong support for the Israel and the decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has prompted other countries to follow suit or consider doing so.
The late night alleged comedians, as well as the other entertainers and sports figures who continually bash President Trump, show they’re more and more out of touch with mainstream Americans on The Forgotten Street. They mistake their niche audiences for the broad group of Americans who are more readily accepting the non-partisan in the White House working diligently to unite the country around shared values.
Donald Trump understands the role that leadership plays in getting results. His business experience gives him the skills to bring people together to accomplish a defined mission and get real results.
All the Democrats seem to comprehend is to hurl invective and roadblock real progress on the issues that face America. Despite the shameful cheerleading of the media, they will fail as the president keeps demonstrating strong results in his quest to Make America Great Again.
Thanks for reading! It’s been a busy month on a lot of fronts. We appreciate the support of all our followers.
Our January visitors from abroad include folks from 57 countries. Here are the most frequent 25: Tokelau; Germany; The Russian Federation; The Czech Republic; The European Union; India; Belgium; Australia; Brazil; Red China; France; Croatia; Italy; Serbia; Argentina; Canada; Poland; Thailand; Turkey; Switzerland; Hungary; Bulgaria; Japan; Lithuania; and Romania. God bless you all, here at home and around the world.
We also appreciate the growing global audience for J.C.’s book. Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy by J.C. Hawkins can be found on in paperback and Kindle versions:
We continue to get feedback from readers who have new information to share with us about the events at Bethesda. Stay tuned for more.
March 2, 2017
Trump Calls For Hope And Unity, Dems Plot Treason
In his first appearance before a Joint Session of Congress as President, Donald Trump delivered one of the truly great speeches in presidential history.
Last Tuesday evening, many Americans got their first look at President Trump as Commander-in-Chief, interacting with the legislative branch of government.
Those expecting the Donald Trump of the campaign trail instead saw a man who’s assumed the mantle of leadership and who wears it well. He displayed his heartfelt commitment to fulfilling his campaign promises and bringing the nation together as one.
Early in his address, he offered this inspiring message:
“Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart.
“A new chapter of American Greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our nation. And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp.
“What we are witnessing today is the renewal of the American spirit. Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead. All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free.”
Of course, he discussed the vital issue of immigration reform that served as a bedrock for his bid for the Presidency:
“At the same time, my administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security. By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. We want all Americans to succeed, but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders.”
In a surprise moment, President Trump defined what he sees as the civil rights issue of our times:
“But to achieve this future, we must enrich the mind and the souls of every American child. Education is the civil rights issue of our time. I am calling upon members of both parties to pass an education bill that funds school choice for disadvantaged youth, including millions of African American and Latino children. These families should be free to choose the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or home school that is right for them.
“Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. We must build bridges of cooperation and trust -- not drive the wedge of disunity and, really, it's what it is, division. It's pure, unadulterated division. We have to unify.”
In the most moving part of his address, President Trump paid tribute to fallen Navy Seal Ryan Owens who died on an anti-terrorism mission in Yemen. Looking at Owens widow Carryn, who was seated in the Gallery with Ryan’s family and Trump family members, he reaffirmed that the raid yielded vital intelligence against terrorism, contrary to fake news reports that termed the mission a failure.
Across America on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, viewers got a lump in their throats as the President said, “Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity.”
Then moving to foreign policy, President Trump affirmed a shift toward greater engagement in the world:
“To those allies who wonder what kind of a friend America will be, look no further than the heroes who wear our uniform. Our foreign policy calls for a direct, robust and meaningful engagement with the world. It is American leadership based on vital security interests that we share with our allies all across the globe.
“America is willing to find new friends, and to forge new partnerships, where shared interests align. We want harmony and stability, not war and conflict. We want peace, wherever peace can be found.
“America is friends today with former enemies. Some of our closest allies, decades ago, fought on the opposite side of these terrible, terrible wars. This history should give us all faith in the possibilities for a better world. Hopefully, the 250th year for America will see a world that is more peaceful, more just, and more free.”
By noting that the country’s 250th anniversary of its founding is on the horizon, the President sounded this optimistic note:
“Imagine the wonders our country could know in America's 250th year.
“Think of the marvels we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people. Cures to the illnesses that have always plagued us are not too much to hope. American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream. Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect. And streets where mothers are safe from fear, schools where children learn in peace, and jobs where Americans prosper and grow are not too much to ask.”
Moving to his closing, President Trump really hit his stride, delivering a message that our country has desperately needed for far too long:
“When we have all of this, we will have made America greater than ever before -- for all Americans. This is our vision. This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one people, with one destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
“When we fulfill this vision, when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American Greatness began. The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us. We just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts, the bravery to express the hopes that stir our souls, and the confidence to turn those hopes and those dreams into action.
“From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears; inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past; and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts.
“I am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the American spirit. I am asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big, and bold, and daring things for our country. I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment. Believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe, once more, in America.”
As a writer who’s made a good living writing speeches, I have to say the Presidential Address last Tuesday night was a masterpiece, delivered masterfully in a setting that only added to its soaring patriotism and inspiration.
Only the most cynical and unpatriotic Americans could not find something to embrace in President Trump’s debut performance before the Congress and a large television audience around the world.
Reaching out to Democrats to engage in these critical issues, President Trump sounded a conciliatory note that’s been met with bitterness and derision from the Party of Sore Losers.
The manufacturing of fake news is back in full swing, with the absurd allegations against Attorney General Jeff Sessions and calls for his resignation. By talking to the Russian Ambassador, then-Senator Sessions was simply doing his job as a ranking Senator on the Foreign Relations Committee.
With disruption and sabotage, the Democrat game plan is to undermine the Trump Administration. It’s plain that the hyper-partisan Democrat leadership is rejecting any calls for national unity and is moving ahead full bore in committing outright treason.
President Trump needs to stick to his game plan, fulfill his campaign promises and showcase how his optimistic leadership can unify our country and Make American Great Again!
Thanks for reading! The Democrats reaffirmed their position as racists today when only six of their members voted to confirm Dr. Benjamin Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. There are simply no good reasons to vote against him except pure partisanship and racism
We thank our foreign visitors in February who came from these locations: The European Union, Germany, The Czech Republic, The Russian Federation, Montenegro, The United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Serbia, Italy, Romania, Argentina, Moldova, Hungary, India, Poland, The Netherlands, Canada, The Seychelles, Turkey, Red China, France and Albania.
God bless you all! And may Almighty God protect our President from all the evil forces allied against him.
January 23, 2017
With Great Inaugural Speech, President Trump Hits the Ground Running
Having had time to reflect on the magnificent Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States, I can only state with the firmest of conviction: No President in my memory has hit the ground running in such an impressive fashion.
All of the Inaugural events from: the Wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery; the Welcome Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial; the Inauguration ceremony; the following Parade; and the National Prayer Service were staged with the highest levels of class and dignity.
At a time when our nation traditionally comes together to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power following a fair and free election, a number of Democrats, the Elite Traitor Media and hardcore Leftists assumed the role of skunks at a garden party.
Their boorishness and lack of patriotism simply is irrelevant. Our new President and Vice President have already swung into action to fulfill their campaign promises to the American people, not just those who voted for them.
President Trump delivered the Inaugural Address in his trademark forceful and genuine style. This is a man who clearly believes wholeheartedly in what he says. He is a man of higher commitment and purpose who entered the national stage at a time when he was desperately needed.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, believe our prayers for new patriotic leadership have finally been answered.
Here are parts of the Address I found incredibly inspiring and moving:
“January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation once again.
“The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer
“But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
“We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams. And their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.
“We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it’s going to be only America First, America First.
“At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
“The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.
“And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator.
“So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words. You will never be ignored again.
“Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.”
The usual suspects tagged this Address as “dark” and not “uplifting.” They could not be more wrong. It was the finest Inaugural Address since those of Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy.
President Trump (God, I love writing that!) reached out to all those who’ve been left behind in an era when globalist elites have enriched themselves beyond all measure. Even Jesse Jackson was moved to salute the new Commander-in-Chief for specifically addressing the problems in our inner cities.
By talking about “American carnage,” the President is setting down markers for the gangs and drug dealers who’ve ravaged cities like Chicago (as well as small towns across America trying to cope with an alarming spike in drug overdoses) to let them know true justice is on the way.
For far too long, government at all levels has watched this decay and destruction with total impotence. To their everlasting shame, former President Barack Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel totally let down the citizens of their hometown with their gross inaction.
Mr. Obama deserves special disdain for his abominable use of presidential power to reduce the sentences of drug dealers and put them back out on the streets to do what they do best: sell poison to our young people to ruin more lives and erase more potential.
Useful idiots like Chris Matthews and Lindsey Graham commented negatively on the “America First” reference. Matthews tried to play the Hitler card by insinuating that President Trump was referring to an anti-war movement of the same name that opposed American entry into World War II.
Propagandists for President Franklin Roosevelt successfully branded the America First movement as supportive of Adolph Hitler. In truth, Charles Lindbergh and other movement leaders were opposed to entry into another European war so soon after World War I, in which many American lives were lost and an enormous debt incurred, a debt European allies never repaid as they had pledged. Lindbergh also had serious reservations about the status of our military to take on another big war.
Senator Graham says he just doesn’t understand what is meant by “America First.” President Trump’s explanation of its meaning is self-evident. Those who try to read between the lines like Matthews and Graham are simply hyper-partisans with no shame.
The Inauguration was absolutely terrific. President Trump is moving ahead with his determination to Make America Great Again. Let’s all support him against the onslaught of anti-American sentiment expressed by those who want to cling to the socialist status quo.
Thanks for reading. President Trump is pushing to get better trade agreements for America, encourage American companies to create more jobs and bring jobs back home, and begin removing funding of Planned Parenthood’s genocidal practice of abortion overseas.
No question our greatest days are on the near horizon.
December 9, 2016
Donald Trump: “The Natural” of Politics
With his overwhelming victory in the 2016 Presidential election, Donald J. Trump has earned a reputation as “The Natural” of American politics.
Like Roy Hobbs taking the world of baseball by storm in Bernard Malamud’s classic novel, Donald Trump reached the highest office in the land in his initial try at elected office. He proved a true “natural” at quickly adapting to the world of politics and rapidly building a remarkable campaign team while using resources wisely.
What propelled Trump’s phenomenal run was his incredible intelligence, his uncanny ability to read his audiences, his masterful natural skill at using mass communications to reach voters, and his obvious love of country and the American people.
To his credit, our President-Elect comprehended the plight of everyday Americans and the failure of both major political parties to address the real concerns of the people while catering to special and wealthy interests.
Donald Trump recognized The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, was craving new leadership that genuinely cared about them. The forgotten men and women of America have seen their wealth and opportunities erode as politicians squandered their taxes and sacrificed jobs in pursuit of globalist schemes and needless wars.
As he continues his “Thank You” tour of states that gave him the momentum to win the presidency, President-Elect Trump is reaffirming his commitment to move America in a different and better direction. His First 100-day plan is brilliant in its scope. We can take heart that he and Vice-President-Elect Mike Pence will execute it superbly.
That’s not to say they won’t face significant obstacles from a defeated and decimated Democrat Party, as well as from New World Order obstructionists within the GOP.
But all signs point to him forming a stellar team for his Cabinet, calling on the best minds in the worlds of business, finance, the military and politics.
For the Democrats, they will confront President Trump at their peril. Barack Obama’s feckless eight-year rule has left his party on life support. His sorry political legacy has seen the Democrat Party become a regional party, no longer national in scope.
Since Obama took office in 2009, Democrats have lost 9 Senate seats, 63 House seats, 11 governorships and 900+ seats in State legislatures. They are left with a geriatric bench, bereft of younger talent that has the energy and appeal to provide a real alternative to Donald Trump and a rejuvenated Republican Party.
Hillary Clinton has proven to be an ungracious and duplicitous loser while President Obama has lied about his willingness to assist in a smooth transition. He had the audacity to counsel members of the military yesterday to speak out against the new President and to question his authority.
This outrageous advice simply demonstrates that he still has no comprehension that the President is Commander-in-Chief of the military and its members are duty-bound to follow lawful orders. His remarks reveal a totally inappropriate course to follow. In doing so, he is either seditious or just plain stupid.
No matter. The military will embrace their new Commander-in-Chief, knowing he will upgrade their resources and commit them to a strategy to build Peace Through Strength.
Donald Trump, “The Natural,” turned modern politics on its head through his skillful combination of using mass and social media to supplement his barnstorming across the country to hold massive rallies and demonstrate his incredible knack at retail politics. At each rally, he connected with his audiences and found time to shake hands, sign autographs and give each attendee the sense that he was talking directly to them.
Much to the dismay of the Elite Traitor Media, Trump set the daily news agenda through carefully timed remarks, effective debates and circumventing the media to connect with millions of followers on Facebook and Twitter daily.
This combination of using the most modern methods of reaching voters with the old-style barnstorming gave Mr. Trump the ability to create an actual movement of voters motivated by his message to Make America Great Again.
He completely out-maneuvered and out-flanked the hapless Hillary Clinton, who again demonstrated her total ineptitude as a candidate as well as how tone-deaf she and her fellow Prog-Lib-Commies were regarding the real concerns of everyday Americans. Compounding this failure was her inability to hide her genuine scorn for those of us deplorables on The Forgotten Street, which is forgotten no more.
The Trump-Clinton race was a mismatch from the beginning, regardless of her so-called fundraising advantage, the cheerleading from the sycophant Elite Traitor Media, and the complete failure of alleged expert pundits to understand the dynamics driving the election.
The Natural just kept hitting home run after home run with his audiences. He’ll swing a huge bat in taking on those who continue to underestimate his God-given ability to motivate and lead.
Thanks for reading! We apologize for a recent absence of columns. The holiday season starts getting really busy.
We want to thank our foreign visitors in November from such diverse locations as: Germany, Australia, The Czech Republic, Brazil, The European Union, Italy, New Zealand, The Ukraine, The Russian Federation, Taiwan, Mexico, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, Singapore, Libya, Sweden, Tokelau, Canada, Japan, Pakistan and Poland. Looks like Red China is blocking us.
God bless all our visitors to The Forgotten Street!
November 20, 2016
Sore Loser Left Refuses To Accept Election Results
Toward the end of the tumultuous 2016 Presidential Election, in the final debate, GOP nominee Donald Trump created a major stir when he would not definitively commit to immediately accepting the outcome of the election.
In a monumental failure, moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News did not pose the same question to Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton. Clearly he was hoping to stir up a controversy that the Clinton court stenographers in the Elite Traitor Media would run with.
It wound up blowing over as Mrs. Clinton continued to botch her campaign. Now, 12 days after the election, the Prog-Lib-Commie Left is in an absolute meltdown, refusing to accept the fact that Donald J. Trump will become the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017.
President Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton made very perfunctory remarks on November 9 to congratulate Mr. Trump. They’ve followed up with further comments and actions that demonstrate those speeches were wholly insincere. Mr. Obama’s negative comments about his successor while traveling abroad are beyond despicable and beneath his office.
Now we have a concerted effort bankrolled by international gangster and former Nazi collaborator George Soros to foment unrest in American cities and to intimidate presidential electors into changing the landslide he earned in the Electoral College vote (306-232). This is not legitimate grassroots protesting. It’s paid insurrection that is jeopardizing public safety and destroying private property.
The intimidation includes constant harassment and death threats against designated Trump electors in a number of states. We’ve not heard one word of condemnation from the current President of the United States or Mrs. Clinton, which means they tacitly support the would-be coup underway.
The idiocy of this effort is demonstrated by the fact that the lack of a clear winner in the Electoral College vote would send the election to the Republican-dominated House of Representatives for a vote. No question how that would turn out.
Meanwhile, the Elite Traitor Media keeps trying to find fault with anything President-Elect Trump does, be it the pace of the transition effort or him taking his wife and family to dinner without a press pool tagging along.
The truth of the matter is that President-Elect Trump is moving swiftly and decisively to form the Trump Administration. Already his choices are receiving unfriendly fire from the Left, much of it unsubstantiated charges of racism, which is about the only thing the Left knows how to do. Just as we believed during the campaign, Donald Trump is assembling an All-Star team of the very best people to run his Administration.
The attack on Attorney General-designee Jeff Sessions is particularly dishonest. By trying to dig up things that may have been said 30 years or more ago, the Elite Traitor Media and political hacks like Harry Reid overlook the real Sessions record. These are the same people who disregarded the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) leadership of former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd. Mrs. Clinton lauded Senator Byrd as her mentor, even after he called poor white people in West Virginia “white niggers” in an interview on 60 Minutes.
In contrast, as a federal attorney working for the Justice Department in Alabama, Jeff Sessions carried out the orders needed to successfully complete the desegregation of Alabama public schools. He also destroyed the KKK in Alabama. He prosecuted the son of its leader in a death penalty murder case, and saw to it that the execution was carried out. In addition, the KKK was hit with a fine that bankrupted the organization, leading to its demise.
Good luck playing the lame race card, Democrats, because everyday Americans who live on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, are totally thrilled we will have an Attorney General who respects and will uphold the rule of law once again.
As events unfold, it’s clear the Republican Party is uniting once again under President-Elect Trump’s strong leadership. His amazing campaign resulted in the GOP becoming the absolute dominant party from the national level to the statehouse level, and even down to the local level.
Part of that success relates in large measure to the Trump campaign’s stunning ability to maximize the impact of social media. Between Facebook and Twitter, Donald Trump now has 25 million followers that he can communicate with directly, bypassing the hostile filter of the Elite Traitor Media as they try to undermine his Administration.
After listening to the sickening piety of the Clinton campaign and media criticize candidate Trump for not saying he would unhesitatingly accept the election results, the same hypocrites are now doing all they can to weaken our democratic process and disrespect the majority of American voters who made it clear they wanted Donald Trump in the White House.
The unhinged Left pushes the lame talking point that Hillary Clinton won the public vote. They overlook the fact that the 50 states have yet to certify their results and provide a final total. They also overlook the fact that North Carolina is dealing with a contested gubernatorial election tainted by charges of voter fraud.
In addition, there are projections that perhaps as many as 3 million illegal immigrants unlawfully voted in the election. If that is the case, and we assume that the bulk of that vote when to Mrs. Clinton, then it’s clear that Donald Trump won a landslide victory in the popular vote as well as the Electoral College vote if you subtract 3 million votes from her total.
The United States deserves better than having a host of sore losers complaining about an election that was carried out fairly and in which a decisive winner was the result.
The Prog-Lib-Commies will keep up their treasonous efforts, but America has spoken. Now it’s well past time to grow up, get over it and give the Trump Administration the opportunity it earned to Make America Great Again.
Thanks for reading! As we all get ready to share a Thanksgiving with family and friends, those of us on The Forgotten Street get on our knees to thank Almighty God for all His blessings. We pray He will keep our new President-Elect and Vice President-Elect and their families safe, and give them the strength and wisdom needed to effectively lead our beloved country.
If that makes us American Nationalists, so be it. We’ll wear that label proudly. We love our country and thank God that we were born Americans.
October 20, 2016
DONALD TRUMP: The Candidate We’ve Longed For
Over the past few elections, we’ve heard conservatives lament the need for a “real” conservative, while GOP Rinos whine about wanting a candidate who can attract working class Democrats and Independents.
The Donald Trump I saw in last night’s final debate gave the most impressive defense of the Second Amendment and the staunchest support for pro-life justices of any candidate in my memory.
It’s obvious from polling, and more importantly from the many thousands who’ve turned out for his rallies nationwide, that Donald Trump is THE candidate we’ve longed for.
What more do you people want from the man? He’s working hard to restore patriotism and makes it clear that American interests will always come first in his policies, globalism be damned!
The closeted One Worlders in the Republican Party have acquiesced far too often to Democrats. They share the blame for the rotten mess globalism has caused in the worldwide economy and American foreign policy.
Donald Trump offers American voters their very last opportunity to save American exceptionalism and keep America’s sons and daughters from dying needlessly to prop up corrupt Muslim regimes throughout the Middle East.
He also has articulated a mature foreign policy approach toward Russia that will tone down the needless war drums President Obama and Hillary Clinton are pounding.
The charges that the Russians are behind the hacked Clinton and DNC emails that Wikileaks has released make a good sound bite, but neither the President or Mrs. Clinton have produced one shred of evidence.
Last night Hillary touted that 17 national security agencies agree Russia is trying to influence our election. First of all, I had no idea we lived in such a police state. And, if those 17 agencies have not been able to prevent or stop such hacking, then they’re doing a remarkably crappy job.
The odds are just as likely that the leaked emails are the result of DNC and Clinton insiders who’ve become disgusted with the corruption in which they find themselves enmeshed. No doubt Seth Rich met his demise because of his determination to put an end to the lawlessness around him.
Chris Wallace actually asked some tough questions of both candidates, but he let Hillary slide on a few while interrupting Mr. Trump on many occasions.
DC insiders all got a case of the vapors when Donald Trump would not commit to accepting the results of the election two and a half weeks before the election. It seems perfectly reasonable for him to withhold judgment, and it also plays strategically to let the Democrats know his team will be on alert to spot any Election Day shenanigans.
Oddly, Mr. Wallace did not pose the same question to Hillary Clinton.
Hillary was busy making a mess of her debate time, with her blatant lie that the Clinton Foundation gives 90% of its donations to charitable initiatives. The real answer, as filed on the Foundation tax return, is 5.7% actually goes to help charities.
Trump scored major points by noting how much Haitians hate the Clintons for their duplicity in raising funds off the tragic earthquake that devastated the island nation. What has happened to $200 million that was supposed to be used to build a hospital that still doesn’t exist?
While she keeps harping on Mr. Trump to release his income tax returns, she’s not challenged on hers. She and Mr. Clinton took a deduction of about $1.5 million in charitable donations. The only problem is that $1 million of it went to the Clinton Foundation.
That’s one hell of a scam when you can get a tax break by giving money to yourself.
Another shocking lie was her claim that partial birth abortions are needed to save the life of the mother, and that a woman must be able to make that choice. In reality, about 13, 000 babies were murdered through partial birth abortion last year.
Are we to believe that 13,000 women got to full term and then found themselves in jeopardy? If so, then we have rampant medical malpractice underway if that many women have their pregnancies so poorly monitored and managed by their doctors. Sorry, that strains credulity.
The Elite Traitor Media have spent much of the last year avoiding serious coverage of Mrs. Clinton’s gross mismanagement of her State Department emails and the threat it posed to national security.
We got one more glance at how cavalierly Hillary handles national security information when she blurted out that there is a four-minute response time in which nuclear weapons can be launched on presidential orders.
Thanks for sharing, Mrs. Clinton. Vladimir Putin has to be pulling for you to win so he can dominate the world thanks to your incompetence and lack of respect for our national security.
When she is willing to provide such information in a cheap and dangerous attempt to win a few votes, you can see what Hillary Clinton is all about. Frankly, it’s pretty damn ugly and disturbing.
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, have no illusions about how destructive another Clinton presidency will be to our economic and national security, not to mention the nation’s morals.
She’s trying to cross the finish line in a blizzard of platitudes, talking about bringing people together. Will that include all of us Deplorables, Catholics, Jews, Basement Dwellers, Law Enforcement and Border Security? Given her burning hatred for all of the above, not bloody likely.
Sorry, Hillary, we have our candidates. We’re coming out in droves to put Donald Trump and Mike Pence in the White House, so together, we all can Make America Great Again!
Thanks for reading. You can jump on the Trump Train at
October 11, 2016
Hillary’s Deceit, Murder & War Crimes in Libya
The Elite Traitor Media are doing the best they can to keep a lid on what really happened at Benghazi and what a total debacle the overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddhafi was.
Of central importance is this question: What right did the United States have to force violent regime change in a country that had become an ally in the War on Terror? The answer is simple – our country has no right to promote regime change. It’s not up to us to determine who gets to rule other countries.
That, in and of itself, shows the international criminality of the Obama Administration in following the disastrous counsel of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
As jihadist rebels revolted against the Libyan government and the country fell into a civil war, there was an opportunity to end the bloodshed. What has remained hidden for far too long is the fact that behind the scenes negotiations with Colonel Gaddhafi by representatives of the United States State Department had resulted in an agreement under which an immediate cease fire would take hold and Gaddhafi would agree to national elections to allow formation of a democratically elected government.
Central to the negotiations was a leading Christian preacher, Dr. Kilari Anand Paul from India, who has a reputation as an international peace ambassador and now is an American citizen. Colonel Gaddhafi had invited Dr. Paul to Libya to work with the U.S. delegation led by retired general Wesley Clark.
The deal was all but sealed when Secretary Clinton rejected it. As a result, the most stable and prosperous nation in Africa continued with a bloody civil war that led to the death of hundreds of thousands and the murder of Gaddhafi.
Clinton was exultant and exuberant at the turn of events, even crowing in a television interview about Gaddhafi’s death: “We came, we saw, he died!”
What kind of sick mind would veto a peace deal that could have salvaged an ally for the United States and led to creation of a democratic government, not to mention save hundreds of thousands of lives?
Those of us on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, do not want such an unstable individual in charge of our government. No one knows the real reason for Clinton’s disastrous decision, other than the fact that Gaddhafi supported Barack Obama over Mrs. Clinton and his family declined to support Hillary’s 2008 presidential bid or give shakedown money to the Clinton Foundation.
After the fall of Gaddhafi, Muslim nations opened their wallets and flooded the Foundation with donations. They could see how amoral and bloodthirsty the Clintons are.
Libya now is an international basket case, overrun by jihadist militants and ISIS. It’s become a staging ground for Radical Islamic Terrorism worldwide.
Now here comes the real bombshell: According to Dr. Paul, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was deeply involved in the peace negotiations that ultimately failed.
Despite Stevens’ hundreds of pleas for security improvements, Hillary Clinton ignored him. Because he was in a position to some day reveal the truth about what happened before the situation spiraled out of control, he represented an enormous threat to Hillary’s presidential ambitions.
Stevens also was well aware that the U.S. Government had been shipping arms to jihadist rebels for use against Gaddhafi, weapons that were being passed along to other Islamist terrorist groups, including ISIS, throughout Syria and the Middle East.
We all know what happens to people who pose a threat to the Clintons. It becomes more and more apparent that the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic mission was in reality a “hit” on Ambassador Stevens.
Hillary shamefully tried to blame the Benghazi attack on a video when she knew full well what really happened. And, we know that our military in the region could have responded, and wanted to respond, but were told to stand down.
The Obama Administration tried the lame excuse that the rescue forces could not have gotten there in time. How did they know how long the siege would last? It lasted long enough for reinforcements to have gotten there to save some of those who died, if not Ambassador Stevens, who was clearly the target of the attack.
Dr. Paul’s account of the peace negotiations is confirmed by former U.S. Congressman and civil rights leader Walter Fauntroy. He was in Libya at the time of the negotiations during the civil war.
Fauntroy claims that he saw Danish and French special forces killing Libyan civilians and rebel fighters in order to blame the atrocities on the Gaddhafi government.
Upon his return, Fauntroy basically disappeared for five years out of fear he would be assassinated for what he knew about the war crimes. Paul fears for his life as well. He was gone on record with the following:
“Any fifth grader would have insisted Clinton’s ‘regime’ change’ at any cost was absurd in the absence of a succession plan and troops on the ground, essentially handing the very strategic territory and its assets over to whoever wanted them most, which not surprisingly turned out to be Islamic terrorists,“ he asserts. “The entire world is paying a high price for her stupidity and horrific decision by further radicalizing the Middle East.”
Commenting on the war crimes that occurred, Dr. Paul said, “The image of the bodies of women and precious children piled high in the streets of Tripoli will haunt me forever – not to mention the millions of others who lost their homes and lives, becoming part of the massive wave of displaced immigrants seeking asylum.”
As America approaches the most significant presidential vote in many generations, it’s incumbent for the truth to come out, and Hillary Clinton’s mental imbalance and horrible war crimes be acknowledged for all to see.
Thanks for reading! Please spread this word as far as you can. We can’t have a warmonger in the White House who will crush anyone who gets in the way of her misguided policies. Time to get abroad the Trump Train if you haven’t already:
We greatly appreciate our foreign visitors in September from such locations as: The Ukraine, Germany, The European Union, Brazil, The Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, The British Indian Ocean Territory, The Russian Federation, Singapore, Belgium, Indonesia, Estonia, Finland, The United Kingdom, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Libya, Tajikistan, Poland, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Canada, Red China, Lithuania and The Seychelles, our highest total yet.
July 22, 2016
Forgotten No More, Thanks to Trump
As he accepted the Republican nomination for President last night, Donald Trump articulated a new message that will resonate across America, to the isolated corners of The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA.
This is where hard-working Americans have been overlooked and scorned by the bicoastal progressive elites and the corrupt Uniparty that has rigged our political system and wrecked the American Dream.
The billionaire businessman laid out a vision of an inclusive America in which the underprivileged will actually have a champion determined to improve their lives and promote greater prosperity.
These excerpts from Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech particularly caught my attention:
“My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now.
“Every day I wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been ignored, neglected and abandoned.
“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade.
“These are the forgotten men and women of our country. People who work hard but no longer have a voice.
“I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good.
“I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.
“When innocent people suffer, because our political system lacks the will, or the courage, or the basic decency to enforce our laws – or worse still, has sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash – I am not able to look the other way.”
He then moved to a powerful closing with this inspirational message:
“I have had a truly great life in business.
“But now, my sole and exclusive mission is to go to work for our country – to go to work for you.
“It’s time to deliver a victory for the American people.
But to do that, we must break free from the petty politics of the past.
“America is a nation of believers, dreamers, and strivers that is being led by a group of censors, critics, and cynics.
“Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight.
“No longer can we rely on those same people in the media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.
“Instead, we must choose to Believe In America.
“History is watching us now. It’s waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion, and if we will show the whole world that America is still free and independent and strong.”
Amen to that! The Trump call to action reminds me of another courageous voice that cut through the clutter of progressive nonsense decades ago – that of Ronald W. Reagan.
The Reagan Revolution brought hope and needed change to America. Now it is Donald Trump’s opportunity to restore our greatness. And it’s our opportunity to get aboard the Trump Train as it crosses this nation carrying a new message of renewed belief in the American Dream for everyone.
Just overnight the Trump campaign has raised more than $4 million online from small donors, many of whom live on The Forgotten Street. You can join in by going to the campaign website at:
For almost a decade, I’ve been writing about The Forgotten Street, hoping to encourage people to fight the evils of progressivism that have created a permanent underclass in our cities and hollowed out small towns across America as the globalists who’ve rigged the system steal our jobs and ruin our educational system.
No greater example of this treachery exists than the Obama/Clinton War on Coal, which has devastated coal-producing communities and deprived Americans of reliable jobs providing a critical domestic energy source.
This deceit has happened simply to enrich the New Robber Barons – the Clinton/Gore cronies who have ripped off the system to fund their phony energy schemes through their climate change hoax.
Already we’ve seen the undeniable proof that both solar and wind energy will never be self-sustaining, and will only exist through government subsidy.
Donald Trump knows the true path to energy independence and prosperity for all our citizens lies in using our God-given natural resources wisely and in an environmentally responsible way. What little economic progress that’s been made during the Obama Administration can only be attributed to the fracking of natural gas from shale in parts of the country that now have a chance for real economic recovery.
Last night, we got a meaningful vision of real hope and change. Let’s embrace the vision voiced by a real leader and patriot, whose love of country has motivated him to give up the extraordinary career and organization he’s built to now serve his fellow Americans.
There’s a new mood on The Forgotten Street. We know Donald Trump has our back and our best interests at heart. That, in and of itself, is a major step toward a brighter future.
The challenges ahead will be formidable because those who oppose Donald Trump want to maintain a crooked status quo that has benefited far too few people. This select elite is amoral and will stop at nothing to cling to their power.
So we need to stand shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump and Mike Pence as they lead us to victory in November. And, we have to pray to Almighty God for their protection and safekeeping.
The Forgotten Street has truly awakened. It and we are ready for business once again. God bless Donald Trump, Mike Pence and their families as they sacrifice so much to give us the leadership we deserve.
Thanks for reading. Stand up for America and stand up for Trump/Pence 2016. Let’s get ready to win again!
America First, Last and Always! Nationalism beats Globalism every day. Let’s send the New World Order crowd packing.
November 2, 2014
Nine Years and Counting
Today marks the beginning of the ninth year of The Forgotten Street. We started with the hope of awakening Americans to the relentless assault on traditional American values by the alleged progressives, a civilized name for communists.
As we begin our ninth year of trying to combat the treacherous lies perpetrated by so many of our alleged leaders and the Elite Traitor Media, aided and abetted by the fifth column in academia, Protestant churches and social organizations, we are committed to redoubling our efforts to reclaim the heart of America to traditional values and what made America great.
Our attempt to progress has been impeded by serious illness, which through the grace of God we have overcome despite all odds, and the necessity of making a living as opposed to becoming a ward øf the State, which all too many Americans seem willing to do.
Well, I have some very bad news for the Progressive secularists and atheists who are hell bent on destroying the America we love so dearly. You are going to fail miserably because I have assembled a chronology of treachery and evil that will totally decimate 20th Century history as you know it.
Some of the biggest names in history from both political parties will be revealed for the traitors they are and how they have facilitated the demise of the American Dream.
This effort has not gone unnoticed in an era when there is no privacy and all computers can be hacked. Hack away, because the truth is going to be revealed whether they like it of not.
I will not be dissuaded, even though I’ve had two attempts øn my life to date. The non-computerized records are available and will be accessible to those who want to carry the fight.
It’s a fight to which I am totally committed, and have every expectation of success, God willing. The gloves are off and the truth is coming.
That’s The View from the Bridge. So buckle up your seat belts for 2015. We have a rough road ahead. Jack Hawkins
November 22, 2013
Fifty Years Later, The Shock Remains
November 22, 1963, was a day that marked the lives of many Americans still alive today. Even 50 years after the brutal murder of President John F. Kennedy, I still feel the shock and sadness that hit that day, leaving a nation bewildered, one that would never be the same.
Our President had been killed.
As a high school sophomore in social studies class on that fateful Friday, I sat numb with my classmates as the principal came over the loudspeaker to announce that the President had been shot in Dallas.
Soon the radio reports played over the loudspeaker. When the news came that the President had died, we all bowed our heads in disbelief.
Today I still have the indelible image of our beloved teacher, who also served as the basketball coach, with tears streaming from his eyes. To see this man’s man, a role model we all wanted to follow, in such agony and sadness was more than we could take.
The principal came back on to let us know that school was dismissed and we could go home. Home was the place to be that day, to find comfort from parents and some degree of sanity in a world gone mad.
What followed were days glued to the television watching the solemn events and state funeral, and then watching in more disbelief as Jack Ruby murdered Lee Harvey Oswald before our very eyes.
What made it all seem so unreal was that I had seen President Kennedy a little over a year before on October 12, 1962. He was the first President I’d ever seen in person as his motorcade passed along the Ohio River Boulevard on its way to Pittsburgh from a speech he'd given to steelworkers in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.
Even at a distance looking across the highway as he sped by, it was a thrill to see him waving to the people lined up along the route.
JFK was gone from our lives, but he would cross my path in other ways as years went on.
In the mid 1970’s, my wife and I moved to Washington D.C. area as I got a job as assistant information director with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). My wife later got a job just a few blocks away so we could meet for lunch.
We spent some of those lunch times at Noon Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, where President Kennedy’s funeral Mass had been held. Right off the altar is a marker on the spot where his casket was placed.
My boss at NWF was a retired newsman named Chuck Roberts, who had been the White House Correspondent for Newsweek during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations.
Chuck was in Dallas on November 22, 1963, with the press pool covering JFK’s trip. As fate would have it, he was selected along with Merriman Smith of United Press International (UPI) to be in the cabin on Air Force One to witness Lyndon Johnson taking the oath of office as the new President.
So whenever I see that photo from the ceremony I see Chuck in the doorway looking on. I think of him fondly, appreciating the time he spent telling tales from his Newsweek days, and how his editing made me a better writer.
Having lived in Alexandria, Virginia, many years later, I recall often driving over the Memorial Bridge on the way home after an event in the District, and seeing JFK’s eternal flame burning on the hillside above Arlington Cemetery.
Some may disagree about JFK’s effectiveness as President, but there can be no denying his staunch patriotism, his burning love of his country, his incredible courage in the face of global challenges and personal illness, and his constant desire to appeal to the better angels in all of us.
His Inaugural Address was beyond magnificent, and today we should take to heart the challenge he issued to the American people:
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
He would be broken-hearted to see how far America has degenerated into a socialist society that scorns the work ethic.
Controversy remains about the assassination, and the Warren Commission Report. I will limit my comments to this:
The Warren Report is beyond preposterous. The Commission was given a premise to work with: Lone nut gunman. They shoehorned testimony and evidence to make it all fit into a neat package.
Unfortunately, the physical evidence is overpowering that President Kennedy was gunned down by multiple shooters in a crossfire. Who and why remain the issues, but the pieces of the puzzle are all there waiting to be put together.
There remain those who continue to assassinate President Kennedy’s character, hoping people will no longer care about him, his legacy and what he meant to our country. That way, the pressure to solve the puzzle will subside as more of us who were so strongly affected die off.
It’s a puzzle I believe can, and will, be solved in the near future. I fully intend to play a part in that solution.
That’s the View from the Bridge today. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a rare individual who rekindled the American spirit and challenged us to be better people. May God always have mercy on his soul.
August 25, 2013
The Abject Failure Named Hillary Clinton
While Democrat partisans giddily tout Hillary Rodham Clinton as the putative Democrat nominee for President in 2016, one undeniable fact stands out:
Hillary’s public life is a monument to incompetence and failure that should easily disqualify her for the Presidency.
When you look at the record, you can’t help but be struck by her ineptitude. Is she the best the Democrats can field? Why is it that the Democrat Party is so devoid of younger, up-and-coming leaders? Where are the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Bobby Jindal of the Democrats?
Instead, you have the Geritol brigade in charge: Hillary and Vice President Joe Biden are the only viable candidates at this point, and the Democrats are led in Congress by Harry Reid, a charlatan of the first order, and Nancy Pelosi, the Aunt Bethany of American politics. Among this crew, Mr. Biden stands head and shoulders above them, which tells you how dire the Democrat plight really is.
But back to the stunningly incompetent Ms. Clinton.
She certainly has assembled a strong resume that would look good on a college application. But truth be told, her stature today is owed directly to the fact that she married William Jefferson Clinton and rode his coattails as hard as possible.
Consider these stumbles along her road well-traveled:
Getting neck deep in the Whitewater land scandal in Arkansas, but escaping prosecution because of political influence;
As a partner at the Rose law firm in Little Rock, trying to hide billing records that would show questionable practices;
Watching the cover-up and whitewash of the mysterious death of White House counsel and close family friend, Vince Foster;
Presiding over the failed effort to pass health care reform in 1994 while alienating everyone who tried to deal with her constructively, including leading insurance executives whom she cursed out in meetings;
Taking the vaunted Clinton electoral machine to a humiliating defeat by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential primaries, demonstrating her lack of executive ability to run a campaign that should have been a cakewalk;
Failing miserably to reset relations with Russia as her first initiative as Secretary of State, and then being outflanked at every turn by Vladimir Putin;
Presiding over the disastrous Middle East policy that resulted in the overthrow of stable regimes in Egypt and Libya that worked with the United States to combat terrorism, and watching those nations descend into chaos;
Trying to blame the assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens at Benghazi on an obscure video, and then repeating the bald-faced lie in front of the coffins of Stevens and his three other murdered colleagues;
Denying her ineptitude in ignoring the repeated requests from Stevens and others for enhanced security measures;
- Continuing her world tour on taxpayer dollars while Syria erupted in civil war and she advocated arming rebels that include Al Qaeda.
This is the record of a purported candidate for President? How nuts is that? The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, knows she is no friend of liberty and freedom. She is simply an elitist with contempt for those of us who love our country and our God.
In reply, I’m sure Ms. Clinton would shriek, “At this point, what difference does it make?” In her lust for power, she already has latched onto race baiting and the phony voter ID issue as a way to further polarize Americans, not an auspicious start to her campaign for higher office.
It makes a big difference. The United States of America should not be a country that rewards failure and incompetence of this magnitude with the highest office in the land.
That’s the View from the Bridge tonight. The elites continue to slobber over Hillary and kiss her ring, but she already demonstrated in 2008 that she is eminently beatable.
Our best wishes to our foreign visitors in July from such nations as: The Ukraine, Red China, Germany, The Czech Republic, The United Kingdom, Australia, The Russian Federation, The Netherlands, Canada, Brazil, Poland, Italy, Vietnam, Denmark, Greece, India, Japan, Thailand, Turkey, France and Switzerland.
Father’s Day, 2013
Take Time to Honor the True Father
Father’s Day is America’s annual observance to honor Dads, prompting a wave of sentimental memories and a rush of income for Hallmark. It’s all well and good, but today I’d like to offer another perspective on Father’s Day.
Today, as well as every day, is a time to remember Our Father Who Art in Heaven.
The gift of life and the natural freedoms bestowed by Our Creator are memorialized by America’s Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
The Founders followed up with the creation of the U.S. Constitution, which includes the Bill of Rights.
The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights further defends the liberty discussed in the Declaration:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.”
On this Father’s Day, our unalienable rights are under assault by a bipartisan coalition of statists who only want to make an oppressive Federal bureaucracy larger and more intrusive.
The NSA snooping and the IRS intimidation of innocent Americans are a contemptible affront to the will and intent of the Founding Fathers.
As an avid reader and seeker of wisdom from the King James version of the Holy Bible, I came across this passage in Proverbs Six that rings especially true in light of current events:
“These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination under him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
Does that passage call anyone in particular to mind? It certainly reminds us of the recent perfidy around the events in Benghazi, the deliberate attacks on Roman Catholics in the Affordable Care Act, the IRS persecution of conservative donors and the Tea Party, the arrogance of public officials who think they are above the law and those who show no regard whatsoever for the Constitution.
On this Father’s Day, take Our Father’s words to heart about the seven things He sees as evil and abominable. We face perilous times as the Middle East edges closer to all-out war and rogue states continue to arm with nuclear weapons. Our economy remains in shambles as millions give up on the hope of ever finding work, and the President ignores Congress while committing American arms and lives to insurgents worse than those they would replace.
It’s time for good people on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, to stand strong against the evil around us and to defend our endangered freedoms from a government that wants total control of our lives at the expense of our privacy and liberty.
Like the moronic Kabuki dance that the TSA conducts at airports daily, the NSA collection of emails and phone calls will not stop events like the Boston Marathon bombing. Human intelligence, gathered on those most likely to do us harm, is the best line of defense against jihadism.
That’s the View From the Bridge today. The benefits that the Internet have provided contain the seeds of destruction for our Republic. Our strongest defense rests with our Father who hears our prayers. We need Him more than ever.
May 29, 2013
The Second Assassination of JFK
Today marks the 96th anniversary of the birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, a visionary leader whose life was cut short by traitors.
Those of us who can remember where we were on the early afternoon of November 22, 1963, remember it as a seminal event in our lives. Now, almost 50 years later, we are outraged that the treasonous lies of the ridiculous Warren Commission Report on his death have obscured the truth and led to the continued assassination of JFK, whose character continues to be impugned by Prog-Lib-Commie traitors.
Recent news reports focus on JFK’s character flaws, such as his infidelity, but also continue scurrilous lies that academic frauds who call themselves historians have failed to correct.
One of the most severe criticisms of the Kennedy presidency is the Bay of Pigs operation against the Castro regime in Cuba. For decades, JFK has been taken to task to calling off critical air strikes against Castro’s air force.
It’s all a damn lie that can be easily proven. President Kennedy issued orders at 1:45 p.m. to release B-26 bombers in Nicaragua to carry out a dawn air strike to destroy Castro’s T-33 jets.
That order was countermanded by National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy, without President Kennedy’s knowledge at 9:30 p.m. He called General Charles Cabell and directed that he cancel the air strike. The bombers never took off and the anti-Castro invader brigade was left to die on the beach. JFK took the blame for this operational failure, and it may have played a role in his death.
Bundy was never held accountable for his treasonous actions, and as time will no doubt show, his treachery later revealed its evil hand in the murder of a beloved President.
John Kennedy was a war hero in World War II, a committed patriot and staunch anti-Communist. This earned him the enmity of a growing wing of Prog-Lib-Commies in the Democrat Party who tried to deny him the presidential nomination in 1960 but failed.
As the youngest President ever elected, JFK electrified the nation with his youth, charisma and vision. His call to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade of the 1960s unleashed the greatest period of scientific advancement in human history.
His courage in staring down the Soviet Union in the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and then reaching out a peaceful hand to Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev launched a true opportunity to reshape the Cold War.
But the events in Dallas in November 1963 washed all that away. Since then we have been treated to a steady drumbeat of character assassination of JFK with salacious exaggerations about his personal life.
Why? Simple. JFK was the last Democrat to embrace national security, fiscal responsibility and American exceptionalism. If he were alive today, he’d probably be a Republican. He was an extraordinary leader whose love of country was unchallenged, whose commitment to public service was unmatched and whose promise for the future was snuffed out by traitors within the American government.
Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John F. Kennedy. That can be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt. And, we are the poorer for not demanding the truth.
JFK was the first President I saw live as his motorcade traveled the Ohio River Boulevard through my native Sewickley, Pennsylvania on his way to Pittsburgh. It was a day I will never forget, just as I will never forget, or forgive, November 22, 1963.
That’s the View from the Bridge tonight. Your humble correspondent has much more to discuss on this topic. It is making many people uncomfortable.
April 6, 2013
Prayers For A Beloved Uncle
I humbly ask all of my friends on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, to pray for a much beloved uncle who is on his deathbed.
He has lived a very full and interesting life, but now he is plagued by a series of ailments destroying his once hardy body. Compounding the problem are financial woes caused by greedy family members and a major disagreement among his caregivers over the proper course of treatment.
Among the illnesses Unc suffers is a parasitic infection that cannot be contained as it spreads through his body and attacks vital organs. The doctors argue over whether or not the parasites have invaded from the outside or whether once benign internal parasites have now become a malignant curse.
The doctors advocating a medically progressive approach made the monumental blunder of thinking they could introduce parasites to his system that would attack the parasites infecting Unc and turn his condition around.
How wrong they were! He now has double the infection eating him alive. Their progressive nostrums have proven nearly fatal and virtually destroyed his finances.
As this dire situation unfolds, Unc also is plagued by uncaring family members who have looted his once considerable wealth and devastated his financial condition to the point of his now being bankrupt.
The entire situation is a true tragedy. My uncle was once renowned for his generosity and willingness to help others, both neighbors and virtual strangers. He is a profoundly religious man whose heart is broken by the secular progressivism that has eroded traditional values and made those who share his outlook the objects of hatred and scorn by much of society.
Younger members of the medical staff, the residents and even interns, offer other treatment solutions to reinforce my Uncle’s one strong constitution. They keep getting rebuffed by the older docs who think Unc’s constitution is not strong enough for him to rally and survive.
We’ve reached the point where prayer may be our only hope. So again, I humbly ask your prayers and support for a truly beloved Uncle whose life has been a shining example for all to see. With your support, we can make a medical miracle happen.
In your prayers, please remember my Uncle. His name is Sam.
That’s the View from the Bridge today. How I wish old Doc Reagan was around to help us. He always offered the right prescription when we needed it.
January 25, 2013
The Black Holocaust Continues Unabated
Today in Washington D.C., more than a half million (500,000+) concerned Americans marched in the Annual March For Life rally.
If you are a devotee of the Elite Traitor Commie Media, you would never know that. Since the abominable Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision 40 years ago, pro-life Americans have descended upon our nation’s capital to encourage lawmakers to take steps to protect the unborn.
The media is so far in the tank to promote Black Genocide, which is what abortion is all about, that the Associated Press has issued guidelines to not refer to those who oppose Roe v. Wade as pro-life, but as opponents of the Court decision.
That tells you all you need to know about how worthless and despicable the Associated Press is as an alleged news organization.
Americans need to know and face the truth: those who support unlimited abortion rights are racists of the first order: today more than 35 percent of abortions are black babies, even though only 13.6 percent of the overall population are black.
That means out of the 55 million babies who have been slaughtered since the Roe v. Wade decision, more than 20 million have been black, which equals almost half of the current population of black Americans and more than three times the Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
My God, America, how long can we let Satan continue this atrocity!
Abortion was the brainchild of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, whose original goal was to eliminate the Negro population and those with developmental disabilities or what she called “mental defectives.”
Margaret Sanger, who Hillary Clinton cites as one of her heroes, was the single most evil American who ever lived. Her twisted and sick ideas on eugenics are what inspired Adolf Hitler to kill the Jews in the Holocaust.
Margaret Sanger was Satan’s ultimate whore, and her disgusting and perverted legacy guides Planned Parenthood today in eradicating the black population in America.
Abortion is the ultimate form of racism, and those who support it, are champions of Satanism, either knowingly or unwittingly. It is the single greatest abomination against God, who gave us the precious gift of life to promulgate and protect.
As we have said so many times before on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, abortion is the defining moral stain on America, much worse than slavery.
Tonight, with the heaviest of hearts for the many millions of innocents slaughtered, that’s the View from the Bridge tonight.
December 30, 2012
TFS Book of the Year a Real Mindblower
As more American, British and Soviet archives from the Cold War era open up, researchers can define more clearly the true history of the run-up to World War II, its prosecution and aftermath.
Noted Cold War experts M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein have released what The Forgotten Street names as its Book of the Year for 2012: Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government.
Evans and Romerstein thoroughly document how Soviet agents penetrated the U.S. government during the 1930’s, gaining positions of influence that allowed them to shape American policies that favored the interests of Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union.
What is especially shocking about these revelations is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt turned a blind eye to the infiltration because of his desire to win Stalin’s favor for a post-war creation of the United Nations.
We’ve all seen how well that has worked out. The U.N. may be the single greatest threat to American sovereignty in history.
The authors don’t shrink from naming names of the infamous Stalinist henchmen who put Soviet interests ahead of the best policies for the USA. Of course, the treasonous Alger Hiss is among the core cadre of subversives.
Others in the top echelon include FDR’s right-hand man, Harry Hopkins, White House aide Lauchlin Currie and Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White. Each played a critical role in shaping policies that FDR embraced to the world’s detriment.
Much of the research relies on the Venona decrypts compiled by the U.S. Army Signal Corps during the 1940’s. Venona was the code name given to the operation that intercepted encrypted messages between Soviet intelligence officials in the KGB and GRU (Soviet Army intelligence) and their agents in America.
This material was not made public until 1995, and researchers continue to plow through the many thousands of messages to learn more. Romerstein, who once headed the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation at the U.S. Information Agency from 1983 to 1989, has blazed the trail in uncovering the depth of the treachery from within our government.
The book focuses intently on the Big Three meetings among Stalin, Winston Churchill and FDR at Teheran and Yalta. It is abundantly clear that FDR was in failing health and much of the decision-making fell to trusted aides like Hopkins and Hiss, who in fact were working to advance the Stalinist agenda.
Evans and Romerstein make it clear that the penetration continued in the Truman Administration upon Roosevelt’s death, as many of the subversives remained in their government positions. We are talking about hundreds of individuals placed in critical positions throughout U.S. agencies.
Also revealed is more about the proposed plan by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau to destroy Germany’s industrial capability after the war and turn that nation into an agrarian society that likely would have been unable to feed itself. With the traitor White’s encouragement, Morgenthau embraced a plan that would have made him a war criminal.
There is so much more in Stalin’s Secret Agents that is highly disturbing, given the tendency of the Prog-Lib-Commies who run our major institutions to keep turning a blind eye to the most shameful period of betrayal in American history.
What really comes through loud and clear is that Senator Joseph McCarthy, painted as the most hated man in recent history by the alleged conventional wisdom, is being vindicated through real scholarship that proves he was 100 percent right in his crusade to expose the Communist infiltration and penetration of the American government.
There is much more truth to surface about Joseph McCarthy, a great patriot who tried to change American policy for the better, as well as the evil forces that thwarted and destroyed him. It will be revealed in the year ahead.
Run, don’t walk, to get your copy of a history that reads like a thriller: Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of the Roosevelt Government. It was published by Threshold Books of Simon and Schuster. Start the New Year off right by learning the real history that has been covered up far too long.
That’s the View from the Bridge tonight. Happy New Year everyone! It’s up to us to make it that way.
Thanksgiving Day, 2012
The Wisdom of George Washington Endures
The United States began its observance of Thanksgiving under the leadership of our first and greatest President, George Washington. Consider these words from the first Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1789:
“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to ‘recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.’
“Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation…”
The opening words of his proclamation prove conclusively that the Founders were religious people who believed our rights come naturally from God and are inalienable.
Now, we on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, find ourselves, 223 years later, fighting the secularists who want to eradicate God from the public square, community events and our schools. Clearly a nation founded on a strong belief in God must do all it can to keep the religious nature of Thanksgiving alive by openly and publicly giving thanks for the many blessings that have come upon the United States of America.
The bigoted, extreme atheists who want to deny us our rights need to be fought tooth and nail until they are consigned to the Hell they deserve,
As we gather today with family, friends and neighbors, let us have a firm resolve to count our many blessings and remember those who are far from home defending the freedoms we are trying so hard to preserve for their benefit upon their return from dangerous parts of the world.
Let us also pray for the victims of Hurricane Sandy who have lost their homes and those who are still without power, heat or any trace of meaningful assistance from a Federal government that seems more intent on photos ops than action.
Another observance today
As we gather for Thanksgiving, those of us who remember where we were 49 years ago today have never forgotten the shock and horror of November 22, 1963: the brutal assassination of our President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
The murder was carefully planned and executed with military-like precision. And, the truth was whitewashed by the Warren Commission, whose conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing President Kennedy has been proven ludicrous.
As we near the 50th anniversary of this atrocity, we must resolve that the truth shall be uncovered and those who committed this heinous crime against America should be held accountable in the historical record. Given the passage of time, those responsible no doubt are burning in Hell.
We must remember President Kennedy as a great patriot, a true war hero, a man whose love for our country was limitless, a leader who appealed to our better angels and reminded us to “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
If only our fellow citizens would take those words to heart today. Shamefully, his own Democrat party doesn’t.
His courage in handling the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 was incredible, and his call to land men on the moon moved our nation to an era of unparalleled scientific achievement.
The most extreme of the Prog-Lib-Commies keep up their barrage of character assassination with sordid tales of President Kennedy’s personal life, some likely true, others grossly exaggerated to tarnish him so there will be no demand for the truth of his death.
Today I give thanks for the good JFK did for our country and his call for Americans to serve their fellow citizens and keep America a shining beacon of freedom.
Finally, it’s only fitting to recall the Thanksgiving words of our second greatest President, Ronald Wilson Reagan, from his first Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1981:
“Let us recommit ourselves to that devotion to God and family that has played such an important role in making this a great Nation, and which will be needed as a source of strength if we are to remain a great people.”
From The Forgotten Street, “Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless you all with His merciful Bounty and everlasting Grace!”

August 27, 2012
Where Is the Next Neil Armstrong?
The death of Neil Armstrong this week leaves a void of true American heroes who represent the very best of American exceptionalism.
The humble Ohioan had the most daunting mission ever undertaken in human history. He met the challenge with courage and grace. To his credit, he never sought to capitalize on it in ways that would bring shame to him or his country.
The death of Neil Armstrong struck a particular chord with me. It comes at a time when The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, is suffering from the incompetence of an American government and the two major political parties in the run-up to a national election. What is lacking is the vision and commitment to make sure America leads the world in critical arenas.
When Neil Armstrong stepped off the lunar module onto the surface of the moon, it was an event that galvanized America’s spirit and pride. Like those who watched breathlessly on television, I was awestruck by the incredible achievement it represented.
The lunar landing was the ultimate tribute to the greatness and vision of President John F. Kennedy, who in a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961, first threw down the challenge to make sure America would be the first to land on the moon.
As the nation moved forward on the exciting project, he traveled to Rice University in Houston on September 9, 1962, to further explain the rationale for the lunar project and to rally a nation to the cause.
President Kennedy’s speech, “We Choose to Go to the Moon,” is simply one of the greatest speeches ever given by an American president. He summed up the vision and patriotism that motivated his presidency before he was murdered by traitors who threw their lot in with our deepest enemies. Get ready, America, I have the truth coming.
At Rice on that blistering hot September day, President Kennedy said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and to the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”
He continued, “Well, space is there, and we’re going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God’s blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.”
Contrast that vision with the limp-wristed, defeatist hand-wringing we hear from the White House today.
John Kennedy did not live to see man step on the moon. But so many of his fellow citizens did, including my beloved octogenarian grandmother, Mary Hankinson Hawkins, who was born on a rice plantation in South Carolina in the 1880’s before the invention of electricity, the radio, the airplane, the automobile and television. She was more awestruck than any of us.
Richard Nixon was President of the United States when Neil Armstrong took his epic step, saying, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
President Nixon placed a phone call from the Oval Office in the White House to astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in the lunar module sitting in the Sea on Tranquility on the surface of the moon.
Here is what he said:
“Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House. And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made. I just can’t tell you how proud we all are of what you …for every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives. And for the people all over the world, I am sure they, too, join with Americans, in recognizing what a feat this is. Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man’s world. As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to double our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth. For one priceless moment, in the whole history of man, all the people on earth are truly one. One in their pride in what you have done. And one in our prayers, that you will return safely to earth.”
In his typical humility, Neil Armstrong responded to President Nixon, “Thank you, Mr. President. It’s a great honor and privilege for us to be here representing not only the United States but men of peace of all nations. And with interest and a curiosity and a vision for the future. It’s a honor for us to be able to participate here today.”
I watched the story unfold as a Midshipman on a training cruise in the Atlantic Ocean on the aircraft carrier, USS Independence. Along with my shipmates, my heart swelled with pride and gratitude. Unfortunately, I did not pursue a naval career because of the political turbulence of the time. On that cruise, I did take part in one of the most amazing missions in modern history that remains classified to this day.
Today let us celebrate the life and example of Neil Armstrong as the ultimate product of The Forgotten Street, Main Street, USA. I pray all of us who share those values are mentoring today’s youth from which will come our new Neil Armstrong.
May God embrace our beloved hero and patriot in His loving arms for a life well lived and a job well done.
Thanks for reading! Always remember, it’s a great day to be an American! As a boy, I was thrilled by the space program and all it represented. It is a shame that Barack Obama and the Congress have abdicated the mission embraced by Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.
Independence Day, 2012
Why America’s Exceptionalism Matters
This year Independence Day marks a very bittersweet moment in America’s life as a nation. At a time when Americans of all beliefs should be on their knees thanking Our Creator for inspiring our Founding Fathers, our nation faces perhaps its greatest peril in our 236-year history as a free nation.
The federal government is financially and morally bankrupt under the leadership of lying frauds, our economy has entered a true depression, far too many Americans have given up hope of ever working again, an equally large number of Americans have allowed themselves to become wards of the state, our culture has devolved into a sordid mess and major businesses as well as financial institutions are being systematically looted by a new class of corporate thieves who make the robber barons of the past look philanthropic.
Today is a day for Americans to re-read The Declaration of Independence that the 13 British colonies passed in 1776. The words still inspire and point the way forward for an America desperately in need of rediscovering its roots. Take time to take this to heart:
“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Today we have a political system with two major political parties that have, in fact, degenerated into one large party of the Washington ruling class, all committed to an ever-enlarging central government.
After a successful revolution and freedom from Great Britain, the Founders created a federalist system in which the thirteen states would operate as sovereign entities, surrendering only very limited powers to the national government. In the Declaration, the signers described the states this way:
“… as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”
Consider the caliber, character and courage of the men who signed this Declaration, knowing they would become marked men who could lose everything. They are among the most exceptional leaders in human history. I deeply resent how the progressive government school system untruthfully derides them as slave-owning white men. We will never see leaders of their stature again.
Contrast them with the clueless mediocrities infesting and destroying our government now. The government has no operating budget, it continues to outspend its revenues at an astonishing pace and it places more mandates and burdens on states that jeopardize their solvency.
The DC elite have given up all pretense of representing the people, thumbing their noses at the concept of “the consent of the governed” by passing monstrosities like the Affordable Care Act, which a majority of Americans want to go away before the IRS becomes an even more intrusive factor in our daily lives.
The Fourth of July has traditionally been a festive occasion for The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA. Local parades, exciting fireworks displays, neighborhood cookouts and time at the beach or pool make it a great holiday that should help remind us of how exceptional our Founders were in creating a country that has been a shining beacon for freedom throughout the world and the single greatest force for good in human history.
History is full of great challenges that test the character of nations and peoples. Our test is now. Those of us on The Forgotten Street, who still feel a lump in our throats when we hear the Star-Spangled Banner, and whose hearts beat with pride when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, must answer the clarion call to reclaim the heart of America, to reaffirm our traditional values and to eradicate the cancer of progressivism that is destroying America.
Thanks for reading! Always remember, it is a great day to be an American as long as we stand up for America’s exceptionalism.
Ronald Reagan Quote of the Day: “The real American idea is not that every man shall be on a level with every other, but that every man shall have the liberty without hindrance to be what God made him. The office of government is not to confer happiness but to give men the opportunity to work out happiness for themselves.”
December 8, 2011
Obama’s No Socialist. He’s a Peronist.
Critics of President Barack Obama have gone too far in trying to paint him as a socialist. Truth be told, he is no socialist, but he is a Peronist, which is much more dangerous for the United States of America.
Obama is clearly fascistic in his political orientation. For far too long, the Prog-Lib-Commies have tried to associate fascism with far right politics, as in “right-wing Nazis.”
But the facts are otherwise. The Nazis in Germany were not “right-wing.” They were National Socialists. So fascism is aligned with statism and the concentration of power in a strong central government.
Barack Obama most closely resembles Juan Peron in Argentina. Although he came from a military background, Peron was a populist who tried to pit the masses against the establishment. He aligned himself with the labor unions, he nationalized major industries and he espoused anti-clericalism. Is that striking a familiar chord?
Much like Hugo Chavez in today’s Venezuela, whom Obama has publicly embraced as “mi amigo,” Juan Peron nationalized the broadcasting system, centralized unions under his control and persecuted opposing politicians and journalists.
In contrast, Obama has co-opted the Elite Traitor Media into serving as his court stenographers, relied on unions to intimidate opponents and demonized those who oppose him.
Mr. Obama has expressed his admiration for authoritarian regimes like Red China, and clearly he chafes under the traditional freedoms of the American republic.
Peronism was built on a cult of personality, which the Lyin’ King has tried to emulate. His embrace of the Occupy Wall Street movement shows his desire to try a populist approach to sway public opinion and win re-election.
In that sense, Barack Obama is trying to become the Kingfish, another Huey Long who inflames the masses with populist rhetoric, even at the expense of dangerously undermining the republic and abandoning the principle that the President of the United States is the representative of all the people, even those who did not vote for him.
Obama’s desire for a state-directed, regulated economy represents the height of fascism and Peronism. He wants state enterprise to control what was once private enterprise. His recent speech in Kansas displayed his complete disdain and contempt for the private enterprise system that made the United States the leading nation in the world.
As we get closer to the primary and caucus season, when GOP votes begin to have true meaning, we must consider which candidate can provide the most compelling alternative to the would-be Peron in the White House.
Thanks for reading! Always remember, it’s a great day to be an American and to repudiate the nascent fascism that Obama and the Democrats represent!
Ronald Reagan Centennial Quote of the Day:
"I am convinced that today the majority of Americans wants what those first Americans wanted. A better life for themselves and their children; a minimum of government authority. Very simply they want to be left alone in peace and safety to take care of the family by earning an honest dollar and putting away some savings." July 6, 1976
September 11, 2011
Not a Tragedy, A Savage Atrocity
Looking back 10 years on the events of September 11, 2001, I cannot accept calling the terrorist attacks on our nation a “tragedy’ or “tragic events.” They were savage atrocities committed by sub-humans consumed by evil.
Labeling 9/11 a tragedy diminishes the sheer evil and ruthless premeditation that went into these crimes of war. Unfortunately there are people who believe that somehow America brought this mindless murder on itself, racist demagogues like Rev. Jeremiah Wright who crowed about “America’s chickens coming home to roost.”
We have far too many of the Prog-Lib-Comm crowd who blame America first and want to see the United States taken down a notch or two. But we sure as hell shouldn’t behave like victims and apologize for wanting to defend ourselves from the savages in the world around us.
We also have a politically correct knucklehead like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who has desecrated the 10-year observance at Ground Zero by excluding clergy and the city’s firefighters. Does he believe that Americans want to shun God and ignore the 343 brave first responders who gave their lives in the service of their fellow citizens? He is a disgrace and thoroughly despicable human being.
For me this day brings a flood of memories, some all too painful and searing. Living in Alexandria, Virginia at the time, I was alerted to the unfolding events by a phone call at my office in Maryland from my wife, who had been called by our daughter.
While on the phone that morning, she heard a loud explosion. It was American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. We subsequently learned that one of her coworkers and a very dear friend of ours was on that flight. She called me to tell me the sad news. I immediately broke down and finally left to come home and be with her.
No one tells the story of the impact of September 11 better than my wife did on the fifth anniversary in this special article on The Forgotten Street, Proud To Be American. Read it and absorb all that she says. No one ever said it better.
What ordinarily was a 45-minute ride turned into a four-hour journey as the greater Washington area was thrown into chaos, not knowing if more aircraft were on their way to carry out another deadly mission.
My usual route on the George Washington Parkway, which would take me past the CIA and the Pentagon, was blocked at the entrance by a U.S. Army armored personnel vehicle, flanked by soldiers with machine guns.
I meandered my way through local roads in northern Virginia until I finally got on a road that took me within view of the still burning Pentagon. Overwhelmed, knowing our dear friend M.J. along with other passengers and crew had met a horrible demise there, I somehow steered my way through wracking sobs to get home.
When I parked in front of our townhouse in Old Town and stepped out of the car, the burning smell from the Pentagon assaulted me. That night, as we held each other in bed, not knowing what coming days would bring, we heard the sound of fighter jets patrolling the skies overhead. The Combat Air Patrol (CAP) would last for several weeks, bringing us a reassuring sound overhead, yet one that reminded us of the horror that happened on September 11.
Now ten years later we still deal with the fallout from September 11, as brave men and women in uniform risk their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq trying to root out and defeat crazed Islamists who want to subjugate those who don’t share their twisted beliefs.
We also face committed terrorists within our borders seeking to carry out murderous acts to undermine our society. Through superior intelligence and eternal vigilance we hope to defeat them. But only through constant prayer, firm belief in American ideals and unshaken faith in God can we succeed.
Finally, no remembrance of September 11 would be complete without a note of deep gratitude and thanks for the courageous leadership of President George W. Bush in bringing our nation together in a time of overpowering grief and setting our government on a course that would keep us secure since. He was the rock and inspiration we needed.
He still fills that needed role. His speech in Shanksville at the dedication of the Flight 93 Memorial was magnificent, one of the greatest speeches ever given by an American President.
Thanks for reading! Always remember, it’s a great day to be an American and today is a day to again pray for the souls of the innocent who lost their lives ten years ago and those who have since given their lives to prevent such a day from happening again.
Let’s remember this wisdom from President John F. Kennedy: “There can be only one possible defense policy for the United States. It can be expressed in one word -- the word is first. I do not mean first when, I don’t mean first if, I mean first, period.”
Well said by a great American whom the Prog-Lib-Comms continue to assassinate.
“There is Purpose and Worth to Each and Every Life”
Seven years ago today came the sad but not unexpected news that Ronald Wilson Reagan’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease had ended. With his passing came the comforting realization that one of history’s giants had gone to his well-earned reward in the loving arms of Almighty God.
As more time passes since President Reagan left the land he so dearly loved, his legacy continues to grow as one of our country’s greatest Presidents and a political leader whose vision could restore our troubled land once again.
Ronald Reagan was, and today remains, my political hero. His greatness is exceeded by only one other American, George Washington, the Father of our Country. Ronald Reagan came out of America’s heartland, what I call The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA.
He truly lived the American dream, rising from humble roots to become a beloved Hollywood star, a courageous union leader who fought Communism, a leading figure in television and finally the political leader who restored conservative values and led the world to triumph in the Cold War, first as Governor of California and then as our 40th President.
In doing so, he breathed new life into the Republican Party and brought a generation of conservative leaders and voters into American politics.
At the time of his death, my wife and I were living in the Washington D.C. area. We fulfilled a promise we’d made to pay tribute to Ronald Reagan at the time of his death. You can read my remembrance of that time in a special article, June 5, 2004. It still brings tears to my eyes as I recall one of the most remarkable days in my life.
Those of us who cherished Ronald Reagan and all he stood for can help build his legacy and ensure that new generations of Americans learn of his vision for our country. You can do that by supporting Young America’s Foundation (, the non-profit organization that saved the Reagan Ranch, Rancho del Cielo, located in the Santa Ynez mountains near Santa Barbara. The Foundation sponsors educational conferences for high school and college students. It brings speakers to college campuses to help students learn about conservative values in what is often a hostile environment for those ideas.
My wife Dottie and I have been fortunate in our life to support Young America’s Foundation and enjoy visits to Rancho del Cielo. We’ve been more fortunate to share 40 years of marriage, which we celebrate today. Through triumph and near-tragedies, we’ve endured because of our shared values and love for each other, and our desire to do what is right. Clearly on June 5, 1971, I did the smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Here is a shot of Dottie and me at the Freedom Wall at the Reagan Ranch.

We urge you to also visit and support The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library ( in Simi Valley, California, where a museum houses an incredible display of memorabilia from President Reagan’s life, including the Air Force One airplane he flew in as President. The Library is also where President Reagan is buried, with these inspirational words on his final resting place: “I know in my heart that man is good, what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.”
Today we honor the purpose and worth in Ronald Reagan’s life and thank Almighty God for sharing The Gipper with us.
Thanks for reading! Always remember, it’s a great day to be an American, and a greater day to carry on the Reagan Revolution. As we head into a presidential election in 2012, I urge the Republican Party to launch a new Reagan Revolution with leadership that can use the Reagan model to rebuild and restore our United States.
We also thank our foreign visitors in May from the following countries: the Russian Federation, Sweden, Italy, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Ukraine, Japan, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Brazil, Spain, China, Hungary, the Seychelles, Switzerland, France and the Czech Republic.
Ronald Reagan Centennial Quote of the Day (talking about his beloved “Shining City Upon a Hill” in his Farewell Address to the nation on January 11, 1989):
“We’ve done our part. And as I walk off into the city streets, a final word to the men and women of the Reagan Revolution, the men and women across America who for eight years did the work that brought America back. My friends: We did it. We weren’t just marking time. We made a difference. We made the City stronger, we made the City freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all.”
November 1, 2010
The Forgotten Street’s Humble Beginning
Four years ago today, this humble scribe decided the time had come to stand up and speak up for America. That determination led to the creation of The Forgotten Street.
Since then, we’ve seen Americans from all walks of life, from all parts of this great land, do the same. The Tea Party movement that is sweeping the country and ready to unleash a tidal wave of disapproval against Washington tomorrow at the ballot box was always out there on Main Street, USA, just waiting to rise up and be heard.
To commemorate the launch of The Forgotten Street, I think it most fitting to reflect on our initial credo, as first published on November 1, 2006:
How America’s Political, Media and Academic Elites Are Selling Out Main Street. For far too many Americans, it seems we have lost control over our lives to a swollen federal government and self-appointed elites who want to impose on us their beliefs and their morals.
From out-of-control federal spending to attacks on traditional marriage, from runaway lawsuit abuse to persecution of people of faith, we see daily events that shake our confidence in the American system.
Behind it all is the political, media and academic elites’ total disdain and contempt for what I call The Forgotten Street - Main Street USA.
These elites show more concern for the opinions of K Street, the Arab Street and the Champs-Elysees. They view us as boorish and stupid, unsophisticated, because we love our country, its religious heritage and its ideals. Like other elites in the past and present, they seek to control and manipulate people for their own gain and power while restricting individual freedom.
These are people who distrust our military and are quick to blame America for our troubles in the world. People who insist on securing their financial futures by robbing us of ours. People who believe God has no place in public discourse. People who glorify drug use, promiscuous sex and abuse of women in their media and music.
The Hollywood that created movie classics that celebrated our country, our freedom and our optimism has been replaced by cynics who present a warped view of America that tears us down in the eyes of the world and promotes bizarre conspiracy theories.
These elites control so many of our institutions -- our mainstream media, much of our government and judicial system, our schools and universities, our churches, big business and the entertainment industry.
So what can we on The Forgotten Street do to reclaim the heart of America and restore pride in our country and its rich traditions? To begin with, we have to stand up and speak up. We have to be heard. We have to be prepared to endure public scorn as we fight to uphold our values and our beliefs.
The moral equivalency promoted by the elites is just plain wrong. America is the greatest force for good in the world, the most noble and generous nation in human history. It’s time we all embrace that idea as our foundation moving forward. And, it’s time we tell the elites that we are fed up with their inability to understand that simple premise.
These words and the beliefs behind them ring as true today as they did four years ago. What they foreshadowed was the creeping socialism that has reached an apex under President Obama, who epitomizes the elites first discussed here. But within the sense of frustration of that first edition of The Forgotten Street was the underlying optimism about the inherent goodness of the American people and their ability to rise to meet the challenges that threaten our republic.
We see such a time right now. We pray tomorrow’s election results will hopefully turn America in a better direction to help restore our way of life on The Forgotten Street -- Main Street USA.

Thanks for reading! Always remember, it’s a great day to be an American! God bless my loyal readers both past and present. I cherish those who have shared this journey with me and I appreciate the interest of those in more than 30 countries around the globe.
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